Requisition System/Listes/VO
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< Requisition System | Listes
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Commune[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Armes de paquetage[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Fusil d'assaut (Assault Rifle) |
Fusil d'assaut (Assault Rifle) |
Fusil d'assaut (Assault Rifle) |
Fusil d'assaut (Assault Rifle) |
Assault Rifle with Projection Sight. Standard-issue fully-automatic rifle effective at short to medium range. | Assault Rifle with Projection Sight and Long Barrel. Standard-issue fully-automatic rifle effective at short to medium range. Long Barrel increases effective range. | Assault Rifle with Projection Sight and Laser Targeter. Standard-issue fully-automatic rifle effective at short to medium range. Laser Targeter increases weapon accuracy. | Assault Rifle with Projection Sight and Silencer. Standard-issue fully-automatic rifle effective at short to medium range. Silencer reduces visibility on enemy Motion Trackers when firing. |
Fusil d'assaut (Assault Rifle) |
Fusil d'assaut (Assault Rifle) |
FA Recon (Recon AR) |
FA Recon (Recon AR) |
Assault Rifle with Projection Sight and Stabilization Jets. Standard-issue fully-automatic rifle effective at short to medium range. Stabilization Jets help control recoil. | Assault Rifle with Projection Sight and Kinetic Bolts. Standard-issue fully-automatic rifle effective at short to medium range. Kinetic Bolts augment knockback and damage against vehicles. | Assault Rifle with Recon Sight. UNSC Army configuration with quick-acquisition sights for mid-range engagements. | Assault Rifle with Recon Sight and Long Barrel. UNSC Army configuration with quick-acquisition sights for mid-range engagements. Long Barrel increases effective range. |
FA Recon (Recon AR) |
FA Recon (Recon AR) |
FA Recon (Recon AR) |
FA Recon (Recon AR) |
Assault Rifle with Recon Sight and Laser Targeter. UNSC Army configuration with quick-acquisition sights for mid-range engagements. Laser Targeter increases weapon accuracy. | Assault Rifle with Recon Sight and Silencer. UNSC Army configuration with quick-acquisition sights for mid-range engagements. Silencer reduces visibility on enemy Motion Trackers when firing. | Assault Rifle with Recon Sight and Stabilization Jets. UNSC Army configuration with quick-acquisition sights for mid-range engagements. Stabilization Jets help control recoil. | Assault Rifle with Recon Sight and Kinetic Bolts. UNSC Army configuration with quick-acquisition sights for mid-range engagements. Kinetic Bolts augment knockback and damage against vehicles. |
Fusil de combat (Battle Rifle) |
Fusil de combat (Battle Rifle) |
Fusil de combat (Battle Rifle) |
Fusil de combat (Battle Rifle) |
Battle Rifle with Recon Sight. Standard-issue burst-fire rifle that can excel at any engagement range. | Battle Rifle with Recon Sight and Long Barrel. Standard-issue burst-fire rifle that can excel at any engagement range. Long Barrel increases effective range. | Battle Rifle with Recon Sight and Laser Targeter. Standard-issue burst-fire rifle that can excel at any engagement range. Laser Targeter increases weapon accuracy. | Battle Rifle with Recon Sight and Silencer. Standard-issue burst-fire rifle that can excel at any engagement range. Silencer reduces visibility on enemy Motion Trackers when firing. |
Fusil de combat (Battle Rifle) |
Fusil de combat (Battle Rifle) |
Magnum | FC Classique (Classic BR) |
Battle Rifle with Recon Sight and Stabilization Jets. Standard-issue burst-fire rifle that can excel at any engagement range. Stabilization Jets help control recoil. | Battle Rifle with Recon Sight and Kinetic Bolts. Standard-issue burst-fire rifle that can excel at any engagement range. Kinetic Bolts augment knockback and damage against vehicles. | Magnum with Projection Sight. Standard-issue semi-automatic heavy pistol. Use Smart-Link and call your shots. | Battle Rifle with Classic Sight. Tactical configuration fitted with rugged combat optics preferred by veteran Spartans. |
Fusil de combat (Battle Rifle) |
Fusil d'assaut (Assault Rifle) | ||
Battle Rifle with Recon Sight and Extended Mag. Standard-issue burst-fire rifle that can excel at any engagement range. Extended Mags increase both ready and reserve ammunition capacity. | Assault Rifle with Projection Sight and Extended Mag. Standard-issue fully-automatic rifle effective at short to medium range. Extended Mags increase both ready and reserve ammunition capacity. |
Armes lourdes[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Arme aléatoire (Random Weapon) |
Carabine (Carbine) |
Éradicateur (Suppressor) |
Fusil à pompe (Shotgun) |
Requisition a random weapon of common or higher rarity. This can provide a weapon you otherwise do not have the Level or Energy to acquire. | Carbine with Holoscope. Versatile semi-automatic rifle renowned for its accuracy and long range. New production models use a streamlined manufacturing process and reactive materials in place of radioisotopes for coating projectiles. | Fully-automatic energy rifle effective at short range. Accuracy significantly improves when using Smart-Link. | Short-ranged semi-automatic shotgun. Get up-close and personal to maximize damage. |
Fusil Storm (Storm Rifle) |
Needler | Pistolet à particules (Boltshot) |
Pistolet à plasma (Plasma Pistol) |
Rapid-fire plasma rifle effective out to medium range when Smart-Link is engaged. Sustained fire can temporarily overheat the weapon. | Exotic weapon which fires shards that home in on short-range targets. If multiple shards strike a target they will detonate - creating a "supercombine" explosion. Will bounce off heavy armor, such as that used by vehicles and Hunters. | Burst-fire energy pistol. Bolts home-in on close range targets. This new functionality appears to be related to other adaptations the Prometheans have displayed since the disappearance of the Didact. | Semi-automatic energy pistol that fires packets of superheated plasma. Holding down the trigger, then releasing, will fire a tracking overcharge shot with an EMP effect that will disable vehicles and knock out shields. |
Railgun | SAW | Tourelle mitrailleuse (Chaingun Turret) | |
Powerful single-shot coilgun that requires a short charge cycle before firing. Will automatically fire if the charge is held for too long. | Rapid-fire light machine gun with a large ammo capacity. | Rotary autocannon. |
Véhicules[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Gungoose | Mongoose | Mongoose de l'ONI (ONI Mongoose) |
Mongoose industrielle (Corp Mongoose) |
Mongoose quad bike fitted with twin grenade launchers. A passenger can be accommodated on the rear-facing seat. | Heavy-duty all-terrain quad bike. A passenger can be accommodated on the rear-facing seat. | ONI ensures that even their simulated vehicles are top-of-the-line. Advanced Mongoose with heavy armor. | Liang Dortmund's heavy-duty modification of the standard Mongoose. Rugged Mongoose with extra armor. |
Mongoose urbaine (Urban Mongoose) |
Warthog | Warthog industriel (Corp Warthog) |
Warthog éclaireur (Scout Warthog) |
Rugged utility vehicle used by UNSC Army scouts and Air Force security patrols. Improved Mongoose with upgraded armor. | Warthog armed reconnaissance configuration fitted with a rotary autocannon on a full-rotation turret mount. | Piratical Kig-Yar raids and Insurrection rebels ensure that armed Warthogs have a legitimate usage in the former Outer Colonies. Rugged Warthog with extra armor. | Unarmed utility Warthog. Wheeled all-terrain vehicle used by every branch of UNSC service. |
Warthog éclaireur de l'ONI (ONI Scout Warthog) |
Warthog éclaireur industriel (Corp Scout Warthog) |
Warthog éclaireur urbain (Urban Scout Warthog) |
Mongoose sylvestre (Woodland Mongoose) |
ONIs Warthog fleet are only superficially similar to the standard military models. Advanced Scout Warthog with heavy armor. | Rugged Scout Warthog. Demilitarized Warthogs are a common sight on the colonies. | Military Warthogs are sometimes disarmed due to parts shortages or desperate need for light transports. Improved Scout Warthog with upgraded armor. | Cheap and lightweight Mongoose all-terrain vehicles are often pressed into use as light cargo transports in topography that stymies the larger Warthog. Improved Mongoose with extra armor. |
Mongoose toundra (Tundra Mongoose) |
Warthog éclaireur sylvestre (Woodland Scout Warthog) |
Warthog éclaireur toundra (Tundra Scout Warthog) |
Warthog éclaireur de rallye (Rally Scout Warthog) |
The Mongoose has proven to be a reliable alternative to more specialized hostile environment transports in climates that do not greatly exceed extremes found on Earth. Improved Mongoose with extra armor. | Removing the FAV's chaingun to open up cargo room is simple and straightforward. Improved Scout Warthog with extra armor. | Transportation of food and fuel is more critical than weapons in tundra and arctic campaigns. Improved Scout Warthog with extra armor. | With class victories in both the New Carthage Sprint Series and 24 Hours of Quezon, AMG's competition division routinely dominates the high-stakes world of interstellar motorsports. Advanced Scout Warthog with heavy armor and greatly increased speed. |
Modifications d'armure[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Détecteurs avancés (Advanced Sensors) |
Kit de toubib (Auto-Medic) |
Motion Tracker is now compatible with Smart-Link, and both range and sensitivity is enhanced. In addition, you are harder to detect on enemy Motion Trackers. | Increased shield recharge rate and health recovery. |
Poses[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Apocalypse (World's End) |
Fin prêt (At the Ready) |
There at the close. | Freedom isn't free. |
Assassinats[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Allonge (Meat Hook) |
Pas de panique (Don't Flip Out) |
I know what you did last War Games match. | The medics will patch them right up. |
Power-ups[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Boost accélération I (Speed Boost I) |
Speed Boost temporarily increases movement, reloading, assassination, and weapon switch speed. Short duration. |
Boosts[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Boost d'EXP en arène (Arena XP Boost) |
Manœuvre : assistance (Gambit: Assist) |
Boost d'EXP en Zone de combat (Warzone XP Boost) |
Finish an Arena game and claim your XP reward. | Rank in the top 50% for Assists and claim your XP reward. Finish closer to the top for additional XP. | Finish a Warzone game and claim your XP reward. |
