Chronique:BWU 17/06/2011

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Original[modifier le wikicode]

Posted by urk at 6/17/2011 1:36 PM PDT

If you consumed last week's Weekly Update, then you're already prepared to go without a succulent batch of vine-ripened word juice today. But that doesn't mean we're not busy trampling grapes at the estate. Far from it – we're up to our ankles in macerated pulp. Our upcoming Bungie Day Bacchanalia is going to be overflowing with debauchery and just about all of my time and attention is being soaked up in order to ensure that all of our blended festivities are a vintage worthy of our twentieth.

So, there's only a small tasting of information this week. Consider it a recap. But it's definitely not an update. Just a little droplet of our juice licked from the tips of our toes. (Mouthfeel: hairy.)

Going Mobile[modifier le wikicode]

Our online team unleashed a tour de force iPhone app on Tuesday to near universal critical acclaim. On day two of its brief existence it eclipsed Netflix in the free app category, which is pretty incredible considering you can't watch Krull with Bungie Mobile (indisputably Liam Neeson's best work, by the way). I say "near" universal acclaim because though the app is rocking an impressive 5-star rating (have we told you lately that we love you?), one poor soul took it upon himself in the early going to sow his lonely seed of discontent.

There's Always One…[modifier le wikicode]

Yo, dawg...

(Dom wanted me to point out that this image is super old. We have way more downloads and glowing reviews since I snapped this shot.)

I was tempted to get all memetic and put some review in this review, but all my spare time was spent on image composition. I'll just reply with the facts. Which are, by definition, not lies.

Blue Flames are available (right now) for users of the Bungie Mobile iOS app along with the Bungie Nameplate and access to seven Star Nameplates that can be gifted to seven lucky players of their choosing.

For the hundreds of thousands of non-iPhone users out there who messaged me on, Twitter, and Facebook, please don't freak out. We hear you loud and clear. Soon, Blue Flames and the Bungie Nameplate will be made available through for anyone who wants to light it up. You should check back next week for details. No promises.

As far as Bungie Mobile coming to other mobile platforms, we're not ready to make claims, lofty or otherwise. Currently, the team is digging into phase 2 of the app, but until we lock everything down we're not dropping any details. For all you know, phase 2 could be comprised solely of tiny little bug fixes. When we are ready and able to let you know where we're at with Bungie Mobile's ongoing development process, we'll get back in touch (don't call us we'll call you). Double no promises.

To snag Bungie Mobile for your iPhone, click here. If you have questions about Bungie Mobile, click here.

Mark of Greatness[modifier le wikicode]

We figured the iPhone app would be well received, but we had no idea that we'd be counting downloads in the tens of thousands. In response to the overwhelming demand, Pete Parsons challenged the online team to call their shot and guess the total number of downloads Bungie Mobile will amass by the time phase 2 begins. On the line for the winner of this friendly competition is a bottle of small batch bourbon whiskey, which is to be savored responsibly by the victor.

Mt. Workerscomp[modifier le wikicode]

That means they won't be allowed to indulge themselves before attempting to scale our nearly complete studio climbing wall.

Grunt Birthday Party themed, of course.

Mountain of Sound[modifier le wikicode]

Marty definitely won't be doing any scrambling up our man-made mountain, sober or otherwise. He's been busy cooking up a competition of his own for PLAY! and the Seattle Symphony's upcoming performance of the Halo: Reach soundtrack next week. If you want to get your hands on nine discs of musical goodness (and maybe even get some precious face time with Marty himself), hit the link below for details on show dates and times.

See you next week.

Sources[modifier le wikicode]