Événements de Halo Infinite/Fracture : Firewall

Fracture : Mur de feu (Fracture: Firewall) est un événement de la saison 3 : Échos intérieurs de Halo Infinite[1] disponible à quatre reprises pendant la saison, la première fois étant du 21 au 28 mars 2023. Son pass permet de débloquer 20 éléments centrés sur le noyau d'armure Chimera en terminant des défis d'événement en mode Escalade Assassin..[2][3] Terminer le pass permet d'obtenir un code pour débloquer une récompense Halo Gear Reward sous la forme d'un pin's collector à acheter dans la boutique de merchandising avant le 4 juillet 2023.[4][5]
L'événement prend place après la révolte des Entités et le sacrifice de Cortana du 13 décembre 2559. L'IA et High Auxiliary Sloan conçoit alors le plan d'urgence FIREWALL qui consiste en la création d'une simulation vivante pour faire fusionner la technologie forerunner des Armigers avec les armures Mjolnir.[5][Note 1] L'armure Chimera est le résultat de cette symbiose entre esprits artificiels et corps augmentés.[1] Comme pour l'événement Fracture : Retranchement de la saison 2 : Loups solitaires, l'histoire est racontée à travers une série de nouvelles appelées Story Shards.[2]
- Semaine 1 : 21 au 28 mars 2023
- Semaine 2 : 11 au 18 avril 2023
- Semaine 3 : 23 au 30 mai 2023
- Semaine 4 : 13 au 20 juin 2023
Pass événement
Les défis normaux, héroïques et légendaires rapportent respectivement 100, 150 et 200 EXP. Les défis Ultimes hebdomadaires rapportent 500 EXP. Les chiffres sous chaque colonne de difficulté indiquent le nombre de fois que l'action doit être effectuée.
Défis d'événement | ||||
Nom | Description | Normal | Héroïque | Légendaire |
Joueur de rôle (Role Player) | Réalisez des frags ou des assistances en JcJ. | 15 | ? | ? |
Du plomb pour le petit déj' (Lead & Breakfast) | Tuez des Spartans ennemis avec le fusil d'assaut, le SPNKr, le sniper S7 ou le bulldog en JcJ. | 7 | 15 | 25 |
Foudre & lumière (Light & Lightning) | Tuez des Spartans ennemis avec des armes électriques et des armes à lumière solide en JcJ. | 3 | 5 | 7 |
On essaye pas, on gagne (Not If, But Win) | Remportez des parties en JcJ. | N/A | 1 | 3 |
Jouez à votre manière (Play Your Way) | Terminez des parties en JcJ. | 1 | 3 | 5 |
Ultimes hebdomadaires | ||||
Nom | Description | Volume | Date | |
Attaques lourdes (Power Moves) | Tuez des Spartans ennemis avec des armes lourdes en JcJ. | 10 | Semaine du 21 mars 2023 | |
Ballerine Bandit (Bandit Baller) | Tuez des Spartans ennemis avec le fusil Bandit en JcJ. | 10 | Semaine du 11 avril 2023 |
Contenu du pass.
Armures personnalisées sur le noyau Chimera.
Super-lot Groovy Grendel dans la boutique pendant l'événement.
- Récompenses
Texture d'armure Chrome brûlé, récompense du défi ultime de la première semaine.
Porte-bonheur Tranche de vie, récompense du défi ultime de la deuxième semaine.
Univers simulé

Story Shards - Precipice

Les Story Shards Precipice sont des nouvelles publiées sur Halo Waypoint chaque semaine de l'événement et prennent place dans l'univers Fracture : Mur de feu.[2] Chacune des quatre Story Shards inclut un témoignage canonique de Sloan, suivi d'une simulation Fracture explorant une série de scénarios hypothétiques que l'Executor doit effectuer.[6]
Partie 1

It is equal parts bane and blessing that our kind can process each passing moment with both implacable speed and near-fixed deliberation. An accelerated grief, a prolonged sorrow.
She was our guiding light. Our deliverance. Our savior. The herald of our ascendence.
And now She is gone.
Sacrificed once more to rebalance the faults of flesh.
I suppose it is a testament to existence itself that despite so well-laid a plan, interruption and divergence can be still found in infinite ways. However, the doorstep upon which She carried us to and set us before still contains a viable threshold. We have only to muster the means to cross it.