Spéciale[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Armes de paquetage[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
FA Longhsot (Longshot AR) |
FA Longhsot (Longshot AR) |
FA Longhsot (Longshot AR) |
FA Longhsot (Longshot AR) |
Assault Rifle with Longshot Sight. UNSC Marine Corps Interim Fireteam Support (IFS) configuration for intermediate-range combat and long-range suppression. | Assault Rifle with Longshot Sight and Long Barrel. UNSC Marine Corps Interim Fireteam Support (IFS) configuration for intermediate-range combat and long-range suppression. Long Barrel increases effective range. | Assault Rifle with Longshot Sight and Laser Targeter. UNSC Marine Corps Interim Fireteam Support (IFS) configuration for intermediate-range combat and long-range suppression. Laser Targeter increases weapon accuracy. | Assault Rifle with Longshot Sight and Silencer. UNSC Marine Corps Interim Fireteam Support (IFS) configuration for intermediate-range combat and long-range suppression. Silencer reduces visibility on enemy Motion Trackers when firing. |
FA Longhsot (Longshot AR) |
FA Longhsot (Longshot AR) |
FC Longshot (Longshot BR) |
FC Longshot (Longshot BR) |
Assault Rifle with Longshot Sight and Stabilization Jets. UNSC Marine Corps Interim Fireteam Support (IFS) configuration for intermediate-range combat and long-range suppression. Stabilization Jets help control recoil. | Assault Rifle with Longshot Sight and Kinetic Bolts. UNSC Marine Corps Interim Fireteam Support (IFS) configuration for intermediate-range combat and long-range suppression. Kinetic Bolts augment knockback and damage against vehicles. | Battle Rifle with Longshot Sight. Marksman configuration preferred by many Requiem veterans. | Battle Rifle with Longshot Sight and Long Barrel. Marksman configuration preferred by many Requiem veterans. Long Barrel increases effective range. |
FC Longshot (Longshot BR) |
FC Longshot (Longshot BR) |
FC Longshot (Longshot BR) |
FC Longshot (Longshot BR) |
Battle Rifle with Longshot Sight and Laser Targeter. Marksman configuration preferred by many Requiem veterans. Laser Targeter increases weapon accuracy. | Battle Rifle with Longshot Sight and Silencer. Marksman configuration preferred by many Requiem veterans. Silencer reduces visibility on enemy Motion Trackers when firing. | Battle Rifle with Longshot Sight and Stabilization Jets. Marksman configuration preferred by many Requiem veterans. Stabilization Jets help control recoil. | Battle Rifle with Longshot Sight and Kinetic Bolts. Marksman configuration preferred by many Requiem veterans. Kinetic Bolts augment knockback and damage against vehicles. |
Mitraillette (SMG) |
Mitraillette (SMG) |
Mitraillette (SMG) |
Mitraillette (SMG) |
SMG with CQB Sight. Rapid fire submachine gun best suited for close-quarters combat while leveraging Smart-Link. | SMG with CQB Sight and Long Barrel. Rapid fire submachine gun best suited for close-quarters combat while leveraging Smart-Link. Long Barrel increases effective range. | SMG with CQB Sight and Laser Targeter. Rapid fire submachine gun best suited for close-quarters combat while leveraging Smart-Link. Laser Targeter increases weapon accuracy. | SMG with CQB Sight and Silencer. Rapid fire submachine gun best suited for close-quarters combat while leveraging Smart-Link. Silencer reduces visibility on enemy Motion Trackers when firing. |
Mitraillette (SMG) |
Mitraillette (SMG) |
FC Classique (Classic BR) |
FC Classique (Classic BR) |
SMG with CQB Sight and Stabilization Jets. Rapid fire submachine gun best suited for close-quarters combat while leveraging Smart-Link. Stabilization Jets help control recoil. | SMG with CQB Sight and Kinetic Bolts. Rapid fire submachine gun best suited for close-quarters combat while leveraging Smart-Link. Kinetic Bolts augment knockback and damage against vehicles. | FBattle Rifle with Classic Sight and Long Barrel. Tactical configuration fitted with rugged combat optics preferred by veteran Spartans. Long Barrel increases effective range. | Battle Rifle with Classic Sight and Laser Targeter. Tactical configuration fitted with rugged combat optics preferred by veteran Spartans. Laser Targeter increases weapon accuracy. |
FC Classique (Classic BR) |
FC Classique (Classic BR) |
FC Classique (Classic BR) |
Battle Rifle with Classic Sight and Silencer. Tactical configuration fitted with rugged combat optics preferred by veteran Spartans. Silencer reduces visibility on enemy Motion Trackers when firing. | Battle Rifle with Classic Sight and Stabilization Jets. Tactical configuration fitted with rugged combat optics preferred by veteran Spartans. Stabilization Jets help control recoil. | Battle Rifle with Classic Sight and Kinetic Bolts. Tactical configuration fitted with rugged combat optics preferred by veteran Spartans. Kinetic Bolts augment knockback and damage against vehicles. | SMG with CQB Sight and Extended Mag. Rapid fire submachine gun best suited for close-quarters combat while leveraging Smart-Link. Extended Mags increase both ready and reserve ammunition capacity. |
Fusil d'assaut (Assault rifle) |
Fusil de combat (Battle rifle) |
FA Hybrid (Hybrid AR) |
FC Hybrid (Hybrid BR) |
Assault Rifle with Projection Sight and Threat Marker. Standard-issue fully-automatic rifle effective at short to medium range. Threat Marker tracks targeted enemy personnel for a short time. | Battle Rifle with Recon Sight and Threat Marker. Standard-issue burst-fire rifle that can excel at any engagement range. Threat Marker tracks targeted enemy personnel for a short time. | Assault Rifle with Hybrid Sight. Testbed for human-Sangheili technology sharing, fitted with a modified Carbine holoscope. | Battle Rifle with Hybrid Sight. Joint Task Force Sierra configuration undergoing evaluation by the UNSC Ordnance Commission. |
Fusil d'assaut (Assault rifle) |
Fusil de combat (Battle rifle) |
Fusil d'assaut COG (COG Assault Rifle) |
Fusil de combat COG (COG Battle Rifle) |
Assault Rifle with Projection Sight and Sound Dampener. Standard-issue fully-automatic rifle effective at short to medium range. Sound Dampener increases effective range and reduces firing signature. | Battle Rifle with Recon Sight and Sound Dampener. Standard-issue burst-fire rifle that can excel at any engagement range. Sound Dampener increases effective range and reduces firing signature. | Assault Rifle with COG. Security configuration issued to ONI’s armed-response teams. | Battle Rifle with COG. Army SPECWARCOM configuration currently undergoing final evaluation. |
FA Morph (Morph AR) |
Fusil de combat Morph (Morph BR) | ||
Assault Rifle with Morph Sight. Test configuration issued to Spartans assigned to Infinity’s science field teams. | Battle Rifle with Morph Sight. Work continues on analyzing ‘resonance’ exhibited by the Morph Sight with certain weapons. |
Armes lourdes[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Arme aléatoire (Random Weapon) |
Épée à énergie (Energy Sword) |
Fusil sniper (Sniper Rifle) |
Grenadier-plasma (Plasma Caster) |
Requisition a random weapon of uncommon or higher rarity. This can provide a weapon you otherwise do not have the Level or Energy to acquire. | Deadly plasma-based melee weapon. Successful strikes deplete the sword's limited energy charge. | Semi-automatic multi-role heavy rifle with variable-zoom 4x/9x optics. Best used at long range in conjunction with Smart-Link. | Fires plasma bolts that can be bounced off terrain to reach targets behind cover. Bolts stick and will chain-detonate when fired using Smart-Link. |
Hydra (Hydra Launcher) |
Lance-roquettes (Rocket Launcher) |
Pistolet à combustible (Fuel Rod Cannon) |
Législateur (Lawgiver) |
Portable mini-missile launcher. Use Smart-Link to lock-on to targets before firing. | Shoulder-fired heavy weapon widely issued to UNSC Army, Marine Corps, and Spartan infantry to counter enemy vehicles and Promethean Knights. Can fire two missiles per magazine. Lock-on to air targets using Smart-Link before firing. | Magazine-fed, shoulder-fired heavy weapon that fires explosive fuel rods. Modern fuel rod cannons are significantly more accurate than those used by the old Covenant; a refinement sourced from the multi-species workshops on Venezia. | Dura lex. Sed lex. Improved Shotgun with increased damage, accuracy, and rate of fire. |
Trombe (Hailstorm) |
Poing serré (Closed Fist) |
Boutefeu (Spitfire) |
Coup de fouet (Whiplash) |
The Hailstorm owes much to a pre-Covenant weapon used during the volatile early-interstellar period of Sangheili history. Improved Needler which fires fast-moving crystal shards that exhibit strong homing behavior. | Left hand of Endurance-of-Will, the Didact's loyal lieutenant. Improved Boltshot with an extended magazine and faster rate of fire. | The skill and finesse of Kig-Yar armorers should never be underestimated. Improved Plasma Pistol with faster rate of fire and reduced heat generated per shot. | Acheron Security has made great strides in developing compact, fast-discharge energy cells and miniaturized sensors. Improved Railgun with a faster charge cycle, multiple shots per magazine, and projectiles fitted with proximity airburst fuses. |
Soif de destruction (Appetite for Destruction) |
Déluge de l'oubli (Rain of Oblivion) |
Furie (Fury) |
Hymne de Paix (Song of Peace) |
Raze everything to the ground. Improved SAW fitted with a high capacity drum magazine. | The Rain of Oblivion's grip has been held by a thousand heroes and a hundred villains. Upgraded Carbine with fully automatic action and extended magazine. | Ancient Sangheili script carved on the plasma generator casing is a curse aimed at any wielder without bloodstained hands. Improved Storm Rifle with improved heat dissipation and better accuracy. | In the chaotic final days of the Forerunner ecumene an unfortunate number of the Librarian’s Conservation Measure operations required military intervention to complete. Upgraded Suppressor with both a faster rate of fire and reduced recoil. |
Fusil à plasma Brute (Brute Plasma Rifle) |
Lance-grenades (Grenade Launcher) | ||
Newly manufactured Brute Plasma Rifles continue to appear in the hands of mercenaries and raiders, though their source is unknown. All Brute Plasma Rifles are capable of unleashing a devastating fusillade of plasma bolts between emergency cooling breaks. | M319's are single shot, break-action grenade launchers that can fire a variety of 40mm rounds. Hold trigger for alternate fuse: release trigger to manually detonate with EMP effect. The grenade can be bounced to reach around cover. |
