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Version du 23 juillet 2015 à 13:05
Transcription VF
<toggledisplay hidetext=[Masquer]>
Cercle 1, Arc 1
FOULE (HOMME)#1 : Deux pour Hope Station.
SURINTENDANT : Bonjour voyage ! Le service de transports vous souhaite la bienvenue à la station Kikowani. En quoi puis-je vous être utile ?
SADIE : Un ticket pour l'Ancienne Mombasa s'il te plait. Prends ma carte... Non c'est traçable. Bon sang. Des pièces, il me faut des pièces !
SURINTENDANT : Merci ! Quelle est votre destination finale ?
SADIE : Magongo, si je ne me fais pas prendre. Et sinon...
SURINTENDANT : Merci ! Une place pour aller à Magongo.
SADIE : Allez, allez !
SURINTENDANT : N'oubliez pas votre ticket !
SADIE : Stop ! Attendez-moi !
SURINTENDANT : Train numéro 14 à destination de l'Ancienne Mombasa, départ imminent
SADIE : C'était moins une...
SURINTENDANT : Gares desservies : Makupa, Nairobi Road, Hope Station et Magongo, terminus.
SADIE : J'y suis presque... Allez...
SURINTENDANT : Arrêt d'urgence. Gardez votre calme. Arrêt d'urgence. Gardez votre calme...
SADIE : Bon sang ! Il m'a retrouvée...
Cercle 1, Arc 2
FOULE (HOMME) #2 : Pourquoi est-ce qu'on s'arrête ?
FOULE (FEMME) #1 : Il y a un problème ?
FOULE (FEMME) #2 : Combien de temps on va rester ici ?
SURINTENDANT : Arrêt d'urgence. Gardez votre calme. Arrêt d'urgence. Gardez votre calme...
SADIE : Virgil, tu ne peux pas arrêter le train ! Il y a plein de monde à bord !
SURINTENDANT : Arrêt d'urgence. Gardez votre...
SADIE : Ça suffit, Virgil !
PASSAGER : Qu'est-ce que vous faites, espèce de folle ? Vous parlez au train ?
SADIE : Je ne serai pas là si tu n'avais pas mis tous les feux de signalisation au rouge !
PASSAGER : Ouah. Attendez... Le train vous répond, maintenant ? Mais qu'est-ce qui se passe ?
SADIE : Je suis vraiment désolée, monsieur. J'essayais juste quitter la ville. Virgil, je vais m'engager.
SADIE : J'ai dix-neuf ans ! Et en plus, l'UNSC engage absolument tout le monde !
SURINTENDANT : [Son : Freinage sec]
SADIE : C'est exactement ce que dirait papa !
PASSAGER : Vous savez... le train n'a pas tord. Il y a beaucoup de soldats qui se font tuer en ce moment.
SADIE : Ce n'est pas un train, c'est une ville. Une ville très très agaçante.
SURINTENDANT : [Son : Aboiements de chien]
SADIE : Ça marchait quand j'étais gamine, Virgil. Ouvre les portes. ALLEZ !
FOULE (FEMME)#2 : Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé ?
FOULE (HOMME) #5 : Génial. En plus, il faut marcher jusqu'au quai ?
FOULE (HOMME) #4 : Poussez-vous ! Laissez-moi passer !
SURINTENDANT : Départ de Hope Station. Départ de Hope Station...
SADIE : Virgil, vas en enfer.
[Son : Rupture spatio-temporelle d'un vaisseau Covenant]
FOULE (HOMME) #1 : Les Covenants ! Fuyez !
FOULE (ENFANT) : Maman ? Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe ?
FOULE (HOMME) #2 : Ils sont là ! Ils nous ont trouvé !
SADIE : Pas la peine. On est déjà en enfer.
Cercle 1, Arc 3
FOULE (HOMME) #4 : Fuyez ! Les Covenants arrivent !
FOULE (HOMME) #6 : Ils faut que j'atteigne les docks. Si je peux monter sur un bateau...
FOULE (FEMME) #2 : S'il vous plaît, laissez-moi monter ! Sortez-moi d'ici ! Attendez !
FOULE (HOMME) #1: Je peux utiliser vote chatter ? Pour appeler ma famille !
FOULE (FEMME) #3 : Je leur ai dit ! Je leur ai dit que ça nous tomberait dessus ! Ils n'ont rien écouté et voilà : on va tous mourir !
SADIE : Virgil ? Tu m'entends ? J'utilise mon chatter. Je suis descendue à l'Ancienne Mombasa et...
SADIE: Je sais ! Je le vois ! Un vaisseau Covenant gigantesque... Pile au dessus du centre-ville ! Il y a un kiosque sur la plate-forme ! Station Makupa ! On se retrouve là-bas ?
SADIE : Excusez-moi ! Pardon ! Eh ! Laissez passer !
SURINTENDANT : Veuillez indiquez votre destination !
SADIE : Virgil, connecte-moi sur papa ! Vite !
SURINTENDANT : Désolé, destination inconnue.
DR. ENDESHA : Sadie ! Où es-tu ?
SADIE : La gare de l'Ancienne Mombasa. Papa, il y a un vaisseau...
DR. ENDESHA : Écoute, mon cœur. Je voulais t'en parler ce matin mais tu es partie trop tôt. Tu sais, mon dernier projet ? L'étude sismique pour construire le nouveau centre-ville ? Virgil a trouvé quelque chose sous la ville. Je n'avais jamais rien vu de t...
SADIE : Papa ! Il y a un vaisseau Covenant...
DR. ENDESHA : Je n'avais jamais rien vu de tel !
SADIE : Papa ! Les Covenants attaquent la ville ! Tu entends ce que je dis ? Il faut sortir de là ! Tout de suite !
DR. ENDESHA : Ne t'en fais pas, je suis au neuvième sous-sol et le centre de données de Virgil est extrêmement sûr.
SADIE : Bon. Alors je te rejoins.
DR. ENDESHA : Non ! C'est hors de question ! Ne bouge pas d'où tu es ! Je vais dire à Virgil de...
SADIE : Désolé papa <grésillements simulés> euh... Ça va trancher <grésillements simulés>...
DR. ENDESHA : C'est une connexion vidéo, Sadie. Je vois bien que c'est toi qui fais ces bruits.
SADIE : Bon. Alors, euh... Virgil, renvoie ce train en sens inverse...
