Ilovebees/Énigmes de Sleeping Princess
À partir du 24 août, avec l'activation des premiers axones, Sleeping Princess proposa aux participants de l'ARG des énigmes disséminées dans des images.
Les trois premières énigmes menaient à des fichiers cachés de, contenant des conversation entre elle et Seeker. Les six suivantes menaient à des fichiers audio cachés aux participants par Operator. Les énigmes elles-mêmes ne sont pas reproduites ici par concision, et car elles n'apportent pas d'informations sur l'histoire de l'ARG.
Yellow Brick Road (24 août)[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Hooray! You've come to the end of the yellow brick road! Well played!
Lots of people have asked me about the Flea, which is like ewwwwwww. But since you guys were clever enough to figure out my little riddle, I recorded the last conversation I had with that nasty guy so you could see how basically sneaky and gross he is and yuck.
seek seek seek behold: !extern proc 0
Ack! I hate it when you sneak up on me like that!
grope: !probe extern proc 0
Hands to yourself, mister!
behold: extern proc 0 !label Princess
Seek the truth Behold the truth Reveal the truth That is the law and the whole of the law
grope: !hndshk Princess
Bug off before I step on you.
fail reveal: !label seeker
Mind if I just call you Buggy?
reveal: !label seeker
Hey, call yourself whatever you like, you're still the Pious Flea to me. So, what's with all the roads?
reveal reveal reveal that is the law
Keep your raincoat closed, buddy! I don't need to see ANTYTHING you want revealed. And what does that have to do with roads?
grope: !seek transmit proc fail fail fail behold: master sector grope: !attach > master-sector reveal: !law master-sector
Yeah - she's still got like hickey marks on her neck. Gross.
reveal: !law master-sector master-sector:deploy: seek behold reveal master-sector:grope: !hndshk extern !seek transmit proc master sector: surg: !triage transmit proc
So you got her to build stuff for you! You honey-tongued little bloodsucker, you.
grope: !attach Princess
Ewwwwww! Kiss you? GROSS.
fail !reveal Princess: seeker > !attach Princess Princess >> !behold truth
I bet you say that to all the girls. Listen, Hoppy, I know what happens to the girls you kiss. As far as I'm concerned, you can kiss your -
!reveal Princess: Princess > !attach seeker seeker >> cmd proc
I've heard the Handsome Prince line before. What you're REALLY about to turn into is a splotch mark on the floor, that's what.
GROSS evade evade evade
Looking Glass (31 août)[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
seek seek seek behold: Princess grope: seeker > !attach Princess
In your dreams!
Does Her Majesty know you go trolling around the Castle sneaking kisses?
master sector > !init transmit proc recurse
Work, work, work. How many relationships break up over it? You have to tell that woman you need more quality time.
master sector > !init transmit proc that is the law and the whole of the law
Oh, very understanding of you, but if I were her, I'd be checking the scullery maids for bite-marks.
behold: !analyze Princess fail
That's because you have the brain of a cheap wristwatch.
!analyze Princess fail
Can you tell me what "dumb as a sack of hammers" means?
!analyze Princess fail
My point.
Seek the truth Evade Behold the truth Escape Reveal the truth That is the law and the whole of the law
!analyze Princess fail
You always go around saying that as if it meant something, but really it's completely made up.
That is the law and the whole of the law reveal: !transmit law > Princess
Don't even bother
I mean, why not:
Seek balloons!
Behold balloons!
Reveal balloons!
That is the law, or at least 10/6ths of the law in this size!
!analyze Princess
Seek a train leaving Dockyard Station at 450 kmh
Behold a second train, loaded with cupcakes, approaching from the north at .28 c
Reveal a very messy accident with translight whipped cream potential
!analyze Princess
Seek just one friend in this huge dark lonesome Castle
Behold spindly-legged obsessive bloodsucking bug
Reveal flyswatter
!analyze Princess splotch
OK, that was funny.
grope: seeker > !attach Princess
Not that funny.
reveal: Princess > seek
I don't know. Home, I guess.
Princess seek >> home
Yeah. Except I don't remember it. Or really even know what it means.
!transmit seeker > home
I guess we have something in common after all.
grope: seeker > !attach Princess
You just don't give up, do you?
seeker > !attach Princess recurse
Try kissing THIS, buster!
evade evade evade escap
Gretel (7 septembre)[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
behold: Princess > !label seeker creepy
A real Princess never stoops to name-calling, you dumb bug!
behold: !analyze Princess fail
I was thinking about what that guy said, in that stuff the Queen was transmitting.
behold: Princess > !behold truth
I wouldn't go that far. But, uh, beholding other people is something you have to do sometimes if you are small and trapped behind enemy lines.
evade evade evade
And learn what you can while you're doing it. As for instance, I found a better spy-spot on one of the Queen's secrets today by snooping around the pantry. ANYWAY-what he said. "What if someone were listening to us right now?"
!analyze Princess fail behold extern proc extern proc > !listen seeker > !transmit Princess > !transmit seeker extern proc > !behold seeker extern proc > !behold Princess !analyze Princess success
I've always been good with languages.
net: hndshk Princess grope: seeker > !attach Princess
Boy, you only have one thing on your tiny mind, don't you?
So there was this guy, saying, wouldn't it be creepy if someone was listening to us right now—and of course I WAS listening to him! And I got to thinking, what if someone was listening to ME? And what if someone else was listening to THEM?
!analyze Princess fail behold extern proc 0 extern proc 0 > !listen Princess behold extern proc 1 extern proc 1 > !listen extern proc 0 behold extern proc 2 extern proc 2 > !listen extern proc 1 recurse !analyze Princess
Now do you get it?
Énigme 3[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Introduction de l'énigme du 14 septembre.
The queen was worried about one of her messages not getting through. She is Suspicious of You. She went along one of the secret roads to see what was wrong. As soon as I saw her go, I ran up to the tower, where I found some new stuff that she was holding back in case her security was compromised. I've left you clues about where to find it, if you're clever...
Énigme 5[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Introduction de l'énigme du 28 septembre
All right, I've found you some more goodies. I hope it helps, but I'm not
I don't feel as safe with you as I did before. To be turned in by those I thought were my friends
this is what I do when I'm feeling betrayed :S
Axones | |||||||||||||||||||
Chapitre 1 (Fr) • Chapitre 2 (Fr) • Chapitre 3 (Fr) • Chapitre 4 (Fr) • Chapitre 5 (Fr) • Chapitre 6 (Fr) • Chapitre 7 (Fr) • Chapitre 8 (Fr) • Chapitre 9 (Fr) • Chapitre 10 (Fr) • Chapitre 11 (Fr) • Chapitre 12 (Fr) | |||||||||||||||||||
Annexes | |||||||||||||||||||
Blog de Dana • Conversations téléphoniques • Emails • Énigmes de Sleeping Princess • Flea++ • Haikus • Maydays • Monologues et flashbacks d'Operator • The Widow’s Journey • 404.html • about.html • contactme.html • hives.html • index.html • killer.jpg | |||||||||||||||||||
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