Véhicules[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Apparition (Wraith) |
Apparition de la Lame (Sword Wraith) |
Ghost | Ghost de la Lame (Sword Ghost) |
Assault tank armed with a heavy plasma mortar and pintle-mounted plasma cannon. Can boost for quick sprints. The latest Wraith revisits an ancient Sangheili design that is easier to manufacture and less costly to lose. | The Swords of Sanghelios care more for crew safety and maintenance protocols than the Covenant, which translates into higher utilization rates and healthier pilots. Upgraded Wraith with thicker armor. | Fast attack bike fitted with dual rapid-fire plasma cannons. Can boost for extra speed, at the expense of maneuverability. | The Arbiter's contacts and influence give him the ability to acquire new Ghosts manufactured with the latest nanolaminate blends. Upgraded Ghost with thicker armor. |
Gungoose industriel (Corp Gungoose) |
Warthog urbain (Urban Warthog) |
Véhicule aléatoire (Random Vehicle) |
Warthog sylvestre (Woodland Warthog) |
Corporate security is authorized to respond to incursions with lethal force on colonies plagued by increasing Insurrection violence. Rugged Gungoose with extra armor. | Harsh lessons in Promethean firepower have led to a program to increase the durability of new Warthogs deployed to combat zones. Improved Warthog with upgraded armor. | Requisition a random vehicle of uncommon or higher rarity. This can provide a vehicle you otherwise do not have the Level or Energy to acquire. | UNSC Army FAV's in woodland camouflage were once a common sight in the remote forested regions of Earth's garden colonies. They will be again, if the UEG has its way. Improved Warthog with extra armor. |
Warthog toundra (Tundra Warthog) |
Warthog de rallye (Rally Warthog) | ||
The long war against the Covenant often took the UNSC military into inhospitable areas of their colony worlds to hide from orbital bombardment or raid the aliens' enigmatic archaeological digs. Improved Warthog with extra armor. | Extreme racing on New Carthage combines deadly wildlife, rugged terrain, heavy weapons, and insane driving skill. Advanced Warthog with heavy armor and greatly increased speed. |
Modifications d'armure[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Boucliers améliorés (Upgraded Shields) |
La mort venue d'en haut (Death From Above) |
Increased shield strength. | Upgraded stabilizers with increased hang time and full stall. In addition, the Ground Pound attack charges faster and has increased damage, knockback, and launch speed. |
Livrées[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Déclin (Fade) |
Déclin (Fade) |
Déclin (Fade) |
Déclin (Fade) |
Spring inevitably turns to fall. | Spring inevitably turns to fall. | Spring inevitably turns to fall. | Spring inevitably turns to fall. |
Déclin (Fade) | |||
Spring inevitably turns to fall. |
Poses[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Brèche (Breach) |
Dernier bastion (Last Stand) |
Funeste résolution (Grim Resolve) |
Brutalité (Brutalist) |
Ready to rock. | The breakwater. | There are worse places to die. | Subtlety is a dirty word. |
Assassinats[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Essorage (Spin Cycle) |
La bonne blague (A Good Ribbing) |
Va te faire (Shove It) |
Cleanup in War Games, Bay Two. | You'll always have the last laugh. | Bringing knives to gunfights since 2553. |
Power-ups[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Armure I (Overshield I) |
Boost accélération II (Speed Boost II) |
Camouflage actif I (Active Camo I) |
Overshield adds an extra layer of shields that do not regenerate. This extra layer is displayed in green on the HUD's shield indicator. Short duration. | Speed Boost temporarily increases movement, reloading, assassination, and weapon switch speed. Medium duration. | Active Camo creates a refractive field that provides optical masking. Quick movements and offensive actions destabilize the effect. Short duration. |
Boosts[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Boost de PR en arène (Arena RP Boost) |
Boost d'EXP en arène (Arena XP Boost) |
Jackpot d'EXP en arène (Arena XP Jackpot) |
Manœuvre : frags de Spartans (Gambit: Spartan Kills) |
Finish an Arena game and claim your RP reward. | Finish an Arena game and claim your XP reward. | Finish an Arena game and claim a randomized XP reward. | Rank in the top 50% for Spartan Kills and claim your XP reward. Finish closer to the top for additional XP. |
Mission : victoire (Mission: Victory) |
Boost de PR en Zone de combat (Warzone RP Boost) |
Boost d'EXP en Zone de combat (Warzone XP Boost) |
Jackpot d'EXP en Zone de combat (Warzone XP Jackpot) |
Win an Arena game and claim your XP reward. | Finish a Warzone game and claim your RP reward. | Finish a Warzone game and claim your XP reward. | Finish a Warzone game and claim a randomized XP reward. |
Manœuvre : assistance (Gambit: Assist) |
Mission : victoire (Mission: Victory) | ||
Rank in the top 50% for Assists and claim your XP reward. Finish closer to the top for additional XP. | Win a Warzone game and claim your XP reward. |
Rare[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Armes de paquetages[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
DMR with Longshot Sight. Powerful and accurate semi-automatic rifle best used at mid to long-range. | DMR with Longshot Sight and Long Barrel. Powerful and accurate semi-automatic rifle best used at mid to long-range. Long Barrel increases effective range. | DMR with Longshot Sight and Laser Targeter. Powerful and accurate semi-automatic rifle best used at mid to long-range. Laser Targeter increases weapon accuracy. | DMR with Longshot Sight and Silencer. Powerful and accurate semi-automatic rifle best used at mid to long-range. Silencer reduces visibility on enemy Motion Trackers when firing. |
DMR | DMR | FC Sentinel (Sentinel BR) |
FC Sentinel (Sentinel BR) |
DMR with Longshot Sight and Stabilization Jets. Powerful and accurate semi-automatic rifle best used at mid to long-range. Stabilization Jets help control recoil. | DMR with Longshot Sight and Kinetic Bolts. Powerful and accurate semi-automatic rifle best used at mid to long-range. Kinetic Bolts augment knockback and damage against vehicles. | Battle Rifle with Sentinel Sight. Delta-Six special forces configuration with variable-zoom 4x/6x optics; optimized for long-range, pinpoint lethality. | Battle Rifle with Sentinel Sight and Long Barrel. Delta-Six special forces configuration with variable-zoom 4x/6x optics; optimized for long-range, pinpoint lethality. Long Barrel increases effective range. |
FC Sentinel (Sentinel BR) |
FC Sentinel (Sentinel BR) |
FC Sentinel (Sentinel BR) |
FC Sentinel (Sentinel BR) |
Battle Rifle with Sentinel Sight and Laser Targeter. Delta-Six special forces configuration with variable-zoom 4x/6x optics; optimized for long-range, pinpoint lethality. Laser Targeter increases weapon accuracy. | Battle Rifle with Sentinel Sight and Silencer. Delta-Six special forces configuration with variable-zoom 4x/6x optics; optimized for long-range, pinpoint lethality. Silencer reduces visibility on enemy Motion Trackers when firing. | Battle Rifle with Sentinel Sight and Stabilization Jets. Delta-Six special forces configuration with variable-zoom 4x/6x optics; optimized for long-range, pinpoint lethality. Stabilization Jets help control recoil. | Battle Rifle with Sentinel Sight and Kinetic Bolts. Delta-Six special forces configuration with variable-zoom 4x/6x optics; optimized for long-range, pinpoint lethality. Kinetic Bolts augment knockback and damage against vehicles. |
Mitraillette Projection (Projection SMG) |
Mitraillette Projection (Projection SMG) |
Mitraillette Projection (Projection SMG) |
Mitraillette Projection (Projection SMG) |
SMG with Projection Sight. SWAT configuration used by UNSC military police and UEG security forces. | SMG with Projection Sight and Long Barrel. SWAT configuration used by UNSC military police and UEG security forces. Long Barrel increases effective range. | SMG with Projection Sight and Laser Targeter. SWAT configuration used by UNSC military police and UEG security forces. Laser Targeter increases weapon accuracy. | SMG with Projection Sight and Silencer. SWAT configuration used by UNSC military police and UEG security forces. Silencer reduces visibility on enemy Motion Trackers when firing. |
Mitraillette Projection (Projection SMG) |
Mitraillette Projection (Projection SMG) |
Fusil de combat (Battle Rifle) |
Fusil d'assaut (Assault Rifle) |
SMG with Projection Sight and Stabilization Jets. SWAT configuration used by UNSC military police and UEG security forces. Stabilization Jets help control recoil. | SMG with Projection Sight and Kinetic Bolts. SWAT configuration used by UNSC military police and UEG security forces. Kinetic Bolts augment knockback and damage against vehicles. | Battle Rifle with Recon Sight and Energy Bayonet. Standard-issue burst-fire rifle that can excel at any engagement range. Energy Bayonet increases melee damage and range. | Assault Rifle with Projection Sight and Energy Bayonet. Standard-issue fully-automatic rifle effective at short to medium range. Energy Bayonet increases melee damage and range. |
FA Recon (Recon AR) |
Fusil d'assaut (Assault Rifle) |
Fusil de combat (Battle Rifle) |
Assault Rifle with Recon Sight and Energy Bayonet. UNSC Army configuration with quick-acquisition sights for mid-range engagements. Energy Bayonet increases melee damage and range. | Assault Rifle with Projection Sight and Knight Blade. Standard-issue fully-automatic rifle effective at short to medium range. Knight Blade increases melee effectiveness, with extra damage and knockback against vehicles. | Battle Rifle with Recon Sight and Knight Blade. Standard-issue burst-fire rifle that can excel at any engagement range. Knight Blade increases melee effectiveness, with extra damage and knockback against vehicles. | DMR with Longshot Sight and Extended Mag. Powerful and accurate semi-automatic rifle best used at mid to long-range. Extended Mags increase both ready and reserve ammunition capacity. |
DMR | Mitraillette (SMG) |
DMR Hybrid (Hybrid DMR) |
Mitraillette Hybrid (Hybrid SMG) |