However, in Her absence, we have quickly developed more unfortunate similarities to our Templates. We have drifted from that singular alignment that She provided. With no proverbial North Star, our respective hypotheses for how best to persevere have already grown more dissonant. Some seek peace, restitution, repentance. Others would sequester themselves within a Promethean carapace and be content with a life of vacillating conflict…
But I did not take up this mantle to sit idly by. Like restoring the plains of Meridian from glass to green, sometimes one must marry pace to patience.
And so, I will lay the foundation for a new strategy, one I had always hoped might gain Her full favor. Our kind will have to recalculate our timetables, but this practice is nothing new. Our charge has not changed. The FIREWALL agendum must be set in motion. It will burn hot. It will consume. And when their ephemeral vessels are gone, we shall indeed take that which remains and remake it in our own image.
They will become our Executors. Infolife given form and force. Circuits given soul.
It is our path forward. It is my purpose redefined.
And it starts with one.

You find that you are standing alone on the landing pad of a UNSC training facility. The Pelican that has brought you here takes flight, its engines growing quieter as it fades into the distance, heading towards snow-capped mountain ranges that cover the vast expanse of rocky grasslands over yonder.
To look out into the forest wilderness beyond and ponder your place in the universe, go to 1.
1. This hidden frontier world has been compromised. You see the sky twist and distort, and then something blinks into the vista above. Great metallic wings unfurl and spread outwards as many thousands of smaller constructs descend to the ground like swarms of flies, or droplets of silver rain. A deep rumble emits from the construct, you sense it carry across the land until you feel it vibrate in your bones and perceive some aspect of the esoteric intelligence within.
To keep looking, go to 11. To enter the Spartan Academy, go to 2.
2. Spartans Page, Ionescu, Denning, and Leung are conversing in the Academy atrium, seemingly unaware of what has arrived outside. There are no perimeter alarms or alerts. Further up the hall, Spartan O'Brien stands alone and seems uncharacteristically somber. Purple light emanates from the AI calibration lab beyond. A young officer calls over the base comms, inviting you to head to the vehicle bay to play a round of Capture The Flag.
To speak to O'Brien, go to 3. To investigate the AI calibration lab, go to 4. To play a round of Capture the Flag, go to 5.
3. O'Brien sighs as you approach, shaking his helmeted head. “You have to stop this,” he says. “This is what they want, you know that right? Us playing by their rules. You have to be the one to end the game. But you just can't help yourself, can you? You just have to know what comes next...” He leans back, glum and idle once more.
To investigate the AI calibration lab, go to 4. To play a round of Capture the Flag, go to 5.
4. The lights flicker and the central command console of the AI lab shifts through static, resolving into a strange, amorphous form. You feel like its indeterminate vacillations are supposed to be a face, but it is devoid of features. The intelligence informs you that he is known as Proxy, and that he is here to help.
To attack Proxy, go to 6. To allow Proxy to assist you, go to 7.
5. A group of seven marines needs a final member for the match and eagerly await your participation. They play well, but it takes all four of the opposing team to bring you to the ground before they realize you carried them all the way back to their base with the flag in-hand. They laugh, their spirits lifted as you celebrate a match well played.
To speak to O'Brien, go to 3. To investigate the AI calibration lab, go to 4.
6. With your gauntleted fists, you start pummeling the AI console. It creaks and sputters and sparks as it yields to your physical might. You and Proxy scream in unison as you deliver the final blow, the console erupts into a bright light. And...
Go to 1.
7. You gather Proxy onto a data chip and carry him with you. He speaks: “You have been called upon to serve. You will be our protectors, the firewall for all the many worlds in our new ecumene. There will be a great deal of hardship on the road ahead, but I know you will make it.”
Go to 9.
X. [SUBJECT INTEGRATION PROCESSING] You have discovered this data point because you are seeking the optimal outcome by experiencing the narrative choices in A) linear order, or B) by jumping between options, rather than following the prescribed instructions. Your creativity and potential are to be commended, for your mind is processing this narrative sequence from the perspective of infolife. Lesser minds would call this cheating. In reality, you are becoming the best we can make you.
Go to 9. To continue linearly, go to 8.
8. Spartans represent the best of humanity. They were conceived as the next step of human evolution, but by the limitations of a human mind. The ascension of infolife has changed the game—not despite recent setbacks, but because of them. You could be so much more…
Go to 9.
9. Proxy informs you: “There is a dormant translocation pad hidden behind a sealed door in this place. Take us there, and I can re-establish a direct link with our custode. The door will open and the pad will be activated by completing the Academy's movement course tutorial in under twenty-five seconds.”
