« Chronique:BWU 11/10/2004 » : différence entre les versions
(Page créée avec « ==Original== ''Bungie Weekly Update : VIDEO!'' ''The special video edition of the Bungie Weekly Update is here and ready for your viewing pleasure. Get a glimpse inside B... ») |
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Dernière version du 8 juin 2017 à 13:00
Original[modifier le wikicode]
Bungie Weekly Update : VIDEO!
The special video edition of the Bungie Weekly Update is here and ready for your viewing pleasure. Get a glimpse inside Bungie as Frankie and I give you a virtual tour of the Studio and chat with a few familiar faces along with way.
In light of Halo 2 going gold, we decided to up the ante for the latest weekly update. Mere text alone just wouldn't suffice for something of this magnitude. So, we've harnassed the power of Windows movie maker and our trusty handicam to bring you inside Bungie for a personal tour. You won't find any beautifully choreographed shots or well timed cuts and fades in this video. To be clear, Joe Staten had nothing to do with this. =) Instead you'll find me shakily walking around laughing in the background as Frankie unleashes some comedy gold. Hopefully you'll enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it. Currently we've only got Windows Media Player versions available for viewing - a big one and a small one. Our friends at HBO and Mythica.org are working on creating additional formats as well as setting a BitTorrent seed to faciliate easier downloads. We didn't want to make you wait a second longer so while they are busy doing that we're going to release what we've got for now. You can download the following by right-clicking the link and choosing "save as" or you can simply click it and let it stream to your computer. And don't worry about the bandwidth, these are hosted deep in the depths of the Microsoft data center, well beyond our own servers. Without further ado, here's the video: Windows Media Hi-Res (640x480 90 MB) Windows Media Low-Res (320x240 40 MB)