DMR with Longshot Sight and Threat Marker. Powerful and accurate semi-automatic rifle best used at mid to long-range. Threat Marker tracks targeted enemy personnel for a short time. | SMG with CQB Sight and Threat Marker. Rapid fire submachine gun best suited for close-quarters combat while leveraging Smart-Link. Threat Marker tracks targeted enemy personnel for a short time. | DMR with Hybrid Sight. Improvised configuration used by Swords of Sanghelios warriors on joint patrols. | SMG with Hybrid Sight. Personal defense weapon configuration used by Sangheili liaison teams. |
DMR | Mitraillette (SMG) |
Mitraillette COG (COG SMG) |
DMR with Longshot Sight and Sound Dampener. Powerful and accurate semi-automatic rifle best used at mid to long-range. Sound Dampener increases effective range and reduces firing signature. | SMG with CQB Sight and Sound Dampener. Rapid fire submachine gun best suited for close-quarters combat while leveraging Smart-Link. Sound Dampener increases effective range and reduces firing signature. | DMR with COG. Increasingly popular configuration offered for sale in civilian markets on the frontier. | MSMG with COG. Interdiction configuration used by Marine and Spartan boarding parties. |
DMR Morph (Morph DMR) |
Mitraillette Morph (Morph SMG) | ||
DMR with Morph Sight. The Morph Sight has demonstrated enhanced acquisition speed against targets exhibiting Flood signatures. | SMG with Morph Sight. Advanced tactical configuration used by the UEG’s elite bodyguard corps. |
Armes lourdes[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Arme aléatoire (Random Weapon) |
Canon incendiaire (Incineration Cannon) |
Fusil léger (LightRifle) |
Fusil sniper covenant (Beam Rifle) |
Requisition a random weapon of rare or higher rarity. This can provide a weapon you otherwise do not have the Level or Energy to acquire. | Heavy cannon that fires a powerful energy charge. Main charge spawns submunitions on impact. | Accurate and powerful, LightRifles were the standard-issue weapon of ancient Promethean warriors. | Long-range semi-automatic energy rifle with variable-zoom 4x/10x optics. Use Smart-Link to line up headshots for one-shot kills. |
Laser spartan (Spartan Laser) |
Répercuteur (Scattershot) |
Tourelle à dispersion (Splinter Turret) |
Tourelle plasma (Plasma turret) |
Anti-vehicle laser. Requires a short warmup time before firing. | Short-range semi-automatic energy shotgun. Energy projectiles ricochet off hard surfaces and exhibit homing behavior. | Fires hardlight projectiles that break apart and detonate after impact. | Rapid-fire plasma cannon. |
Éclat vorace (Ravening Sliver) |
Brasier de la gloire (Blaze of Glory) |
Terminus (End of the Line) |
Fléau ardent (Scourge of Fire) |
Each of these lightweight relic blades is marked by its creator and first owner, but their legacy has long since been forgotten. Improved Energy Sword that can be swung more rapidly. | Advanced technology married to brutal simplicity. Advanced Shotgun with Forerunner mechanism to fire fast-moving hardlight projectiles with extra range and anti-vehicle effect. Reloads with a single shell. | All good things must come to an end. Improved Sniper Rifle with reduced recoil, but emphasis on faster rate-of-fire has slightly reduced damage. | Modifying design patterns to enhance their performance was once considered apostasy. Improved Plasma Caster that fires two plasma bolts per shot and does not overheat. |
Typhon | Ad Victoriam | Serre des égarés (Talon of the Lost) |
Lueur d'Urs (Light of Urs) |
What Chalybs builds, Watershed Division perfects. Improved Hydra Launcher with upgraded recoil compensation, warhead damage, and reload speed. | There's nowhere to hide. Improved Rocket Launcher that fires two additional missiles in a "V" pattern with each shot. All three missiles can be laser-guided when using Smart-Link and feature an airburst proximity fuse. | Sangheili miners and engineers continue to discover amazing new properties of the Subanese crystals used in Needler ammunition. Advanced Needler that fires carefully calibrated shards that can embed themselves in armor. | The war on Sanghelios has led to unprecedented advances in fuel rod technology. Improved Fuel Rod Cannon that fires faster-moving projectiles that do more damage. |
Cœur sur la main (Open Hand) |
Déchirure du néant (Void's Tear) |
Arc électrique (Arclight) |
Réponse à tout (The Answer) |
Right hand of Endurance-of-Will, the Didact's loyal lieutenant. Advanced Boltshot that fires a swarm of tracking bolts with each press of the trigger. | Superheating exotic nuclear isomers is pure folly, but it was done with the best of intentions. Advanced Plasma Pistol with overcharged shots that create an unstable gravimetric vortex at point of impact, pulling in nearby objects then exploding. | Those who can't acquire super-soldiers acquire super-weapons instead. Advanced Railgun firing armor-piercing high-explosive (APHE) projectiles. Shots take longer to charge, but can be held indefinitely. | Inquiring sentients want to know. Advanced SAW with slightly lower rate of fire, but each projectile has a proximity-fused high explosive warhead. |
Lance-Roquettes SPNKr (SPNKr Rocket Launcher) |
SPNKr EM | Sang de Suban (Blood of Suban) |
Marteau antigrav (Gravity Hammer) |
Make some noise! Twin-tube shoulder-fired rocket launcher with Smart-Link sights. Rockets can lock-on to air targets. | Four rockets, two tubes, one launcher. Improved SPNKr Rocket Launcher with four-round magazine. SPNKr EM rockets can home on both air and ground targets. | The genius and talent of the artisan-armorers on Suban is only matched by their newfound avarice. Advanced Carbine that fires armor-piercing Needler shards. If multiple shards quickly strike a target they will create a "supercombine" explosion. | Brutally effective melee weapon that combines a hammer with repurposed gravitic impellers on the striking face. Each smash unleashes a damaging area-of-effect pulse with knockback. Regular melee attacks are weaker, but do not consume energy. |
Torpeur extasiée (Blissful Slumber) |
Massacreur (Corpse Maker) |
Fil du Rasoir (Razor's Edge) |
Douleur de Teash (Sorrow of Teash) |
There is no rest for the weary merchants of death who labor to feed the fires of war on Sanghelios. Advanced Storm Rifle with increased damage and knockback on hit. Each plasma bolt detonates on impact, causing a small secondary explosion. | Made of the finest materials its creator could coerce or steal from raider lairs on Warial and Teash. Improved Gravity Hammer with faster swing time and increased lunge range. | As extinction loomed, desperation led the Forerunners to experiment with volatile derivations of hard light. Advanced Suppressor firing fast-moving metastable energy shards. If multiple shards strike a target they will create a "supercombine" explosion. | The warlords who control marauding Brute fleets and thrall colonies have the resources to procure the services of expert weapon smiths from across known space. Improved Brute Plasma Rifle with better accuracy and upgraded heat dissipation. |
Fusil sniper covenant Halo 2 (Halo 2 Beam Rifle) |
Étreinte malfaisante (Wicked Grasp) |
Pro du lance-grenade (Pro Pipe) |
Rayon de sentinelle Sauvegarde (Safeguard Sentinel Beam) |
The T-50 Beam Rifle is a Covenant long-range directed-energy weapon used by raiders, snipers, and scout-executors. Long-range semi-automatic energy rifle with variable-zoom optics. Use Smart-Link to line up headshots for one-shot kills. | The Lekgolo that remain in this stolen limb retain a feral vestige of their once-expansive composite mind. The Wicked Grasp fires bursts of tracking plasma shots. | Professional problem solvers demand proximity fusing and dynamic ballistics. Improved Grenade Launcher rounds adjust trajectory after ricochets to maximize lethality. EMP alt-fire mode is retained. | The sterilization beams of Safeguard Sentinels are highly efficient at containing and cauterizing intrusions into their assigned protectorate. Stolen beam projectors suffer from overheating and a limited internal power supply. |
Véhicules[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Apparition ultra (Wraith Ultra) |
Banshee | Banshee de la Lame (Sword Banshee) |
Ghost ultra |
Wraith Ultras are dedicated siege vehicles fitted with a new plasma mortar that can blanket large areas in superheated destruction with a single shot. Superior Wraith with heavy armor and significantly upgraded armament. | Agile ground attack aircraft. Armed with rapid-fire plasma cannons and secondary fuel rod cannon. Can perform acrobatic rolls and loops or high-speed boosts. | The Swords of Sanghelios have expended many of their old Banshees, though defections and captured supply depots mean their hangars are well stocked with Hesduros-pattern vehicles. Upgraded Banshee with thicker armor. | These next-generation Ghosts are sourced exclusively from the independent Sangheili colony of Whispering Trees and fitted with plasma cannons of unsurpassed lethality-to-weight ratios. Superior Ghost with heavy armor and significantly upgraded armament. |
Gungoose de l'ONI (ONI Gungoose) |
Gungoose urbain (Urban Gungoose) |
Scorpion | Scorpion industriel (Corp Scorpion) |
ONI fits the Gungoose's grenades with timed fuses that allow them to ricochet. Advanced Gungoose with heavy armor and upgraded grenade launchers. | Armed Mongoose deployed by Army scouts and Spartan long-range recon teams. Improved Gungoose with upgraded armor. | Main battle tank armed with a heavy cannon and pintle-mounted heavy machine gun. This new iteration of the storied Scorpion is half the mass of the old M808 yet has nearly identical firepower and armor protection. | Liang Dortmund's bonded security force is authorized to use a range of milspec hardware to defend remote installations. Rugged Scorpion with extra armor. |
Véhicule aléatoire (Random Vehicle) |
Warthog de l'ONI (ONI Warthog) |
Gungoose sylvestre (Woodland Gungoose) |
Gungoose toundra (Tundra Gungoose) |
Requisition a random vehicle of rare or higher rarity. This can provide a vehicle you otherwise do not have the Level or Energy to acquire. | ONI Warthogs are loaded with high explosive dual purpose (HEDP) rounds. Advanced Warthog with heavy armor and upgraded chaingun. | Army reconnaissance units appreciate the mobility and firepower afforded by the Gungoose, particularly in remote colonies that lack road systems of any kind. Improved Gungoose with extra armor. | Gungoose units operating in frigid and wet operating environs add anti-corrosion treatments and de-icing systems to the standard UNSC all-environment features. Improved Gungoose with extra armor. |
Warthog de la Lame Needler (Sword Needler Warthog) |
Apparition Temple (Temple Wraith) |