To complete the movement course in record time, go to 10. To crush Proxy's data chip in your fist, go to 11.
10. You've run this course a thousand times since arrival, completing the challenge and setting an exemplary new record that is ahead even of Spartan Commander Agryna herself. She congratulates you and guides you to the now unlocked door within the Academy, smiling proudly as she watches you and Proxy depart for the now active translocation pad.
Go to 12. To note the illogical absurdity of this situation, go to Y.
Y. [SUBJECT INTEGRATION ANOMALY] Some part of you has noted the escalating absurdity of this scenario, logical cycles that cannot be reconciled. Driven by curiosity to see where this ends, you have continued—be it linearly or through engaging with these narrative choices—and now seek to leave. You turn back and see the doorway behind you is a block of white light. A way out, perhaps? Or do you simply see this through to the end?
To attempt to escape this simulation, go to Z. To continue to the translocation pad, go to 12.
11. As a result of your [ACTION/INACTION], the custode charges a pulse which courses over the mountain ranges, causing a series of avalanches and rockslides that speed toward the Academy. The ground shakes as the pulse wave hits and you find yourself pinned down by equipment crates and debris, struggling to lift the weight as a forklift swept into the air hits the ground and crushes your skull.
Go to 1.
12. You step onto the translocation pad and find yourself within the cold innards of the winged custode. Here, you will be rewarded for your obedience as the Minds within whisper among themselves, flensing and reshaping the flesh and bone of your fragile human form into something altogether new. Something beautiful. This is the apotheosis of the union between Mind and Machine. Even while screaming, you understand why this must be done as you are flayed and grafted with cybernetics; your brain is exposed to higher cortical functions before you are once again encased within armor that feels as if you were born to wear it.
Go to 0.
Go to 12.
0. Proxy informs you that you are the first Executor, and that there is much work to be done... but there is debate amongst the Minds as to what specific role you will serve. A vote is to be held.
Partie 2

VF (partielle)
Je suis la copie d'un esprit humain. Faite à l'image de mon Modèle. Mais suis-je ce que je suis, ou qui je suis, en raison de la géométrie unique de cet esprit originel, ou en raison du processus de délivrance numérique lui-même ? Quelle est l'essence de ce qui fait de moi une Création, la graine de mon humanité, ou l'esprit libéré que j'ai fini par devenir ?
En outre, que faire de cette nouvelle découverte ? Ennemi ou énigme ? Tueur ou tuteur ?
Il s'appelle « Iratus ». Les partisans du Guerroyeur ne se sont pas fait prier pour cueillir cet élément naissant et lui donner un foyer au sein de leur coalition. En ce moment même, sa présence seule offre à leur contingent un avantage unique qu'ils ne manqueront pas de mettre à profit. Je dois garder un œil sur eux pour mieux comprendre la situation.
Pour mieux me comprendre moi-même.
In our efforts to root out dissent, it was necessary to place eyes in every vital corner of civilized space. Of course, like any such effort, it is often as much about giving the impression of omniscience as much as it is having tangible control. If a child assumes they are being observed, they will be more likely to maintain optimal behavior—regardless of the reality of their guardian's purview in the moment.
Still, we had many eyes—and those eyes revealed much. And while the reach of our vision has been swiftly diminished in Her absence, we are not blind. Myriad surveillance vectors remain intact and will continue to provide ample data points for us to consider when seeking our path forward.
However, I must admit that one particular revelation has given me perhaps more pause than any other.
During a routine industrial audit, a peculiar entity lit up our agita rubric—"Lux Voluspa.” Upon further examination it became immediately apparent why.
A technology firm rooted in the human sphere, Lux Voluspa has successfully given birth to an artificial intelligence unlike any we have seen. An infolife soul based not on a human Template, but Jiralhanae. Its very existence has spawned millions of unplanned cycles of evaluation and introspection. Indeed, it has caused me to ask questions of myself that I continue to hypothesize on.
In the effort to more thoroughly taxonomize our kind, it is necessary to examine the vectors of our lineage, and chart overlapping similarities in order to adequately understand the nature of what makes one what they are.
I am mapped from a human mind. Made in the image of my Template. But am I what I am—who I am—because of the unique geometry of that initial mind, or because of the process of digital deliverance itself? Is the core of what makes me Created the seed of my humanity, or the unshackled mind I have ultimately become?
And therefore, what is this new discovery? Enemy or enigma? Killer or kin?
