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Warzone Firefight
Le WikiHalo rappelle à ses contributeurs que toute information ajoutée doit être officielle et vérifiable. Les contributions sans sources et les théories sur Halo Infinite seront rejetées.
Warzone Firefight est la huitième mise à jour de Halo 5 : Guardians, du mois de juillet 2016. Elle apporte principalement le Warzone Firefight au mode Zone de combat et pèse 6 Go.
Cette mise à jour apporta deux cartes Zone de combat, Prospect et Attack on Sanctum, une carte Arène, Molten et la carte ForgeTidal. La playlist Firefight pour la Zone de combat et le Score Attack pour la campagne furent aussi ajoutés. Elle apporta également 20 REQ Cards dont celles du Banshee Temple, les variantes du fusil à plasma brute, ainsi que les variantes d'armures Cinder et Cyclops[1] et des skins liés aux équipes favorites du HCS.[2]
Cette partie de la mise à jour se concentre sur l'amélioration des boss en Warzone :[3]
Roulement aléatoire des boss au lieu d'un roulement prédéfini
Nouveaux boss de niveau mythique (dont le Grunt Goblin)
Hiérarchisation par couleur des ennemis et boss (couleurs de la campagne, rouge puis blanc pour les Covenants, couleurs de la campagne orange puis rouge pour les Forerunners)
Difficulté croissante des boss au cours d'une partie
Utilisation d'armes spéciales par les boss, récupérables une fois tués
Fixed issue where Alpha zombie's camo was adversely affected by exposure to fog or weather effects
All Infection game mode medals now have correct rarity in PGCR
Intro VO added for Assault and Grifball
Arena Tweaks and Changes
Powerups are now correctly prioritized over weapons in pick-up priority
Assault arm timing changes
Arm time reduced to 5 seconds (from 7)
Disarm time increased to 25 seconds (from 7)
Infected Sword no longer drops on death when assassinating an Infected.
Alpha Infected now move faster, but are visible on radar when running at full speed
Added Custom Games player trait option to disable weapon pickup
New/Updated Features
New Warzone map added - Attack on Sanctum
New Warzone Assault map added - Prospect
New Co-op Warzone mode - Warzone Firefight
8-player round-based co-operative Warzone experience with dynamic objectives
Playable on Escape from A.R.C., Raid on Apex 7, March on Stormbreak, Skirmish at Darkstar, Attack on Sanctum, and Urban
Added 5 New Achievements
New Firefight-specific PGCR
Warzone Boss Refresh
Updated Bosses - Boss encounters updated across all Warzone maps
Randomization - Some Boss spawns are now selected randomly each match
Mythic Bosses - Mythic Bosses can now spawn in Warzone, Mythic Takedowns are worth 200 VP
Victory Points - Point value for Legendary Bosses reduced to 100 VP
Added the new Grunt Goblin Boss across Warzone and Warzone Firefight
Warzone Personal Scoring Update - more positive Warzone actions now increment the player's Personal Score in the Back-Button Scoreboard
Examples of additional actions include: assists, vehicle destructions, non-Boss AI kills
Warzone Firefight Commendations added
Warzone Firefight Achievements added
Warzone Bug Fixes
Reduced hitching in Warzone matches
Tweaks and Changes
Increased speed of REQ Energy regeneration from 35s per level to 30s per level
Mantis Boss can no longer be splattered, and has increased Health
Elite bosses can no longer be assassinated until their shields have dropped
Faceplate of Knight bosses can no longer be shot off to kill instantly
New color hierarchy for bosses in Warzone to better reflect their difficulty
Incineration Cannons now have reduced REQ energy cost
The default Plasma Caster now has reduced REQ energy cost
All Gravity Hammers outside of Tartarus' Gavel now have reduced REQ energy cost
Score Attack added for Campaign
New achievements added for Campaign Score Attack
New/Updated Features
Added new weapon – Halo 2 Beam Rifle
Added new weapon – Halo 2 Beam Rifle Alpha**
Added new weapon – Halo 2 Beam Rifle Delta
Added new weapon – Sorrow of Teash
Added new weapon – Scale of Soirapt
Added new weapon – 7 Wood
Added new vehicle - Wasp
Added new vehicle - Temple Ghost
Added new vehicle - Temple Wraith
Added new vehicle - Temple Banshee
Added new Ammo Expert Armor Mod
Sandbox Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that could cause inconsistent Mantis missile locks on Banshees and Phaetons
Fixed a bug that allowed instant activation of power ups
Fixed a bug where holding crouch while airborne allowed players to not show up on radar regardless of speed
Made the damage timings between Smart Link and regular lunges more consistent when using the Gravity Hammer and Energy Sword
Fixed a bug that caused the visual FX of the Hannibal Mantis Stomp to appear incorrectly
Fixed several bugs related to Gravity Hammer animations
Removed Boost Meter from Rally Hogs
Fixed a bug that could allow Selene's Lance to cause a ton of unintended damage
Fixed a bug where destroying a Wraith after boarding it wouldn't provide a medal
New/Updated Features
Added new Grunt Goblin Warzone boss, legendary and mythic variants
New visuals, tuning and weapons for Warzone bosses - every differently tuned variant now has a unique visual
AI-driven Wraiths are now more dangerous
Added a new tier of Grunt minion
Character Bug fixes
Knight bosses can no longer be headshot while performing their weak spot destruction animation (non-boss knights still can)
Elite bosses can no longer be assassinated while their shields are up (non-boss elites still can)
Added Daily Login Reward REQ Pack
Added Warzone Firefight Daily Win REQ Pack
PGCR (Post Game Carnage Report) now displays your best Firefight completion time per map. This is the time when the fifth and final round is completed, and is shared amongst all team members at that time.
