Chronique:BWU 11/07/2008
Le WikiHalo rappelle à ses contributeurs que toute information ajoutée doit être officielle et vérifiable. Les contributions sans sources et les théories sur Halo Infinite seront rejetées.
Veuillez patientez...
Posted by lukems at 7/11/2008 4:22 PM PDT
Seven Billion Strong...
Earlier today, the ongoing Campaign against the Covenant reached Seven Billion Kills. Granted, it wasn't on July 7 as folks hoped it would be, but just a few days later, the achievement unlocked. That is a lot of Grunts you've shot off of the food nipple.Kudos to the folks who organized the whole shebang. You now have a little less than twelve months to hit 77 billion for the next Bungie Day.
Bungie Day: In Brief
By the numbers, Bungie Day on Marketplace was successful. Three times as many folks downloaded this year's gamerpics and themes as last year. And there's already over a million downloads for the forever-free Cold Storage.
Out of curiosity, we totaled up the total downloads for all Halo 3 content (since it was announced) - including ViDOCs, Blomkamp's piece, Map pack downloads - and found that over 20M Halo 3-related downloads have taken place on Xbox Live Marketplace.
Outwardly, Bungie Day (July 7) is a celebration of our fan community; internally, the focus is much different. Members from various projects in varying stages of development delivered updates on the trajectory of those projects, and equally as interesting are the iterations that are being made in our various technologies.
Earlier this week, the first Bungie Podcast in ages came out. If you missed it - and surely some of you did, it's available for download here. Or head over to the archive page and grab it there. What is the Bungie Podcast? It's an irregularly recorded piece of Audiotainment featuring Sketch, myself and an ever-changing cast of Bungie staffers.
With Brian and Friends...
Brian, Harold Ryan and Jonty Barnes and I will be mobilizing this weekend and heading to Los Angeles for E3 2008. It's pretty standard fare stuff. We're all gamers and are interested in seeing what our friends and partners around the game industry have been working on.
On Thursday, July 24th Joseph Staten will be at the San Diego Comic-Con sitting on a panel discussing the fiction on all things Halo. Here's the official description from the Comic-Con's Web site (sans Joseph's mention, since he's a late addition):
2:15-3:15 Halo Wars and the Halo Universe— Prima Games, Tor Books, McFarlane Toys, and Microsoft Games Studio bring you an in-depth panel discussion on all things Halo. Panelists include Eric Nylund, author of Halo: The Fall of Reach and Halo: First Strike Onyx; Tobias Buckell, author of the upcoming novel Halo: The Cole Protocol; game universe writers Graeme Devine (Halo Wars) and Frank O'Connor (Halo Trilogy); and Jon Goff and Corrinne Robinson, McFarlane Toys' brand management team for Halo action figures. Room 6A
Christmas in July
Each day at Bungie is full of special and unique gifts from our fans, although necessarily in the ways some of our more passionate fans intend it.
Hey, wait a second Sketch already has Recon. SIGH
Already showing a tremendous command of the rhetorical question.
This was sent to Lars. Afterwards he and I got together and watched Single White Female. Just cuz.
Future Tense
As a reader, I can only imagine just how frustrating it is to not have any new information just yet. Rest assured, dear vengeful, hypertense reader many things are in motion. Many things. These numerous things include the following: