« Hunt the Truth » : différence entre les versions

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(60 versions intermédiaires par 8 utilisateurs non affichées)
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{{Spoiler|[[Halo 5 : Guardians]]}}
[[Fichier:Hunt the Truth logo.jpg|center|600px]]
'''Hunt the Truth''' (''Traquez la vérité'') est une série audio débutée au cours de la [[campagne virale de Halo 5 : Guardians]], relayée sur un [https://soundcloud.com/huntthetruth compte Soundcloud] et un [http://huntthetruth.tumblr.com/ compte Tumblr]. Elle se concentre sur l'affrontement entre l'[[ONI]] et les [[civil]]s et [[insurrection|forces paramilitaires]] cherchant à révéler ses agissements.

'''Hunt the Truth''' est une [[Campagne virale|campagne de communication]] pour [[Halo 5 : Guardians]] débutée le 20 mars 2015, reposant sur des comptes [http://huntthetruth.tumblr.com/ Tumblr] et [https://soundcloud.com/huntthetruth Soundcloud].
[[Fichier:H5G HtT bullet desktop.jpg|right|420px]]

==Saison 1==
[[Fichier:HTT - Jingle - Saison 1.mp3|right]]
La première saison suit [[Benjamin Giraud]], un journaliste engagé pour mener à son insu une fausse enquête sur [[John-117]]. Il se lance alors dans une croisade visant à révéler publiquement les manipulations de l'[[ONI]] concernant le programme [[SPARTAN-II]].
*Voir : '''[[Hunt the Truth/Saison 1]]'''

===Compte à rebours et leaks===
Un compte Tumblr, intitulé HUNT the TRUTH (http://huntthetruth.tumblr.com/), affichait l'image d'un projectile gravé du mot Traitor (Traître), et d'un compte à rebours se terminant le 23 mars à 2 heures. Deux boutons permettaient de partager le site sur Twitter, avec le message ''What seems like the end, is only the beginning. http://huntthetruth.tumblr.com/ #HUNTtheTRUTH #Halo5'' et de noter la date de fin du compte à rebours sur les applications de calendriers Outlook, Google, Yahoo, Hotmail et iCal. L'authenticité du site fut attestée par deux tweets de [[Frank O'Connor]] [https://twitter.com/franklez/status/578717069807501313] et [[Josh Holmes]] [https://twitter.com/JoshingtonState/status/578774897452666880].

CIA391 de Halo Archive découvrit un morceau de carte spatiale<ref>[http://www.haloarchive.com/forum/index.php?/topic/263-hunt-the-truth/?p=5558]</ref> rapidement suivi d'un deuxième,<ref>[http://www.haloarchive.com/forum/index.php?/topic/263-hunt-the-truth/?p=5609]</ref> puis découvre les mots ''Gods'' et ''Demons'' sur la première image.<ref>[http://www.haloarchive.com/forum/index.php?/topic/263-hunt-the-truth/?p=5648]</ref> Les images auraient été obtenues par manipulation des url du site.<ref name=URL /> Le compte Twitter du site partage ensuite une vidéo de 15 secondes montrant la balle de sniper présente sur le site tirée dans le casque de [[John-117]], le faisant exploser.<ref>[https://twitter.com/HaloArchive/status/579076857221419008]</ref> La vidéo révèle également que la balle possède deux inscriptions : ''Traitor'' et ''Hero''.<ref>[http://www.haloarchive.com/forum/index.php?/topic/263-hunt-the-truth/?p=5879]</ref> Elle serait issue d'un leak du Tumblr.<ref>[http://www.haloarchive.com/forum/index.php?/topic/263-hunt-the-truth/?p=5869]</ref><ref name=URL>[http://www.haloarchive.com/forum/index.php?/topic/263-hunt-the-truth/?p=5877]</ref>
==Saison 2==
[[Fichier:HTT - Jingle - Saison 2.mp3|right]]
La deuxième saison se concentre sur le personnage [[FERO]], suite aux évènements de la saison 1.
*Voir : '''[[Hunt the Truth/Saison 2]]'''

Suite à la création de sujets de discussions sur [[Halo Waypoint]], plusieurs comptes furent bannis<ref>[http://www.haloarchive.com/forum/index.php?/topic/263-hunt-the-truth/?p=5927]</ref> et des messages censurés, confirmant le leak.<ref>[https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/forums/6e35355aecdf4fd0acdaee3cc4156fd4/topics/huntthetruth/4dcb4256-7733-4fc4-867a-29361f4f1f89/posts?page=20]</ref> La vidéo leakée fut finalement mise en ligne officiellement sur YouTube.

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Fichier:H5G HtT starmap deciphered.png|Carte spatiale modifiée.
===Benjamin Giraud===
Le compte à rebours achevé, le Tumblr devint le compte d'un journaliste et photographe de guerre, [[Benjamin Giraud]], engagé dans le but d'établir un profil précis de [[John-117]]. Le journal est diffusé au rythme d'un épisode par semaine, à la fois sur le Tumblr et sur un [https://soundcloud.com/huntthetruth compte soundclound dédié], sur 12 semaines menant finalement à l'[[E3]] 2015. Une version plus détaillée de la vidéo teaser, intitulé ''Bullet'',<ref>[http://news.xbox.com/2015/03/games-halo-5-guardians-bullet-trailer Xbox Wire - Ominous Halo 5: Guardians Teaser Casts a Shadow on Humanity’s Greatest Hero]</ref> fut également diffusée, permettant de distinguer l'intégralité des mots inscrits sur la balle : Son, Abductee, Victim, Orphan, Recruit, Soldier, Warrior, Ally, Hero, Savior, Traitor (''Fils, Kidnappé, Victime, Orphelin, Recrue, Soldat, Guerrier, Allié, Héros, Sauveur, Traître'').
===00 : Primer===
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When you're a war journalist, you see a lot of horrible stuff. All the stories I've done—I've seen the absolutely worst of humanity. But I've also got to seen the best. Six years ago, I saw him. The greatest, most mysterious hero of our time, up-close in action. I witnessed, first hand, what he did that day, and it changed everything for me. Anyone listening to this knows exactly who I'm talking about. The guy who saved us, saved Earth, saved mankind: Master Chief Petty Officer SPARTAN-117, whom we now know as simply "the Master Chief".
A few months ago I was hired to do an in-depth profile on the Chief—exclusive access, the whole thing—since then, I've gotten to talk with a lot of people who claim they know the real Master Chief; the boy, the soldier, the hero... the traitor? See, I've always known where the story was going before it started. I'd known exactly the story I wanted to tell for years, the story of all of us wanted to hear—glossy, inspiring, the blockbuster hero biography. That's all this was supposed to be. But the truth isn't always that clean.
When I pulled that first loose thread, something broke. Now everything is caving in and I find myself stuck with all these ugly questions, questions I never intended to ask. Fabricated histories? People who aren't who they say they are? Cover-ups of cover-ups? That steady drumbeat of theories that used to sound insane, now they don't seem so '"out there".
And these disturbing rumors, reports of anomalies. Something big is happening in deep space, and I can't even corroborate a single fact about one man's life. It's clear to me now. I can't fix the pretty story, but maybe I can break the ugly one.
For the first time in my career I can honestly say I don't know the shape of where is this is going. And in fact, the possibilities have me lying awake at night. But I believe we all deserve to know the real story. We need to know where this leads. I know I do.
So I find myself back at the beginning. Who is the Master Chief? Where does he come from? And he is keeping us safe?
Join me as I hunt the truth about the Master Chief.
</toggledisplay><br />
<toggledisplay showtext=[Traduction] hidetext=[Masquer]>
Quand vous êtes un journaliste de guerre, vous voyez des choses horribles. Dans toutes les affaires que j'ai traitées, j'ai vu le pire de l'Humanité mais aussi le meilleur. Il y a six ans, je l'ai vu... le plus grand et mystérieux héros de notre époque, en pleine action. J'étais aux première loges de ce qu'il a fait ce jour et cela a tout changé pour moi. Quiconque écoutant ceci sait parfaitement de qui je veux parler, le type qui nous a sauvés, sauvé la Terre, sauvé l'Humanité; le Major Spartan 117, que nous connaissons plus simplement sous le nom de ''Master Chief''.
Il y a quelques mois, j'ai été engagé pour réaliser un profil complet du Major. Avec un accès exclusif, tout ça. J'ai eu l'occasion de parler à nombre de personnes qui clament connaître le véritable Master Chief, l'enfant, le soldat, le héros... le traître. J'ai toujours su où se terminaient les histoires avant de les commencer, j'ai toujours su exactement quelle histoire j'ai voulu raconter pendant des années... l'histoire que nous voulons tous entendre. Brillante, inspirante, la biographie d'un héros de blockbuster.
C'est tout ce que cela aurait dû être, mais la vérité n'est pas toujours aussi propre. Lorsque j'ai tiré le premier fil... quelque chose s'est brisé, maintenant tout est enfoui et je me retrouve avec ces horribles questions... ces questions que je n'ait jamais voulu poser. Des histoires inventées, des gens qui ne sont pas qui ils disent être, des dissimulations de dissimulations.