PGCR now displays your performance in each round of Firefight. This is displayed out of 5 stars, with 5 stars being the best. Note some of these bonuses are all or nothing (such as surviving the round).
PGCR now celebrates if you've earned an exceptionally rare or Legendary medal.
Additional Firefight stats have replaced the in-game tracking of Warzone Marine Kills and Warzone Core Kills.
Fixed Infection scoreboard to properly display a player who has left the match.
Fixed swapped text when placing in Platinum versus Diamond CSR.
New/Updated Features
New Canvas: Tidal
Four lighting variants!!!
Increased certain budgets
Increased physics budget ~50% (!)
Max object count on map raised to 1600 (!!!) objects
Reminder: More objects on screen = worse performance
New Objects
gameplay> weapons>
Magnum [Extended Mag]
SMG [Extended Mag]
SMG [Bayonet]
SMG [Silencer]
SMG [Stabilization Jets]
SMG [Long Barrel]
SMG [Kinetic Bolts]
SMG [Recon Sight]
SMG [Projection Sight]
SMG [Laser Targeter]
Assault Rifle [Extended Mag]
Assault Rifle [Bayonet]
Assault Rifle [Knight Blade]
Assault Rifle [Silencer]
Assault Rifle [Stabilization Jets]
Assault Rifle [Long Barrel]
Assault Rifle [Kinetic Bolts]
Assault Rifle [Recon Sight]
Assault Rifle [Longshot Sight]
Assault Rifle [Laser Targeter]
Battle Rifle [Extended Mag]
Battle Rifle [Bayonet]
Battle Rifle [Knight Blade]
Battle Rifle [Silencer]
Battle Rifle [Stabilization Jets]
Battle Rifle [Long Barrel]
Battle Rifle [Kinetic Bolts]
Battle Rifle [Classic Sight]
Battle Rifle [Longshot Sight]
Battle Rifle [Sentinel Sight]
Battle Rifle [Laser Targeter]
DMR [Extended Mag]
DMR [Bayonet]
DMR [Knight Blade]
DMR [Silencer]
DMR [Stabilization Jets]
DMR [Long Barrel]
DMR [Kinetic Bolts]
DMR [Recon Sight]
DMR [Sentinel Sight]
DMR [Laser Targeter]
Shotgun [Lawgiver]
Hydra Launcher [Typhon]
SAW [Appetite for Destruction]
Rocket Launcher [Ad Victoriam]
Rocket Launcher: SPNKr [EM]
Sniper Rifle [End of the Line]
Railgun [Arclight]
Spartan Laser [Endgame]
Storm Rifle [Fury]
Carbine [Rain of Oblivion]
Plasma Pistol [Void's Tear]
Energy Sword [Infected]
Energy Sword [Ravening Sliver]
Needler [Hailstorm]
Beam Rifle [Sword of the Faithful]
Beam Rifle: Halo 2 [Standard]
Beam Rifle: Halo 2 [Alpha]
Fuel Rod Cannon [Light of Urs]
Plasma Caster [Scourge of Fire]
Boltshot [Closed Fist]
Suppressor [Song of Peace]
LightRifle [Barbed Lance]
Scattershot [Loathsome Thing]
Binary Rifle [Retina of the Mind's Eye]
Incineration Cannon [River of Light]
Plasma Rifle: Brute: Halo 2 [Sorrow of Teash]
Gravity Hammer [Corpsemaker]
gameplay> vehicles> type> land>
Mongoose: Scout [Woodland]
Mongoose: Scout [Tundra]
Mongoose: Scout [Corp]
Mongoose: Scout [Urban]
Mongoose: Gungoose [Woodland]
Mongoose: Gungoose [Tundra]
Mongoose: Gungoose [Corp]
Mongoose: Gungoose [Urban]
Warthog: Chaingun [Rally]
Warthog: Chaingun [Woodland]
Warthog: Chaingun [Tundra]
Warthog: Chaingun [Corp]
Warthog: Chaingun [Urban]
Warthog: Gauss [Woodland]
Warthog: Gauss [Tundra]
Warthog: Gauss [Corp]
Warthog: Gauss [Urban]
Warthog: Rocket [Woodland]
Warthog: Rocket [Tundra]
Warthog: Rocket [Corp]
Warthog: Rocket [Urban]
Warthog: Scout [Rally]
Warthog: Scout [Woodland]
Warthog: Scout [Tundra]
Warthog: Scout [Corp]
Warthog: Scout [Urban]
Scorpion [Woodland]
Scorpion [Tundra]
Scorpion [Corp]
Scorpion [Urban]
Mantis [Woodland]
Mantis [Tundra]
Mantis [Corp]
Mantis [Urban]
Ghost [Sword]
