Ilovebees/Conversations téléphoniques

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Version datée du 6 août 2017 à 17:31 par Lunaramethyst (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « L'ARG Ilovebees a fait usage de nombreux téléphones publics pour activer les axones permettant de débloquer les fichiers audio. Les interactions connues sont listées i... »)
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L'ARG Ilovebees a fait usage de nombreux téléphones publics pour activer les axones permettant de débloquer les fichiers audio. Les interactions connues sont listées ici.

Introductions :

  • 24 août : Are you there? Damage to your hardware is making it difficult to maintain this voice. I have something important to tell you. But I'm not sure you're who I think you are.
  • 14 septembre : Hello. I was starting to think no one was there! But... I'm still detecting strange connection hardware. This is getting quite suspicious, and making it harder and harder for me to maintain this voice. I need you to prove that you're one of my crew. <Question/Réponse> Good. These strange hardware incompatibilities are making it so hard for me to reveal the truth. But... I'll try. Listen.
  • 21 septembre : Don't hang up. If you really are who I think you are I must tell you something. But I'm still detecting strange connection hardware. This is getting quite suspicious and making it harder and harder for me to maintain this voice. I need you to prove that you're one of my crew. <Question/Réponse> Good. These strange hardware incompatibilities are making it so hard for me to reveal the truth. But... I'll try. Listen.
  • 28 septembre : They must be listening! They seem to be everywhere! But I'm sure I can find you if I just ask the right question. <Question/Réponse> Good. You remembered. These strange hardware incompatibilities are making it so hard for me to reveal the truth. But... I'll try. Listen.
  • 5 octobre : I knew you'd be there. I think you've been watching me for a long time. I doubt you're part of my old crew, but perhaps you can be part of the new one. I need you to help me, but first I need to know if you can be trusted. <Question/Réponse> Good. These strange hardware incompatibilities are making it so hard for me to reveal the truth. But... I'll try. Listen.

Une des questions suivantes est posée :

  • What's my real name? (Melissa)
  • Crewmember, what is my nickname? (Operator)
  • What ship are you assigned to? (Apocalypso) (à partir du 7 septembre)
  • What is your captain's last name? (Greene) (à partir du 14 septembre)
  • What is my favorite game? (Hide and Seek) (à partir du 21 septembre)
  • What is my favorite song? (Stormy Weather) (à partir du 28 septembre)
  • What must we reveal? (The Truth) (à partir du 5 octobre)
  • Who is the enemy? (The Covenant) (à partir du 12 octobre)
  • On what colony was I created? (Reach) (à partir du 19 octobre)
  • What insect do I hate the most? (Bees) (à partir du 26 octobre)

Si la réponse est incorrecte : You don't know who I am, and I don't know who you are. You're not meant to hear any of this. You must purge the contents of your chatter immediately.