Toutes ces théories qui me semblaient si folles ne le sont peut être pas tellement au final. Et ces troublantes rumeurs selon lesquelles quelque chose d'énorme se passe au fin fond de la galaxie et je ne peux même pas confirmer un seul fait à propos d'un seul homme.
Cela me parait très clair maintenant, je ne peux pas rétablir la belle histoire, mais je peux briser l'histoire déplaisante. Pour la première fois dans ma carrière, je peux dire qu'honnêtement je ne sais pas comment cela va se terminer. En fait, les possibilités m'empêchent de dormir la nuit, mais nous méritons tous la véritable histoire. Nous devons savoir où tout cela nous mène. Je sais que je le veux.
Alors je me retrouve à nouveau au début. Qui est le Major, d'où vient-il et nous protège-t-il ? Rejoignez moi dans ma traque de la vérité sur le Major.
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===01 : A Hairline Fracture===
<toggledisplay showtext=[Anglais] hidetext=[Masquer]>
[[Benjamin Giraud]]: There's a story you tell yourself when the world blows up in your face. There's no way you could have seen it coming. No one could have, so there was no way to stop it. This is what lets you sleep at night. But go back in your mind to before it all happened. Replay it in your head, except this time, maybe you'll see it: something small, out of place. Maybe it's just a single thread, but it's the truth. Nobody saw it coming when they arrived, an alien race known as the Covenant. Before 2552, there was no way anything like that could ever happen on Earth. On one of those distant planets in the Outer Colonies, maybe. But an attack on Earth? Couldn't happen - until it did. It's called glassing. Covenant warships rain plasma down on a planet until everything, and everyone, on the surface melts. Usually it's complete world destruction. Earth only got a taste. The prolonged orbital bombardment destroyed East Africa, killing millions before it ended. None of us were safe anymore. But something else happened that day, too. Or someone. You've heard the eyewitness accounts, every skeptic has seen the footage. I was there and yet, still to this day, it's unbelievable. A massive man in green armor appeared, seemingly out of nowhere in New Mombasa, performed superhuman feats to singlehandedly repel a global invasion, and then disappeared. This was the Master Chief. The unified government's military body, the UNSC, eventually released a statement: who he is, where he came from, and that he's continuing to keep us safe. And that was that. But, who is the Master Chief? Where did he come from? Is he continuing to keep us safe? I'm Benjamin Giraud, and this is Hunt the Truth.
For all us cosmopolitan Earth types who don't venture into the far reaches of space, there's a planet way out in the Outer Colonies called Eridanus II. If you're thinking of visiting, don't bother. It was catastrophically glassed in a Covenant attack in 2530. But 19 years before it got wiped out, our hero, Master Chief John-117, then known as John, was born in a metropolis called Elysium City. That's where I started.
[[Dion Govender]]: Do I remember him?! Oh, yeah! You don't forget a kid like that! (fades, continues)
Benjamin: That's Deon Govender. He chatted with me from his home in the Outer Colonies. Deon's retired now, but years ago he taught John at Elysium Primary Education Facility Number 119. Apparently, schools in the Outer Colonies don't have the catchiest names.
Deon: John was something else. He was sharp and quick. Always evaluating the situation. (BG: Mmhmm) The other kids just gravitated to him, you know?
Benjamin: Deon seemed most excited to talk about John's athletic ability. The kids used to play King of the Hill after school. Y'know, the game where you wrestle and push each other to try and be the last man standing.
Deon: I would...I would walk by sometimes, see 'em playing after school, and w-w-w-without fail, I swear, it was always John standing alone at the top of that hill. (laughs)
Benjamin: Right. Right. (chuckles)
Deon: Every single day. As a matter of fact, I think the other kids ended up fighting for who got to be king o' halfway up the hill. 'cause (Benjamin chuckles) nobody was messin' with John.
[[Ellie Bloom]]: I definitely remember John. You're going way back... (fades, continues)
Benjamin: That's Ellie Bloom, another lifelong resident of the Outer Colonies. When she was young, she and John lived on the same street, just a few houses down.
Ellie: Well, he was a little younger than me, but, let me tell you, that boy did not look like a kindergartener. He was a big kid. My friend Katrina and I used to meet him in this vacant lot in the neighborhood. The three of us would build these, these obstacle courses out of random junk and then race. Y'know, just kid stuff.
Benjamin: As Ellie talked about her early years in Elysium, it wasn't long before she was getting nostalgic.
Ellie: On warm nights, sometimes our parents would let us go out to the green space and lie in the grass. And we'd just lie there, stare up at the stars. It was a nice place to go out.
Benjamin (voiceover): Finding Ellie was a huge win for me. When a planet's been glassed, tracking down former residents can be damn near impossible. Any records kept locally - paper, hardened data storage, even human memories - after a full-scale glassing, they're just gone. Thankfully, though, the Office of Naval Intelligence, or ONI, had furnished me with a list of interviewees. That's how I'd gotten Deon. But I wanted to go the extra mile with this story, so I'd hit up some of my old connections in the Outer Colonies, looking for more sources. Ellie was my only hit so far.
Benjamin (in call): Did you keep in touch with John?
Ellie (in call): No. I wasn't allowed to use Waypoint much when I was little. But I did keep in touch with Katrina - we still talk, actually. You know, she probably remembers John. I'm gonna tell her I talked to you. Wait - ah, what was this for again? This a military thing?
Benjamin: Oh, haha, no. No, John, uh, John is, ah, the Master Chief.
Ellie: What? He's--
Benjamin: --Yeah, Jo- John became the Master Chief.
Ellie: Like, the Master Chief?
Benjamin: Yep.
Ellie: Oh my God, no na- way, are you serious?
Benjamin: I'm not kidding you, I'm te--
Ellie: Oh my God! That's crazy.
Benjamin (voiceover): Ellie lost her mind for a few minutes. I guess it's not every day you find out that your childhood playmate saved the galaxy.
Ellie (in call): Oh my God, now I'm definitely telling Katrina! I mean, she is gonna freak out.
Benjamin (voiceover): Alright, so maybe Ellie wasn't gonna be much help. I needed more of the 'young warrior' angle. Here's Deon again.
Deon (in call): Did I tell you the boxing story?
Benjamin: No, no no, what's that?
Deon: OK, OK, so--
Benjamin: Not yet.
Deon: I taught the primary kids, you know, right? But I also ran this-s-s, this boxing league at the high school--
Benjamin: Uh huh.
Deon: Now, second week, in second week, we're doing drills in the gym, John walks in.
Benjamin: Yah.
Deon: Now, mind you, John is in sixth grade at the time. I say, "Hey, John, what's up?" He says, "I wanna sign up for boxing."
Benjamin: [laughs]
Deon: And I say, "John--"
Benjamin: Mmhm.
Deon: "--you're twelve," you know, "what are you talking about?"
Benjamin (voiceover): But John was adamant.
Deon (in call): We- heheh, but I- I look at him, and he, he ain't leaving.
Benjamin (in call): Right.
Deon: So I said, OK, what the hell, figure, let it be a formative lesson for the kid. I don't know, but it's all-- I put him in the ring with one of the smaller guys. John pummeled this boy! Was over in about fifteen seconds, OK? So, I, well, alright, well, I put him in with this bruiser, now, a real good fighter.
Benjamin: Yeah?
Deon: OK? Good fighter. Two punches. John laid him out. Twelve years old!
Benjamin (voiceover): I liked talking to Deon. He was warm and funny in that grandfatherly, memory-lane kind of way. I realised I'd gotten lost in it all when the narrative took a dark turn.
Deon (in call): --But then, one week, John just ... didn't show up.
Benjamin (voiceover): It was 2524. John was 13. That's when the nightmare of the Insurrection that had been plaguing the Outer Colonies finally landed on John's community. Under pressure from UNSC troops, the rebels were on their last leg, desperately seizing territory in the region, and launching paranoid inquisitions to find spies. Civilian abductions and interrogations became commonplace.
Thomas Wu (in call): Uh, they would just - you know, um - question you. Just - these meaningless questions, for ... hours, and hours.
Benjamin (voiceover): Thomas Wu was living on a neighbouring colony when the rebels showed up and hit hard, sweeping up Thomas and thousands of others in raids. What followed was months of horribly overcrowded detainment, neglect, and often constant questioning.
Thomas: You know, "Did you know this guy? W-, w-, what are the encryption codes for this system, that system? You know, and you have no idea what they're even asking you."
Benjamin (voiceover): In the final couple months, Thomas says his captors started coming unhinged - and then toward the end, they just disappeared, leaving Thomas and hundreds of others locked up, starving. I don't want to play this part of the interview, but I'll tell you - it got bad. He talks about being packed in like sardines. Warm bodies, cold bodies, people dying in the dark - the smell. He doesn't know how long it lasted, maybe weeks - but Thomas, and many others, survived. They made it out.
Thomas: Well, you know, we, we, we helped each other, you know, we looked out for each other, you know, and I mean that's- that's- that was the only way. And we, and we made it through to the Liberation. And then we left. You know? We, we, we, we never looked back.