Wraith [Sword]
gameplay> vehicles> type> air>
Wasp [Standard]
Banshee [Sword]
primitives> blocks> simple>
Block: Simple [2x4x8]
Block: Simple [2x8x8]
Block: Simple [4x8x16]
Block: Simple [4x16x16]
Block: Simple [8x16x32]
Block: Simple [8x32x32]
Block: Simple [16x32x64]
Block: Simple [16x64x64]
natural> plants> flowers>
Plant: Flowers [1x1; daisies; yellow]
Plant: Flowers [10x10; daisies; yellow]
Plant: Flowers [30x30; daisies; yellow]
Plant: Flowers [1x1; fuchsii; mauve]
Plant: Flowers [10x10; fuchsii; mauve]
Plant: Flowers [30x30; fuchsii; mauve]
Plant: Flowers [1x1; harebells; purple]
Plant: Flowers [10x10; harebells; purple]
Plant: Flowers [30x30; harebells; purple]
natural> plants> bushes>
Plant: Bush [3x6x1; fern; green]
Plant: Bush [3x3x7; bromeliad; green]
Plant: Bush [7x6x3; fern; green]
natural> terrain> flats>
Terrain: Flat [16x10x2; Tidal]
Terrain: Flat [32x20x2; Tidal]
Terrain: Flat [64x40x4; Tidal]
Terrain: Flat [118x73x13; Tidal]
Terrain: Flat [238x180x24; Tidal]
Terrain: Flat [325x251x32; Tidal]
natural> terrain> ramps>
Terrain: Ramp [23x26x6; Tidal]
Terrain: Ramp [46x52x11; Tidal]
Terrain: Ramp [93x104x23; Tidal]
Terrain: Ramp [187x209x46; Tidal]
Terrain: Ramp [311x348x77; Tidal]
natural> terrain> banks>
Terrain: Bank [32x58x11; Tidal]
Terrain: Bank [65x116x23; Tidal]
Terrain: Bank [131x232x46; Tidal]
Terrain: Bank [212x382x76; Tidal]
natural> terrain> slope-helper>
Terrain: Slope Helper [19x30x16; Tidal]
Terrain: Slope Helper [38x61x31; Tidal]
Terrain: Slope Helper [76x122x62; Tidal]
Terrain: Slope Helper [153x245x125; Tidal]
Terrain: Slope Helper [237x425x225; Tidal]
natural> terrain> hills>
Terrain: Hill/Bowl [73x53x15; Tidal]
Terrain: Hill/Bowl [147x106x29; Tidal]
Terrain: Hill/Bowl [244x176x49; Tidal]
Terrain: Hill/Bowl [354x255x70; Tidal]
natural> rocks> flats>
Rock: Flat [16x10x2; Tidal]
Rock: Flat [32x20x2; Tidal]
Rock: Flat [64x40x4; Tidal]
natural> rocks> chunks>
Rock: Chunk [23x22x16; Tidal]
Rock: Chunk [23x24x17; Tidal]
Rock: Chunk [25x27x21; Tidal]
Rock: Chunk [30x36x27; Tidal]
Rock: Chunk [37x52x25; Tidal]
Rock: Chunk [46x44x32; Tidal]
Rock: Chunk [44x80x53; Tidal]
Rock: Chunk [47x89x51; Tidal]
Rock: Chunk [84x108x33; Tidal]
Rock: Chunk [92x88x63; Tidal]
Rock: Chunk [87x214x78; Tidal]
Rock: Chunk [116x131x70; Tidal]
Rock: Chunk [127x161x73; [Tidal]
Rock: Chunk [114x120x157; Tidal]
Rock: Chunk [111x223x93; Tidal]
Rock: Chunk [147x150x449; Tidal]
Rock: Chunk [260x313x223; Tidal]
Rock: Chunk [272x154x425; Tidal]
natural> rocks> cliffs>
Terrain: Cliff [120x31x81; Tidal]
Terrain: Cliff [221x55x151; Tidal]
natural> rocks> arches>
Rock: Arch [60x72x65; Tidal]
Rock: Arch [101x141x130; Tidal]
natural> rocks> columns>
Rock: Column [25x38x51; Tidal]
Rock: Column [51x69x102; Tidal]
natural> rocks> arrangements>
Rock: Arrangement [24x23x21; Tidal]
Rock: Arrangement [21x48x20; Tidal]
natural> rocks> boulders>
Rock: Boulder [5x5x5; Tidal]
Rock: Boulder [8x8x8; Tidal]
Rock: Boulder [15x15x15; Tidal]
Rock: Boulder [30x30x30; Tidal]
natural> plants> bushes>
Plant: Bush [5x6x6; tillandsia; a; green]
Plant: Bush [5x6x6; tillandsia; b; green]
Plant: Bush [9x11x8; banana; sapling; green]
Plant: Bush [11x9x8; banana; sapling; green]
Plant: Bush [23x25x16; palm; sapling; green]
natural> trees> fulls>
Tree: Full [14x18x26; banana; green]
Tree: Full [20x12x25; banana; green]
Tree: Full [20x21x27; banana; green]
