Chronique:Halo Bulletin 29/11/2012

Le WikiHalo rappelle à ses contributeurs que toute information ajoutée doit être officielle et vérifiable. Les contributions sans sources et les théories sur Halo Infinite seront rejetées.

29 novembre


<toggledisplay hidetext=]Masquer[>

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I think we're just getting started

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Handsome 343 men feet getting started on their holiday pedicure

When I joined the studio in 2010, the team was heads-down creating Halo Waypoint and Halo Legends. As I watched numerous people hunched over their desks, hard at work, I remember saying to myself, "I think we're just getting started."On November 15, 2011, when we released Halo: Anniversary, our remake of Halo: Combat Evolved, the same thought ran through my mind: "I think we're just getting started."

A mere three weeks ago, when we released Halo 4 - a project that consumed every fiber of our beings for well over three years - it came to me yet again: "I think we're just getting started."

Now, as I look at what's slated for the month of December, I can't help but repeat, "I think we're just getting started..."

We have so many exciting things planned for the future that I want to open my window, stick out my head, and yell every single one of them at the top of my lungs. Thankfully PR just lifted their embargo date on one such item, so please excuse me while I do just that. *sprints to the nearest window, starts yelling hysterically, and then calmly sits back down*

Now that all the passersby along with their female four-legged companions know everything there is to know about the upcoming Crimson Map Pack, I should probably fill the rest of you in as well. Join me for an introduction to Harvest, Shatter and Wreckage, won't you?

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Halo 4 Crimson Map Pack

The Halo 4 Crimson Map Pack is the first of three Map Packs from the War Games Map Pass. Currently scheduled for release on December 10, 2012, it will cost $10.00 USD or 800 Microsoft Points and consist of three maps offering something for everyone, including a variety of designs, spaces for tight firefights or vehicle warfare, as well as 8 new achievements and a new Crimson DLC playlist. Extraction, a 5 vs. 5 objective-based game type where opposing Spartan teams are tasked with extracting assets from various sites around the map, will also be available for the first time in Multiplayer Matchmaking, on the same day that the Crimson Map Pack becomes available.

Check out the above just released Halo 4 Crimson Map Pack trailer, and then dive into the specifics of each new playspace below.

Wreckage Screenshot Gallery


Brand new Wreckage screenshot


Brand new Wreckage screenshot


Brand new Wreckage environment screenshot


Brand new Wreckage environment screenshot


Brand new Wreckage environment screenshot


Brand new Wreckage screenshot


Brand new Wreckage screenshot

Wreckage Description

Wreckage is a manifestation of the chaos of war. A medium-sized, asymmetrical map, this playspace is great for accommodating a wide range of objective-based game modes including King of the Hill and Capture the Flag. It is a ravaged environment of crashed debris, where the surrounding destruction creates complex paths perfect for throwing off your opponents or testing the limits of your Warthog. This devastated landscape provides plenty of cover, and tons of nooks and crannies are at your disposal while fighting for your turn to become King. Wreckage supports up to 16 players in Infinity Slayer and up to 12 in a variety of other modes, including Capture the Flag, King of the Hill and Oddball. </toggledisplay>

Harvest Screenshot Gallery