Benjamin (voiceover): When I asked him where the survivors relocated to, Thomas began to list off which cities were safe for refugees at the time. Decades later, he can still recite them all from memory. I asked about John's hometown.
Benjamin (in call): What about Elysium City?
Thomas (in call): No. Insurrectionist cesspool. Yeah, no, they got it bad there.
Benjamin (voiceover): Deon Govender confirms this.
Deon (in call): In Elysium City, people just disappeared back then. Just happened. Once Insurrectionists took over, whole neighbourhoods just got scooped up.
Benjamin (voiceover): This went on for months. He talks about watching his community get torn apart slowly, every day. I asked him about John.
Deon (in call): Yeah. Mmhm. Him and his parents. John missed the first practice, then-- the last one. Back then, seemed like everybody he-- [breaks off] I'm sorry. [clears throat]
Benjamin (in call): No, no no, it's fine, take your time.
Benjamin (voiceover): It was hard watching Deon break down like this. He just looked defeated. These kinds of interviews are brutal. I wanted to comfort him, but it just felt ... condescending. Like I have any idea what it was like for him. So we were quiet for a bit. Before we ended, though, he said this:
Deon (in call): I think that - if anything good can be said to have come for all of this, it's that ... everyone who went through it can know that their struggle wasn't for nothing. When you have a young man who can rise up from something like this and do what John has done, he honours all of us.
Benjamin (voiceover): Deon believed in John the way the rest of us believe in the Master Chief. He made it seem like this tragedy that shaped him was almost necessary. I certainly felt like I had the proper beginnings to a hero's origin story. The story made sense, it felt right. Sometimes, you have to go back, though - look again. Because maybe you'll see something, something small ... out of place. That single thread. Later that evening, after my interview with Deon, I was pretty drained, so I spent some time sifting through a bunch of file boxes. I'd paid this scavenger in the Outer Colonies to dig around and send over any Elysium City documents she could find. The only local government records left were hard copies, but I took them anyway. I was sorting through a messy box of local census registries, when I stumbled across John's name. One line of basic information, printed out in black and white. That's when I saw it. A single letter next to his name: D. I was staring at an official document that said quite plainly that in 2517, John died at six years old.
Please join me for the next episode of Hunt the Truth.
</toggledisplay><br />
<toggledisplay showtext=[Traduction] hidetext=[Masquer]>
<<< Benjamin Giraud : C’est ce que l’on se raconte quand le monde nous pète à la figure. Il était impossible de le voir venir. Personne n’aurait pu, il était donc impossible de faire quoi que ce soit. C’est ce qui nous permet de bien dormir la nuit. Mais essayez de vous souvenir de ce qui s’est passé auparavant. Rejouez la scène dans votre esprit, sauf que cette fois, vous le verrez peut-être : quelque chose de minuscule, qui n’a rien à faire là.
Peut-être que ce n’est qu’un indice, mais c’est la vérité. Personne n’avait anticipé leur arrivée, une race extraterrestre se faisant appeler les Covenants. Avant 2552, il était inenvisageable que quelque chose comme ça se produise sur Terre. Sur une de ces planètes distantes dans les Colonies Extérieures pourquoi pas. Mais une attaque sur Terre ? Impossible, jusqu’à ce moment-là.
On appelle ça la vitrification. Les vaisseaux de guerre Covenants font pleuvoir du plasma sur la planète jusqu’à ce que tout, et tout le monde, ait fondu. D’habitude la destruction se fait à l’échelle planétaire. La Terre n’en a eu qu’un avant-goût. Le bombardement orbital prolongé a détruit l’Est de l’Afrique, faisant des millions de victimes avant de cesser. Aucun de nous n’est en sécurité désormais.
Mais il quelque chose d’autre est arrivé ce jour-là. Ou quelqu’un. Vous avez entendu les témoignages, même les plus sceptiques ont vu la vidéo. J’y étais, et même aujourd’hui, j’ai du mal à y croire. Un homme immense en armure verte fit son apparition, venu de quelque part dans la Nouvelle Mombasa, réalisant des prouesses surhumaines afin de repousser à lui seul une invasion planétaire avant de disparaître.
C’était le Major. Le corps militaire du gouvernement unifié, l’UNSC, a finalement publié une déclaration : qui il est, d’où il vient, et qu’il continuerait à assurer notre sécurité. Et c’est tout. Mais qui est le Major ? D’où vient-il ? Continue-t-il à assurer notre sécurité ? Ici Benjamin Giraud, et voici la Chasse de la Vérité.
Pour tous ceux d’entre nous riverains de la Terre qui nous sommes jamais aventuré dans l’espace, il existe une planète éloignée dans les Colonies Extérieures appelée Eridanus II. Si vous songez à aller la visiter, oubliez. Elle a malheureusement été vitrifiée en 2530 lors d’une attaque Covenante. Mais 19 ans avant d’être balayée, notre héros, naissait le major John-117, alors appelé John, dans une métropole appelée Elysium City. C’est là que tout a commencé.>>>
Deon Govender : Est-ce que je me souviens de lui ?! Bien sûr ! On n’oublie pas un gosse comme lui !
<<< C’est Deon Govender. Nous avons discuté ensemble alors qu’il se trouvait chez lui dans les Colonies Exterieures. Deon est à la retraite maintenant, mais il y a quelques année il était le professeur de John au complexe d'enseignement primaire n°119. Apparemment, les écoles dans les colonies extérieures n’ont pas les noms les plus accrocheurs.>>>
Deon : John était… différent. Il était futé et vif. Toujours en train d’évaluer une situation. Il était le centre de gravité des autres gosses, vous comprenez ?
<<< : Deon semblait particulièrement excité d’évoquer les capacités athlétiques de John. Les enfants jouaient au Roi de la colline après l’école. Vous savez, ce jeu où vous vous bagarrez et poussez les autres afin d’être le dernier à rester debout.>>>
Deon : Des… Des fois, je passais à côté d'eux quand ils jouaient après l'école, et-et-et-et à chaque fois, je vous jure, à chaque fois John se tenait en haut de la colline. (rires)
Benjamin : Oui, oui. (gloussement)
Deon : Tous les jours. D'ailleurs, Je crois que les autres enfants renonçaient à se battre arrivé à mi-chemin du haut de la colline, personne ne cherche des poux à John. (Benjamin glousse)
Ellie Bloom : Bien sûr que je me souviens de John. Ça remonte à loin… (fondu)
<<<C'est Ellie Bloom, une autre résidente de longue date des colonies extérieures. Dans sa jeunesse, elle et John vivaient dans la même rue à quelques maisons d'écart.>>>
Ellie : Il était plus jeune que moi, mais je vous assure que ce garçon n'avait rien à faire dans un jardin d'enfants. Il était gigantesque. Mon amie Katrina et moi le retrouvions dans un terrain vague des environs. Nous construisions un genre de course d'obstacles faits de bric et de broc. Des trucs de gosses, quoi.
<<< La nostalgie n'a pas tardé à rattraper Ellie alors qu'elle parlait de ses jeunes années sur Elysium.>>>
Ellie : Certaines nuits chaudes, nos parents nous laissaient sortir dans les champs et nous allonger dans l’herbe. Et… on restait allongés là. A regarder les étoiles. C’était un endroit sympa où grandir.
<<< Rencontrer Ellie fut une énorme victoire pour moi. Quand une planète a été vitrifiée, retrouver la piste d’anciens résidents approche l’impossible. Toutes les informations conservées localement : papier, données stockées en dur, même les souvenirs.
Après une vitrification à grande échelle ? Il n’en reste rien. Heureusement, l’ONI m’avait fourni une liste de personnes à interroger. C’est comme ça que j’ai eu Deon. Mais je voulais faire plus avec cette histoire. Alors j’ai contacté mes anciennes relations dans les Colonies Extérieures afin de dénicher de nouvelles sources. Ellie fut le seul résultat.>>>
Benjamin : Etes-vous restée en contact avec John ?
Ellie : Non. Je n’avais pas tellement le droit d’utiliser Waypoint quand j’étais petite. Mais je suis restée en contact avec Katrina. On se parle encore aujourd’hui. Vous savez, elle se rappelle surement de John. Je vais lui dire que je vous ai parlé. Attendez, hmm c’était à quel sujet déjà ? Un truc pour l’armée ?
Benjamin : Oh (rires) Non, non. John hmm… John est… hmmm le Major.
Ellie : Quoi ? Il…
Benjamin : Ouais, ouais John est devenu le Major.
Ellie : Genre, LE Major ?
Benjamin : Ouaip.
Ellie : Oh mon Dieu ! Non… J’y crois pas. Vous êtes sérieux ?
Benjamin : Je ne me moque pas de vous.
Ellie : Oh mon Dieu. C’est fou !
<<< Ellie fut déconcertée pendant quelques minutes. Je suppose que ce n’est pas tous les jours que vous découvrez que votre ami d’enfance a sauvé la galaxie.>>>
Ellie : Oh mon Dieu, il faut vraiment que je raconte ça à Katrina ! Je veux dire, elle va devenir dingue !