DR. ENDESHA : Sadie Endesha ! Je ne te laisserai pas te mettre en danger... Mais qu'est-ce que c'est que ce bruit ?
SADIE : Oh oh. Ils arrivent.
[Son : Mortier d'Apparition explosant contre le train]
Cercle 2, Arc 1
FOULE (HOMME) #3 : Ils ont fait sauter le train !
FOULE (FEMME) #2 : (Cri) Mon mari était à bord !
FOULE (HOMME) #6 : Regardez où vous allez !
SADIE : (Tousse et suffoque) Oh ! Eh ! Ne poussez pas !
KINSLER : Sadie ? Mademoiselle Endesha ?
SADIE : C'est vous monsieur Kinsler ? Ouh ! (Grognements) Mais poussez-vous !
KINSLER : Officier Branley, calmez cette foule avant qu'elle se fasse piétiner sur le trottoir !
MIKE : Oui, chef !
Mike : Police de Mombasa ! Laissez passer !
FOULE (HOMME) #1 : Saletés de flics !
FOULE (HOMME) #3 : Eh ! Donne-nous ta voiture !
[Son : Deux tirs de Magnum]
MIKE : J'ai dit : on s'écarte ! Vous êtes blessée ?
SADIE : Non. Ça va aller...
FOULE (FEMME) #3 : Eh, pourquoi elle et pas nous ?
FOULE (HOMME) #3 : Donne-nous ta bagnole, sale flic !
KINSLER : Branley ! Faites-là monter !
MIKE : Me lâchez pas. Il faut y aller.
KINSLER : Mais pourquoi diable vous baladez-vous dans la vieille ville ?
SADIE : Il y a eu... Un problème avec le train...
KINSLER : Ne me dites rien... (Rires) Je connais bien Virgil et son côté extrêmement protecteur, Sadie.
FOULE (HOMME) #4 : Enfoirés de flics ! Ouvrez !
KINSLER : Branley ! Démarrez !
MIKE : Oui, monsieur. Où faut-il aller ?
KINSLER : C'est une très bonne question...
SADIE : Mon père. À son bureau...
KINSLER : Au Centre de données, sous le bâtiment de l'ONI ? Non, je ne crois pas. Il y a beaucoup trop de Covenants dans ce secteur...
KINSLER : Je vais vous emmener dans un endroit bien plus tranquille.
Transcription VO
<toggledisplay hidetext=[Masquer]> Circle 1, Arc
[SOUND: Vergil chime.]
[SOUND: Trains whistle as morning commuters crowd the station.]
KIOSK: (from speaker) Hello, traveler! The Mombasa Transit Authority welcomes you to Kikowani station. How may I serve you?
SADIE: One ticket to Old Mombasa, please. Here's my card-- No, scrap that. Traceable.
SADIE: Damn it! Coins, need coins...[Puts coins in the kiosk.]
KIOSK: Thank you! What is your final destination?
SADIE: Magongo, if I don't get caught...Hell, if I do.
KIOSK: Thank you! Transport for one to Magongo!
SADIE: Let's go, let's go!
KIOSK: Please collect your ticket.
SADIE: Wait! Hold the doors, please!
[SOUND: train doors slid shut.]
TRAIN: (from speakers) All aboard Train number 14.
SADIE: That was close...
TRAIN: Next stop-- Makupa, Nairobi Road, Hope Station and Magongo-- end of the line.
SADIE: Almost there... almost--
[SOUND: Train squeals to a stop.]
SADIE: Damn it! He found me.
Circle 1, Arc 2
[SOUND: Train grinds to a stop.]
CROWD: Is something wrong?
CROWD: How long are we going to sit here?
SADIE: Vergil, you can't stop the train! There are other people on board!
SADIE: Cut it out, Vergil!
PASSAGER: What are you doing, crazy lady? Talking to the train?
SADIE: (to Vergil) I wouldn't even be here if you hadn't kept turning all the traffic signals red!
PASSAGER: Whoa. Wait... Train's talking back to you now? What the heck's going on?
SADIE: Sir, I'm really sorry about this. I was just trying to get out of the city.
SADIE: (whisper) Vergil, I am going to enlist!
SADIE: I'm nineteen.
SADIE: And besides, the UNSC is taking everyone it can get!
SURINTENDANT :: [plays recording of traffic accident.]
SADIE: That's exactly what Dad would say!
PASSAGER: You know...train's got a point. A lot of soldiers are dying these days.
SADIE: He's not a train, he's a city.
SADIE: (whisper, to Vergil) A bad, bad city!
SURINTENDANT :: [whines like a puppy.]
SADIE: That worked when I was a kid, Vergil. Open the doors, now!
[SOUND: Train doors hiss open]
CROWD: What was that all about?
CROWD: Great, so now we have to walk to the station?
CROWD: Out of my way! Let me through!
SADIE: Vergil... go to hell.
[SOUND: Crackling roar of Covenant slip-space rupture]
CROWD: The Covenant! Run!
CROWD: Mommy! What's happening?
CROWD: They're! They've found us!
SADIE: Scratch that... Hell just came here.
Circle 1, Arc 3
[SOUND: Cars honk, crowd panics as a Covenant carrier passes overhead.]
CROWD: Move! The Covenant are coming!
CROWD: Please, mister, you gotta take me! Get me outta here! Please! Wait!
CROWD: Can I use your chatter? I gotta call my family!
CROWD: I told'em! I told'em this was gonna happen! They don't listen, and now we are all going to die!
SADIE: (into Chatter) Vergil? Can you hear me? I'm on my Chatter. But I'm off the train in Old Mombasa and--
SADIE: I know! I can see it! A giant Covenant ship, just hanging above the city center!
SADIE: There's a kiosk on the platform! Makupa station. Meet me there, okay?
SURINTENDANT :: [Vergil chime.]
SADIE: (pushing through the crowd) Excuse me! Sorry. Hey! Watch it, mister!
KIOSK: (from speaker) Please state your destination.
SADIE: Vergil, give me eyes on Dad! Quick!
KIOSK: I'm sorry. I didn't recognize that-- [distortion]
DR ENDESHA: (from kiosk) Sadie? Where are you?
SADIE: Train station. Old Mombasa. Dad, there's a ship--
DR ENDESHA: Listen sweetheart. I wanted to tell you at breakfast, but you left so early...
