« Chronique:Halo Bulletin 30/01/2013 » : différence entre les versions

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(Page créée avec « ==30 janvier 2013== ===Original=== <toggledisplay hidetext=[Masquer]> center ==Catch the Disease== When I step onto the Grifball cou... »)
(remplacement: <toggledisplay hidetext=[Masquer]> → {{Collapse}}, </toggledisplay> → {{Collapse-end}})
(7 versions intermédiaires par 5 utilisateurs non affichées)
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[[Fichier:Halo Bulletin header.png|center]]

==Catch the Disease==
====Catch the Disease====

When I step onto the Grifball court, opposing Spartans begin to resemble pin-shaped pieces of steel and my hammer starts quivering in anticipation of nailing every player in sight. I may not be the most skilled person to ever hit the court. However, I am well aware of the fact that it's not the size of the hammer that matters but instead how you swing it. And yes, before you ask, I can definitely swing it. All night long, as a matter of fact.
When I step onto the Grifball court, opposing Spartans begin to resemble pin-shaped pieces of steel and my hammer starts quivering in anticipation of nailing every player in sight. I may not be the most skilled person to ever hit the court. However, I am well aware of the fact that it's not the size of the hammer that matters but instead how you swing it. And yes, before you ask, I can definitely swing it. All night long, as a matter of fact.

I've been playing Grifball since shortly after it launched. That's right; I caught the disease long before it was cool (helpful hint for newbies: Use the cream. It really helps with the itching). But while I know its history like the back of my Gravity Hammer, those of you unfamiliar with this particular virtual sport may not be aware of its roots. So in honor of Grifball's Monday launch, I asked Burnie Burns - Patient Zero himself and creator of both Grifball and the popular Machinima series Red vs. Blue - to touch on the topic in a way only he can. Whether you're familiar with this smashingly fun pastime or new to the swish-swish-stab of it all, join us for an entertaining history lesson on how exactly Grifball came to be.
I've been playing Grifball since shortly after it launched. That's right; I caught the disease long before it was cool (helpful hint for newbies: Use the cream. It really helps with the itching). But while I know its history like the back of my Gravity Hammer, those of you unfamiliar with this particular virtual sport may not be aware of its roots. So in honor of Grifball's Monday launch, I asked Burnie Burns - Patient Zero himself and creator of both Grifball and the popular Machinima series Red vs. Blue - to touch on the topic in a way only he can. Whether you're familiar with this smashingly fun pastime or new to the swish-swish-stab of it all, join us for an entertaining history lesson on how exactly Grifball came to be.
<center>Burnie Burns Grifball</center>

'''Hi, Burnie! Let's start with the basics: Who the heck is Grif?'''
'''Hi, Burnie! Let's start with the basics: Who the heck is Grif?'''
Ligne 48 : Ligne 46 :
'''I can totally relate. Thanks for chatting, Burnie, and for creating one of the most bestest game types in the history of ever!'''
'''I can totally relate. Thanks for chatting, Burnie, and for creating one of the most bestest game types in the history of ever!'''

==Next Week's Matchmaking Playlist Update==
====Next Week's Matchmaking Playlist Update====

We were incredibly excited about last week's update (So excited, as a matter of fact, that we accidentally released it six hours early. OOPS.), and we're equally excited about this week's update (except for the part about releasing it early. Sorry). Here to talk specifics is Bravo. Just to warn you, he's got a thing for Team Doubles, so his write-up is more than a bit wordy. In light of that, I recommend grabbing a chair and at least two beverages before digging into the below, which includes everything you could ever want to know (and then some) about next Monday's Matchmaking playlist update.
We were incredibly excited about last week's update (So excited, as a matter of fact, that we accidentally released it six hours early. OOPS.), and we're equally excited about this week's update (except for the part about releasing it early. Sorry). Here to talk specifics is Bravo. Just to warn you, he's got a thing for Team Doubles, so his write-up is more than a bit wordy. In light of that, I recommend grabbing a chair and at least two beverages before digging into the below, which includes everything you could ever want to know (and then some) about next Monday's Matchmaking playlist update.
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We hope you're enjoying these Matchmaking updates. If there's no Matchmaking Update next week, it's because I'm playing Team Doubles and forgot to come to work.  
We hope you're enjoying these Matchmaking updates. If there's no Matchmaking Update next week, it's because I'm playing Team Doubles and forgot to come to work.  

==Spartan Ops Update==
====Spartan Ops Update====

Episode 6 of Spartan Ops premiered last week. As many of you devoured the fiction summary of the first half of Spartan Ops Season 1, I asked Brian Reed, franchise writer and author of Spartan Ops Season 1, to provide the same summary for last week's chapter. We will continue this tradition for Episodes 6-10, focusing on the previous week's installment in order to avoid spoilers. So, enjoy an inside look at last week's episode, and after that, enjoy a sneak peek at next week's episode (if you inferred a tease is waiting for you below, then you're doing it right, just FYI).
Episode 6 of Spartan Ops premiered last week. As many of you devoured the fiction summary of the first half of Spartan Ops Season 1, I asked Brian Reed, franchise writer and author of Spartan Ops Season 1, to provide the same summary for last week's chapter. We will continue this tradition for Episodes 6-10, focusing on the previous week's installment in order to avoid spoilers. So, enjoy an inside look at last week's episode, and after that, enjoy a sneak peek at next week's episode (if you inferred a tease is waiting for you below, then you're doing it right, just FYI).
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==In-Game Halo 4 File Share Update==
====In-Game Halo 4 File Share Update====

As you may have noticed, the in-game Halo 4 File Browser is now fully functional. Hooray! This feature will allow you to search for a friend's custom game types, the most popular custom Infinity Slayer map and much more. We've compiled this quick guide to review some of the features. To navigate to the File Browser from any menu screen, simply press "Start," then go down to "Settings & Files", and select "File Browser". You will see the following screen:
As you may have noticed, the in-game Halo 4 File Browser is now fully functional. Hooray! This feature will allow you to search for a friend's custom game types, the most popular custom Infinity Slayer map and much more. We've compiled this quick guide to review some of the features. To navigate to the File Browser from any menu screen, simply press "Start," then go down to "Settings & Files", and select "File Browser". You will see the following screen:
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bs angel
bs angel

P.S. Discuss.
P.S. Discuss.
*[http://halo.bungie.org/halobulletins/83 Halo.Bungie.Org]
{{Halo Bulletin}}

Dernière version du 23 juillet 2019 à 15:24

30 janvier 2013[modifier le wikicode]

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