Chronique:BWU 18/07/2008
Posted by lukems at 7/18/2008 5:26 PM PDT
I Should Have Called In Sick Today
There's no one-liner or quick-witted zinger that is going to be the Neosporin on the wounds absorbed by your behind, dear Internet. You may want to read this Update standing so as to not re-aggravate the still-tender wounds. In fact, I'm typing the whole thing standing because it still hurts to sit.
Free Stuff, Because It's Free
Cold Storage has had over 1.3M downloads since it was released into the wild on July 7. Earlier this week folks followed the breadcrumb trail here at and came across a bunch of wallpapers for your personal computer. One mashed refresh enough on the site that he/she tracked them all down and collected them into a thread. If you haven't seen all seven wallpapers, peep the thread and check them out.
What More Can I Say?
As much as people would like a bit more information on what happened this week with our announcement, there's nothing additional to add what has already been said. So, if you did miss this week's events, you can read what's whathere.
E3 2008: Livin' The Dream ™
Earlier this week, I thought Sketch's and my video project had been unceremoniously pulled from beneath my Sambas, but upon returning to Bungie Software Products Corporation we took a look at some of the "footage" we shot and believe with the right amount of dedication, post-processing, and Final Cut Light that someday, somewhere down the line we'll have something to show from our E3 trip. It's really going to be a footrace though to see if we can show our other rad thing first, or if E3 2008: Livin' The Dream™ surfaces first (safe bet is on mockumentary E3 2008: Livin' The Dream™ not surfacing anytime soon). We feel pretty confident that this piece of history would've been an awesome fit in an E3 Lineup; but we read on the Internet that sometimes there just isn't time to fit everything in. Most importantly, my face in glorious 1080p on 75-foot monitors could have set off a Brown Note in the audience. Horrifying. Maybe someday we'll press a version of E3 2008: Livin' The Dream™ on Blu-ray Laser Vision Disc.
Until then, we're both really excited to show off this one-sheet for E3 2008: Livin' The Dream™ exclusively here at

Future Tents
Despite whatever eased into the ether regarding what we're working on at Bungie, speculative hunches and guesswork certainly don't tell the full tale. I'd go so far as to say these ramblings are barely even a Prologue, not even a Foreword to the storybook we're putting together. Rest assured, there are multiple machinations afoot at Bungie, one is so close you can feel its familiar warmth on your cheek while you sleep; another so far off and foreign that like a faint star in deep space, you can only look to the heavens as its light speeds ever closer.
Lo, there is still another.