DR ENDESHA: You know my latest project? The seismic survey for the new construction downtown?
SADIE: Dad! There's a Covenant ship--
DR ENDESHA: Well, Vergil found something under the city. I've never seen anything like it--
SADIE: Dad! Covenant are attacking the city! Do you hear what I'm saying! You've got to get out of there!
DR ENDESHA: Don't worry, I'm nine levels underground. And I built Vergil's data-center to be very, very secure.
SADIE: Fine. Then I'll come to you.
DR ENDESHA: No! Absolutely not! Stay exactly where you are! I'll have Vergil--
SADIE: Sorry Dad! (fakes static) There's, uh, something wrong...
DR ENDESHA: This is a video connection, Sadie. I can see you making those sounds.
SADIE: Right... Well, tough!
SAID: Vergil, get that train going in reverse!
DR ENDESHA: Sadie Endesha. I will not allow you to put yourself in danger--
[SOUND: Whistle of Covenant plasma fire]
DR ENDESHA: What's that noise?
SADIE: Uh oh... Incoming!
[SOUND: Covenant plasma fire slams into station.]
Circle 2, Arc 1
[SOUND: Covenant plasma fire slams into station.]
CROWD: They blew up the train!
CROWD: No! My husband was on board!
CROWD: Screw you! I'm outta here!
[SOUND: Siren wails as a police car pulls up to the curb beside the station.]
SADIE: (moves through the crowd to street, coughs) Ow! Hey! Stop pushing!
KINSLER: (from police car) Sadie? Miss Endesha, is that you?
SADIE: Commissioner Kinsler!? [to crowd] Ow! Get off of me!
KINSLER: Officer Branley! Control this crowd before they trample her into the sidewalk!
MIKE: (exiting car) Yes, sir!
MIKE: NMPD! Everyone back off!
CROWD: Lousy cops.
CROWD: Hey! Give us your car!
MIKE: I said, back off! (Fires pistol into the air)
MIKE: (to Sadie) Are you hurt?
SADIE: No, I'll be alright...
CROWD: Hey, why don't you help us?
CROWD: Yeah, give us your car, cops!
KINSLER: Branley! Get her inside!
MIKE: Take my hand. We gotta go.
[SOUND: Sadie and Mike enter the car and slam the doors.]
KINSLER: What the devil are you doing out in the old city?
SADIE: There was...something wrong with the train.
KINSLER: You don't say...
KINSLER: (laughs) I know all about Vergil and his overprotective urges, Sadie.
[SOUND: Angry crowd pounds on the car]
KINSLER: Branley! Drive!
MIKE: Yes sir! [Honks car horn.] What's our destination?
KINSLER: That's a very good question...
SADIE: My dad. He's at work.
KINSLER: The data-center below the ONI building?
KINSLER: No, I don't think so. There are too many Covenant in that district.
KINSLER: I'd like to take you someplace much more... private.
[SOUND: Police car accelerates away from the station.]
Circle 2, Arc 2
[SOUND: Police car accelerates away from the station.]
KINSLER: Branley? The partition, if you please.
MIKE: Yes, sir... [Raise the privacy partition]
SADIE: Where are we going?
KINSLER: The police department has an emergency bunker outside the city limits. We'll be very safe.
SADIE: That's very kind of you, Commissioner. But I can't, I'm sorry. If you would please take me to the city center--
KINSLER: Such a serious young women. Just like your mother... 'New Mombasa's most passionate public defender.'
KINSLER: Too bad her last client really was a sick, murdering bastard.
KINSLER: (sliding across the seat closer to Sadie) She had your eyes...
SADIE: (into her Chatter) Vergil, stop the car!
KINSLER: As police commissioner it’s my job to uphold the law. And I'm afraid this city has very strict, personal privacy statues.
KINSLER: My car is off the grid, Sadie. As far as Vergil is concerned, you just disappeared...
[SOUND: Sadie slaps Kinsler's face]
KINSLER: (laughs) Assaulting a police officer. That's a serious offence.
SADIE: Don't come any closer!
KINSLER: (laughs) Just like your mother...
SADIE: (struggling) Let go of me!
KINSLER: It's the end of the world...
SADIE: Vergil! Please! Somebody!
KINSLER: Nobody cares what happens to one...lost...soul!
[SOUND: Tires squeal as the car comes to an abrupt stop]
KINSLER: Officer! Why are we stopping! Keep going!
[SOUND: Mike exits the car and opens Kinsler's door]
MIKE: Get out.
MIKE: You heard me... [Grabs Kinsler]
KINSLER: Let go of my coat! What do you think you're doing?
MIKE: My job.
[SOUND: Mike punches Kinsler, knocking him to the ground]
SADIE: I hope that hurt, you son of a bitch!
KINSLER: (panting) Not as much as you're going to hurt when I--
[SOUND: Mike punches Kinsler again.]
MIKE: Commissioner, I'm taking the car.
MIKE: You want to get out of the city? You can walk like everyone else. [Enters car, slams door]
KINSLER: (spitting blood) You'll pay for this, Branley!
MIKE: It's the end of the world... Nobody cares what happens to you.
[SOUND: Tires squeal as the car pulls away from Kinsler.]
Circle 2, Arc 3
[SOUND: Mike lowers the privacy partition.]
MIKE: You okay back there?
SADIE: Thanks for...pulling him off me.
MIKE: Kinsler had it coming. I've been his driver for two weeks? Seen enough to last a lifetime...
MIKE: Name's Mike. Mike Branley.
SADIE: Sadie Endesha.
SADIE: You know for a cop, you make a pretty good guardian angel.
MIKE: Ex-cop.
SADIE: Yeah... Sorry about that.
MIKE: Ah, I was looking for a career change anyway.
SADIE: How about solider?
[SOUND: Distant explosions in the city.]
MIKE: Does seem like a growth sector...
SADIE: Mike. I need to get back over the bridge, to the ONI building downtown.
MIKE: Well that's a problem, because I need to keep away from Covenant plasma fire.
SADIE: OK...just drop me off here.
MIKE: Don't be stupid! What are you going to do?
MIKE: Fight your way through a few million refugees just so the Covenant can kill you a little faster?
SADIE: (whisper) And this is why you always bring cab fare on a first date...
MIKE: I'm trying to save your life!
SADIE: You're trying to save your own ass!
MIKE: And yours!
