Chronique:BWU 09/05/2008

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Posted by runningturtle at 5/9/2008 5:25 PM PDT

Return. Revenge. And other words that start with "re-" in this week's Bungie Weekly Update.

lukems writes:

Don’t Make an Internet a Promise…

Frank made some hefty promises in the Weekly Update last week, assuring folks that “Normal Update service would resume” this week. That normalcy, unfortunately, isn’t something that is being extended to the end user (that’s you, dear reader), instead, it just means that Frank can retire to his plush couch to be fanned by an adoring harem of interns and I can try and find something to talk about in this period of outwardly facing calm (we’re actually quite busy).

Visitation Rights

The Emerald City Comic-Con gets underway tomorrow May 10 in Seattle and some of our excellent artists will be holding court in the Artists’ Alley.

Ken Taya, Milton Cadogan, Lorraine McLees and Robt McLees will all be on hand. Attendees do keep in mind that these four sterling individuals are not there representing Bungie, they are there on their own in support of their hobby – that is to say, art. They will not be answering any Halo questions so this isn’t the place to ask if a crystal fired off in a reactor core would it penetrate and alter the slipspace trajectory of a Covenant cruiser, but if you bring something Halo-related for them to sign and a nice pen, I’m sure you could rustle up some autographs.

The show lasts Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Here's a quick preview of some works from three of these artists and a glimpse into what you may find from them at the 'Con.

By Lorraine McLees

By Ken Taya

By Milton Cadogan


In the coming weeks, we'll be introducing readers to some new Community groups and some old standbys as these groups bring their best files to the table to populate Bungie Favorites. Weeks ago, we solicited interest for inclusion in Bungie Favorites from various groups in the Community and steadily those submissions began trickling in. Each group will have two weeks of content on Bungie Favorites (each week being different selections from that group). Each group has also prepared a brief introduction and answered a handful of questions -- the group-penned introduction and brief Q&A are below. Week one of The Running Riot's contributions are live in Bungie Favorites now.

Meet the The Running Riot by Keith H.

The Riot launched in July 15, 2007 ahead of the Halo 3 launch to prepare for the media onslaught from the Theater feature in the game.

It was just me blogging on Halo news, posting Screenshots and Film Clips and doing a Podcast over XBL with friends joining in as guests.In January 2008, my Brother (InsaneFREAKBOY) and a friend (Eliteosx) joined the Riot as permanent Podcast Co-Hosts.

The Running Riot has no "members". It is a site by fans, for the fans.

It has a small community who visits the site, listen to the Podcast, send us Film Clips and Screenshots and participate in other small events like tournaments. This community consists of friends and ex-clan members I have played with over the years in Halo 2 and now Halo 3. Plus whenever I post great Film Clips and Screenshots that I find from Bungie Favorites and Community Files, I send a message to the author that we used it and to check it out on the site. This has helped grow the community beyond my friends and the word has spread.

The Running Riot is a place for a Halo fan to check in on the Halo Universe. We blog on any Halo news we can scour from the web. There is a monthly Podcast to discuss all things Halo and it is recorded in the Halo 3 Pregame Lobby over Xbox Live! We also post the best Film Clips and Screenshots from our community plus whatever we like from Bungie Favorites and Community Files on We call them TRR Favs and what you see in the submissions for our two week run in Bungie Favorites represents that. The Riot also hosts a small 4v4 to 1v1 tournament called the Riot Tourney. The champion receives a video montage created by the Riot from footage of the tournament.

We are also affiliated with Forge Hub. With their permission, most of our submissions for Maps and Games represent our favorites from their creations. Have a look at them…

What are your favorite maps?

Guardian, High Ground, Blackout, Ghost Town

Favorite Gametypes?

Slayer, CTF, Infection (Halo 3 opened up A LOT of possibilities with this gametype)

What would you like to see in Matchmaking that isn’t?

If the system cannot find a match within a certain time (say about 5 min), then it matches with anyone.

Fare thee Well, Francois

Francois Boucher-Genesse was a sandbox designer on Halo 3 reporting to Design Lead Jaime Griesemer. He was also a complete terror during our semi-regular Warcraft 3-mod Defense of the Ancients nights after work, to the point that his announced inclusion would lead to audible groans from the floor and suspiciously sudden phone calls from “angry wives” inevitably resulting in folks departing the office instead of staying late to play.

But DOTA and Sandbox design don’t really paint a complete picture of Francois. FBG worked on Halo 3 campaign mission, The Ark. During the final months of Halo 3 crunch, each mission designer played through their level a number of times with Jason Jones. Jason gave valuable feedback and insight on each level to the designers, but Francois absorbed more than just Jason’s wisdom, criticism and comments.

He absorbed the game industry lothario’s fashionista tendencies and immediately began wearing a bandana wrapped around his head each day. This is a trap that other young Bungie employees have been caught in before. Some of these copycats have been captured on film. Here’s a sampling of the many victims of the Jones Doo-Rag Phenomenon.

From left to right: Tyson Green, Lars Bakken, Joe Tung (with rare skullcap variant), Cameron Pinard, Jon Cable and Brian Jarrard

Like other bandanas before his, Francois’ headpiece was eventually taken to be added to the archives. It will remain at Bungie in his memory.

Francois will be returning to Canada (he’s French Canadian and talks the worst brand of broken English trash ever) where he will pursue his lifelong dream of studying socially responsible games with the eventual goal of making games for kids. We’re all really supportive of Francois’ decision to leave Bungie and go make games for the youth of the world. We’ll be here in the dithered shadows taking the ladies on slick rides through the city. Good luck, friend.


Considering the tone and content that appeared in the Weekly Updates while I was out of America learning the true meaning of pain via global exchange rates, it seems appropriate to return with a contest.

Below you’ll find two pictures, one a new-to-some old-to-others picture of Frank O’Connor during his much-maligned Eraserhead period and the other a never-before-seen picture of young O’Connor when he was Real Money host Jim Kramer’s brother.

In the thread for the Weekly Update (found at the bottom of the page) post a link to your best photoshop of these images in one of these three categories.

Best Use of Frank’s Image via an Existing Internet Meme

Best Utilization of Frank’s Image in a Motivational Poster

Best Use of Frank’s Image Inspired by a Major Motion Picture

The winner(s) will receive Recon.

Go. And Do.

I call it: "Ultimate Frank."

He's the Tax Man.