Chronique:Halo Bulletin 22/06/2011

Le WikiHalo rappelle à ses contributeurs que toute information ajoutée doit être officielle et vérifiable. Les contributions sans sources et les théories sur Halo Infinite seront rejetées.

22 juin


<toggledisplay hidetext=[Masquer]>

Help us, Master Chief. You're our only hope.

Sometimes, when following a treacherous road toward the unknown, you find yourself lost in a seemingly endless series of deserted hills. If it’s a bad day, they have eyes that belong to blood-thirsty, misshapen creatures. If it’s a good day, they’re moonlit mountains, embraced by lush foliage and serene shadows that can only be born of seclusion. The latter was the experience of Dan Chosich, 343 Industries Videographer; Kristofor Mellroth, Senior Audio Director at Microsoft Studios; and Dennis Ries, 343 Industries Producer, on a recent excursion to Skywalker Ranch.



The workplace of film director and producer George Lucas, Skywalker Ranch is a fascinating example of a self-sustaining ecosystem, housing everything from vineyards and organic gardens to uniquely designed lodging (inspired by legends like George Gershwin and John Houston) and a 300-seat theater. The creative atmosphere breeds intense focus and drive, which is why we chose Skywalker Sound—the music recording division of Lucas Digital motion picture group—as the place to propel the Halo: Anniversary score to a world-class level of quality.