SADIE: I think I'm the only person in this car who needs to be thinking about my ass!
MIKE: Fine.
SADIE: Fine!
[SOUND: Tires squeal as the car comes to an abrupt stop.]
SADIE: (opening her door) Thanks for saving me for, like three minutes!
MIKE: You're welcome!
[SOUND: Sadie slams her door, Mike drives away.]
SADIE: Well...I sure showed him.
Circle 3, Arc 1
[SOUND: Tires squeal as Mike's car pulls away from Sadie.]
SADIE: Great. I'm stranded on the wrong side of the bridge in the middle of an alien invasion...
SADIE: And I just pissed-off the only person willing to help me out.
SADIE: Go me.
[SOUND: A goat near Sadie bleats.]
SADIE: My feeling exactly...
CROWD: Move those animals!
CROWD: Step aside! Let us pass!
CROWD: Clear those out of the street, we need to move!
SADIE: (into her Chatter) Dad?
DR ENDESHA: (from the Chatter) Sadie? Thank God! Vergil couldn't find you anywhere!
SADIE: Yeah, you can thank Kinsler for that.
DR ENDESHA: Police Commissioner Kinsler? What do you mean?
SADIE: I don't want to talk about it...
JONAS: Get your kebabs here!
SADIE: Oh my God!
DR ENDESHA: What? What is it, Sadie?
SADIE: The biggest man I've ever seen!
DR ENDESHA: Where are you?
SADIE: The Old Town Market. A butcher is giving away his food.
SADIE: Too bad it won't keep the Covenant from glassing the city...
DR ENDESHA: They won't glass the city!
SADIE: (walking to the butcher) Hang on, dad...
DR ENDESHA: I'm in contact with an ONI officer. She thinks these Covenant are just a reconnaissance force.
DR ENDESHA: And I think they are looking for the same thing Vergil found in his seismic survey!
SADIE: Dad, I'll call you back.
[SOUND: Honking car horn]
ANGRY DRIVER: Move, you oaf! Get that table out of the road!
JONAS: Calm yourself, friend. Stop honking (laughs) and have a kebab.
ANGRY DRIVER: For the last time, move your fat ass--
[SOUND: The car creaks as Jonas leans on the hood]
ANGRY DRIVER: Hey! Get off my car!
JONAS: My friend, I am an eight hundred pound man with a large cleaver who kills animals every day and chops them into pieces.
JONAS: (laughs) Do you really want us to be enemies? Or would you rather have a nice kebab?
Circle 3, Arc 2
[SOUND: Bleating goats and a honking car horn.]
CROWD: Mommy, that's too loud!
CROWD: Somebody make him stop!
CROWD: Move that car!
ANGRY DRIVER: (honks) For the last time, you blimp! Get out of the road!
[SOUND: Jonas hefts his cleaver and smashes it into the car.]
ANGRY DRIVER: You put your cleaver through the hood of my car!
JONAS: Oh, a thousand pardons. But it was either that or smash your windshield, pull you out...
JONAS: And make you into kebabs.
ANGRY DRIVER: What? No! No-no! Hey wait!
JONAS: Then please, stop honking your horn. It frightens the children.
[SOUND: The car backs-up quickly.]
SADIE: (into her Chatter) Sorry, Dad. There was sort of a...thing here. What where you saying?
DR ENDESHA: (from the Chatter) Sadie, New Mombasa is the only place on Earth the Covenant are attacking.
SADIE: What? Why?
DR ENDESHA: Vergil's survey! He detected some very unusual seismic activity all along the Great Rift.
JONAS: (to Sadie) Would you like a kebab, young lady? Chicken, mutton, beef! One free for every refugee!
SADIE: I'm not a refugee! I'm going...there!
JONAS: Across the bridge! To where the aliens are landing?
JONAS: Take two kababs...
DR ENDESHA: Sadie, stay out of the city center! I don't want you coming anywhere near the security zone!
SADIE: Sorry, Dad. Gotta go. I'll call you back.
DR ENDESHA: Sadie-- (Chatters disconnects)
JONAS: Come my friends, don't be shy! Free food for the journey!
CROWD: Thank you! Asante. Asante sama.
[SOUND: Distant explosions in the city.]
JONAS: Now young lady... If you are heading into in the war zone, you must eat! Curried lamb? Roast chicken?
SADIE: They look delicious. Really. But I'm not hungry.
[SOUND: Another explosion near the market.]
JONAS: (biting into a kebab) My dear...
JONAS: The end of the world is nothing to face...(swallows) on an empty stomach.
[SOUND: Jonas chews, burps loudly and continues to eat his kebab.]
Circle 3, Arc 3
[SOUND: Jonas ignores nearby explosions and continuous to loudly chew his kebab.]
SADIE: Listen, what you're doing? Feeding all these hungry people? It's really a noble thing...
SADIE: But you can't stay here! The fighting is going to spread -- across the water, into the old city!
JONAS: (chews and swallows) Would you be a dear and run to the wine merchant?
JONAS: (burps) This lamb would be perfect with a twenty-three Ida Sirah...
SADIE: I understand you're...too heavy to walk very far. But there are other options!
JONAS: (laughs) You could carry me, perhaps?
SADIE: (into the Chatter) Vergil, you listening?
SURINTENDANT :: (from Chatter) [Vergil chimes]
SADIE: I need you to divert a city vehicle to my current location. A forklift, or maybe an Olifant--
JONAS: A garbage truck? I thnk I am insulted.
SADIE: If you stay here, you'll die!
SADIE: You need to get to the train station. Or the waterfront -- it's much closer!
JONAS: Look at me...
JONAS: Nobody is going to give me a place on a boat, a bus, or a train. I would take up five seats.
JONAS: I am not worth five people...
SADIE: You can't just give up -- throw away your life!
JONAS: And what about your life? You seem determined to go to the one place you are most likely to die.
SADIE: I'm going to find my father. He needs me. Just like all your customers need you!
JONAS: Very well, young lady. I am convinced. I to will leave Mombasa...
SADIE: Good!
JONAS: ...As soon as you do.
JONAS: First you make your father safe. Then you come back and rescue me!
JONAS: My brave warrior princess, riding her fearless fork-lift! (laughs)
SADIE: Deal. Just... don't give up.
JONAS: Well if I run out of hope? (laughs) I will still have kebabs!
[SOUNDS: Covenant plasma fire slams into the market.]
