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Spartans infectés simulés en Jeux de guerre.

CORRUPTER[1] ou CORRUPTOR[2] est le cryptonyme utilisé au sein de l'UNSC pour signaler l'apparition sur le champ de bataille d'une forme de combat Parasite issue d'un Spartan.

La déclaration de CORRUPTER sur le réseau de combat est considéré comme un échec des mesures de sécurité de l’Emergency Contact Protocol Upsilon,[1] et des autres dispositifs de sûreté, comme l'autodestruction du casque du Spartan,[2] et l'apex du danger représenté par une infection parasite au stade sauvage, un Spartan infecté représentant une menace immense pour toutes les forces en présence de par ses capacités physiques et son acumen tactique.

Le Parasite ayant atteint un niveau trop dangereux pour un confinement tactique local, l'usage d'armes de destruction massive est immédiatement autorisé. Toutes les troupes de l'UNSC en présence, à l'exception des équipes de confinement spécialisées, doivent se retirer du périmètre au plus vite, car le bombardement de la zone par des tirs de canon AM et de têtes nucléaires depuis l'orbite est imminente.[1]

Halo Infinite


Blighter — Légendaire      
Fabricant Le Parasite
Description? Spartan combat forms combine superhuman physiologies with further reinforcement by twisted Flood growths.
Contaminator — Légendaire      
Fabricant Le Parasite
Description? The parasite has endless experience in twisting the virtues and cognition of stalwart heroes.
Defiler — Légendaire      

Saison 5 : Reckoning, rang 43

Fabricant Le Parasite
Description? Spartans are far less vulnerable to Flood infection than other humans, but there is no true immunity to the parasite.


Cursed Blisters — Légendaire      
Fabricant Le Parasite
Description? Combat forms who approach full subsumption by their Flood parasite have remaining non-utility biomass - including the brain and original sensory organs - converted into spore growths.
Defiled Farndale — Légendaire      
Fabricant Le Parasite
Description? Corrupted technology feeding real time information to the Flood's distributed intelligence.
Sightless Eyes — Légendaire      

Saison 5 : Reckoning, rang 43 (casque Defiler)

Fabricant Le Parasite
Description? The grotesque sensory apparatus that emerge from an infected host are perfectly tuned to find new victims.


Cursed Guard — Légendaire      

Boutique de Halo Infinite, lot Contaminateur

Fabricant Le Parasite
Description? What is lost to the parasite can never truly be reclaimed.
Defiled Guard — Légendaire      

Boutique de Halo Infinite, lot Pourrisseur

Fabricant Le Parasite
Description? The unnatural growths quiver with incubating spores.
Defiled Plate — Légendaire      

Saison 5 : Reckoning, rang 42 (épaule gauche et droite)

Fabricant Le Parasite
Description? Flood cells can be reconfigured and grafted into non-biological material.


Cursed Vigor — Légendaire      

Boutique de Halo Infinite, lot Contaminateur

Fabricant Le Parasite
Description? The Flood growths serve as both additional protection and vectors for new infestations.
Defiled Grenadier — Légendaire      

Boutique de Halo Infinite, lot Pourrisseur

Fabricant Le Parasite
Description? What the parasite cannot use, it corrupts.
Defiled Hope — Légendaire      

Saison 5 : Reckoning, rang 20

Fabricant Le Parasite
Description? The parasite is not subtle as it warps and twists the infected into tools for its expansion.


Defiled Touch — Légendaire      

Saison 5 : Reckoning, rang 46

Fabricant Le Parasite
Description? The Flood consumes all that it embraces.


Cursed Growths — Légendaire      
Fabricant Le Parasite
Description? Injuries are repaired by the Flood parasite, not healed.


Defiled Cap — Légendaire      

Saison 5 : Reckoning, rang 41

Fabricant Le Parasite
Description? Deconstructing one part of the body to reinforce another.
Defiled Drive — Légendaire      
Fabricant Le Parasite
Description? What you can't see is even more horrific.

Kits d'armures

Rusalka — Légendaire      

Saison 5 : Reckoning, rang 50

Fabricant Le Parasite

We hunger. We find. We envelop.
Searching. Seeking.
Patterns and process and places.
UPSILON. CORRUPTER. No. Not for you.
No solution. No security. Let them come. You are ours. You are us. You are mine. We have waited. We are waiting still. We are outside you, but you are within us. Your great strength made all the greater. Become this.
Become us. Become one.
And sing victory everlasting.

Transgressor — Légendaire      


Fabricant Le Parasite
Description? ALERT! PROTOCOL UPSILON IS ACTIVE Immediately move to limit Flood expansion and initiate full quarantine. All UEG and UNSC rules of engagement are suspended for duration of containment efforts. Infected personnel are to be killed on sight and their remains cremated, if possible. Spartans are expressively prohibited from attempting treatment of infected individuals. Additionally, all personnel must wear appropriate protective gear and follow decontamination protocols when entering or exiting designated quarantine zones. Any breach of biological containment will result in severe consequences under the UCMJ.

Effets d'armures

Blightland Marauder — Légendaire      

Boutique de Halo Infinite, super-lot Les parasites

Fabricant Le Parasite
Description? It is a mistake to assume the parasite cannot innovate.
Rotten Vitality — Légendaire      

Saison 5 : Reckoning, rang 49

Fabricant Le Parasite
Description? In sickness, a new kind of health.

Effets d'armes

Hidden Malignancy — Légendaire      

Boutique de Halo Infinite, super-lot Les parasites

Fabricant Le Parasite
Description? Death can reveal a creeping Flood infection even the victim was not aware of.

Ensembles d'effets mythiques

Cruel Tread — Légendaire      

Saison 5 : Reckoning, rang 45

Fabricant Le Parasite
Description? With each step, the Flood rises higher.


Blood Resonance — Épique      

Saison 5 : Reckoning, rang 38

Description? Connected through time and space by the most elemental of vitae.
Defiled Skin — Épique      


Description? Rotten on the outside, reformed on the inside.
Devil Tiger — Épique      

Saison 5 : Reckoning, rang 19

Description? Bone and blood.
Eternal Rest — Épique      
Description? No rest for the weary.
Gangrel Blood — Épique      


Description? There are, in fact, fates worse than death.
Gauss Forest — Épique      
Description? Hunters under charred trees and glassed towers.
Grey Hunter — Épique      


Description? Perfect for built-up or torn-down environments.
Tarnished Olympus — Épique      

Saison 5 : Reckoning, rang 40

Description? Even gods can drown in the Flood.
Corrupter — Légendaire      

Saison 5 : Reckoning, rang 50

Description? A battlenet alert with the cryptonym CORRUPTER is the thing of nightmares, for it indicates a Spartan has been infested by the Flood and immediate containment measures have failed.

