Chronique:BWU 15/08/2008
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Posted by lukems at 8/15/2008 4:09 PM PDT
The Penny Arcade Expo
In regards to our booth at Penny-Arcade[Aug. 29-31 in Seattle] (we'll be sharing a mechaplex-sized booth with the eyes-wide-tight crew over Red vs. Blue), the schedule for events is slowly emerging from the mist. As previously mentioned there will be a handful of daily opportunities to play Bungie for a chance to win Recon. Once you've had a shot at glory, that's it. In addition to the already-announced team of Shishka and I, some new challengers stepped into the fold this week. Calling themselves Team T&T (Shishka and I are Team Free Recon), Joe Tung (a Producer by day) and Luke Timmins (network engineer) are teaming up to take part in the Recon Challenge.
Tung's first question: Can I talk trash to the fans?
Followed immediately by: Can I call them -blam!- dumpsters? The schedule is taking shape though and we can confirm that Jen Taylor AKA the voice of Cortana will be spending some time in the booth signing autographs. Again, once we have a firm schedule - we'll post it publicly so that PAX attendees can plan accordingly. Also, start saving those pennies, we will have some sweet exlusive limited quantity shirts for sale - in addition to upholding our promise of "making it rain with prizes."
From the Mouths of Babes
It's all so hush-hush right now. But a bunch of folks sent me some examples of what they are currently working on here at Bungie. What does it all mean?
Automating ventriloquism.
David Aldridge, Network Engineer
Throwing some shapes, urban style
Sam Jones, Art Lead
Future development for the win.
Mat Noguchi, Developer of Awesome™
Baking keys, merging clips, and curve cleaning so his turns will be silky smooth.
Joe Spataro, Technical Designer in Animation
Doing my part to shape and direct the future of the Experience.
Shishka, Multiplayer Community Designer
"I'm Romeo!"
Dan Miller, Mission Designer
Generating pathfinding... again
Lars Bakken, Designer
I'm looking forward to playing more Braid... also Luke is distracting me with silly emails.
Niles, Designer
Gleaming the cube.
Jason Sussman, Environment Artist
Just zipped up.
The Webmaster
I'm giving out tanks to gold medal winners.
Paul Lewellen, Network/Gameplay Engineer
SWIG, import, crash, repeat
Seth Gibson, Maya Technical Artist
Counting the minutes until my iPhone arrives and plotting out my plan to accessorize and applicate it since we don't have any projects we can announce.
Brian Jarrard, Director Community and PR
Moving markers.
Josh, Production Engineer
Player hands
Scott.S, threeee-deeee.
Making sure she's got balls.
Pat Jandro, Cinematic Animator
I've got a few things going on at the same time. Some have "sheets." Other ones have "feet." And "teeth." But all of them have "color."
Lorraine McLees, Pixelsmith
Readin', writin', and a touch o 'rythimitic.
Kurt, Sin-o-matic Designer
Buying clouds.
Steve Lopez, IT Overlord
Sharing, banpuppies, and per-hopper ranks.
Michael, Engineer
I'm moving numbers around, which frighteningly affects people's lives for months to come. Trust me, I'm focusing on what matters.
Jonty Barnes, Director of Production
Getting hired, getting fire.
Andrew Davis, Graphic Designer
Setting up a mail filter to protect me from Brian Jarrard's iphone lust
Eamon McKenzie, Assistant to the Zoo Keeper.
My left hand is banning some people who should know better by now, and my right hand is working on something that will be as cool as the Party system was.
Tyson Green, multipurpose designer
I'm bugging Luke about when I'll be on the Podcast
Vic DeLeon, Senior Environment Artist
I am syncing.
Christian Allen, Design Lead
Dropping metal donuts from the sky.
John Gronquist, Effects Artist
Serious, I am doing concept art.
Frank Capezzuto, Environment Artist
Hunting. Killing. Eating.
Harold, President
Continuing my slow crawl toward infinity.
Disembodied Soul
Joseph Staten (Classified)
Bothering Lukems with mundane and necessary tasks.
Matt, Fun Destruction Committee Chair
Building a coffee table out of telescope parts.
Roger Wolfson, Theoretical Physicist
Preparing to hand out iPhones today (finally!)
Brent Abrahamsen, CFO
im creepin by the kirkland teen center on a tailspy offerin recon for handies
skip weasel, intern
I am scouring a landscape of network data awesomeness, and looking for pebbles of suckage for some mighty smart engineers... and contemplating my bagel-related future.
Nick Gerrone, Network Test Ninjaneer
Connecting the dots.
Robt McLees, writer
Filleting Pipe
Cameron, Environment Artist
Skipping work so I don't have to play Luke in Halo 3
Chris Gossett, Web Dev Lead
Arguing about xbox cryptography
mpriest, producer
Solving the biggest problem with user generated content on
Tom Achronos, Overlord
Making rough calls about how pouncy they should be.
Chris Opdahl, Lead Mission Designer
Building demolition. My desk is a hard hat zone.
Steve Scott, Effects Art Lead
So much time spent on such a seemingly small issue...aDoes it really have to be 2 new #UNDEFINED_STRING# or can we just stick with the 1 #UNDEFINED_STRING# plan we have been testing?
Domenic Koeplin, Test Lead / Release Manager
Making data more fun.
Aaron Lieberman, Tools programmer
New heap.
Drew, engineering
I am Engineering
Max Dyckhoff, AI Engineer
I am in a Disneyland hotel in anaheim, taking a break from the sun, having a snack in an airconditioned room and checking to see if there is any cool email before heading back to ride the teacups.
Dave, UI
Mangling crunchy trees
Chris Tchou, Optical Orgasmist
Taking a drive on the beach.
Alex Pfeiffer, Mission Designer
Preparing to drop in the executive suite
Chris, Mission Architect
Being nice to the goose.
The Elder, Audio Director