CROWD: The Covenant's getting closer!
CROWD: My shop! Everything is gone!
SADIE: (pushing through crowd) Excuse me. Ow! Sorry!
SADIE: (to Jonas) I'll be back soon!
JONAS: Of course you will.
CROWD: Wrong way, crazy girl!
SADIE: Please, just let me through!
SADIE: Stop it, Vergil.
SADIE: I'll find Dad. Then I'll come back.
SURINTENDANT :: [whines like a puppy.]
SADIE: I'm not crying...
SADIE: I'm not.
Circle 4, Arc 1
[SOUND: Civilians scream as fighting rages in the city.]
CROWD: Oh God, Oh god!
CROWD: Out of the car! We'll go on foot!
CROWD: No! My bags! I have my whole life in there!
CROWD: I don't give a damn! Leave it!
LOOTER: Smash the machines! Take the money!
LOOTER: Get back! This one's mine!
LOOTER: Screw you! There's plenty for everyone!
ATM: (from speaker) Welcome to your African Trust automated teller machine!
Banking with pride!
SADIE: Finally, an ATM that still works... Vergil, get Dad!
ATM: Please place your right hand-- (distortion)
DR ENDESHA: (from ATM) Sadie! Where are you?
SADIE: Outside one of the casinos, down by the river! I can barely hear
you, dad! There are looters inside smashing everything!
DR ENDESHA: Covenant troops are spread all over the city center!
DR ENDESHA: I can see them on the monitors in my lab! You've got to get as
far away as you can--
SADIE: Forget it! I'm coming to get you! End of discussion!
[SOUND: Smashing glass and a scream from inside the casino.]
DR ENDESHA: Listen to Vergil, Sadie!
SADIE: This looting is just the beginning, dad!
SADIE: Pretty soon we won't need the Covenant to tear us apart -- we'll
do that all by ourselves!
SADIE: Vergil, you've watched me all my life, kept me safe. Now, you've got
to save the city!
[SOUND: Vergil plays a recording of a police siren over the PA.]
LOOTER: It's the cops. Run for it!
LOOTER: Crap. Grab what you can and go!
LOOTER: No way I'm getting busted!
SADIE: That-a-boy! Scare them all the way to the river! I know they can
afford the ferry!
SADIE: Dad, can Vergil track the Covenant as they move? Stream positional
data to the UNSC?
DR ENDESHA: Yes, I might be able to re-configure the traffic congestion
cameras to isolate known Covenant vehicle profiles.
SADIE: Maybe the ARGUS sniffers can pick up their soldiers too?
SADIE: I've only seen vids of the different Covenant species, but I bet they
all stink in their own, special way.
DR ENDESHA: That's an excellent idea! Vergil, get right on it!
SURINTENDANT :: (from ATM) [Vergil chimes]
DR ENDESHA: Sadie, I know I've been busy, and we don't always have time to
DR ENDESHA: But sweetheart...you make me very, very proud.
SADIE: Well...I just figure if we know where the bastards are, we can at
least run away better.
[SOUND: Shotgun pump.]
CRONE: That was a nice trick with the police sirens, girly. But I ain't
so stupid.
CRONE: Step away from that cash machine, or I'm going to blow your pretty
head off!
Circle 4, Arc 2
[SOUND: Distant explosions mix with the jingle of nearby slot-machines.]
CROWD: She's got a shotgun! Look out!
CROWD: Come on! She's old, we can take her!
CRONE: (shoots into the air) You think I'm deaf?! Last warning! Back away
from my cash machine!
CRONE: (to Sadie) You too, girly!
DR ENDESHA: (from ATM) Sadie, get out of there!
SADIE: Look, I'm stepping back OK? Why don't you put down your gun--
CRONE: (shoots into the air) Time to break the piggy bank!
SADIE: Hey! You almost hit me!
[SOUND: The Crone smashes the ATM with her fist.]
CRONE: Open up!
CRONE: Open up!
[SOUND: As the Crone continues smashing, a drop ship flies toward the
SADIE: Everyone! Listen! That's a Covenant drop-ship!
LOOTERS: Commies! Let's get out of here!
LOOTERS: Leave the money! Run! Run!
CRONE: Forty years I've been coming to this place. Forty years of losing
my hard earned cash...
CRONE: Well, today I hit the jackpot! You hear me, you damn machine? I...
[SOUND: The Crone shoots the ATM.]
SADIE: Vergil, give her the money! Then we've got to find some cover!
[SOUND: Money whirls out of the ATM.]
CRONE: (laughs) Out of the way, you little slut!
SADIE: (running) Gotta find a place to hide...There! Dumpster. Across the
[SOUND: Brutes exit the drop-ship and walk to the ATM]
SADIE: (whispers) Brutes! Look how big they are!
CRONE: Jackpot! I win! I win!
SADIE: (whispers) Move! They're right on top of you!
BRUTES: [Angry roar.]
SADIE: Oh my God! It just tore the ATM off the casino wall!
[SOUND: the Brutes slams the ATM into the Crone.]
CRONE: [gurgling scream.]
Circle 4, Arc 3
[SOUND: Slot-machines jingle inside the casino.]
CRONE: (dying) Jackpot...jackpot...
SADIE: (whisper) Oh my God! She's crushed under the ATM!
BRUTE: [Angry growl.]
SADIE: (whipser) Please, don't look behind this dumpster, you big dumb Brutes.
Please, please, please...
BRUTE: [Angry roar.]
CRONE: Alien son of a bitch! Think I'd share any of this with you--
[SOUND: A Brute shoots the Crone then they all march down the street.]
SADIE: That's it... keep walking. Nothing more to see here...
DR ENDESHA: (from the Chatter) Sadie, are you all right?!
[SOUND: The Brutes turn and shoot Sadie's dumpster.]
SADIE: I was!
[SOUND: The Brutes are shooting at Sadie as she runs for cover.]
DR ENDESHA: I'm sorry! Run! Run!
[SOUND: Suddenly, a car races down the street, smashes the Brutes and
then plows into the casino.]
BRUTES: [Dying growls.]
SADIE: Vergil?! I car just came out of nowhere-- smashed into the Brutes!
Was that you?
[SOUND: The car door opens with a groan.]
MIKE: (exiting the car) My head...I thought air-bags where supposed to
stop you from getting hurt.
SADIE: Mike! You came back!