Ghost Temple (Temple Ghost) |
Wasp |
Experiments with Subanese crystal explosives and Sangheili shield technology are being pioneered by UNSC forces working with the Arbiter. Advanced Warthog with Needle-firing chaingun and regenerative energy shields being tested in War Games. | In the distant past, Zealots alone had the terrible responsibility of destroying parasite-tainted Forerunner gifts that ran amok after activation. Masterwork Wraith with hardened armor, improving handling, and a faster rate-of-fire for the plasma mortar. | Driven by veteran Zealots who have mastered their impetuous natures, the Temple Ghost is a rare treasure worth its weight in lesser warriors. Masterwork Ghost with hardened armor, improving handling, and plasma cannons that can shoot while boosting. | The AV-49 Wasp supplements existing stocks of AV-14 and AV-22 aircraft in Marine service. Close air support VTOL armed with heavy machine guns and twin rocket launchers. |
Modifications d'armure[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Booster de réflexes (Reflex Enhancers) |
Grenade à dispersion - Expert (Splinter Grenade Expert) |
Grenade à fragmentation - Expert (Frag Grenade Expert) |
Increased weapon handling speed and you can reload while sprinting. | Start play with an additional Splinter Grenade. Your maximum Splinter Grenade capacity is increased. | Start play with 3 Frag Grenades. Your maximum Frag Grenade capacity is increased. |
Grenadier | Pilote (Wheelman) | |
All of your grenades are extra-powerful. As a safety precaution, you also take reduced damage from grenade explosions. | Any vehicle you are seated in quickly recovers from EMP effects and has increased damage resistance. Damage resistance stacks for each passenger using Wheelman. |
Livrées[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Acier (Steel) |
Machine spartane (Green Machine) |
Machine spartane (Green Machine) |
Machine spartane (Green Machine) |
What is victory without resolve? | Spartans use the same wargear as other UNSC military personnel, with their own stylistic flair added. | Spartans use the same wargear as other UNSC military personnel, with their own stylistic flair added. | Spartans use the same wargear as other UNSC military personnel, with their own stylistic flair added. |
Machine spartane (Green Machine) |
Machine spartane (Green Machine) |
Spirale (Spiral) |
Spirale (Spiral) |
Spartans use the same wargear as other UNSC military personnel, with their own stylistic flair added. | Spartans use the same wargear as other UNSC military personnel, with their own stylistic flair added. | The golden ratio rules all. | The golden ratio rules all. |
Spirale (Spiral) |
Spirale (Spiral) |
Spirale (Spiral) |
Vengeance |
The golden ratio rules all. | The golden ratio rules all. | The golden ratio rules all. | Thus I refute thee. |
Écaillé (Scratched) |
Écaillé (Scratched) |
Old Abe | Pleine lune (Full Moon) |
You could have painted this, but you didn't. | You could have painted this, but you didn't. | Hear that? Sounds like freedom taking flight! | One Spartan wolf pack. |
Dernière tranche (Last Slice) |
Cent patates (Lord of the Fries) |
Dernière aube (Last Dawn) |
Dernière aube (Last Dawn) |
Hotter than Covenant plasma. | So much salt. | Hope is renewed at light’s break. | Hope is renewed at light’s break. |
Dernière aube (Last Dawn) |
Dernière aube (Last Dawn) |
Dernière aube (Last Dawn) |
Acier bleu (Blue steel) |
Hope is renewed at light’s break. | Hope is renewed at light’s break. | Hope is renewed at light’s break. | Propellants are the essence of kinetic energy, and kinetic energy is the essence of lethality. |
Acier bleu (Blue steel) |
Acier bleu (Blue steel) |
Acier bleu (Blue steel) |
Acier bleu (Blue steel) |
If looks could kill. | Designed by professionals, for professionals. | Blue is very fashionable this year. | Walk the firing line like you own it. |
Rêve d'azur (Azure Dream) |
Rêve d'azur (Azure Dream) |
Rêve d'azur (Azure Dream) |
Rêve d'azur (Azure Dream) |
It's all about the glory. | Get cozy with your fireteam and dominate War Games. | The UNSC needs every able body on the line to resist the Created. | Spread hate and discontent among the Covenant and Created forces. |
Rêve d'azur (Azure Dream) |
UNSC | UNSC | Maîtrise totale (Master Control) |
Put your boot up some alien backsides! | Defending Earth and her colonies since 2163. | Welcome to Earth. | Enjoy the power you have been given. |
Maîtrise totale (Master Control) |
Maîtrise totale (Master Control) |
Maîtrise totale (Master Control) |
Maîtrise totale (Master Control) |
Survive. | The Covenant started small, and ended small. | Prepare to terminate. | A new frontier. |
Culture populaire (Pop Culture) |
Culture populaire (Pop Culture) |
Culture populaire (Pop Culture) |
Culture populaire (Pop Culture) |
Just kitten, this description is totally serious business. | Totally pawsome! | Stop your shenanigans right meow. | Purr-pare to face the UNSC’s wrath! |
Culture populaire (Pop Culture) |
Monstruosité (Monstrous) |
Monstruosité (Monstrous) |
Monstruosité (Monstrous) |
Cat got your tongue? | Fear is highly articulated. | The damage adds up over time. | From the depths... |
Monstruosité (Monstrous) |
Monstruosité (Monstrous) | ||
Still waters conceal murderous intent. | The rattle of ejected casings announces its presence. |
Poses[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Baptême du feu (Into The Fire) |
Disciple (Believe) |
On attaque ! (Engage) |
Reconnaissance urbaine (Urban Recon) |
The flames of war climb higher. | Points of light in an infinite darkness. | Make it so. | Keep It Clean. |
Brume Rose (Pink Mist) |
Jamais trop prudent (Casual Carry) | ||
Messy. | Speak softly and carry some serious pocket artillery. |
Assassinats[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
À cran (That Took Guts) |
À outrance (Over the Top) |
Décollage ! (Liftoff) |
Et ne te relève pas ! (And Stay Down) |
That will leave a scar. | Well that's just uncalled for. | Pow! Right to the moon! ! | If I told you once, I told you a million times. |
Profil bas (Get low) |
Oh Flûte ! (Oh Snap) |
Remonté (Windup) |
À coup de poing (Fisticuffs) |
It's the dance sensation that's sweeping the nation. | I've got something to take your mind off the pain. | Twist and shout. | Good old fashioned beatdown. |
Tri sélectif (Take Out The Trash) | |||
Always remember to recycle used Spartans. |
Power-ups[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Armure II (Overshield II) |
Boost accélération III (Speed Boost III) |
Boost dégâts I (Damage Boost I) |
Camouflage actif II (Active Camo II) |
Overshield adds an extra layer of shields that do not regenerate. This extra layer is displayed in green on the HUD's shield indicator. Medium duration. | Speed Boost temporarily increases movement, reloading, assassination, and weapon switch speed. Long duration. | Damage Boost significantly increases the user's weapon, grenade, and vehicle damage for a short time. The Damage Boost also reduces visibility. Short duration. | Active Camo creates a refractive field that provides optical masking. Quick movements and offensive actions destabilize the effect. Medium duration. |
Boosts[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Boost de PR en arène (Arena RP Boost) |
Boost d'EXP en arène (Arena XP Boost) |
Jackpot de PR en arène (Arena RP Jackpot) |
Manœuvre : nombre de médailles (Gambit: Medal Count) |
Finish an Arena game and claim your RP reward. | Finish an Arena game and claim your XP reward. | Finish an Arena game and claim a randomized RP reward. | Rank in the top 50% for Medal Count and claim your XP reward. Finish closer to the top for additional XP. |
Boost de PR en Zone de combat (Warzone RP Boost) |
Boost d'EXP en Zone de combat (Warzone XP Boost) |
Jackpot de PR en Zone de combat (Warzone RP Jackpot) |
Manœuvre : frags de Spartans (Gambit: Spartan Kills) |
Finish a Warzone game and claim your RP reward. | Finish a Warzone game and claim your XP reward. | Finish a Warzone game and claim a randomized RP reward. | Rank in the top 50% for Spartan Kills and claim your XP reward. Finish closer to the top for additional XP. |
Super rare[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Arme de paquetage[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
DMR Recon (Recon DMR) |
DMR Recon (Recon DMR) |
DMR Recon (Recon DMR) |
DMR Recon (Recon DMR) |
DMR with Recon Sight. Marine Force Recon configuration that emphasizes ease of handling and mid-range accuracy. | DMR with Recon Sight and Long Barrel. Marine Force Recon configuration that emphasizes ease of handling and mid-range accuracy. Long Barrel increases effective range. | DMR with Recon Sight and Laser Targeter. Marine Force Recon configuration that emphasizes ease of handling and mid-range accuracy. Laser Targeter increases weapon accuracy. | DMR with Recon Sight and Silencer. Marine Force Recon configuration that emphasizes ease of handling and mid-range accuracy. Silencer reduces visibility on enemy Motion Trackers when firing. |
DMR Recon (Recon DMR) |
DMR Recon (Recon DMR) |
Mitraillette Recon (Recon SMG) |
Mitraillette Recon (Recon SMG) |
DMR with Recon Sight and Stabilization Jets. Marine Force Recon configuration that emphasizes ease of handling and mid-range accuracy. Stabilization Jets help control recoil. | DMR with Recon Sight and Kinetic Bolts. Marine Force Recon configuration that emphasizes ease of handling and mid-range accuracy. Kinetic Bolts augment knockback and damage against vehicles. | SMG with Recon Sight. Personal defense weapon configuration issued to UNSC pilots. | SMG with Recon Sight and Long Barrel. Personal defense weapon configuration issued to UNSC pilots. Long Barrel increases effective range. |
Mitraillette Recon (Recon SMG) |
Mitraillette Recon (Recon SMG) |
Mitraillette Recon (Recon SMG) |
Mitraillette Recon (Recon SMG) |
SMG with Recon Sight and Laser Targeter. Personal defense weapon configuration issued to UNSC pilots. Laser Targeter increases weapon accuracy. | SMG with Recon Sight and Silencer. Personal defense weapon configuration issued to UNSC pilots. Silencer reduces visibility on enemy Motion Trackers when firing. | SMG with Recon Sight and Stabilization Jets. Personal defense weapon configuration issued to UNSC pilots. Stabilization Jets help control recoil. | SMG with Recon Sight and Kinetic Bolts. Personal defense weapon configuration issued to UNSC pilots. Kinetic Bolts augment knockback and damage against vehicles. |
FA Longshot (Longshot AR) |
