Bonnie Ross
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« | What I love about Halo is it defied the odds on all levels. It brought the FPS to the console. It brought story to the FPS. And in my opinion, it made Xbox relevant. Halo: Combat Evolved truly did change the game, and it did so in so many ways. |
» |
Bonnie Ross, de son nom complet Ross-Zielger, est la fondatrice et directrice générale de 343 Industries, travaillant comme productrice chez Microsoft Game Studios depuis 1995 et ayant rejoint la licence Halo en 2007[2]. Elle est créditée pour les jeux Halo Wars et Halo : Combat Evolved Anniversary.
- Bloomberg - Microsoft’s Ross Breaks Mold in Male-Dominated Video Games: Tech
- Bloomberg - Can the Woman Behind Halo 5 Save the Xbox?
Au DICE Summit 2017.
- ↑ Halo Waypoint: News - Halo 15th Anniversary Celebration
- ↑ Halo Waypoint - The Halo 5 Journey (When I started my personal Halo journey with 343 at the end of 2007)