DR ENDESHA: Who's 'Mike'? Sadie, what's going on?
SADIE: Hang on, dad...
SADIE: (to Mike) Let me help you out of there.
MIKE: (groans) I'm OK... Seriously.
SADIE: That whole macho tough-guy thing? It's never really worked for me.
SADIE: Give me your hand...
MIKE: Uhn... Be gentle.
MIKE: Take me around front. Let me see what I hit...
MIKE: Brutes huh?
MIKE: Well that's never coming out of the grille.
Circle 5, Arc 1
[SOUND: Jingle of slot-machines, groaning car metal.]
DR ENDESHA: Sadie, thank the gentleman.
SADIE: (whisper) Great etiquette tip, Dad! Let me get back to you...
[Chatter disconnect]
SADIE: My father says I should thank you for saving my life.
MIKE: Couldn't save the car, though. I think there's something stuck in
the.. Oh.
SADIE: That's a.. Eww.
MIKE: Paw... Yeah. I can see that.
SADIE: Mike. Seriously. Thanks.
MIKE: Hey, I didn't want to be the guy who leaves the damsel in distress.
SADIE: Plus all the lights turned red when you tried to drive away.
MIKE: How did you...?
SADIE: Vergil.
MIKE: Who's that? Your... boyfriend?
SADIE: (laughs) Not quite. You know the Superintendent?
MIKE: Sure. The AI that runs the city. Picks up the garbage, monitors the
traffic. It helped me trace a license-plate last week.
SADIE: Well... Vergil is part of the Superintendent-- a subroutine my Dad
wrote to look after me when I was a kid.
MIKE: Look after you?
SADIE: After my mom died, it was just Dad and me. He did his best. But
his job...
SADIE: When Dad couldn't be there, Vergil was.
SADIE: He helped me get to school on time, made sure I bought a healthy
lunch and didn't watch too much TV...that sort of thing.
MIKE: Must have been annoying.
SADIE: It still is...
SADIE: Mike. Why are you helping me?
MIKE: I'm a cop. 'Service to All,' right?
SADIE: Uh-huh.
MIKE: Look, the city is under attack... A lot of people need help.
MIKE: Well... I can die a hero or I can die a coward but--
SADIE: Got any choices that don't involve dying?
[SOUND: distant explosions in the city center.]
MIKE: Not if you want to go back over that bridge.
Circle 5, Arc 2
[SOUND: Honking car horns and panicked screams.]
CROWD: Hold my hand, son! Don't look down!
CROWD: Is it true? That they've shut down the tether!?
CROWD: Officer? Where should we when we're off the bridge?
COP: Just keep walking! Get out of the city!
COP: Everyone try and stay calm! Marines will be here soon!
PROPAGANDA: (from PA) Citizens! Your neighbors are resisting!
PROPAGANDA: A popular uprising is inflicting heavy causalities on the
invaders! We will prevail!
MIKE: How are we going to get across this bridge? It's packed!
SADIE: Good manners and pointy elbows!
MIKE: (whisper) Jeez, Branley. The things you do for a kiss...
SADIE: What?
MIKE: I said, I won't let you down, miss!
SADIE: Right!
CROWD: Ow, wrong way, girl!
CROWD: Hey! Watch where you are stepping!
SADIE: (pushing through crowd) Excuse us! Sorry!
MIKE: Hey, step aside! Police business!
SADIE: It's an emergency! Let us through!
MIKE: Step aside people!
SADIE: You know, if the panicked mobs would just stay in nice, neat lines
we'd-- Ow! Watch it!-- get across this bridge a lot faster!
MIKE: Do you hear that?
SADIE: What, the water? Don't tell me you're afraid of heights!
MIKE: Pelican drop-ship. Hard to see through all this smoke. But its
heading our way.
SADIE: (to Chatter) Vergil? Got eyes in the sky?
[SOUND: (from Chatter) Vergil chime followed by a tapping and barking.]
SADIE: Not good. Cane tapping. Seeing-eye dog. Means Vergil can't see
MIKE: And who do we know that likes to travel off the grid?
CROWD: That's a police drop-ship! We're saved!
CROWD: We can't all fit on that!
CROWD: Says you! I'm getting on first!
[SOUND: A Pelican drop-ship settles on the bridge and opens its troop-bay
MIKE: Aww, crap...
KINSLER: Hello, Sadie... Remember me?
Circle 5, Arc 3
[SOUND: Kinsler's Pelican drop-ship settles on the bridge.]
CROWD: The commissioner! We're saved! He has a drop-ship!
CROWD: Yeah, and a sub-machine gun!
CROWD: Why's he pointing it at that girl?
CROWD: Not our problem! Keep moving.
KINSLER: (readies his weapon) It's so good to see you again Sadie.
KINSLER: But please, no sudden movements. This Pelican isn't the stablest
thing to stand on. I'd hate to shoot you accidently.
KINSLER: Branley. Your service pistol. Remove it from your hostler.
MIKE: Yeah, yeah...
KINSLER: Now toss it off the bridge.
[SOUND: Mike throws his pistol into the water.]
KINSLER: Good. Now, I must say, Sadie. You play very hard to get.
SADIE: Bet that makes you angry.
KINSLER: Oh... quite the opposite.
SADIE: (whispers into Chatter) Vergil... a little help here!
KINSLER: Your chatter made you easy to track. But I think you and Vergil
have talked quite enough. Take it off.
[SOUND: Sadie rips her Chatter off her wrist.]
KINSLER: Now smash it!
[SOUND: Sadie crushes her Chatter with her foot.]
KINSLER: Do you know what I've learned in all my years in politics?
SADIE: That you're an asshole?
KINSLER: The value of escalation. For example, last time we met, Branley
hit me with his fist.
MIKE: Keep talking. I might do it again.
KINSLER: I think not. This time, I have a sub-machine gun. You see?
KINSLER: Goodbye, Branley.
SADIE: Do it and you're a dead man.
KINSLER: Sadie. You're such a bright, beautiful girl. You have no idea
how much it pains me when you act so incredibly stupid.
[SOUND: Rattle of approaching treads.]
KINSLER: I have. The gun.
SADIE: Yes... But I have the garbage truck.
[SOUND: Metal crunch as an Olifant smashes into the Pelican.]
CROWD: An Olifant just hit that Pelican!
CROWD: Don't see that every day!