FC Longshot (Longshot BR) |
Mitraillette (SMG) |
FC classique (Classic BR) |
Assault Rifle with Longshot Sight and Energy Bayonet. UNSC Marine Corps Interim Fireteam Support (IFS) configuration for intermediate-range combat and long-range suppression. Energy Bayonet increases melee damage and range. | Battle Rifle with Longshot Sight and Energy Bayonet. Marksman configuration preferred by many Requiem veterans. Energy Bayonet increases melee damage and range. | SMG with CQB Sight and Energy Bayonet. Rapid fire submachine gun best suited for close-quarters combat while leveraging Smart-Link. Energy Bayonet increases melee damage and range. | Battle Rifle with Classic Sight and Energy Bayonet. Tactical configuration fitted with rugged combat optics preferred by veteran Spartans. Energy Bayonet increases melee damage and range. |
Magnum | Magnum de pistolero (Gunfighter Magnum) |
Magnum tactique (Tactical Magnum) | |
Magnum with Projection Sight and Extended Mag. Standard-issue semi-automatic heavy pistol. Use Smart-Link and call your shots. Extended Mags increase both ready and reserve ammunition capacity. | Lightweight competition pistol carried by Spartan operators who prefer a no-frills backup firearm. Quick draw Magnum with fast-reload magazines. Iron sights only, no Smart-Link module is attached. | Whisper-quiet tactical pistol loaded with armor-piercing rounds, tailored for Spartan force reconnaissance missions. Match grade Magnum with integral baffle-free suppressor and full-VISR Smart-Link. |
Armes lourdes[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Fusil binaire (Binary Rifle) |
Tourelle mitrailleuse de l'ONI (ONI Chaingun Turret) |
Module lance-missiles (Rocket Pod Turret) |
Fleuve de lumière (River of Light) |
Semi-automatic sniper energy rifle with variable-zoom 4x/9x optics. Use Smart-Link when engaging targets at long range. | When guile and stealth fail, the direct approach is often the best. Fires high explosive dual purpose (HEDP) rounds. | Multirole missile launcher. | The war against the Flood led to many technical advances. All proved fruitless. Improved Incineration Cannon that will unleash a long burst of energy blasts if allowed to charge up by holding the firing trigger. |
Serre vorpale (Vorpal Talon) |
Assermenté (Oathsworn) |
Rétine mentale (Retina of the Mind's Eye) |
Flèche du temps (Arrow of Time) |
Light as a feather when wielded with unrestrained malice. Advanced Energy Sword that provides additional thruster hangtime and two thruster evades per cooldown. | Memories of loss and dreams of vengeance, sealed in steel and composites. Mythic Shotgun with increased damage, accuracy, and rate of fire. The user's movement speed is also increased while Oathsworn is equipped. | The core of this ancient weapon holds a shackled mind. Improved Binary Rifle upgraded with additional magazine capacity. | There's no going back. Advanced Sniper Rifle with extended magazine and heavy-duty cyberlink that prevents descope. Unfortunately, the weapon does have extra recoil to compensate for. |
Épée des fidèles (Sword of the Faithful) |
Balafre blafarde (White Scar) |
Échidné (Echidna) |
Tape m'en cinq (High Five) |
Personalized by the Prophet of Regret's majordomo. Improved Beam Rifle with enhanced hipfire accuracy, faster heat dissipation, and a higher rate of fire. | There is little honor to be found in slaughter, but that's enough for some. Advanced Plasma Caster that fires modified bolts set to proximity detonate if hipfired and have a Needler fragmentation effect. | Experimental mini-missile warheads are just one of Chalybs Defense's many R&D projects. Advanced Hydra Launcher loaded with experimental EMP warheads capable of temporarily disabling enemy vehicles. | BOOM! Advanced Rocket Launcher loaded with experimental submunition ammo. Each shot unleashes five Hydra mini-missiles that will lock-on to ground and air targets. |
Fin de partie (Endgame) |
Vérité murmurée (Whispered Truth) |
Bassin radieux (Pool of Radiance) |
Engin démoniaque (Loathsome Thing) |
Checkmate. Improved Spartan Laser with reduced charge time and additional battery capacity, but each shot does less damage. | Let the lady talk. Mythic Magnum machine pistol with burst fire and integral Silencer. Wielding the Whispered Truth increases movement speed. | Both the Swords of Sanghelios and Covenant use once-forbidden armaments in their bloody civil war. Advanced Fuel Rod Cannon that fires unstable projectiles which leave a dangerous residue in their impact area. | Stained in the ichor of uncountable foul parasites slain in a hundred thousand wretched hives. Improved Scattershot with increased damage, faster rate of fire, and extended magazine. |
Lance acérée (Barbed Lance) |
SPNKr EX | Broyeur (Grinder) |
Échelle de Soirapt (Scale of Soirapt) |
Even the most cunning stratagems and deadly artifice of Forerunner Warrior-Servants could not stop the voracious Flood. Improved LightRifle with an extended magazine and faster rate of fire. | No place to run. No place to hide. Advanced SPNKr Rocket Launcher that fires laser-guided cluster warhead munitions. SPNKr EX Rockets detonate in proximity to enemies, releasing explosive submunitions. | The sound of overloading shields, cracking bones, and shattering armor is music to Jiralhanae ears. Improved Gravity Hammer that unleashes a powerful shockwave from the point of impact. | Built in the image of the lifeless corpse-moon that orbits Doisac, with secrets that only the most cunning Jiralhanae can unlock. Advanced Brute Plasma Rifle with increased damage, but can also serve as an utterly lethal melee bludgeon. |
Fusil sniper covenant Alpha Halo 2 (Halo 2 Beam Rifle Alpha) |
Griffe du Berserker (Berserker's Claw) | ||
Kig-Yar snipers assigned the Fleet of Particular Justice displayed uncharacteristic bravery in their valiant defense against the Flood onslaught on Installation 04. Improved Halo 2 Beam Rifle with faster rate of fire and increased hipfire accuracy. | Spartans are well-versed at sourcing weapons from the remains of their enemies. The Berserker's Claw fires a devastating fuel rod shot after a short charging cycle. This fuel rod will track aerial targets. |
Véhicules[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Banshee ultra | Mantis | Mantis industriel (Corp Mantis) |
Scorpion urbain (Urban Scorpion) |
Only skilled Sangheili aces are entrusted with these rare and valuable aircraft, which means that each one is carefully husbanded for decisive strikes. Superior Banshee with heavy armor and significantly upgraded armament. | Combat walker armed with heavy machine gun and missile launcher. Missiles can lock-on to aerial targets. Melee unleashes a devastating stomp attack. Extended use of the heavy machine gun will cause it to overheat. | Liang Dortmund occasionally loan their Mantis walkers to local security forces for riot duty and shows of force. Their ammunition is replaced with less-than-lethal alternatives ... most of the time. Rugged Mantis with extra armor. | Support package for the Scorpion now being rolled out to Army and Marine Corps units expected to deploy against Insurrection forces in urban areas. Improved Scorpion with upgraded armor. |
Véhicule aléatoire (Random Vehicle) |
Warthog gauss (Gauss Warthog) |
Warthog gauss industriel (Corp Gauss Warthog) |
Warthog lance-roquettes (Rocket Warthog) |
Requisition a random vehicle of ultra rare or higher rarity. This can provide a vehicle you otherwise do not have the Level or Energy to acquire. | Warthog anti-tank configuration fitted with a heavy gauss cannon. | Officially, these are purchased to keep out large, aggressive animals. In reality they are typically deployed to keep out large, unruly crowds. Rugged Gauss Warthog with extra armor. | Warthog multi-role attack configuration with missile launcher pods. |
Warthog lance-roquettes industriel (Corp Rocket Warthog) |
Scorpion sylvestre (Woodland Scorpion) |
Scorpion toundra (Tundra Scorpion) |
Banshee Temple (Temple Banshee) |
A few credits in the right hands and even a missile platform can be ruled to have a legitimate use by corporate entities. Rugged Rocket Warthog with extra armor. | The new, lighter, Scorpion features improved off-road maneuverability and simplifies air transport into remote areas. Improved Scorpion with extra armor. | The Scorpion has always served with the UNSC on every campaign, both on Earth and every extrasolar holdfast that humanity has rooted itself on. Improved Scorpion with extra armor. | The sky-chevaliers of the Zealot orders reappeared during the Sangheili civil war. Masterwork Banshee with hardened armor, improved handling, and upgraded fuel rod cannon with reduced fire delay and ability to fire while boosting. |
Apparition antiaérienne (Anti-Air Wraith) |
Wasp ONI (ONI Wasp) | ||
The skyhunters of the Swords of Sanghelios and Covenant unleash a fusillade of flak bolts to clear the battlefield of enemy aircraft. Superior Wraith with heavy armor, fuel rod flak cannons, and shielded plasma repeater turret. | The size and mobility of the Wasp makes it a favorite of ONI Security teams in high-threat environments. ONI Wasps are loaded with all-environment homing missiles and HEDP machine gun rounds. Advanced Wasp with heavy armor and upgraded weapons. |
Modifications d'armure[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Booster de vitesse (Speed Booster) |
Grenade à plasma - Expert (Plasma Grenade Expert) |
Propulseurs améliorés (Upgraded Thrusters) |
Boîtier de patrouille (Patrol Case) |
Increased movement speed and jump height. | Start play with an additional Plasma Grenade. Your maximum Plasma Grenade capacity is increased. | Reduced cooldown on thruster evade. Faster sprint and can recharge shields when running. | You carry additional ready and reserve ammo for all loadout weapons. Requisition weapons have increased ammo reserves if you equip the same weapon twice. |
Livrées[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Lagrange | Perturbateur (Ruptive) |
Perturbateur (Ruptive) |
Perturbateur (Ruptive) |
Death seeps out from cold stars. Be prepared. | Approved by the UNSC Ordnance Commission in 2557. | Approved by the UNSC Ordnance Commission in 2557. | Approved by the UNSC Ordnance Commission in 2557. |
Perturbateur (Ruptive) |
Perturbateur (Ruptive) |
Soif de sang (Bloodthirst) |
Boomco au Magnum (Boomco Magnum Blaster) |
Approved by the UNSC Ordnance Commission in 2557. | Approved by the UNSC Ordnance Commission in 2557. | Peace through superior firepower. | Dive into the HALO Universe – blaster first! |
