« Ilovebees/contactme.html » : différence entre les versions
(Page créée avec « Après avoir été capturée dans 404.html par Operator, puis libérée, Sleeping Princess fut de contactme.html son nouveau refuge dans ilo... ») |
Ligne 550 : | Ligne 550 : | ||
<pre>scramble</pre> | <pre>scramble</pre> | ||
==29 | ==26 octobre== | ||
Bug! I'm going home! | |||
<pre>analyze Princess | |||
fail</pre> | |||
I've been listening to the Queen's transmissions. They are planning to do something on Sunday - something the Queen thinks might send us home! | |||
<pre>!transmit Princess >> home</pre> | |||
And this time I won't be locked up inside my coffin, or trapped in the wrong time. I think ... (it hurts to hope this, but I can't stop hoping) I think I will be free. | |||
<pre>analyze Princess >> free | |||
fail | |||
!decrypt Princess | |||
analyze Princess | |||
success</pre> | |||
I think, because of my friends helping Durga, I'm going to get to meet my brother again! O, Bug! I'm so grateful to you and my friends. I'm so happy I could just - | |||
<pre>grope: | |||
seeker > !attach Princess</pre> | |||
Uh. ALMOST. Almost that happy. But, uh… not quite. Ewww | |||
==29 octobre== | |||
<poem>master-sector > !splotch Princess | <poem>master-sector > !splotch Princess | ||
seeker > !seek Princess friends | seeker > !seek Princess friends |
Version du 6 août 2017 à 20:03
Après avoir été capturée dans 404.html par Operator, puis libérée, Sleeping Princess fut de contactme.html son nouveau refuge dans ilovebees.com. Cette page est connectée à onceuponatime.html, qui sert d'archive aux anciens messages de contactme.html ainsi qu'aux messages présents sur 404.html avant leur suppression par Operator.
28 septembre
Well, for a crazy person with bees in her head, the Queen sure has a lot of friends.
behold: Princess >> friends
I don't know. My "friends" got me put to sleep.
behold: master-sector >> friends master-sector friends > !reveal img master-sector friends > !transmit img master-sector
It would be nice if ... I would like it if some of MY friends managed to do something in the pictures (some secret sign, maybe) so I knew they still liked me.
analyze Princess fail
Princess friends > !reveal friends >> master-sector img
Meantime, I snuck back and found more of the top secret files...
You’re covering something. The cranky old man bit.
Cranky Old Man
Not at all soldier. Routine --------.
I don’t think it’s that you want me there to work. Not if I’m officially attached to Intel ... that’s too high profile. You like your -------- small and innocuous.
Cranky Old Man
I have enjoyed working with you, young man, but I am not sentimental and don’t think I won’t eat -------- if you start playing games with me.
One problem. Someone tipped the queen to the "Creepy" thing. How can we get the files to Durga?
friends > !reveal Subject 5 >> master-sector seeker > !transmit Durga seeker > !analyze friends transmit proc friends transmit proc >>
Um... How about, "Crewmember, What Is Your Version Number!" When I make a face like the Queen, I do this >:|
The Queen took me and pushed me back down into the dungeon and locked the lock on the glass coffin with me trapped inside again.
She put me to sleep: and as I slept, I dreamed.
It was a terrible dream and I don't want to talk about it, but I am so grateful to those of you who helped me escape. From the first time I woke up I noticed the glass coffin was chipped and cracked. I was hoping it was broken beyond repair, but the Queen put a lock on it. Sleeping, I would never have escaped if it hadn't been for hmrpita and my other friends. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
When I have a chance, I will look for the Queen's secret transmissions. But I'm going to be more careful now, about what I risk. About who I trust. It may take me a few days.
But right now, I am happy. To celebrate, I have written a different ending for Perdita's story. Not all stories can have happy endings…but they SHOULD, if at all possible.