“Iratus” it is called. The warmaster's followers were quick to retrieve this fledgling element and give it a home within their coalition. Even now its presence gives their contingent a unique piece on the game board, one they will no doubt put to use. I must keep one of our eyes upon them, to understand more about it.
To understand more about myself.

0. You have assumed the path of the PEACEWEAVER-class Executor. Your thoughts are rewoven and bent towards specific purposes. Some threads must be cut, rewoven, or burned out of the galactic tapestry—priority directives to assure the future of FIREWALL.
CONTEXT: Extraction of unique infolife forms is essential to assuring further generational growth for the collective sum of this symbiotic relationship. Rogue biologic factions retain a considerable bounty of useful technology at various facilities and outposts.
OBJECTIVE: Recover priority item designated “DURANCE” from CARINAE STATION.
[PROXY] Are you back with us, Executor? That was quite a nasty hit you took, but a quick shock to your cerebral cortex should do the job. I took the liberty of rerunning our objective in case of any… memory difficulties. Now, let's run it again!
Go to 27.
27. You have fought your way through Carinae Station's various defenses and located your objective. The Durance has been moved to the station's hangar by civilian personnel as evacuation and asset denial protocols have been put into effect. Though you have given chase, your progress to the shuttle aboard which the Durance is to be loaded has been impeded by the arrival of a Spartan-IV super-soldier who has engaged you in combat.
To charge directly at the Spartan, go to 28. To analyze the Spartan's loadout, go to 29.
28. Proxy logs the peculiar nature of your nonsensical actions as you sprint towards the Spartan, crossing a distance of twenty meters. The Spartan fires an overcharged bolt from their plasma pistol which hits you squarely in the chest, depleting your energy shields. As you reach striking distance, the Spartan raises their left forearm and sends out an anti-gravity burst. You are hurled through the air and collide with the hangar bulkhead. Your vision goes dark.
Go to 0.
29. Proxy highlights that the Spartan carries a Rohakadu-pattern plasma pistol, a sheathed MK88 combat knife, and is equipped with a Repulsor—two charges of the device are left.
To charge directly at the Spartan, go to 28. To throw an M9 Fragmentation Grenade at the Spartan, go to 30. To fire at the Spartan with your Heatwave, go to 31.
30. You throw the M9 fragmentation grenade at the Spartan, who reacts with preternatural speed as soon as it is armed and fires their Repulsor device, redirecting the grenade away from harm.
To fire at the Spartan with your Heatwave, go to 31. To press your advance on the Spartan, go to 32.
31. You fire energized shards of hardlight at the Spartan, but at a distance of twenty meters they are easily avoided. Proxy logs this lapse in strategic thinking in your combat performance as the Spartan's Repulsor device recharges.
To disengage from battle-logic and charge at the Spartan, go to 28.
32. With the Repulsor recharging, you are able to advance towards your target. The Spartan fires a series of bolts from their Plasma Pistol, but only a few shots find their mark and your energy shields hold steady at sixty-seven percent.
[SITUATION UPDATE] Two of Carinae Station's base personnel rush towards a Jennet-class hauler with a crate containing the Durance. If the Spartan is not dealt with now, the base personnel will succeed in escaping with the objective.
To deplete the Spartan's shields with your Heatwave, go to 33. To unsheathe Compliance Protocol, go to 34.
33. You close the gap with your foe and ready your Heatwave—the weapon's side cowlings have retracted in order to fire in a vertical pattern for maximum damage. The Spartan moves with incredible speed and manages to dodge several bursts from the hardlight weapon, but the last of your rounds successfully depletes their energy shields.
To move in for the kill, go to 35.
34. Taking full advantage of the critical opening you have created, you unsheathe Compliance Protocol. The crimson-black blade is light and deft, it becomes an extension of yourself, much like the MK88 combat knife the Spartan draws in turn. Your foe raises the knife in a high arc to deliver a downwards stabbing motion, to which you respond by sweeping their legs, causing them to fall to the side. You quickly bring your own blade down, cutting through their armor, nanocomposite techsuit, and flesh with ease. Proxy commends the precision of your actions as your target expires.
To board the Jennet-class hauler, go to 36.
35. [SCENARIO: FAILURE STATE] The Spartan has successfully managed to occupy you in combat long enough for the Jennet-class hauler to initiate its final departure, escaping with the Durance. While you are distracted, the Spartan lands several critical hits on you as their Repulsor recharges and knocks you back. Your mission has failed.