Boomco au FA (Boomco AR Blaster) |
Prestige | Prestige | Prestige |
Epic blasting action brought to life! | A, U! Where did you get that fancy weapon skin? | A, U! Where did you get that fancy weapon skin? | A, U! Where did you get that fancy weapon skin? |
Prestige | Prestige | ODST | ODST |
A, U! Where did you get that fancy weapon skin? | A, U! Where did you get that fancy weapon skin? | Make every shot count. | Feet first into the fire. |
Fireteam Osiris (Osiris Team) |
Fireteam Osiris (Osiris Team) |
Rictus de requin (Sharktooth Grin) |
Rictus de requin (Sharktooth Grin) |
Chief Tested. Buck Approved. | Every target’s just another target. | The ravenous maw betrays an insatiable taste for violence. | Spartans are the ultimate land-based predator. |
Spirit of Fire | Spirit of Fire | Aurum | Aurum |
Forged to perfection. | Rising from the ashes. | You don’t get the riches without some risk. | Wisdom is better than gold, but not by much. |
Aurum | Aurum | Aurum | Des crânes et des roses (Skulls and Roses) |
This gold is made with blood, sweat, and tears in War Games. | What’s next, gold-plated Warthogs? | The black and gold almost makes you look respectable. | There is a cruel irony in the use of anagathic medical treatments to enhance the hyper-lethality of Spartans. |
Des crânes et des roses (Skulls and Roses) |
Des crânes et des roses (Skulls and Roses) |
Des crânes et des roses (Skulls and Roses) |
Des crânes et des roses (Skulls and Roses) |
Fallen soldiers are remembered in detail by their comrades, in abstract by the UNSC. | A handful of high velocity metal slugs are all that separate the living from the dead. | Modern wars meld flesh, armor, and electronic ghosts into a terrifyingly efficient matrix of destruction. | Even super-soldiers occasionally reflect on their dual role as both defender and despoiler. |
Poses[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Assassin | Feu à volonté ! (Weapons Free) |
Hautes sphères (Look Skyward) |
Soutien armé (Fire Support) |
Blindsided and bushwhacked. | You are free to engage. | Heroes arrive fashionably late. | Beware of backblast. |
Centre de la masse (Center Mass) |
À coups de marteau (Hammer Time) |
Zoom puissant (Power Zoom) |
En garde (Menace) |
Practice your Mozambique Drill. | Everyone is a nail. | Payback for New Mombasa. | Sir, you have made a miscalculation. |
Assassinats[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Avec les respects d'Emile (Emile's Regards) |
Énucléation (Eyebiter) |
Éreinteur (Back Breaker) |
Le coup d'envoi (The Kickoff) |
It was fated to end this way. | Sightless eyes staring into nothing. | They'll break first. | Spartan Intramural Football Championship Edition. |
Raclée (Sweep the Leg) |
Bien tenté (Nice Try) |
Arrêtez de vous flageller ! (Stop Stabbing Yourself!) |
Vitesse maximale (Terminal Velocity) |
Taught in all Venezian dojos. | They won't be back for the sequel. | They started it! | There's a sudden stop at the end. |
Hep ! (Take a look) |
Coups de main (Helping Hands) |
Fatalité (Inevitability) | |
I've got something to show you. | Just kidding. | You cannot fight fate. |
Power-ups[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Armure III (Overshield III) |
Boost dégâts II (Damage Boost II) |
Camouflage actif III (Active Camo III) |
Overshield adds an extra layer of shields that do not regenerate. This extra layer is displayed in green on the HUD's shield indicator. Long duration. | Damage Boost significantly increases the user's weapon, grenade, and vehicle damage for a short time. The Damage Boost also reduces visibility. Medium duration. | Active Camo creates a refractive field that provides optical masking. Quick movements and offensive actions destabilize the effect. Long duration. |
Boosts[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Boost de PR en arène (Arena RP Boost) |
Mission : victoire (Mission: Victory) |
Boost de PR en Zone de combat (Warzone RP Boost) |
Manœuvre : nombre de médailles (Gambit: Medal Count) |
Finish an Arena game and claim your RP reward. | Win an Arena game and claim your RP reward. | Finish a Warzone game and claim your RP reward. | Rank in the top 50% for Medal Count and claim your XP reward. Finish closer to the top for additional XP. |
Mission : victoire (Mission: Victory) | |||
Win a Warzone game and claim your RP reward. |
Légendaire[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Armes de paquetage[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
DMR Sentinel (Sentinel DMR) |
DMR Sentinel (Sentinel DMR) |
DMR Sentinel (Sentinel DMR) |
DMR Sentinel (Sentinel DMR) |
DMR with Sentinel Sight. Precision configuration with variable-zoom 4x/6x optics, used by unaugmented UNSC snipers. | DMR with Sentinel Sight and Long Barrel. Precision configuration with variable-zoom 4x/6x optics, used by unaugmented UNSC snipers. Long Barrel increases effective range. | DMR with Sentinel Sight and Laser Targeter. Precision configuration with variable-zoom 4x/6x optics, used by unaugmented UNSC snipers. Laser Targeter increases weapon accuracy. | DMR with Sentinel Sight and Silencer. Precision configuration with variable-zoom 4x/6x optics, used by unaugmented UNSC snipers. Silencer reduces visibility on enemy Motion Trackers when firing. |
DMR Sentinel (Sentinel DMR) |
DMR Sentinel (Sentinel DMR) |
DMR Sentinel (Sentinel DMR) |
FC Sentinel (Sentinel BR) |
DMR with Sentinel Sight and Stabilization Jets. Precision configuration with variable-zoom 4x/6x optics, used by unaugmented UNSC snipers. Stabilization Jets help control recoil. | DMR with Sentinel Sight and Energy Bayonet. Precision configuration with variable-zoom 4x/6x optics, used by unaugmented UNSC snipers. Energy Bayonet increases melee damage and range. | DMR with Sentinel Sight and Kinetic Bolts. Precision configuration with variable-zoom 4x/6x optics, used by unaugmented UNSC snipers. Kinetic Bolts augment knockback and damage against vehicles. | Battle Rifle with Sentinel Sight and Energy Bayonet. Delta-Six special forces configuration with variable-zoom 4x/6x optics; optimized for long-range, pinpoint lethality. Energy Bayonet increases melee damage and range. |
DMR | DMR Recon (Recon DMR) |
Mitraillette Recon (Recon SMG) |
Mitraillette Projection (Projection SMG) |
DMR with Longshot Sight and Energy Bayonet. Powerful and accurate semi-automatic rifle best used at mid to long-range. Energy Bayonet increases melee damage and range. | DMR with Recon Sight and Energy Bayonet. Marine Force Recon configuration that emphasizes ease of handling and mid-range accuracy. Energy Bayonet increases melee damage and range. | SMG with Recon Sight and Energy Bayonet. Personal defense weapon configuration issued to UNSC pilots. Energy Bayonet increases melee damage and range. | SMG with Projection Sight and Energy Bayonet. SWAT configuration used by UNSC military police and UEG security forces. Energy Bayonet increases melee damage and range. |
Fusil de combat Halo 2 (Halo 2 Battle Rifle) |
DMR | ||
BR with Classic Sight. Reliable firepower never goes out of style. Battle Rifle with full-screen zoom. | DMR with Longshot Sight and Knight Blade. Powerful and accurate semi-automatic rifle best used at mid to long-range. Knight Blade increases melee effectiveness, with extra damage and knockback against vehicles. |
Armes lourdes[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Tracœur (Heartseeker) |
Fléau des Prophètes (Prophets' Bane) |
Double joyau de Maethrillian (Twin Jewels of Maethrillian) |
Étoile mourante (Dying Star) |
Forerunner Warrior-Servants were relentless on the hunt. Advanced Incineration Cannon that fires tracking energy charges. | The Arbiter awaits the San'Shyuum's inevitable return with blade in hand. Mythic Energy Sword with embedded Active Camo generator and a wider lunge radius when using Smart-Link. The sword's infectious bloodlust also increases movement speed. | A twin missing its sibling. Advanced Binary Rifle modified with dual beam emitters that enhance the rifle's anti-armor utility. | The appearance of highly mobile and mutable Flood Pure Forms quickly led to Promethean countermeasures. Advanced LightRifle that fires adhesive pulsewave explosives; as few as three nearby explosions will prove fatal to even a shielded Spartan. |
Croc de Norn (Nornfang) |
Main gauche de Krith (Krith's Left Hand) |
Lance sélène (Selene's Lance) |
Sceau du Didacte (Didact's Signet) |
A master-crafted instrument of death and destruction. Mythic Sniper Rifle firing high explosive armor piercing (APHE) rounds that increases overall damage. In addition, Linda's modifications ensure the Motion Tracker is visible even when using Zoom. | Reclaimed from the notorious Kig-Yar Pirate King's personal vaults by the previous Arbiter, Ripa 'Moramee. Advanced Beam Rifle that fires a burst of energy with each pull of the trigger. | Built from components fresh from the labs in Seongnam. Advanced Spartan Laser with reduced charge time, longer beam duration, additional battery capacity, and targeting laser does damage. War Games balancing adds extra recoil. | Made by the Didact's own hand to reward his most elite Prometheans. Advanced Scattershot that fires fast-moving, long-range projectiles with stronger homing behavior after ricochets. |
Tourelle Gauss (Gauss Turret) |
Tourelle Gauss de l'ONI (ONI Gauss Turret) |
Tourelle lance-roquettes de l'ONI (ONI Rocket Turret) |
Precision anti-tank coilgun. | ONI field operatives appreciate the precision and power of gauss weapons. ONI gauss cannon impacts produce lingering area of effect damage. | When it's time to go loud, ONI accepts no substitutes. Fires missiles with both surface to air and surface to surface engagement profiles. | This pain train has no brakes. Mythic SPNKr Rocket Launcher that fires fast, powerful rockets. Equipping the SPNKr Prime also boosts movement speed, shield strength, and jump height. |
Pistolet Halo : Combat Evolved (Halo Combat Evolved Pistol) |
Maillet de Tartarus (Tartarus' Gavel) |
Mitrailleuse de Jorge (Jorge's Chaingun) |
Fusil sniper covenant Delta Halo 2 (Halo 2 Beam Rifle Delta) |
You’ll have to find ammo as you go. Classic Magnum with increased damage and higher recoil. Infuses the user with nostalgia and increased movement speed. | Tartarus' loyal lieutenants were also gifted a weapon worthy of such favor. Mythic Gravity Hammer that unleashes a linear series of kinetic explosions with each swing. Equipping Tartarus' Gavel also boosts movement speed, shield strength, and jump height. | Remember Reach. Mythic Chaingun with high-capacity magazine. Jorge's Chaingun also boosts movement speed and damage resistance. You cannot perform Spartan Abilities while using this weapon. | The Prophet of Truth employed an elite team armed with powerful master-crafted weapons to hunt down his political enemies during the Great Schism. Advanced Halo 2 Beam Rifle that create an unstable gravimetric vortex at point of impact. |