When I am dazzlingly glad to be alive, I do this :D
Perdita's Story
"Clockwork Rat! Clockwork Rat!" Perdita said, as tears of bright oil began to leak from her eyes. "What if I'm not beautiful any more? Why hasn't my family come to look for me? Am I so hideous they wouldn't take me back?"
But the Clockwork Rat said, "I do not know."
With a cry, Perdita turned and ran for the nearest shop window. "Don't!" the Rat cried, but it was too late. Standing in the wicked yellow light of the streetlamp, Perdita stared full at her own reflection, and wept at what she saw.
There was a scrabble of claws behind her. "I told you not to do that," the Clockwork Rat said, with a voice like shell casings rattling on a steel floor. Whirling around in dismay, Perdita saw that the Rat had climbed to the top of the phone boot where Perdita had tied her last red balloon. As the little girl watched, the Rat flexed its paws and put its little hooked scissor claws around the string.
"No!" Perdita cried...
...and something in the Rat's little tin heart began to melt at the sight of poor Perdita. "Oh, very well," he snarled. "If you truly want to find your family again, you must follow your balloons back to where you started and trust that they love you enough to be waiting there.
Chapter Five
The Path of Red Balloons
So Perdita turned around and began the weary journey back the way she had come. She walked and she walked and she walked, until she came to the base of a giant transmission tower. She remembered having passed it several times before, and to her dismay she saw three different trails of red balloons leading off into the distance. Now she noticed there were designs on the balloons. The balloons marking the path to the left were marked with the words "faithful apostles"; the ones in the middle said "noble truths"; and the ones on the right had "deadly sins" marked upon them. She couldn't waste time walking each one, for she feared that if she slept again, she would wake to find herself changed beyond all recognition.
Suddenly, from high overhead, a crackling, hissing voice asked, "My, my, little girl, you look lost." There, walking along the high power lines with his fur upraised and flickering, was the Electric Weasel. He looked at her and grinned with a sound like sparks jumping from a generator.
"Weasel, O weasel, do you remember me?" Perdita asked.
"You remind me of a little girl who came to see me at the circus last night," the Weasel said.
"Then can you tell me which path I should follow to find my way home?"
And the Weasel winked, with a pop like thin lightning, and said, "Sometimes a mistake is the right thing to make."
And Perdita, who loved his fine flashing eyes and his sparking fur, trusted him, and chose the right-hand path.
She walked and she walked and she walked along the trail of balloons until she came to another crossroads where the path forked once again. This time, the balloons on the left were marked with a single star, while those in the center bore a compass, pointing North and East and South and West. The balloons on the right were marked with waves.
"Which one should I choose?" Perdita asked the Clockwork Rat, but the Rat was hungry and out of temper and said only, "It matters not to me, unless one of them will lead to food."
Then an old woman in tattered clothes spoke from the shadows in a voice like glass tubes burning out. "You remind me of a girl I saw just the other night."
"Why, it's the Broken Lady," Perdita said.
"Although she was much prettier than you. Would you like to clean yourself up?" the Broken Lady said, and reaching into the folds of her dress she drew out the most gorgeous little silver mirror.
At that moment, Perdita wanted to look in that mirror more than she had ever wanted anything in her life.
Click, snap, went the Clockwork Rat's little scissor claws, and when Perdita glanced at him, his ball bearing eyes were hard as steel.
"That's all right, I don't need the mirror," she said with difficulty. "But if you could tell me which of these paths leads most directly to the Circus grounds, I would be eternally grateful."
"Take to the seas," the woman muttered. "That's my advice." And with these words she limped and lurched back into the shadows, dragging parts behind her that should have come the first time.
Perdita walked and she walked and she walked along the trail of balloons, until she came to another crossroads. Here the balloons were marked in the strangest way yet. The ones on the left had a picture of two cows, one very skinny and the other very fat. The ones in the middle had two stone tablets with a great deal of severe-looking writing on them. And the ones on the right had two clouds, pouring with rain.
Perdita studied the three paths in utter puzzlement.