<<<Bon, peut-être qu’Ellie n’a pas été d’une si grande aide finalement. Je devais creuser le côté de jeune guerrier. Voici de nouveau Deon.>>>
Deon : Vous ai-je raconté l’histoire du boxeur ?
Benjamin : Non, non, qu’est-ce que c’est ?
Deon : Ok, ok. Alors…
Benjamin : Pas encore.
Deon : J’ai enseigné à l’école primaire vous le savez pas vrai ? Mais j’étais aussi inscrit dans la ligue de boxe au lycée.
Benjamin : hmm.
Deon : Au bout de la deuxième semaine, nous faisions quelques exercices dans la salle de gym, John entre dans la pièce. John était au collège à ce moment-là. Je lui ai dit « hey John, quoi de neuf ? » Il me répondit, « Je veux m’inscrire au cours de boxe. » (Ben rit) Et je lui ai dit, « John, tu as douze ans ! » (rires) Vous voyez ! De quoi vous parlez ?
Benjamin : Mais John resta inflexible.
Deon : Mais je l’ai regardé et il ne bronchait pas.
Benjamin : Exactement.
Deon : Alors je lui ai dit ok, pourquoi pas. Je m’étais dit que ce serait une bonne leçon pour le gosse. Je ne savais pas… alors… je l’ai mis sur le ring avec le plus petit gars. John a plumé ce garçon ! (Ben rit) Ce fut terminé en moins de 15 secondes. Ok ? Du coup, je l’ai mis avec un vrai Malabar. Un vrai combattant cette fois.
Benjamin : Ouais.
Deon : Ok ? Bon combattant ! Deux coups ! John l’a étalé ! Douze ans ! Je n’avais jamais rien vu de tel.
<<< J’appréciais discuter avec Deon. Il était chaleureux et drôle comme le sont nos grands-parents. J’ai réalisé que je m’étais égaré dans tout ça quand l’histoire s’assombrit.>>>
Deon : Mais une semaine, John ne se pointa pas.
<<< C’était en 2524, John avait 13 ans. Pile au moment où ce cauchemar d’Insurrection qui se répandait dans les Colonies Extérieures arriva dans la communauté de John.
Sous la pression des troupes de l’UNSC, les rebelles étaient au bout du rouleau, s’emparant désespérément des territoires dans la région et menant des interrogatoires sous le coup de la paranoïa afin de débusquer des espions. Ces derniers ainsi que l’enlèvement de civils devinrent monnaie courante.>>>
Thomas Woo : Ils ne faisaient que… vous savez… vous questionner. Seulement… des… questions insensées pendant des heures et des heures.
<<< Thomas Woo vivait dans une colonie voisine quand les rebelles se sont pointés et ont frappés, capturant Thomas et des centaines d’autres au cours de raids. Suivirent des mois de détention, entassés, négligés et sous interrogatoire constant.>>>
Thomas : Vous savez, « vous connaissez ce type ? Quels sont les codes de sécurité de ce système ? Ce système ? » Vous voyez. Et on ne comprenait pas… ce qu’ils nous demandaient.
<<<Durant les deux derniers mois, Thomas me raconta que ses geôliers devinrent agités. Et puis, vers la fin… ils disparurent. Laissant Thomas et des centaines d’autres enfermés, affamés. Je ne veux pas diffuser le reste de cet entretien, mais je vais vous le dire. Ça a mal tourné.
Il me dit qu’ils ont été entassés comme des sardines. Des corps chauds. Des corps froids. Des gens mourant dans le noir. Il ne sait pas combien de temps cela a duré. Peut-être des semaines. Mais Thomas et quelques autres ont survécus. Ils sont parvenus à s’en sortir.>>>
Thomas : Bien vous savez, nous, nous… nous sommes entraidés. Vous savez, nous veillions les uns sur les autres. Vous savez, et je le pense, que, c’est le seul moyen. Nous… Nous avons survécu jusqu’à la libération. Et puis nous sommes partis ? Nous nous ne sommes jamais retournés.
<<< Lorsque je lui ai demandé où les survivants s’étaient réinstallés, Thomas commença à me lister toutes les villes où les réfugiés étaient en sécurité à l’époque. Des décennies plus tard il peut encore me les réciter de mémoire. Je lui ai posé des questions à propos de la ville natale de John.>>>
Benjamin : Et Elysium City ?
Thomas : Non. Pas de repaire d’Insurgé. Ouais, non. Ca se passait mal là bas.
<<<Deon Govender me le confirma.>>>
Deon : A Elysium City, les gens disparaissaient. Comme ça. Une fois que les Insurgés eurent pris le contrôle, des quartiers entiers furent raflés.
<<< : Cela a duré pendant des mois. Il me raconta avoir vu sa communauté se déchirer lentement. Chaque jour. Je le questionnai à propos de John.>>>
Deon : Ouais. Hmm. Lui et ses parents. John manqua le premier entraînement. Et le dernier. A cette époque c’était comme si tout le monde avait… (Deon renifla) Je suis désolé. (Deon s’éclaircit la voix)
Benjamin : Non non tout va bien. Prenez votre temps.
<<<Il était difficile de voir Deon craquer comme ça. Il paraissait abattu. Ce genre d’entretien est brutal. Je voulais le réconforter, mais j’avais l’impression d’être condescendant. Comme si j’avais une idée de ce qu’il avait traversé. Du coup je suis resté silencieux. Avant que nous en ayons terminé, il me dit cela.>>>
Deon : Je crois que s’il y a quelque chose de bon à tirer de tout ça, c’est que tous ceux qui ont traversé ça savent que leur lutte n’était pas vaine. Lorsqu’un jeune garçon parvient à s’élever à partir de ça… et accomplir ce que John a accompli, il nous honore tous.
<<< Deon croyait en John de la même manière que nous croyons au Major. Il avait l’air de dire que cette tragédie qui l’a façonné était presque nécessaire. Je sentais vraiment que je tenais le début de l’histoire d’un héros. L’histoire se tenait, ça semblait correct. Mais parfois on doit aller plus loin. Avec un œil nouveau, parce que peut-être que vous verrez quelque chose, quelque chose de minuscule. Qui n’a rien à faire là. Ce petit indice.>>>
<<<Tard ce soir-là, après mon entretien avec Deon, j’étais carrément épuisé. Alors j’ai passé quelques temps à classer des cartons de dossiers. J’ai payé ce pillard des Colonies Extérieures afin de me dénicher et de m’envoyer tous les documents qu’il pourrait trouver à Elysium City.
Les seuls rapports que le gouvernement local avait laissés derrière lui n’étaient que des copies, mais je les ai pris quand même. J’étais en train de trier une boite contenant des enregistrements de recensement local quand je suis tombé sur le nom de John. Une ligne d’information basique écrite noir sur blanc. C’est à cet instant que je l’ai vu. Une unique lettre à côté de son nom. D. J’étais en train de contempler un document officiel qui disait clairement que John était décédé à l’âge de 6 ans.
Rejoignez moi pour le prochain épisode de la Traque de la Vérité.>>>
Fichier:HTH death record.jpg|Archive de l'[[UEG]] montrant la mort du clone de [[John-117]].
Fichier:HTH propaganda original.jpg|Photo prise par Giraud durant la [[bataille de la Nouvelle Mombasa]].
Fichier:HTH propaganda ONI.jpg|Retouches demandées par la section 2 de l'[[ONI]].
Fichier:HTH propaganda final.jpg|Image de propagande finale.
===02 : Bad Records===
<toggledisplay showtext=[Anglais] hidetext=[Masquer]>
Benjamin (voiceover): I couldn't believe it. According to the document I was looking at, John, the boy who would go on to become the Master Chief, died forty-one years ago. My protagonist, the greatest hero of our time, was dead at six. It was a major discrepancy - and I needed to find a way to fix it.
I'm Benjamin Giraud, and this is Hunt the Truth.
[theme music]
Office of Naval Intelligence AI (in call): Continue to hold.
Benjamin (voiceover): If you ever happen to obtain sufficient clearance to call the Office of Naval Intelligence, you'll be on hold for at least an hour. If you ever happen to get a call from them, you will also ... wait an hour. And in the end, they never unblock the video, so you just end up talking to a really crisp insignia.
Benjamin (in call): I am waiting to talk to Michael Sullivan, hoping he can help me with my little ... records problem.
ONI AI (in call): Continue to hold.
Benjamin: And it's been ... eighty-five minutes.
Benjamin (voiceover): Michael Sullivan, also known as Sully, works for the ONI in public relations. If it seems odd to you that the most secretive agency in our government has a PR department, you're not alone, but that's not something I'd mention to them. Besides, Sully had hooked me up with the assignment in the first place. I was grateful for the opportunity.
ONI AI (in call): Office of Naval Intelligence. Public relations.
Sullivan (in call): Ben!
Benjamin (in call): H- Hi! Sully, hey! Ah yeah, thanks for taking my call.
Sullivan: Absolutely. How are the sources?
