Chronique:Halo Bulletin 24/11/2011

Le WikiHalo rappelle à ses contributeurs que toute information ajoutée doit être officielle et vérifiable. Les contributions sans sources et les théories sur Halo Infinite seront rejetées.

24 novembre



No news is good news. Or so they say.

When faced with revealing what could previously only be described as a gaping flesh wound of doom (also known as a paper cut in certain circles), some people choose to lift the cloth bandage slowly, opting to be subjected to a lower level of pain over an extended length of time. Other people, though, without the slightest hesitation, take a firm hold of the adhesive strip and rip it off in one swift motion, oftentimes letting out a yelp of protest that dissipates almost as quickly as the pain. This week, as it pertains to the Bulletin, I’ve decided to take the latter course of action. That’s right, you don’t get a long, rambling, barely coherent introduction today. You get a short, rambling, barely coherent one instead.

Yes, I’ll wait a moment while you give thanks.


Now, back to business. Much of the studio is out today. A bustling place that was once full of life, laughter, and the odors only the most manliest of (wo)men are capable of emitting now stands empty, reduced to a near-silent cluster of computers being kept alive solely by the soft glow of standby. That’s because your friendly, neighborhood Halo team is currently getting a head start on mashing their potatoes, creaming their peas, and stuffing their soon-to-be-engorged turkeys. Oh yes, it’s the small things in life. And by small, I mean edible. And, of course, delicious.

Because of the short work week, and also the food-induced comas that will undoubtedly follow, there is no news dropping today. I don’t have the details of December’s Halo: Reach matchmaking playlist update (that’s coming next week, more than likely before the next Bulletin). I also don’t have the specifics regarding ATLAS (although, considering it’s launching next month, I should probably get on that). I do know, however, that we’re thankful for you, the community, which takes me to the subject of this week’s Bulletin….


How do we love thee? Let me count the ways.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: the Halo community is the most talented, passionate, and amazing group of gamers out there. The things you make, whether they're in-game or in real life, never cease to amaze. To celebrate the masterpieces you, the community, manage to put out at an unbelievably fast rate, I’ve compiled the top ten things that have caught our eye over the past year. Keep in mind this is not meant to be an all-compassing list, but more of a poorly written ode about why we are so thankful for each and every one of you.

That being said, buckle up because it’s going to be quite the ride! And a long one, at that….

1. Gametypes and Maps

Forge, by definition, is a mode that allows you to edit multiplayer maps. For people like me, that means, on a good day, I can drop a tank onto the ground, sometimes without even killing multiple teammates. For the more creative types, though, the skybox is the limit. From Duck Hunt to Speed Halo to faithful recreations of practically every Halo map ever released, the game types and maps you have made are nothing short of astounding. Here are some examples from the past year that completely and utterly blew our minds (and yes, each incident was as messy as it sounds).

Arcade-Style Skee Ball in Halo: Reach

{{#putyoutube: youtube|z9AVHjkBZik|764x455px}}

Halo: Reach Pinball

{{#putyoutube: youtube|-raPK-vn-s4|764x454px}}

If you make a custom map, you can share it in the Community Creations section of our forum. You will also find a full list of the top classic Halo maps remade through Forge there, along with general map-making tips and tricks. Go explore! When you’re done ingesting the Bulletin, I mean.

2. Halo-themed Tattoos

Tattoos are serious business. After all, THEY NEVER GO AWAY. It takes a hell of a lot of love to get one of those things permanently etched upon your body, and we are honored Halo is important enough to you that you would even consider such a thing. To celebrate your lifelong commitment, here are some rather amazing tattoos we’ve seen over the last several months while out and about in the Halo world. And, if body modifications make you all tingly inside (as opposed to the outside when they are actually inserting the indelible ink into your skin), you can see more related images in our tattoo-tagged posts.

Legendary Tattoo
Fichier:Legendaire tatouage HB2011 n°25.jpg

Master Chief Tattoo

Halo Tattoo


Master Chief Tattoo


Spartans Never Die Tattoo

3. Screenshots

Whether you’re constructing statues in Forge, capturing memorable scenes from unique angles, or applying filters and getting all artsy on us, the screenshots you snap in theater mode are beyond breathtaking. In fact, we’re so enamored by the way you work the in-game camera that we feature your pictures each and every day in our Halo: Reach Screenshot of the Day series. Here’s a tiny glimpse into the incredible collection of in-game images the community has been capturing since the day Reach was released.


The Thinker


I Am the Future








Neverending Staircase


Wake Up, John

4. Videos

There are certain times of the day, typically between the hours of nine and five, which require copious amounts of computer-friendly entertainment. Thankfully, for those not-so-rare occurrences, we have your videos to watch. Quick jaunts through the intertubes always reveal numerous Halo-related top-10 compilations, machinimas, montages, and more, and let’s just say we can’t get enough of ‘em. I don’t think we’re alone, either, as these videos are often enjoyed both far and wide. Here are a handful of your recorded creations that showcase the variety of talent that lies within the Halo community. And please, consider us officially impressed.

Art With Salt - Halo

{{#putyoutube: youtube|2TbhZ4KSCow|764x455px}}

Real Life Halo Forge

{{#putyoutube: youtube|6JKwPhkP4cM|764x455px}}

Battle of the Brick, Built for Combat

{{#putyoutube: youtube|QFB60NnsGrI|764x455px}}

Spies vs. Guards - A Halo: Reach Machinima

(La vidéo n’existe plus)

If you make a video, submit it via our “Submit News” button on the front page, and, as space allows, we’ll share it with the world! Or, at least, with other Halo fans who visit our website, anyway.

5. Custom Cosplay

A small group of extremely talented community members have taken a fondness to collecting blood, sweat, and tears and transforming it into custom Halo cosplay. We’re not exactly sure how that process works, but we strongly suspect witchcraft. Or maybe just papercraft. Either way, below is a small sampling of the amazing costumes made by fellow fans. And, for the record, you won’t be seeing just Spartans. There’s also a Hunter, an Elite, and a Plasma Grenade-wielding Grunt. Oh, yeah, Cortana’s in there, too. A female one, in case that detail matters.