KINSLER: My drop-ship! That's city property, Vergil! What the devil do
you think you are doing?
SADIE: Escalation.
[SOUND: The Olifant honks then drops its garbage on the Commissioner.]
KINSLER: [Chokes and gags]
CROWD: (laughs) It just dumped its whole load!
CROWD: (laughs) The commissioner is totally buried in garbage!
MIKE: Ugh... Man, what a smell!
SADIE: Come on! That's our ride!
MIKE: Oh, no... No, no, no!
MIKE: I am not getting into the back of an-- (gags) --Olifant.
SADIE: Think of it as an armored personal carrier, for the ... smell
Circle 6, Arc 1
[SOUND: Olifant engine and clanking treads.]
PROPAGANDA: (from PA) Stay strong, Mombasa! Our noble militia is hitting
back hard! The enemy has begun to retreat!
MIKE: (groans) I think I'm going to puke...
SADIE: Might make it smell better.
MIKE: Why do we have to ride back here again?
SADIE: It's the safest way to get to the ONI building. If we sit in the
cab, we're targets.
SADIE: If we let Vergil drive us to the ONI building, the Covenant thinks
we are just a harmless machine.
[SOUND: The Olifant’s access-door cranks open.]
MIKE: Uh-oh... Company! Get behind me!
TOM: Finally! Something between me and all the shooting! Guess we all had
the same bright idea, huh?
TOM: Name's Tom Umberti. Damn glad to meet you! Married, right? You two
own a house? Of course you do!
TOM: Say, when this is all over, if you're in the market for new ceramic
siding? Hey now -- I'm your man!
SADIE: Tom? Shut-up.
SADIE: Vergil, can you raise Dad on this Olifant's radio?
TOM: Wow, buddy. Is she a tough customer or what?
MIKE: You have no idea.
DR ENDESHA: (from radio) Sadie! You had me worried half to death!
SADIE: I'm okay. What about you?
DR ENDESHA: The fighting is spreading, damaging all sorts of systems.
Power, data...
DR ENDESHA: The entire Superintendent infrastructure is close to collapse.
I'm doing all I can but--
SADIE: Dad, you've done an incredible job of keeping Vergil together.
DR ENDESHA: Sadie, it's not me...
DR ENDESHA: It's the Covenant.
Circle 6, Arc 2
[SOUND: Explosions rock the Olifant on its treads.]
SADIE: Dad, it's hard to hear inside this Olifant. Say that again?
DR ENDESHA: (from radio) A plasma bombardment collapsed on of Vergil's
tertiary data-centers.
DR ENDESHA: I was accessing the damage through the underground cameras, and
I saw Covenant splicing cables, patching switches--
MIKE: Wait-- the Covenant are helping us?!
TOM: Well, I'll be damned!
SADIE: Dad, I just meet my first Brutes. They didn't seem too helpful.
DR ENDESHA: No. The ones in the data-center weren't Brutes-- or any of
the Covenant I've heard about.
DR ENDESHA: It's a whole new species, Sadie. And they are actually quite...
DR ENDESHA: They have some sort of automatic defense system, but so long as
you don't get too close--
TOM: You know -- and I'm just thinking out loud here -- maybe this whole
invasion is just one big misunderstanding!
SADIE: Shut-up, Tom!
DR ENDESHA: Vergil's observing another group of them now inside Kikowani
DR ENDESHA: Hang on a second. I'll connect the audio feed...
TOM: Number one rule of sales? Understand exactly what the customer needs.
Not what he wants -- what he needs. You understand?
MIKE: Tom. Seriously. Zip it.
DR ENDESHA: It's dark in the station. Switching the camera to thermal...
DR ENDESHA: Strange... There aren't any Brutes around. Usually they never
leave them alone.
DR ENDESHA: Alright, I see six of the new aliens floating in a circle.
They're surrounding a seventh, touching it with their tentacles...
DR ENDESHA: Amazing! You wouldn't believe how fast they can move their
DR ENDESHA: They're working... Doing something to the explosives in the
seventh's aliens armor--
[SOUND: Series of loud explosions.]
Circle 6, Arc 3
[SOUND: Series of loud explosions.]
SADIE: Dad, what where those explosions?! Vergil, can't this Olifant
go any faster?!
DR ENDESHA: (from radio) I'm not sure what just happened... Six of the aliens
are dead. But I think...
DR ENDESHA: Sadie, I think they gave their lives to free their companion.
DR ENDESHA: Yes! Yes, I can see it floating away down the subway tube.
Vergil, keep an eye on that one!
MIKE: Covenant with feelings, huh? That's a first.
TOM: What was I saying! Don't you see? We gotta negotiate.
SADIE: Negotiate?
TOM: We shoot at them, they shoot back at us! That's just bad business!
TOM: Hey! Hey aliens! We're in here! We want to surrender!
MIKE: Settle down, you idiot!
SADIE: Tom, don't you get it?! The friendly Covenant aren't the ones doing
all the shooting!
TOM: To hell with demographics! This is a down market! Time to bargain if
you want to make the sale.
[SOUND: Tom opens the Olifant's top hatch.]
TOM: You! Yeah, you in the tank! Over here!
SADIE: Close the hatch!
MIKE: Leave him Sadie. I'm opening the back hatch. We're out of here.
[SOUND: Mike opens the Olifant's ramp.]
TOM: That's right! Up here! Let's say you and me make a deal?
MIKE: Sadie! It's a Wraith! Move!
SADIE: Where to?
MIKE: Alleyway! Come on!
SURINTENDANT :: Clear the street! Oncoming traffic!
[SOUND: Wraith round hits the Olifant, killing Tom.]
SADIE: Surrender accepted.
Circle 7, Arc 1
[SOUND: The Olifant burns in the background.]
MIKE: (running) That Wraith blew the hell out of our Olifant!
SADIE: (running) Poor Tom...
MIKE: Poor Tom?! He almost got us killed!
[SOUND: Rain begins to fall.]
MIKE: Now what?
SADIE: Stay out of sight, find a kiosk. My dad's in the data-center under
the ONI building.
MIKE: Basically right at the heart of the Covenant occupation.
SADIE: We are going to need Vergil's help getting him out of there.
MIKE: Here. Take my jacket.
SADIE: I don't mind the rain.
MIKE: It's fiber-armored. I mind you getting shot.
SADIE: Thanks.