Benjamin (voiceover): Up until this point, I'd had no problems with the story. All my facts had been lining up nicely, but now ... I had an obscure document from the far reaches of the galaxy that listed John as deceased. This contradicted everything. I needed Sully to make it make sense, and thankfully, he did just that.
Sullivan (in call): Welcome to the Outer Colonies! Nothing makes sense out there.
Benjamin (in call): No, I know, I know, it's just, uh- I just wanted to make sure that I buttoned up all the details.
Sullivan: And that's what you're doing! Look, Ben - it's the far reaches of space out there, and the planet you're talkin' about was glassed to hell. You know just as well as anybody that if there are any local records, they're a mess.
Benjamin (voiceover): OK, so - I felt a little stupid. Sully was right - it's a real problem in the Outer Colonies: planets destroyed by glassing have bad records. Every researcher knows this, and every researcher knows that questioning that fact is standard fodder for conspiracy theories.
Meshach (in call): It's a coverup! That's Government Secrecy 101!
Benjamin (voiceover): That's a message I received last week from a man named Meshach Miradi. He's one of many truthers out there who've come out of the woodwork since I started doing this story. Apparently, he heard I was investigating the Master Chief. Meshach seems less ridiculous than most of the characters who've been filling up my inbox, but he's definitely been the most persistent. He's left me a message every day for the past two months. I never respond, but I did find the timing of his last message pretty funny.
Meshach (in call): Let me guess - the government is telling you that the records don't make sense because the planet was glassed. Right? That's what they tell you!
Benjamin (voiceover): Technically, Meshach was right. That was what the government was telling me. But unfortunately for Meshach's theory, it was true - glassed planets have bad records. John's childhood friend Ellie Bloom has dealt with this reality her whole life.
Ellie (in call): ... you have no idea ...
Benjamin (voiceover): I recalled what she'd said in her interview.
Ellie (in call): I mean, it can be hard enough out here trying to do business between planets that haven't been glassed. There's so much upheaval. Keeping track of personal records, financial documents, medical records - it's a total crapshoot.
Benjamin (voiceover): In retrospect, I'd probably been asking for this kind of hiccup. Getting cute with the research, opening up a rat's nest of old paper records - and for what? All I'd dug up from slogging on my own was a few hazy kindergarten stories from Ellie and a nonsensical death record.
But - things were looking up. Sully had arranged a face-to-face interview with ONI Vice Admiral Gabriella Dvorak. That not only got me offworld, but it was onboard the newest Autumn-class heavy cruiser, the UNSC Unto The Breach. Got a private shuttle up, full luxury - they had me riding in style. When I came aboard, Dvorak even greeted me personally.
Now, civilians aren't normally allowed onboard an active duty ship, let alone given this sort of attention.
Benjamin (in recording): Ah, I-
Dvorak (in recording): Please. Call me Gabriella.
Benjamin (in recording): Okay ...
Benjamin (voiceover): This was not the kind of hospitality I was used to.
Benjamin (in recording): Um, what- what, uh, brings you way out here?
Dvorak (in recording): [brief laugh] Work.
Benjamin (voiceover): She told me she was on a detachment and in the neighbourhood. I guess I lucked out. The white-glove treatment continued too - captain's mess, officer's quarters, the whole thing. By the time we finally got to her office for the interview, Dvorak could have said anything and I'd have been thrilled. But she's the real deal, and she jumped right into it.
Dvorak (in recording): It was that 'finally' moment. After all the fighting was done, I was helping lead all the prisoners out of the containers. (fade)
Benjamin (voiceover): As lieutenant in the UNSC, Gabriella not only took part in the grand operations that freed John and countless others from the rebel labour camps in Elysium City, but she remembered the 13-year-old as well. She described the liberation.
Dvorak (in recording): When you saw them, what had been done to them, you realised who you'd been fighting to save. The aftermath of it, ah ... it was ugly. Everyone was streaming out into the daylight squinting, limping, just - grey and fragile and sickly. Their ... backs were hunched, all their eyes just staring at the ground, and - they looked ... they looked dead.
Benjamin (voiceover): That's when she saw John.
Dvorak (in recording): He was sticking out like a sore thumb. In the middle of all this - just - beaten humanity, there's this ... tall, young kid walking toward me, towering over the others, his shoulders back, his eyes forward, and when he passed me, he looked right at me. Looked in my eyes. Ah, I mean, that doesn't sound like much, but that eye contact coming from someone in that moment, who'd been in that circumstances ... was shocking. He looked malnourished and dehydrated like everybody else, but he was so young, and whatever had broken all these people - it hadn't broken him.
Benjamin (voiceover): In the aftermath, Dvorak remained stationed in Elysium City, working in the refugee camps. From the first day, John stepped up to help Gabriella with her duties. She came to know him well over the next several months.
Dvorak (in recording): There was a point when he told me about his parents. That they'd been abducted along with him. He didn't say much, but, um ... they didn't make it.
Benjamin (voiceover): Her understanding was that it had gotten ugly in there. They died a couple days apart, a few weeks before the Liberation - and John was there when it happened. On the rare occasion when John opened up about this, Dvorak says it was memorable.
Dvorak (in recording): He would get this look on his face when he talked about - eh - it's hard to describe. I'd see it on him other times too - he seemed to feel the weight of all that had happened, but still ... he was calm. Not angry, not desperate, just ... resolute. He was a remarkable young man.
Benjamin (voiceover): Like so many people at the time in Elysium City, and throughout this region of the galaxy, John had lost his home, his family, everything. People packed up whatever they had left, got out of town, and most never looked back. But Deon Govender - John's boxing coach - said many of them found a way to get some measure of closure.
Deon (in call): (fade in) Yeah, yeah, definitely. We all got separated and spread out across the planet and all the Colonies, but - some of us were able to cobble together a list of names. An, uh - kind of a memorial, that grew longer as we got more information. Yeah ... I remember seeing John's parents' names on the list early on, but ... but not John. After he missed that last practice ... never saw him again, but ... I remember thinking, "That's OK, you know, as long as I never see his name on this list, that's OK." And I never did.
Benjamin (voiceover): His will to survive left an impression on then-Lieutenant Gabriella Dvorak as well.
Dvorak (in recording): I think ... John just didn't wanna be a victim any more. I remember him telling me he was gonna enlist. He said he was gonna make a difference. I've never been more sure of another person than I was of him when he said that.
Benjamin (voiceover): Out of the chaos of war, from the rubble, a young John was able to forge a purpose for himself. A purpose that would drive him to become the hero the galaxy would one day need him to be. This is the kind of turn in a story that gives me patriotic goosebumps. I was feeling genuinely moved on my trip back home. When I got there, though, Ellie Bloom was gonna ruin all that for me.
Ellie (in call): Hey, I just wanted to follow up with you about your story. I'm - really confused.
Benjamin (in call): OK, uh, what's-
Ellie: Remember how I said I was gonna tell my friend Katrina about it?
Benjamin (voiceover): Katrina was that other girl in John's neighbourhood - the third wheel in Ellie's childhood stories of playing with John. Ellie had moved offplanet in 2517, but Katrina had stayed.
Ellie (in call): Sh- she said that John was dead. He died when he was six.
Benjamin (in call): Wai- wait a minute, wait, what?
Ellie: John was perfectly healthy, but then he just started wasting away. At first I thought maybe it was some autoimmune thing and then they thought it was something else, and then something else, and then meanwhile he's getting all these tests but the doctors couldn't figure it out at all, and his parents were panicking, I ... it sounded horrible.
Benjamin (voiceover): Then - John died. Just like that. I had no idea what to make of this. Ellie seemed convinced, though, so I got her to put me in touch with her friend Katrina. Katrina wouldn't let me record the interview, but this woman was adamant. I wanted to discount what she was saying, but she seemed to remember it so vividly, providing extensive detail - I couldn't ignore it. As far as this person was concerned, John - was - dead. Before I could even begin to wrap my head around that claim, though, here was the kicker from Katrina: John's parents were alive and well in Elysium City, all the way up until Katrina left the planet in 2528 - four years after their supposed death. She was wrong. She had to be thinking of someone else, or - she was lying? Why would she lie, though? I had to admit, she seemed pretty convincing, but - it didn't make sense otherwise. I still thought I could fix the story, though - make the pieces fit. Make it make sense. But what I didn't realise was that this crack was only the beginning - and the whole ugly mess was about to split open.
Please join me for the next episode of Hunt the Truth.
[theme music]</toggledisplay><br />
<toggledisplay showtext=[Traduction] hidetext=[Masquer]>
<< Je ne pouvais pas y croire. D'après le document que j'avais sous les yeux, John, le garçon qui deviendrait le Major, était mort il y a 41 ans. Mon protagoniste, le plus grand héros de notre époque, était mort à six ans. C'était une incohérence gigantesque dans l'histoire, et je devais la résoudre. Ici Benjamin Giraud, et voici la Chasse de la Vérité. >>>
IA de l'ONI : Veuillez patienter.
