Chronique:BWU 07/09/2007

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Version datée du 27 août 2017 à 22:22 par Lunaramethyst (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « ==Original== <toggledisplay> Posted by lukems at 9/7/2007 6:03 PM PDT '' It's the biggest Weekly Update EVER. Well, technically. '' Frankie writes: Pictures are worth... »)
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<toggledisplay> Posted by lukems at 9/7/2007 6:03 PM PDT

It's the biggest Weekly Update EVER. Well, technically.

Frankie writes: Pictures are worth a thousand words. So here's a seven million word update (or something).

The above and below images are of the Kotubukiya Halo 3 statues. These 12" statues will retail for $99.99 will be available this fall.
The Blue Spartan is available exclusively in partner with the 7-11/Mountain Dew sweepstakes.
The Green Spartan is available at Gamestop in the US.
The Red Spartan is available exclusively at UK retailer Gamestation. That's Brute armor at his feet.

Above and below are a selection of figures from the upcoming McFarlane Toys line of Halo 3 collectibles.
Much safer when no one is piloting it.

Looks like it's jumping, doesn't it?
Still tough in Halo 3, but much more fair.
Make Sexy Time!

I can has Rukt Fist?

A little collage of snippets from the new
