Chronique:FWBU 16/01/2004

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Frankie's Weekly Bungie Update

Way back in Nineteen-Oatcake, back when New York City was all fields, and we were still being carded at the liquor store, we ran a series of Bungie Updates - a weekly inside look at the happenings deep inside Bungie Towers. People loved it. Puppies adored it. Hell's Angels admired its spunk. But it vanished, as mysteriously as it had first appeared.

Well the weekly update is back. Every Friday (ish), we're going to post a digest of what went down inside the halls of Halo. We're going to post these updates one at a time, at our favorite Halo fan forums - a new site every week. Then every Monday, you can come back here to see the archived versions. The first one, today, will appear in the bucolic pastures of the Halo.Bungie.Org forums, and you can go straight there NOW if you don't believe us.