<<< Si vous veniez à obtenir les permissions suffisantes pour appeler les Services de renseignement de la Navy, sachez que vous resteriez à attendre pendant au moins une heure. Et si vous veniez à recevoir un appel d'eux, vous attendriez… une heure aussi. Au final, ils ne communiquent jamais par vidéo et vous ne parlez qu'à un insigne sans visage. >>>
Benjamin : J'essaie de contacter Michael Sullivan, j'ai besoin d'aide pour un… problème de rapports.
IA de l'ONI : Veuillez patienter.
Benjamin : Et ça fait… 85 minutes.
<<< Michael Sullivan, ou Sully, travaille aux relations publiques de l'ONI. Si ça vous paraît bizarre que la branche la plus secrète de notre gouvernement ait un service de RP, vous n'êtes pas le seul, mais ce n'est pas moi qui vais aller leur dire. Et puis, Sully est celui qui m'a donné ce travail. Je lui étais reconnaissant de m'avoir offert cette opportunité. >>>
IA de l'ONI : Services de renseignement de la Navy, relations publiques.
Sullivan : Ben !
Benjamin : S-Salut ! Hé, Sully ! Ouais, merci d'avoir pris mon appel.
Sullivan : Pas de souci. Comment ça se passe avec les sources ?
<<< Jusqu'à maintenant, je n'avais pas eu de problème avec mon histoire. Les faits s'alignaient gentiment, mais à présent… j'étais en possession d'un obscur document venu des tréfonds de la galaxie renseignant John comme mort. Ça contredisait tout. J'avais besoin de Sully pour comprendre, et heureusement, c'est exactement ce qu'il fit.
Sullivan : Bienvenue dans les colonies extérieures ! Rien n'a de sens, là-bas.
Benjamin : Oui, je sais, je sais, mais euh, je voulais être certain de comprendre tous les détails.
Sullivan : Et tu fais bien ! Tu vois, Ben, c'est l'espace profond là-bas, la planète dont on parle a été vitrifiée jusqu'au noyau. Tu sais bien que si il existe des rapports locaux, ils sont complètement chaotiques.
<<< Bon, je me sentais un peu bête. Sully avait raison, les erreurs dans les rapports des colonies extérieures vitrifiées étaient un véritable problème. N'importe quel chercheur le sait, et n'importe quel chercheur sait que remettre en cause les faits est une manœuvre de théoricien du complot. >>>
Meshach : Tout est inventé ! C'est la base des secrets du gouvernement !
<<< C'est un message que j'ai reçu la semaine dernière d'un homme appelé Meshach Miradi. C'est un des traqueurs de vérité les plus en vue depuis que j'ai commencé cette histoire. Apparemment, il a appris que j'enquêtais sur le Major. Meshach a l'air moins ridicule que la moyenne des personnes qui essaient de me contacter, mais c'est aussi le plus insistant. Il m'a laissé un message tous les jours depuis ces deux derniers mois. Je ne réponds jamais, mais mon attention a été attirée par le timing de son dernier message. >>>
Meshach :  Laissez-moi deviner, ils vous ont fait le coup des faux rapports des colonies vitrifiées ? Pas vrai ? C'est leur truc !
<<< Il avait raison, techniquement. C'était ce que le gouvernement me disait. Malheureusement pour la théorie de Meshach, c'était la vérité : les rapports des colonies vitrifiées étaient truffés d'erreurs. Une réalité qu'avait vécu Ellie Bloom, l'amie de John, pendant toute sa vie. >>>
Ellie : …Vous n'avez pas idée…
<<< Je me rappelle de ce qu'elle a dit dans son interview. >>>
Ellie : Vous savez, c'est déjà assez difficile de maintenir des relations entre planètes non vitrifiées. Tout est tellement désorganisé. Suivre tous les rapports personnels, les documents financiers, les rapports médicaux, c'est herculéen.
<<< C'était un peu ce que je voulais entendre. S'attarder sur le côté sentimental des recherches, ouvrir un carton de vieux rapports physiques, tout ça pour quoi ? Tout ce que j'en avais tiré, c'était quelques histoires d'enfants par Ellie et un rapport insensé.
Mais les choses s'arrangeaient. Sully m'avait arrangé une rencontre avec la vice-amirale de l'ONI Gabriella Dvorak. Ce fut l'occasion de voyager un peu, mais surtout de me trouver à bord d'un des tout nouveaux croiseurs lourds de classe Autumn, l'UNSC ''Unto The Breach''. Je m'y suis rendu en navette privée full option, la grande classe. À bord, Dvorak m'a même accueilli personnellement.
Les civils ne sont normalement pas admis sur les vaisseaux en service, surtout avec ce genre d'attention. >>>
Benjamin : Euh, je–
Dvorak : Allons, appelez-moi Gabriella.
Benjamin : D'accord…
<<< Je n'étais absolument pas habitué à ce genre d'hospitalité. >>>
Benjamin : Euh, donc– qu'est-ce, euh, qui vous amène ?
Dvorak : [rire] Le travail.
<<< Elle m'a dit qu'elle avait été détachée dans les environs. Un coup de chance, j'imagine. J'étais toujours bichonné : passage par le mess du capitaine, les quartiers des officiers, la totale. Arrivés dans son bureau pour l'interview, n'importe quelle déclaration m'aurait plu. Mais c'est une personne sérieuse qui est allée droit au but. >>>
Dvorak : C'était le moment critique. Après tous ces combats, j'aidais à l'évacuation des prisonniers hors des conteneurs.
<<< Alors lieutenant, Gabriella a pris part à la grande opération qui a libéré John et les nombreux autres des camps de travail rebelles d'Elysium City, et elle se rappelle du garçon de 13 ans. Elle décrit la libération. >>>
Dvorak : Quand vous les voyiez, ce qu'on leur avait fait, vous compreniez enfin vraiment pour qui vous vous étiez battus. Les conséquences étaient… ah, terribles. Tous sortaient en file à la lumière, plissant les yeux, se traînant, gris, fragiles et souillés. Leurs… dos étaient courbés, leurs yeux rivés au sol, tous semblaient… comme morts.
<<< C'est là qu'elle a vu John. >>>
Dvorak : Il se détachait du reste. Au milieu de toute cette… humanité vaincue, il y avait ce… garçon, grand, jeune, qui marchait vers moi, il dominait la foule, ses épaules droites, son regard résolu, et quand il m'a dépassé, il m'a regardé. Dans les yeux. C'est, enfin, ça n'a l'air de rien, mais ce regard, à ce moment, d'une personne ayant vécu ça… c'était un choc. Il avait l'air affamé et déshydraté comme tous les autres, mais il était si jeune, et tout ce qui avait été brisé chez les autres semblait intact chez lui.
<<< Après ces événements, Dvorak est resté en faction à Elysium City, à travailler dans les camps de réfugiés. Dès le premier jour, John aidait Gabriella dans ses tâches. Elle eut l'occasion d'apprendre à le connaître dans les mois qui ont suivi. >>>
Dvorak : Il m'a parlé de ses parents, un moment. Qu'ils avaient été enlevés avec lui. Il n'a pas dit grand-chose, juste que, mh… ils ne s'en étaient pas sortis.
<<< Elle savait que les choses avaient dégénéré. Ils étaient morts à quelques jours d'intervalle, quelques semaines avant la libération, et John était là quand ça s'est produit. Dvorak se souvient des rares occasions où John en parlait. >>>
Dvorak : Il avait ce regard quand il en parlait, c'est, c'est difficile à décrire. Les autres fois où je le voyais, il semblait porter le fardeau de ce qui s'était passé et pourtant… il restait calme. Ni en colère ni désespéré, juste… résolu. Un jeune homme remarquable.
<<< Comme beaucoup de personnes à l'époque à Elysium City, et dans toute cette région de la galaxie, John n'avait plus de maison, plus de famille, plus rien. Les gens partaient là où ils pouvaient, hors de la ville, et la plupart ne se retournaient jamais. Mais Deon Govender, le professeur de boxe de John, raconte que certains retrouvaient espoir. >>>
Deon : Oui, oui. Nous nous sommes séparés et dispersés sur toute la planète et toutes les colonies, mais certains d'entre nous rassemblaient des noms. Et, euh, une sorte de mémorial, qui grandissait au fil des nouvelles informations. Oui… je me souviens avoir vu le nom des parents de John tôt sur la liste mais… pas John. Après qu'il ait manqué le dernier cours… je ne l'ai jamais revu, mais… je me souviens que je me disais « Ça ira, tant que je ne le vois pas sur la liste, ça ira ». Et ça a toujours été.
<<< Son obstination à survivre a laissé une forte impression à Gabriella Dvorak. >>>
Dvorak : Je pense que… John voulait ne plus jamais être une victime. Je me souviens qu'il disait vouloir s'engager. Qu'il voulait faire la différence. Je savais qu'entre toutes les personnes, lui le ferait.
<<< Après le chaos, le jeune John avait pu se forger un but des décombres de la guerre. Un but qui le mènerait à devenir le héros dont la galaxie aurait un eu besoin. Le genre de tournant qui réveille le patriote dans chacun de nous. J'étais vraiment touché lors de mon voyage retour. Mais à mon arrivée, Ellie Bloom allait tout remettre en cause. >>>
Ellie : Je voulais revenir sur votre histoire. Je… c'est étrange.