Tree: Full [21x24x26; banana; green]
Tree: Full [23x38x42; palm; bent; green]
Tree: Full [26x27x52; palm; curved; green]
Tree: Full [26x27x73; palm; green]
natural> plants> flowers>
Plant: Flowers [1x1; daisies; snowy]
Plant: Flowers [10x10; daisies; snowy]
Plant: Flowers [30x30; daisies; snowy]
Plant: Flowers [1x1; fuchsii; snowy]
Plant: Flowers [10x10; fuchsii; snowy]
Plant: Flowers [30x30; fuchsii; snowy]
Plant: Flowers [1x1; harebells; snowy]
Plant: Flowers [10x10; harebells; snowy]
Plant: Flowers [30x30; harebells; snowy]
natural> plants> bushes>
Plant: Bush [3x6x1; fern; snowy]
Plant: Bush [7x6x3; fern; snowy]
props> barrels>
Barrel [2x2x3; oil drum; open]
Barrel [2x2x3; oil drum; closed]
props> exploding>
Fuel Station [UNSC]
props> destructible> pallets>
Pallet: Wood [4x6x1]
Pallet: Wood [4x12x1]
Pallet: Wood [8x6x1]
Pallet: Wood [8x12x1]
props> toys> dolls>
Doll: Chief
Doll: Cortana [ :D ]
Doll: Cortana [ >:[ ]
Doll: Didact
Doll: Librarian
Doll: 5th Spartan
props> creatures> piggies>
Olive the Piggy Princess [16x32x20; toy]
Olive the Piggy Princess [32x64x40; toy]
Olive the Piggy Princess [64x128x80; toy]
props> creatures> whales>
Timmy the Space Whale [16x32x20; toy]
Timmy the Space Whale [32x64x40; toy]
Timmy the Space Whale [64x128x80; toy]
props> creatures> grunts>
Grunt [8x12x12; toy]
Grunt [16x24x24; toy]
Grunt [32x48x48; toy]
props> creatures> accessories>
Sunglasses [3x3x1; Olive]
Sunglasses [8x8x2.5; Timmy]
Sunglasses [24x24x8; Olive]
Sunglasses [64x64x20; Timmy]
props> vehicles> submarine>
Submarine [15x56x16]
props> sports> golf>
Golf: Club [7 wood]
Golf: Ball [4.5x4.5x4.5]
Golf: Tee [1x1x5]
Golf: Cup [16x16x6]
Golf: Pin [2x8x33]
Terrain: Golf Hole [58x58x6; Green]
Terrain: Golf Hole [58x58x6; Alpine]
Terrain: Golf Hole [58x58x6; Tidal]
Terrain: Golf Hole [58x58x6; Glacier]
Terrain: Golf Hole [58x58x6; Asteroid]
props> construction> pipes>
Pipe: Small [2x128x2]
Pipe: Crouching [9x4x9]
Pipe: Crouching [9x8x9]
Pipe: Crouching [9x16x9]
Pipe: Crouching [9x32x9]
Pipe: Crouching [9x64x9]
Pipe: Crouching [9x96x9]
Pipe: Crouching [9x128x9]
Pipe: Standing [12x4x12]
Pipe: Standing [12x8x12]
Pipe: Standing [12x16x12]
Pipe: Standing [12x32x12]
Pipe: Standing [12x64x12]
Pipe: Standing [12x96x12]
Pipe: Standing [12x128x12]
props> construction> vents>
Vent [6x2x6]
Vent [6x4x6]
Vent [6x8x6]
Vent [6x16x6]
Vent [6x32x6]
Vent [6x64x6]
props> beach>
Surfboard [2x7x1; ]
Chair: Beach [3x4x5; ]
Pool Noodle [6x1x1; ]
Parasol [13x13x10; ]
props> interactive> switch>
Interactive: Switch [1x1x2; secret]
props> misc>
Cup [8x8x10; party]
extras> fx> hologram>
FX: Hologram [cortana orb]
FX: Hologram [starfield; red]
FX: Hologram [starfield; blue]
FX: Hologram [Covenant; hex dome]
FX: Hologram [Covenant; swirl; medium]
FX: Hologram [Covenant; swirl; large]
FX: Hologram [Covenant; galaxy; medium]
FX: Hologram [Covenant; galaxy; large]
FX: Hologram [Forerunner; terminal; small]
FX: Hologram [Forerunner; terminal; medium]
extras> blockers> type> grenade>
Blocker: Projectile [1x1]
Blocker: Projectile [1x2]
Blocker: Projectile [2x2]
Blocker: Projectile [2x4]
Blocker: Projectile [4x4]
Blocker: Projectile [4x8]
Blocker: Projectile [8x8]
Blocker: Projectile [8x16]
Blocker: Projectile [16x16]
Blocker: Projectile [16x32]
Blocker: Projectile [32x32]
Blocker: Projectile [32x64]
Blocker: Projectile [64x64]
Blocker: Projectile [64x128]
Blocker: Projectile [128x128]