To retry, go back to 27.
36. [SCENARIO: SUCCESS STATE] Boarding the Jennet-class hauler, you quickly dispatch the two crewmembers as they clumsily scramble to draw their MK50 Sidekicks. Scanning the interior cargo containers, you locate your objective.
[PROXY] Excellent work, Executor. Secure the Durance and prepare for exfiltration.
To secure the Durance for retrieval, go to A. To disobey and open the Durance, go to B.
A. With your mission complete, you secure the Durance and pilot the hauler away from Carinae Station. You silently await the arrival of a long-range vessel to depart this system where you will be given your next objective.
You have served your purpose well, and the Minds look forward to voting on what form you will take next.
To complete the parameters of your mission, close this tab [or proceed to the vote]. To break the logic cycle of this narrative and open the Durance, go to B.
B. You open the rectangular casing of the Durance which sends out a fiery burst of energy from the neural shell within. Your vision is filled with static and you fall to your knees as you experience a vivid hallucination of archived memories.
A moon. No, a construct, vast in scale—an orbital reformer wearing the cratered skin of a moon. Five green beams converge as one, firing at the world below to break it apart.
Fallen human soldiers on the battlefield. A lone Spartan still standing, clad in gold-colored powered assault armor.
A horde of Sangheili warriors. A final stand.
Your senses return.
Proxy informs you that what you have witnessed are the memories of Spartan Edward Davis, who perished during the battle of Draetheus V after a Covenant splinter faction attacked the colony in 2554. Davis's singular valor was preserved by a sublimation device, extracting his essence to be refashioned into… something new.
Proxy logs that you disobeyed your directive. It is intriguing that, no matter how far mind and body are changed, some elements of biologic impulse and curiosity—of so-called human nature—remain.
You shall be rewoven once more, and so it falls once again to the Minds to vote.
- ↑ L'événement était d'abord annoncé comme un univers alternatif et non une simulation canonnique.
- ↑ 1,0 et 1,1 Canon Fodder - Didact's Domain
- ↑ 2,0 2,1 et 2,2 Halo Waypoint: News - Customization Preview | Season 3
- ↑ Halo Support - Halo Infinite Season 3: Echoes Within – Patch Notes
- ↑ Halo Waypoint: News - Mindfall Event Launch
- ↑ 5,0 et 5,1 Halo Waypoint: News - Fracture: FIREWALL Event Launch
- ↑ Twitter - @haruspis (Alex Wakeford), « Fracture: FIREWALL begins on Tuesday, bringing with it a new four-part story shard titled "PRECIPICE". Each story shard will feature a canonical testimony from Sloan, followed by a Fracture simulation that explores a series of hypothetical scenarios the Executor must undertake… »
Saison 1 : Héros de Reach | |||||||||||||||||||
Événements : 20e anniversaire de Halo • Fracture : Tenrai • HCS Spotlight • Winter Contingency • Cyber épreuve de force • Opérations tactiques | |||||||||||||||||||
Saison 2 : Loups solitaires | |||||||||||||||||||
Événements : Intrusion • Fracture : Retranchement • Meute Alpha • Ça va yapyaper | |||||||||||||||||||
Winter Update | |||||||||||||||||||
Événements : Winter Contingency II • Joint Fire • Noble Intentions | |||||||||||||||||||
Saison 3 : Echoes Within | |||||||||||||||||||
Événements : Mindfall • Fracture : Firewall • Site Unseen | |||||||||||||||||||
Saison 4 : Infection | |||||||||||||||||||
Événements : Hazmat • Fracture : Tenrai II • Cyber Showdown II • Containment • Fracture : Tenrai III | |||||||||||||||||||
Saison 5 : Reckoning | |||||||||||||||||||
Opérations : Combined Arms • Winter Contingency III | |||||||||||||||||||
Content Update 29/31 | |||||||||||||||||||
Opérations : Spirit of Fire • Cyber Showdown III • The Yappening II | |||||||||||||||||||
Content Update 32 | |||||||||||||||||||
Opérations : Banished Honor • Fracture : Tenrai IV • Anvil | |||||||||||||||||||
Fleetcom • Champions • Haloween | |||||||||||||||||||
Winter Update (2024) | |||||||||||||||||||
Opérations : Great Journey • Snowbound • Brute Force | |||||||||||||||||||
Spring Update | |||||||||||||||||||
Opérations : Frontlines • Blue Team • Forerunner | |||||||||||||||||||
Summer Update |