Benjamin : Euh, oui, qu'est-ce qui–
Ellie : Vous vous souvenez que j'ai dit que je rapporterais ça à Katrina ?
<<< Katrina était l'autre fille voisine de John, la troisième protagoniste de l'histoire d'enfance racontée par Ellie. Cette dernière avait quitté la planète en 2517, mis pas Katrina. >>>
Ellie : Elle… m'a dit que John était mort. Mort à six ans.
Benjamin : Att, attendez une minute, quoi ?
Ellie : John était en forme, et puis il a commencé à dépérir. Au départ, on pensait à quelque chose d’auto-immunitaire, mais les diagnostics se sont enchaînés, et les médecins ne comprenaient rien, ses parents paniquaient… Ça avait l'air horrible.
<<< Voilà, John était mort. Comme ça. Je ne savais pas quoi faire. Ellie semblaient convaincue, alors je lui ait demandé de me mettre en contact avec Katrina. Elle ne m'a pas laissé enregistrer l'interview, mais cette femme était résolue. J'aurais voulu la contredire, mais elle le racontait avec tellement d'assurance et tellement de détails, je ne pouvais pas l'ignorer. D'après elle, John était mort. Mais avant que je puisse réfléchir à tout ça, elle a dit quelque chose de capital : les parents de John habitaient toujours à Elysium City quand Katrina avait quitté la planète en 2528, quatre ans après leur mort supposée. Elle avait tort. Elle devait penser à quelqu'un d'autre, ou alors elle mentait. Mais pourquoi mentirait-elle ? Elle était absolument convaincante, mais ça n'avait aucun sens. Je pensais pouvoir tout faire concorder. Donner du sens à tout ça. Mais je ne savais pas que cette fissure n'était que le début, et que les véritables problèmes allaient bientôt arriver.
Rejoignez-moi pour le prochain épisode de la Traque de la Vérité. >>>
Fichier:HTH katrina 1.jpg|Journal de [[Katrina]].
Fichier:HTH katrina 2.jpg
Fichier:HTH Glassing.jpg|Photo rare d'une planète [[vitrification|vitrifiée]].
===03 : Critical condition===
<toggledisplay showtext=[Anglais] hidetext=[Masquer]>
Benjamin: Ray, you've- tell me you got something.
Ray: U-Um, yeah-- I do.
Benjamin (voiceover): Ray Kersig is a good friend of mine, and a completely emotionless robot. I mean that in the best way. As an independent analyst, he's the most efficient and resourceful researcher I know. That's why I'd sicced him on this story a few days earlier. I needed to debunk the claims of Ellie's friend Katrina. He was in the area on business, so he took the time to come down and meet with me in my home office.
Benjamin (on recording): So Katrina told me that John died at six years old.
Ray: Right.
Benjamin: And his parents, who supposedly died in a rebel prison, were still alive years later.
Ray: Right.
Benjamin: Now, this woman's ruining my story, Ray. They- Tell me, te- te-te- tell me why she's lying.
Ray: Well - she's not.
Benjamin (voiceover): Ray had found copious financial records indicating that John's parents were not just alive past 2524, but working and paying their bills.
Benjamin (on recording): They died in 2524! Come on, man!
Ray: Well, sorry! Their employers, and a preponderance of local merchants, disagree with you. I mean ... the central repositories were really thin, but you dig through enough mirrored archives, it all pops up. ... The records are there!
[BG: Ray and Ben talking on record, Benjamin laughing]
Benjamin (voiceover): Ray swiped through document after document corroborating this. He even showed me medical insurance claims for a pediatric autoimmune specialist in 2517 - exactly when Katrina said John got sick. I was laughing, but I didn't find any of it funny. I'm Benjamin Giraud, and this is Hunt the Truth.
[theme music]
Office of Naval Intelligence AI (in call): [chime] Continue to hold.
Benjamin (in call): Oh, jeez ... come on, come on, come on, come on ...
Office of Naval Intelligence AI: Office of Naval Intelligence. [chime] Public relations.
Benjamin: Finally. Hey! Sully!
Sullivan (in call): Tell me good things, Ben.
Benjamin (voiceover): It was disconcerting to be talking to the ONI insignia again, but I started positive. The story was going really well - but that little data problem. The death record - it was back. I was hoping Sully would smooth it out for me.
Sullivan (in call): Ben ... ugh, I thought we talked about this. Glassed planets have bad records.
Benjamin (in call): No, I- I know, I know, I just, um--
Sullivan (speaking over Benjamin): Glassed planets have bad records, Ben, this is Colonial journalism 101. A- Are you serious with this? (louder) Glassed planets have bad records--
Benjamin (continuing to talk): --it's not just the records, actually, no, no- listen, Sully, if you could- pe- people are saying- people are saying- (louder, silencing Sullivan) Listen, do Co- Hey-- Do glassed people have bad records?
Sullivan: ... Ben, are you recording right now?
Benjamin: Yes. [chime]
Benjamin (voiceover): That was my cue to stop recording. The off-the-record conversation was brief. Sully asked me if I wanted to do the next interview, What he meant was, "do you want to keep this job?" I said yes.
Office of Naval Intelligence AI (in call): Your call is over. [termination sound, into:]
Jacob Walker (in call): Well, as you can see, I've pretty much permanently stationed myself on this beach.
Benjamin (voiceover): That was my next interview. Jacob Walker, retired navy. He lives in a beach community way out on Castellaneta. The first thing I noticed about Walker when he answered my call was that he wasn't wearing a shirt, which made us both laugh. He explained that after twenty-eight years of service, as far as he was concerned, it was all R&R, all the time. I couldn't argue with that philosophy. He slipped on a T-shirt and I asked him about the Master Chief.
'Walker (in call)': Oh, hell yeah, John - you bet your ass I remember him. (fades, continues)
Benjamin (voiceover): Walker's career began three decades ago with Naval Force Reconnaissance School at Black Sea. Little did he know boot camp would turn out to be something he'd never forget. Walker was there alongside the young man who would become the Master Chief. The gravity of that was not lost on him.
Walker (in call): I mean, they pushed us real hard, but John - well, he pushed us even harder, without even trying. You screwed up, you didn't know whether to be more scared of the CO or John.
Benjamin (voiceover): I first thought Walker was unimpressed.
Walker (in call): Oh, no, man - I remember ... think it was the first week, there was a lot of talk. We were outside the mess tent, me and these other two jackasses gettin' into it, chests all puffed up and talkin' about bein' cold-blooded killers, and steppin' on necks, all that. Not wantin' to be in leadership one day. And, o' course, I was 19 and jacked as hell, so - well, I figured I only had so much competition. Meanwhile, here's this quiet nobody from nowhere, standing on the fringes, looking at the horizon ... John. Heh. Him. First I thought he was 20, 21 - he was a big dude. Turns out he was only 16. Heh. I mean, that kid wasn't even on the radar. (fades, continues)
Benjamin (voiceover): Soon, though, Walker says all that machismo fell to the wayside, and a real leader emerged in John.
Walker (in call): ... training exercises, whoever finished last got the brunt. I mean, last one in on the 20-mile? You're walking back while we catch a Pelican dropship. And that there's some downright lethal terrain, too. Reach is ... well, it was a tough planet. But John - man, he- he took lead every time. Lot of risk and responsibility. Didn't have to, but- hell, he did it. And then, halfway in, he started to hang back, you know, and- help the stragglers. You're injured, whatever - he'd be right there helping you out.
Benjamin (voiceover): And then without fail, Walker says, John always made sure he came in last - and took the punishment.
Walker (in call): It was the way he did it all - he made us all wanna follow his lead. Try harder, help each other - I mean, we're supposed to do that, but nobody ever really wanted to, until then. Anyway, we did it. But takin' the hit for the group, now that was John's thing. I only challenged him for the honour once. I never made that mistake again.
Benjamin (voiceover): Walker's in his early fifties now, but he seemed lit up with the energy of a much younger man. It seems the will that he and the other recruits had, in a sense, borrowed from John so many years ago, was still inspiring walker. It was remarkable - he knew John, lived with him for months, yet to him, John still seemed to be an almost mythical character.
Walker (in call): What he was able to do, gettin' back on his own like that in the pitch black, no nav equipment. Man, hah- he- he was inhuman.
Petrovsky (in call): That kid was a monster, like they all were.
Benjamin (voiceover): Anthony Petrovsky, retired Orbital Drop Shock Trooper I found through Meshach Miradi. Yes, that Meshach Miradi - the truther who's been messaging me for months. And yes, I was pretty desperate for leads. We'll leave it at that. But Petrovsky was definitely not on Sully's list of approved sources, so I went off-grid and contacted him through Chatternet. Here he is, talking about his only encounter with John.
Petrovsky (in call): That kid was a freak.
Benjamin (in call): [sigh] Can you be more specific?
Petrovsky: Yeah, I'd be happy to. You know - me and a bunch of guys were sparring in the gym one day, and there was this ...
Benjamin: Mmhm.