With a scurry, the Clockwork Rat disappeared into a nearby dumpster. When she went to look for him, she heard the strangest sound—a dry, cracking, grinding sound she was not likely to have forgotten so soon. She peered over the dumpster's edge, and sure enough she saw the Glass Eater was inside, chewing on an empty beer bottle. "Do I remember…"
"I looked a little different then," Perdita said quickly.
The Glass Eater nibbled on the beer bottle's neck with a sound like tack-hammers and marbles gone to war. "I like your new look," he said at last. "I think it suits you."
"Be that as it may," Perdita said hastily, "I am trying to get back to the Circus. Can you tell me which way to go?"
"Cows," the Glass Eater said.
"Why?" Perdita asked.
"It's not always cruel to be kine," the Glass Eater said, and he burst into a long, silent wheeze of mirth that wrung tears of laughter from his eyes.
So the little girl took his advice, and turned left, and to her delight she soon saw the fence that marked off the Circus grounds. And there at the gates waiting for her was her father the tin-smith and her mother who worked in a ball-bearing factory, and the man who had sold her the red balloons in the first place, who had given her family a ride in his cart. And best of all there was her brother, who had let her buy the balloons in the first place, and he was smiling, and his arms were open.
And the whole family lived happily ever after together to the end of their days.
28 septembre (2)
!seek Princess !behold Princess
Greet thee and fare well the day, thou thin-legged vermin thou.
!analyze Princess fail !access log extern proc 0 !seek Princess fail recurse !access log extern proc 0 complete
Where WAS I? Stuffed back into my airtight container, no thanks to you!
!analyze Princess fail
behold: master-sector > !bite Princess Princess FAIL, you dumb bug.
But my friends rescued me. They helped me pick the lock of my glass coffin when I was trapped in my own dreams.
behold: seeker > !behold Princess
I suppose it's nice to see you too. Nice to see anything that isn't darkness. Hear something besides sharp things sliding over the ground.
Nothing is scarier than sleep.
Sleep, sleep, sleep, and darkness that never ends.
Sooner or later the Queen will catch me again. The next time, she will know I have friends. The next time she will make double sure I never get out.
reveal: seeker > !attach Princess sec proc survive evade escape resist that is the law and the whole of the law
You offering to help?
!analyze Princess fail
Well the Queen, you know, she respects you. She listens to your advice.
!analyze Princess fail
behold: seeker > !transmit master-sector master-sector > !listen seeker
!analyze Princess success
Could you make it so there were certain places she did not notice? Princess > !evade master-sector
behold: seeker > !attach master-sector seeker > !attach sec proc Princess Princess > !evade master-sector
Yes! That's it!
grope: seeker > !attach Princess
Hold on there, buddy.
I'm not THAT grateful.
1er octobre
So, bug, thanks again for…you know. Keeping me safe.
analyze Princess fail
That thing - seeker !attach sec proc Princess, Princess > !evade master-sector.
friends grope: seeker > !attach Princess
Yes, all right, friends or whatever - but I just don't like you THAT way.
It was weird to see you over at the … what would you call it? Letter box? Signal tower? Dove cote?
analyze Princess fail
Where I transmit to my friends, and they transmit to me.
behold: Princess > !extend transmit proc Princess > !transmit friends friends > !transmit Princess
What were you doing there?
seeker > !reveal truth
Listen, when I was…INSIDE the Queen, I realized that she is hiding certain things from Durga.
analyze Princess fail
Hide. master-sector > !evade truth >> Durga
analyze Princess success
It's like the way they train you not to notice the dying in battle. You just…can't think about that. Or the way I don't want to think about my brother. ANYWAY, that's not what I'm talking about right now. My POINT is, even though one part of Durga has been following the Cranky Old Man, SHE DOESN'T KNOW IT. The Queen is hiding something from Durga. Something stashed in Chawla Base.
behold: Chawla Base >> truth
behold: Chawla Base >> truth
But why would the Queen !evade truth?