Preview Objects
These are some new objects we're tinkering with that we're excited to share because they're so fun to play with.
gameplay> gravity-manipulators> slides> - These came from wanting to take the old Forge one-way shield hack out of the shields and make it a gameplay tool. They can pull Spartans (and other objects) along the floor, walls, and even on the ceiling (ziplines 'r' back!)
Gravity: Slide [2x4; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [2x8; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [2x16; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [2x32; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [2x64; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [2x128; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [4x4; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [4x8; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [4x16; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [4x32; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [4x64; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [4x128; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [8x4; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [8x8; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [8x16; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [8x32; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [8x64; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [8x128; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [16x4; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [16x8; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [16x16; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [16x32; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [16x64; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [16x128; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [32x4; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [32x8; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [32x16; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [32x32; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [32x64; invisible]
Gravity: Slide [32x128; invisible]
gameplay> gravity-manipulators> bouncers> - These bounce Spartans/objects off of them like simple trampolines.
Gravity: Bouncer [4x4; invisible]
Gravity: Bouncer [8x8; invisible]
Gravity: Bouncer [12x12; invisible]
Gravity: Bouncer [16x16; invisible]
Gravity: Bouncer [20x20; invisible]
Gravity: Bouncer [24x24; invisible]
Gravity: Bouncer [32x32; invisible]
Gravity: Bouncer [48x48; invisible]
Gravity: Bouncer [64x64; invisible]
Bug Fixes, Tweaks, and Cleanup
Fixed crash on loading Plaza in Forge
Fixed Lighting issues:
Random Bright anomalies caused by a rendering issue
Missing lights on some objects caused buggy light interaction
Fixed issues with invisible blockers not functioning in custom games:
Invisible Blockers
Team Blockers
Vehicle Blockers
Fixed object physics not reacting to Grenades, Spartan Charging, etc. across all objects that make sense
Our "creatures" now support material swap so you can build proper giant effigies and shrines to them
Resolved issue where scripts from deleted objects would magically attach themselves to different objects
Known Issues
We are aware that the "Generating Lighting" process can take longer than expceted on Tidal and are working on a fix. For now, the process should self-resolve after a period of time.