
La Triade est une religion humaine fondée par le gourou Dasc Gevadim. Les partisans de la Triade croient que chacun nourrit trois vies intérieures, et qu'une « transcendance » spirituelle peut être atteinte en vivant ces trois vies simultanément. La disparition de Gevadim en 2552 provoqua une vague de nouveaux adeptes persuadés qu'il était parvenu à atteindre la transcendance, Gevadim ayant en fait manigancé cette vague de popularité en s'exilant sur Bêta Gabriel.[1]
La Triade est liée aux évènements de la saison 2 de Hunt the Truth et au trailer A Hero Falls, son compte Twitter diffusant de courts extraits vidéos montrant les destructions ayant lieu dans les colonies extérieures, notamment Meridian.
Enseignements[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Ces enseignements ont été partagés sur le compte Twitter de la Triade, @OurThreeLives :
« | In being born, living, and dying we know aspects of three lives. Recognizing each within the other is our path forward. —
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« | How many lives did you live today? The first step toward living all three of your lives is refusing to know only one. —
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« | Today's society tells us that we are missing things in our lives When really, there is so much more that we must allow to let go. —
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« | "Existing in the presence of the lives of any one being humbles me to my smallest moments." - Dasc Gevadim —
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« | What is standing between you and your Transcendence? Take a step to remove an obstacle today. —
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« | As you move toward your own Transcendence you will shine within and without. Take the time to shine today. —
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« | Do you ever feel yourself being pulled away from a "normal" life? Hearing the call to Transcendence is only the beginning. —
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« | Find something in your day that exalts you. Find something that brings you low. Release them both. —
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« | In the womb, in the world, and in our deaths, we know aspects of three lives. Recognize each within the other to find the true path. —
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« | Society tells us what we “shouldn’t” do, but things don’t cease to exist because we smear them as taboo. All must still be known. —
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« | Every person is an element of the Transcendence, but very few can see it with open eyes. Will you be one of them? —
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« | How can one who has never tasted indulgence know discipline? To release your nature, you must first embrace it. —
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« | Every life is told in moments that do not need to become singular. Transcendence is in the simultaneous living of three lives. —
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« | Dasc Gevadim transcended and in doing so, showed us a single shining path that we must know in each of our three lives. —
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« | Of your three lives, the first is of light, the second is of self, and the third is without all three. —
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« | Multiple energy sources create interference, chaos, and cancelling waves. Synchronize your selves and your true power will be known. —
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« | Your greatest desire is no better than your greatest fear: be more than the object that is pushed and pulled. —
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« | It is not enough to open the door. Transcendence will come to those who step through. —
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« | A life governed by cause-and-effect is an illusion. Your true existence vibrates among the higher materials. —
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« | Your three lives would unify if only you let them. Why do you cling to the splinters? —
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« | Where does the sky end? Does it not extend from the clouds to your lungs? The divine is the debaucherous is the divine. —
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« | Do you ever feel spread thin, pulled in too many directions? Stop moving. Stop being. Allow the infinite light to shine through you. —
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« | Throw away your most prized possession. Embrace your most hated burden. Their weight is a construct. Neither has mass. —
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« | After your next meal, listen to your Simian body. Hear the molecules struggling through your filters. Find greater purpose. —
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« | In your own mind, ask yourself how you feel at this moment. How many filters did that question have to go through? Whose filters? Why? —
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« | The heralds of our Transcendence have made themselves known. Join us now, or forever know only one life. Vidéo —
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« | As Gevadim before us, we will transcend this world and live our three lives as one. Prove your devotion – share the message. —
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« | Harbingers of the inevitable and the always, we live our three lives in balance to honor you. —
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« | The destruction of a world is but material pain. Divorce yourself and live for the Transcendence. Join us. —
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« | Become one with the Triad. Inherit your right as a being destined to transcend this world. To know how, you need only to ask. —
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« | “Now” is a sliver on which we stand, as each passing moment falls to the abyss below. What happens when there is no more Now? Ask us. —
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« | We must all shine now. More than ever. Transcendence draws near. —
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« | When a system compresses, heat intensifies. Alien wars, inter-human violence, anomalies; everything is coverging. Are you ready? —
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« | We must all shine now. More than ever. The signs of Transcendence are everywhere. They are seen. They are felt. They are true. —
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« | We must make ready for what is to come. What was always to come. The Triad is the path forward. —
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« | Use your voice not to bemoan the destruction of the temporary, but to spread the message of eternal and inevitable transcendence. —
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« | Do not embrace the Transcendence alone - who will you bring with you? Who have you taught to shine? —
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« | When do you give focus to your devotions? Gevadim taught us to shine in every moment and facet of our lives. Transcendence rewards devotion. —
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« | Shining attracts happiness, health, and fulfillment. How has shining made your life better? —
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« | How many of your friends, your loved ones, have you brought to the Triad? Show them, through shining, that the path is open. —
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« | The universe is converging. There are those who will step to the next plane and there are those who will be crushed in particle. —
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« | Dasc Gevadim has returned to show us the path forward. We will never be alone in what is to come. —
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« | Let your body fill with dancing light! Let your mouth sing in smiles! For Gevadim has returned that you might also shine! —
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« | Gevadim is among us. He has rejoined our world to lead us. We will be together now before forever. —
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« | There can be no doubt in the inevitable. A life not lived for Transcendence is in essence a lie. —
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« | The universe is converging. There are those who will step to the next plane and there are those who will be crushed in particle. —
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« | The world of the blind scurries to interfere, but the truth is as it ever was. Do not be left to a life of trivial concern. —
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« | We must all shine now, more than ever. The harbingers have spoken. Gevadim walks in particle. The conflux is omnipresent. We must all shine. —
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« | We are joining him. Gevadim returned to save us. Our lives are one. We will Transcend. —
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Bannière du compte Twitter @OurThreeLives.
Source[modifier | modifier le wikicode]