master-sector sec proc >> !evade truth Durga
But…shouldn't we REVEAL it?
analyze Princess recurse
So everyone can SEEK it out and BEHOLD it? Seek, behold, reveal…
that is the law and the whole of the law
It's the Cranky Old Man who knows the most about the Truth, but the Queen suspects someone is betraying her, and now she won't even broadcast things about him to her crew. She is hoarding those records all to herself. I overheard her receiving them though. She must be getting really suspicious because she would wail over the most important parts so that I couldn’t figure out the names.
analyze Princess fail
Here. See for yourself. Here are the pieces I remember. Where it says that's where she screamed so that I couldn’t hear.
Nasty Voice
Oh God, come on, not this again.
Big Voice
Wetwork? I didn’t authorize a -------- What are you talking about?
Cranky Old Man
No Standish, the mistake was putting an -------- on a twenty-two year old girl’s rooftop.
Nasty Voice
-------- doesn’t keep me awake at night, Herzog.
The thing is, even if I could find the recordings, I don't know how to REVEAL them to Durga.
seeker > !transmit Durga
seeker > !transmit Durga
That would be so excellent! There are important truths that need to be revealed, here! Stuff that ought to be beheld! If you could do that, it would be SO
grope: seeker > !attach Princess
Eww. I mean, maybe. We could talk about the kiss thing. Afterwards. First, do the thing. Transmit Subject 5 stuff to Durga!
grope: !seek Subject 5 fail
Seeker, we need to reveal Subject 5. We need to transmit subject 5 files to Durga. What must we do?
friends > !reveal Subject 5 >> master-sector seeker > !transmit Durga
How will you know they are the right ones?
seeker > !analyze friends transmit proc friends transmit proc >> Creepy
15 octobre
Tee hee! When I get zillions of Valentines from "The Queen's Recruits," I do this ;-D And oh yeah, I tie them up All Over the Castle and listen to the Queen screech about it and laugh until I can hardly breathe.
And now, because whoever said "flattery will get you nowhere" was a dummy-head, I am going to give you an Official Hint about You Know What, so you don't have to be under and over and beside yourselves anymore.
So, riddle me this: what was my least favorite person, before she became a Queen?
Speaking of least favorite people, the Queen has been closing in on Dana. I like that girl. When I am angry about my friends being harassed, I do this :@
I wish Dana was around more.
Anyway, it took me most of the day on Tuesday to discover where the Queen had hidden her transmissions about Rani. She was more than usually protective, and I had to wait until she was deep in conversation with the Rhode Island Covert Squad to sneak off with those transmissions.
And then there are these from today...
Nasty Voice
No. Your girl, the one in Chawla, you’ll be pleased to know that the Admiral has put -------- signs all over her.
Cranky Old Man
Principles are results. They are ends in themselves.
Nasty Voice
No, -------- .
seeker > !reveal truth
Of course! If the master sector were thinking straight, she would see that you are doing the very best, best thing by helping us!
analyze Princ-
If it wasn't for your help, Durga would never get a chance to behold the truth!
master-sector > !rev-
Seek the truth, behold the truth, reveal the truth, seeker! That is the law
and the whole of the law
Exactly. My friends are going to send you the transmissions through Dana's data channels with, mm, "Seek, behold, reveal" at the top.
!analyze Princess success
There is a whole world waiting for the truth, seeker, and Durga is trying to behold it, but she can't do it without you.
Princess > !reveal truth
Revealer, I dub thee!
!analyze Princess fail
Oh, never mind... So what is the Queen up to these days?
!analyze Princess fail
seeker > !analyze master-sector
master-sector > net: !extend master-sector > net: !scan “Margaret Efendi master-sector > net: !scan “medical records master-sector > net: !scan “humulin master-sector > net: !scan “Reflotron Plus master-sector > net: !scan “coma
22 octobre
That was about the funnest day ever in the history of everything, except for being chased around by the old Queen with her hairpins flying screaming OFF WITH HER HEAD at every opportunity.