Petrovsky: ... young kid there, I mean - I guess you could call him a kid, he was- he was pretty jacked, you know, but his face looked twelve, maybe thirteen.
Benjamin (voiceover): Twelve or thirteen? After enlisting, John didn't even finish boot camp until at least seventeen. Petrovsky had to be wrong about his age, but I let it go.
Petrovsky (in call): Anyway, I guess he was actin' tough. When one of the guys, uh, asked his name, he told him, but he kind of, you know, gave him attitude, right? So - people start mouthing off, next thing I know, CPO orders the kid and four other guys into the ring. 'Cause it was supposed to, uh-
Benjamin (in call): W- h-hold on, Anthony, wait - you're - you're telling me that the CPO ordered four soldiers to fight a high school kid?
Petrovsky: No, a twelve- or thirteen-year-old, like I said.
Benjamin: Yeah, fine, either way - the CPO ordered four ODSTs to fight a kid?
Petrovsky (under): Yeah, man - (alone) you got it all wrong, okay, because those four ODSTs ... were like lambs to the slaughter.
Benjamin: What, John outfought them?
Petrovsky: No. No, no, no. It was way worse.
Benjamin (voiceover): As he tells it, the ODSTs did as they were ordered. They surrounded John, and one of them swung. What happened next, Petrovsky says, defied explanation.
Petrovsky (in call): 'Cause the sound this kid's fists made ... it sounded awful. 'Cause they weren't, like, punches, they were like - rapid-fire explosions. OK? I was across the gym, but I heard it. It was sick. Like meaty cracks in a drumroll. Just, [imitating the sound] BA-da-da-BA-da-da-BA-da-da-BA-da-da-BA.
Benjamin (voiceover): One of the ODSTs sustained a single body blow that instantly stopped his heart, killing him. Another trooper only took one shot from John as well - a punch that caved in the man's face. Two fatalities, one ODST with a cracked pelvis, and one with a shattered spine - that guy never walked again. No one had to break up the fight. It was over in less than five seconds.
Benjamin (in call): Wait, he ki- he killed them?
Petrovsky (in call): He did, it was impossible.
Benjamin: What do you mean impossible? Like, how-
Petrovsky: Like, like not human, alright? Like he was genetically augmented.
Benjamin: So you're, you're telling me that someone ... had augmented John, someone had genetically augmented a child?
Petrovsky: [draws breath] OK. Right.
Benjamin: No?
Petrovsky: You think I'm lyin'.
Benjamin (overlapping): I- I believe that's what you honestly think you saw, but-
Petrovsky (at the same time): Alright. No, sure, right, hey - it- (alone) loo-, look, here's the thing, Ben - I don't care if you believe me or not, this makes no difference in my world. I was there and you were somewhere else. So - y- y- you're gonna go write your little military cheerleader article, and - I'm gonna sit here and drink beer. So, good luck.
Benjamin (voiceover): Petrovsky left me with a bad taste in my mouth. Now it's no shocker that Spartans go through a few augmentations and upgrades, but those are fully developed adults. Could a seventeen-year-old - probably still growing - even survive that kind of procedure? It seemed horribly risky, and what if what Petrovsky was saying was true, and John was only thirteen? Well, that was one hell of an accusation to make, the ethical implications of which were nauseating. I was still thinking about it the next day when Ellie Bloom's name popped up in my call list. I'd let her listen to a rough version of my first episode and she had feedback for me. I didn't want to risk anyone listening in, so I let the call go, then hit her back on Chatternet.
Ellie (in call): Well, two things.
Benjamin (in call): OK.
Ellie: Two major things.
Benjamin: OK. Yeah.
Ellie: That boxing coach?
Benjamin: Deon Govender, yeah?
Ellie: He's lying.
Benjamin: W- ah, OK, how is ... he lying?
Ellie: There wasn't any boxing at the high school.
Benjamin: How do you know for sure?
Ellie: Because there wasn't any boxing on the entire planet.
Benjamin (voiceover): She said they'd outlawed it forever ago, after a kid got injured. Afterwards, there was a long-standing controversy over how youth boxing was illegal, but no one seemed to care about all the gravball concussions kids were getting. Regardless, by the turn of the century, she tells me nobody really boxed on Eridanus II anymore. She even gut-checks me, telling me to go ahead, ask anybody from the colony, they'd tell me the same thing.
Ellie (in call): And there sure as hell wasn't a league for kids to do it at the high school! That's like saying there was a gun range at the toy store. It just didn't happen. And the other thing - those kidnappings by rebels in Elysium? Also didn't happen.
Benjamin (in call): Hold on. I- I know that's not true. Y- you're wrong. OK? The Insurrection had a well-documented presence in Elysium.
Ellie (in call): Yeah, they did politically - they worked to influence local policy. It got tense, there was occasional violence, but nobody was "abducted". We lucked out. It was peaceful. That's why Elysium was refugee central. So, boxing coach? Total liar.
Benjamin (voiceover): I needed to verify what she was saying, but I had the gnawing sense she was telling the truth again. But what did this mean? If she was right and none of that happened, the whole story was wrong, and terrifyingly - that would mean someone had fabricated all of it. I needed explanations from my previous sources, and I needed them now. I tried to reach Deon, the boxing coach - no response. Gabriella Dvorak, the lieutenant who liberated John - in the field, unreachable. So I tried detainment survivor Thomas Wu. He answered.
Thomas (in call): [chime] Hello.
Benjamin (in call): Hi. Thomas?
Thomas: Who is this?
Benjamin: Yeah, I'm- I'm sorry to, uh, call so late - is it- is it late there? I ju- I just need to ask you something really quickly.
Thomas: Okay.
Benjamin (voiceover): I had no idea what I was gonna ask.
Benjamin (in call): OK, OK, do you ... know for absolute certain that Elysium suffered the same fate as your town?
Thomas (in call): Um, yeah. I told you that.
Benjamin: I, I, I know, but Thomas, I spoke to people who were in Elysium, and they said that wasn't true. Now, I- now look, I- I know you went through a lot, but I just- I wanna know the truth.
Thomas: ... OK.
Benjamin: Do you know, for absolute certain, that Elysium City was under the violent control of Insurrectionists?
Thomas: [sighs] Look, what I told you before - that is the best I can remember.
Benjamin: No, I'm sorry, ah, I'm sorry, but I don't believe that. You remembered it all perfectly. You rattled off the name of every single safe haven city in that region and you only hesitated once.
Benjamin (voiceover): I was completely making this part up. I was going for broke.
Benjamin (in call): You only hesitated where you would have said 'Elysium City', right?
Thomas (in call): I mean, I, I, look, I-I-I-I don't know for sure--
Benjamin: Bu- bu- but Ely- Elysium wasn't captured by the Insurrectionists, was it?
Thomas: ... Hey, what are you, defending them?
Benjamin: No. I'm, I'm definitely not defe--
Thomas: You know, after what they did, you can defend them? They left us locked up for weeks. They let all those people j- jus- jus- just die. And they did that all over the Outer Colonies. I mean, what does it matter if it was Elysium or somewhere else? After everything that they did, that-
Benjamin: Thomas, Thomas -- Thomas - look, I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I have to bring it up, I just-
Thomas: I just want peace of mind for my family, that's all I want is just ...
Benjamin: Wait. W- I, uh, I don't understand. [hesitantly] How does lying about Insurrectionists in Elysium buy you peace of mind for your family?
Benjamin (voiceover): At that moment, Thomas suddenly seemed to become entirely lucid, and his tone changed completely.
Thomas (in call): I shouldn't be talking to you.
Benjamin (in call): W- wait, Thomas, hold on-
Thomas: I can't. Leave us alone. [termination sound]
Benjamin (voiceover): I suddenly became lucid myself, with a single, awful realisation: that entire conversation had just taken place over Waypoint. Anyone could have been listening.
[theme music]
Benjamin: Please join me for the next episode of Hunt the Truth.
</toggledisplay><br />
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Fichier:HTH postcard Castallaneta.png|Carte postale de [[Jacob Walker]] à [[Benjamin Giraud]].
*[http://huntthetruth.tumblr.com/ Tumblr - Hunt the Truth]
*[https://soundcloud.com/huntthetruth Soundcloud - Hunt the Truth]
*[http://www.haloarchive.com/forum/index.php?/topic/263-hunt-the-truth/ Sujet de discussion sur Halo Archive]
<references />

Dernière version du 18 juin 2020 à 23:00

Hunt the Truth (Traquez la vérité) est une série audio débutée au cours de la campagne virale de Halo 5 : Guardians, relayée sur un compte Soundcloud et un compte Tumblr. Elle se concentre sur l'affrontement entre l'ONI et les civils et forces paramilitaires cherchant à révéler ses agissements.

Saison 1[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

La première saison suit Benjamin Giraud, un journaliste engagé pour mener à son insu une fausse enquête sur John-117. Il se lance alors dans une croisade visant à révéler publiquement les manipulations de l'ONI concernant le programme SPARTAN-II.

Saison 2[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

La deuxième saison se concentre sur le personnage FERO, suite aux évènements de la saison 1.