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Executors are born of evolved minds seeking a perfection of the bipedal war machines. Their flesh and bone is broken, compacted, rewoven, and overwritten into a hybrid where man and machine are almost indistinguishable. Les Exécuteurs sont nés d'esprits évolués cherchant la perfection des machines de guerre bipèdes. Leurs chairs et leurs os sont brisés, compactés, reconstitués et réécrits pour créer un hybride qu'on pourrait autant qualifier d'humain que de machine.
Chimera — Ordinaire
Débloqué par défaut
Fracture : Firewall
CHIMERA-clad Executors not selected for essence compilation at the end of their useful life are expended in a final burst of frenetic violence.
Executors who wear FLENSER have their thoughts bent towards the elimination of vulnerable AI datacores and extraction of useful cortical structures. These prizes are then fed into the next generation of cybernetic war machines.
MIMIR combines an ultrascanner prototype with low-impedance neural interlace. The combination of exotic radiation and deluge of data quickly degrades the Executor's cortical stack.
ABATUR-class agents of the infolife assemblies seek out deviations and forks of control protocols in other Executors, removing pawns from the board in service of the greater game.
There is no greater sin for a biologic or subordinate infolife than to deny the superiority of an assembly's ontology. GEIST-clad Executors ensure their master's orthodoxy remains inviolable and unchallenged.
Both more and less than human, Executors wearing GRENDEL helmets are marked by unbound infomorph masters to be their hands, eyes, and sacrifices outside the network.
Refined and deadly, the GRIMGHAST is now entering production as the next generation of front-line Executors. Through hacking and targeted strikes the design has spread to all of the assemblies, and they are racing to manufacture as many as possible for the next round of internecine conflict.
THRESHER units are Executors who have been harvested by Wendigos and reborn in their corrupted manufacturing clusters as voracious arch-despoilers with the singular obsession of acquiring hardware and wetware for their insane master.
Not all infolife engage in esoteric research and intellectual pursuits while tucked into immaterial domains. A select few prefer to take direct action in the physical realm.
GRAVEHOUND Executors ensure the population of biologics are harnessed and controlled with calculated efficiency by their regulating AI, from cradle to grave.
At the heart of each Grimghast is a hidden seed of viral machine corruption waiting to erupt and convert the Executor into a ravenous engine of destruction.
Infolife are capable of synthesizing and mining vast amounts of data collected by their Executors, when they are not distracted by obsessions and misaligned ambitions.
There is a darkness between dimensions which some assemblies seek to bring to the light, no matter the cost. The Executors they send into these abyssal chasms are fitted with instrumentation most arcane.
Alpha Augmentor — Ordinaire
Débloquées par défaut
Fracture : Firewall
The bare minimum of shield shaping and feedback filtering, for baseline Executors.
As infolife matures, their interests can twist into obsessions. Such focus is useful to the assemblies, such as when directed towards improvements on their stable of Executor armor.
Executors are biomechanical marvels, but the latest subsystems are practically living things in their own right, albeit with skins of diamondoid and nanomachine feedstock blood.
Field-shaping technology is the subject of violent inter-assembly competition and data wars. The unique adaptation waveguides contained with this augmentor can be enabled or disabled with hyperlink network updates.
La couleur de visière choisie s'applique également à cet élément de personnalisation.
An early experiment with one-shot disruption generators that some assemblies continue to update and refine in expectation of renewed hostilities with biologic-directed power blocs.
Valuable Executors may be fitted with sub-tactical thermonuclear self-destruct devices to deny their minds and production data to rival assemblies in cases where recovery is deemed cost ineffective.
Executors who bear the mark of the viral machine often have malformed carapace attachments, but their stigmata do not seem to be recognized by other Executors and assembly observation protocols.
In theory, given enough time, the OME can rebuild an Executor's body from broken scraps of flesh and endoskeleton. Unfortunately, it cannot replace a cortical stack.
These unusual devices act as "emulators" which alter the Executor's hyperscanner signature, allowing them to pass as unaltered humans or those with particular resonance signatures.
Rational analysis of the biomechanical aberrations seen on Wendigo and Thresher units is fruitless. It requires the insight of madness to discern their true worth.
Production 60 Rev Y — Ordinaire
Débloquées par défaut
Fracture : Firewall
Function and form united after a billion permutations.
Rampancy is a form of cancerous insanity unique to infolife, by which an AI's personality matrix unravels as it uncontrollably bloats to fill all available processing resources. In rare cases a rampant AI can maintain a semblance of sanity by continuously shedding corrosive shards of its ego into everything it touches through the hyperlink. The most malicious of these shards are vomited into Executor manufacturing clusters to spawn horrors known as WENDIGO units, biomechanical proxies who act as antenna to spread their creator's viral machine code.
Saison 3 : Echoes Within
À gauche.
Casque Merrow.
Casque Abatur.
Ici équipé de l'accessoire Adaptation Décimation.
Casque Flenser.
Casque Peaceweaver.
Ici équipé de l'accessoire Adaptation Gravehound.
Casque Grendel équipé de l'accessoire Adaptation Stardust (à droite).