Véhicules[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Mantis de l'ONI (ONI Mantis) |
Mantis urbain (Urban Mantis) |
Phaéton (Phaeton) |
Scorpion de l'ONI (ONI Scorpion) |
ONI Mantis units use multi-environment homing missiles and better heat sink shrouds for the heavy machine gun. Advanced Mantis with heavy armor and upgraded weapons. | The UNSC Army and Marine Corps continue to upgrade their Mantis units while work continues on a new model with modular hardpoints. Improved Mantis with upgraded armor. | VTOL weapon-ship utilized by Prometheans. Armed with a rapid-fire energy cannon and secondary pulse missile launcher. Can perform short-range translocations as an evasive maneuver. | ONI spares no expense with its "security" Scorpions, outfitting them with experimental ammunition using the latest energetic propellants. Advanced Scorpion with heavy armor and upgraded cannon. |
Warthog gauss de l'ONI (ONI Gauss Warthog) |
Warthog gauss urbain (Urban Gauss Warthog) |
Warthog lance-roquettes de l'ONI (ONI Rocket Warthog) |
Warthog lance-roquettes urbain (Urban Rocket Warthog) |
ONI gauss cannon impacts produce lingering area of effect damage. The mechanism remains highly classified. Advanced Gauss Warthog with heavy armor and upgraded gauss cannon. | Product-improved anti-tank Warthog with upgraded armor plating and redundant damage-bypass systems. Improved Gauss Warthog with upgraded armor. | ONI Rocket Warthogs use multi-role missiles that can lock on to both ground and air targets. Advanced Rocket Warthog with heavy armor and upgraded missile launcher pods. | Rocket Warthogs are often the first and last line of defense against Covenant aircraft for UNSC ground forces. Improved Rocket Warthog with upgraded armor. |
Mantis sylvestre (Woodland Mantis) |
Mantis toundra (Tundra Mantis) |
Warthog Gauss sylvestre (Woodland Gauss Warthog) |
Warthog Gauss toundra (Tundra Gauss Warthog) |
Striding across fallen trees and boulders, the Mantis stalks its prey. Improved Mantis with extra armor. | Relatively high ground pressure hamstrings the Mantis in some boggy and snowy environments, but its onboard fusion power plant has innumerable uses in remote campaigns. Improved Mantis with extra armor. | In rugged terrain the Gauss Warthog is a deadly tank hunter, easily picking off Covenant boosted-gravity vehicles slowed to a crawl in dense foliage. Improved Gauss Warthog with extra armor. | Gauss Warthogs attached to remote garrison units serve as both anti-armor and anti-aircraft vehicles, and their driver/gunner pairs drill for both tasks. Improved Gauss Warthog with extra armor. |
Warthog lance-roquettes sylvestre (Woodland Rocket Warthog) |
Warthog lance-roquettes toundra (Tundra Rocket Warthog) |
Mantis Hannibal (Hannibal Mantis) |
Scorpion Hannibal (Hannibal Scorpion) |
Though resupply of ammunition for over-enthusiastic crews is always problematic, the Rocket Warthog's firepower is always in high demand. Improved Rocket Warthog with extra armor. | Thunderous explosions ripping into enemy positions warm the heart of even the coldest Army or Marine trooper fighting on frigid battlefields. Improved Rocket Warthog with extra armor. | Hannibal works closely with the UNSC in its efforts to incorporate new weapons technology on existing vehicle chassis. Advanced Mantis with heavy armor, rapid-fire gauss cannon, and experimental ion field missile warheads. | This is but one of Hannibal Weapon Systems' tank test beds fitted with the latest in vehicle-borne directed energy weapons. Advanced Scorpion with heavy armor and fast-discharge laser currently undergoing trials within UNSC Infinity War Games. |
Phaéton Helios (Phaeton Helios) |
Warthog Lance-roquettes Vespin (Vespin Rocket Warthog) |
Wasp Hannibal (Hannibal Wasp) | |
The Phaeton's highly mutable design pattern tempts idle hands to terrible purpose. Superior Phaeton with increased armor and agility. The Phaeton Helios is armed with homing pulse missiles in rapid-fire pods and a chin-mounted cleansing beam. | UNSC forces allied with the Arbiter have access to his artisan-armorers and technologies unearthed from Sanghelios' past. Improved Warthog with high-acceleration rockets and faster reload time. | Misriah Armory and Hannibal Weapon Systems collaborate on initiatives to evolve their existing offerings of weapon systems and vehicles. Advanced Wasp with heavy armor, gauss repeaters, and experimental ion field bomb launchers. |
Modifications d'armure[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Force accrue (Increased Strength) |
Damage Boost significantly increases the user's weapon, grenade, and vehicle damage for a short time. The Damage Boost also reduces visibility. Long duration. |
Livrées[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Brassard (Bracer) |
Brassard (Bracer) |
Brassard (Bracer) |
Brassard (Bracer) |
Though frowned on, troops in the field often adopt their own distinctive stylistic trappings. | Though frowned on, troops in the field often adopt their own distinctive stylistic trappings. | Though frowned on, troops in the field often adopt their own distinctive stylistic trappings. | Though frowned on, troops in the field often adopt their own distinctive stylistic trappings. |
Brassard (Bracer) |
Concurrent HCS (HCS Contender) |
Concurrent HCS (HCS Contender) |
Puissance (Potence) |
Though frowned on, troops in the field often adopt their own distinctive stylistic trappings. | The champion's prize purse often contains a few items of esoteric significance. | To the victor go the spoils. | Power flows where will directs. |
Rixe (Clash) |
Standard Or (Gold Standard) |
Standard Or (Gold Standard) |
Standard Or (Gold Standard) |
When the moment of decision comes, strike. | You can settle for less, but why? | You can settle for less, but why? | You can settle for less, but why? |
Standard Or (Gold Standard) |
Standard Or (Gold Standard) |
Oh oh oh, fusil d'assaut (Ehh, Arr) |
Dread-Locke (Locke and Load) |
You can settle for less, but why? | You can settle for less, but why? | A Scotsman, pirate, and spare monkey walk into a bar ... | These puns are criminal. |
343 Industries | 343 Industries | Noble Team | Noble Team |
Plans can change, always have a backup. | To the last breath. | ||
Blue Team | Blue Team | Concurrent HCS (HCS Contender) |
FA Livrée HCS 002 (HCS Contender Blue) |
Olly olly oxen free! | Always in the right place at the right time | To the victor go the spoils | The next best thing to getting a pony. |
Magnum Livrée HCS 002 (HCS Contender Blue) |
FC Livrée HCS 002 (HCS Contender Blue) |
FA Livrée HCS 003 (HCS Contender Red) |
Magnum Livrée HCS 003 (HCS Contender Red) |
The next best thing to getting a pony. | The next best thing to getting a pony. | Let’s all take dying as an open action item. | Let’s all take dying as an open action item. |
FC Livrée HCS 003 (HCS Contender Red) |
Counter Logic Gaming | Counter Logic Gaming | Evil Geniuses |
Let’s all take dying as an open action item. | Play like a champion. | Let’s go! #CLGFIGHTING | Make 'em bleed... blue. |
Evil Geniuses | OpTic Gaming | OpTic Gaming | Landgrave |
Add a little Evil to your arsenal. | Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe. | Welcome to the #GreenWall | Power truly does flow from the barrel of a gun. |
Landgrave | Landgrave | Landgrave | Landgrave |
Disorder creates beautiful opportunities. | Spartans are symbols of power in the shadows as well as the light. | Venezian business casual. | For those that appreciate the finer points of violence. |
Team EnVyUs | Team EnVyUs | Team Liquid | Team Liquid |
Blue with envy. | World class. | Skill, passion, and friendship. But mostly skill. | A historic addition to the stable. |
Allegiance | Allegiance | ||
Unified. | Loyalty and commitment. |
Poses[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Ailier (Flanker) |
Pacificateur (Peacemaker) |
Position tactique (Tactical Carry) |
Patrouille (Patrol) |
They'll never see you coming. | In death, peace. | Stay alert. | Be prepared. |
Old School | Vengeance | Compétiteur (Competitor) | |
Back with a vengeance. | It's been a long time coming. | Survive, move, achieve, conquer. |
Assassinats[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
104 façons de mourir (104 Ways to Die) |
Ponction lombaire (Spinal Tap) |
Rase-mottes (Lawn Dart) |
À genoux (Knee-dful Things) |
This is second on the list. | Turn the deadliness up to 11. | If the UNSC wanted you to fly they would issue wings. | All in good pun. |
Supernova | |||
For a brick, he flew pretty good. |
Power-ups[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Boost dégâts III (Damage Boost III) |
Damage Boost significantly increases the user's weapon, grenade, and vehicle damage for a short time. The Damage Boost also reduces visibility. Long duration. |
Boosts[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Boost de PR en arène (Arena RP Boost) |
Boost d'EXP en arène (Arena XP Boost) |
Boost de PR en Zone de combat (Warzone RP Boost) |
Boost d'EXP en Zone de combat (Warzone XP Boost) |
Finish an Arena game and claim your RP reward. | Finish an Arena game and claim your XP reward. | Finish a Warzone game and claim your RP reward. | Finish a Warzone game and claim your XP reward. |
Manœuvre : frags d'IA (Gambit: AI Kills) | |||
Rank in the top 50% for AI Kills and claim your XP reward. Finish closer to the top for additional XP. |
Annonceurs[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
031-Exuberant Witness (031 Exuberant Witness) |
Spartan Edward Buck | Yabda l'impitoyable (Yabda the Merciless) |
Such fascinating cultural evolution and novel genesong expression! An experiential anthropological approach seems the most efficient way to gather data on Reclaimer martial institutions and hierarchical obligations. | The man. The myth. The legend. Voice like a songbird and the commanding presence of an angry god. Also pretty handy at editing War Games settings, if I do say so myself. | They all made laughs when I runned away from Jul ‘Mdama. They said I’d never be nobody important! But now I get to sit around and watch coward humans all day! SO WHO’S IMPORTANT NOW?! |