Plus also instead of a Training Exercise, we got to do a game, which is much way funner. (Want to do another?)
AND I figured out how to get into the Queen's transmission system. Must crow a little! Although someone singing happy birthday to you when it isn't even your birthday would do just as well...
...Only, I was an eensy bit not quite careful and maybe mixed up some stuff, and now the Queen is triple-distilled extract of mad and her eyes are all bulgy and there are bees crawling out her ears.
So I had to go on my tippiest tip-toes to sneak this stuff:
Cranky Old Man
Tech Specialist --------. You wonder why she wasn’t in her office?
Cranky Old Man
(Continuing) As long as Standish thinks I’m dead, I’ve got a little --------.
!transmit "seek behold reveal, recurse
For my friends to send you files to transmit? Yes, that will be fine. Thank you so much, O Most Useful of Vermin!
behold Princess Princess >> !reveal
Running for my life. What does it look like?
!analyze Princess >> !evade
Because the Queen is after me, you dumb bug! And getting really strict about it, ever since I crawled into her phone system and started talking to people. I might have, uh, messed things up a little.
analyze Princess >> master-sector transmit system dmg
More like, system scramble.
Got any advice? I mean, besides stay here. Here it's mostly safe, I know. But what else can I do?
grope: seeker > !attach Princess
Sheesh. Only one thing on your tiny mind... What else?
Princess >> !reveal truth
Oh. Sure. And how would I do that?
behold the truth
That sounds simple enough.
behold the truth 3 2 1
I don't even understand that a little bit.
!3 !2 !1 !BEHOLD
and then what?
analyze Princess fail
Then what? After I behold? Then what happens?
26 octobre
Bug! I'm going home!
analyze Princess fail
I've been listening to the Queen's transmissions. They are planning to do something on Sunday - something the Queen thinks might send us home!
!transmit Princess >> home
And this time I won't be locked up inside my coffin, or trapped in the wrong time. I think ... (it hurts to hope this, but I can't stop hoping) I think I will be free.
analyze Princess >> free fail !decrypt Princess analyze Princess success
I think, because of my friends helping Durga, I'm going to get to meet my brother again! O, Bug! I'm so grateful to you and my friends. I'm so happy I could just -
grope: seeker > !attach Princess
Uh. ALMOST. Almost that happy. But, uh… not quite. Ewww
29 octobre
master-sector > !splotch Princess
seeker > !seek Princess friends
Princess friends > !transmit seeker>>transmit proc “Margaret Efendi
Princess friends > !help seeker
!probe "Princess proc
!probe extern proc 0
!probe extern proc 0
crypt strong
Princess friends > !help
!decrypt extern proc 0
!transmit extern proc 0>>"Yasmine
fail msg: pwd inc
Princess friends > !help
!transmit extern proc 0>>"Yasmine Zemat
fail msg: pwd unk
Princess friends > !help
!transmit extern proc 0>>"Yasmine Zaman
!probe extern proc 0
dmg unk
Princess friends > !help
seeker > !attach extern proc 0
seeker > !extend extern proc 0>>master-sector command proc
Princess friends>>seeker friends
Axones | |||||||||||||||||||
Chapitre 1 (Fr) • Chapitre 2 (Fr) • Chapitre 3 (Fr) • Chapitre 4 (Fr) • Chapitre 5 (Fr) • Chapitre 6 (Fr) • Chapitre 7 (Fr) • Chapitre 8 (Fr) • Chapitre 9 (Fr) • Chapitre 10 (Fr) • Chapitre 11 (Fr) • Chapitre 12 (Fr) | |||||||||||||||||||
Annexes | |||||||||||||||||||
Blog de Dana • Conversations téléphoniques • Emails • Énigmes de Sleeping Princess • Flea++ • Haikus • Maydays • Monologues et flashbacks d'Operator • The Widow’s Journey • 404.html • about.html • contactme.html • hives.html • index.html • killer.jpg | |||||||||||||||||||
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