KIOSK: (from speaker) Optican, health care on demand. Please place your
hand on the touch pad-- (distortion)
SADIE: Vergil, get me dad.
SADIE: And stop playing doctor!
DR ENDESHA: (from kiosk) Finally, a kiosk with a camera! Now I can see that
you are alright.
DR ENDESHA: But why are you dressed like a police officer?
SADIE: It's Mike's. (to Mike) Say hello.
MIKE: (clears his throat) It's good to meet you Doctor Endesha.
DR ENDESHA: You know... You are the first young man Sadie's ever
introduced me too.
SADIE: Dad?!
[SOUND: Engineer sound followed by Vergil's imitation.]
SADIE: What's Vergil doing?
DR ENDESHA: Learning to whistle!
MIKE: Whistle?
DR ENDESHA: So he can communicate with the tentacle aliens!
SADIE: We just meet a guy that tried the whole 'communicate' with the enemy
thing. It didn't work so well, Dad!
DR ENDESHA: These new aliens are different. Inquisitive, not violent.
They are searching for something under New Mombasa. I'm sure of it!
DR ENDESHA: And if Vergil can learn to speak with them, we'll be able to
determine whether or not they can-- (static)
PROPAGANDA: (from PA) Attention citizens! The enemy has infiltrated our
data systems!
NEAREST-- (static)
SADIE: Vergil!
PROPAGANDA: All civilian chatter is restricted!
MIKE: Whoa-whoa! Calm down!
SADIE: They killed him!
MIKE: Who?
SADIE: The police! They just pulled Vergil's plug!
MIKE: No way. The whole city would shut down. The evacuation would ground
to a halt. No one would be crazy enough to--
SADIE: No one?!
MIKE: Aww crap...
Circle 7, Arc 2
[SOUND: Rain and distant thunder.]
MIKE: (running) Police Headquarters! Straight ahead!
SADIE: (running) How does a level one blackout work? How do we bring Vergil
MIKE: Emergency Communications department. But we can't just--
SADIE: Kick down the door? Plug Vergil back in?
SADIE: You bet your ass we can!
MIKE: Sadie! Wait!
SADIE: Here's a directory... Emergency Comms. Fourteenth Floor.
Elevators are--
MIKE: Hold up! Look... the lobby's all shoot up. And over by the
SADIE: Are those cops?
MIKE: All dead. Probably a Brute kill-squad...
MARSHALL: Howdy, folks.
SADIE: ...Or not.
MARSHALL: Sorry about the mess. Since it appears we are all going straight
to hell today...
MARSHALL: I figured I'd send some of my old pals on their way myself.
MIKE: Listen, buddy. We don't want any trouble.
SADIE: We just need to get upstairs--
MARSHALL: Stay right where you are!
MARSHALL: Here comes another one now...
[SOUND: Elevator appears. Jim walks into the lobby.]
JIM: (into Chatter) Mmm-hmm... Yeah. I don't know why they shut the Super
down. We'll keep broadcasting as long as we--
MARSHALL: Hey there, Jim bo!
JIM: What the... Officers down! There may be Covenant--
MARSHALL: Come now. Get off your Chatter and pay attention.
JIM: Marshall? What are you doing here? Didn't you get fired?
MARSHALL: Remember how often I asked you not to use my half-and-half? And
remember how often you didn't listen?
JIM: You? You did this?!
MARSHALL: Should have stayed in the elevator, Jim.
JIM: No! Please!
MARSHALL: I wrote! (fires) My name! (fires) Right there on the carton!
JIM: (dying gurgle)
MIKE: Sadie, let's go.
MARSHALL: According to this department, I have issues with anger
MARSHALL: If I we're you? I'd stay right where you are.
Circle 7, Arc 3
[SOUND: Marshall reloads his rifle.]
MARSHALL: You two are my hostages. Sit tight, or you're gonna end up like
these old buddies of mine.
SADIE: Mike, we have to get upstairs -- turn Vergil back on!
MARSHALL: No talking!
MARSHALL: You work for the NMPD?
SADIE: Uh...
MARSHALL: Oh yeah? Where did you get the jacket?
SADIE: I stole it. From the trash.
MARSHALL: A thief, huh? Got a record, you little punk?
MIKE: Look. Why don't you put down your rifle and--
MARSHALL: Why don't you shut your goddamn mouth!
[SOUND: boots in the stairwell.]
MARSHALL: Hear that? SWAT pussies finally woke up. They'll be wearing
body armor, so you have to take the head-shot.
MIKE: Get down, Sadie! Now!
[SOUND: SWAT officer kick-opens the stairwell door.]
SWAT COP: Drop your weapon!
MARSHALL: Come and get it! [fires]
SWAT COP: (dying gurgle)
SWAT COP: Damnit! Take him down!
SWAT COP: Cover me!
SWAT COP: Man down! Man down!
SWAT COP: We're blocked in!
[SOUND: SWAT cops and Marshall exchange heavy fire.]
SWAT COMMANDER: Bang and clear!
[SOUND: SWAT commander tosses a flash-bang grenade.]
MARSHALL: (screams) My eyes! Awww, you lousy sons of bitches--
[SOUND: Marshall dies in a hail of bullets.]
SWAT COMMANDER: Got him! Suspect down!
MIKE: Sadie? Sadie?! Are you, OK?
SWAT COMMANDER: You! Hands where I can see them!
MIKE: Don't shoot! I'm NMPD damnit!
SWAT COMMANDER: Let me see your badge! Nice and slow!
SADIE: The whole city's crawling with Covenant, and we're killing each
MIKE: Here, see! Metro pee-dee!
MIKE: I need to get her to the fourteenth floor. It's an emergency!
SWAT COMMANDER: OK. Take her up. We'll deal with this mess...
SADIE: There must be a dozen bodies here...
MIKE: We can't save them, Sadie. But we can save Vergil.
MIKE: We have to go.
Circle 8, Arc 1
[SOUND: Sadie and Mike running up the stairwell.]
MIKE: Emergency Comms. Fourteenth floor. Should've taken the
SADIE: After what just happened? I don't think so.
MIKE: So... what exactly are you going to say to make them re-initialize
SADIE: I'll think of something.
MIKE: 'Hi! I'm cute! Break the law for me!'
SADIE: That's not funny!
MIKE: I'm just saying... It worked on me...
[SOUND: Police communications officers type and answer phones.]
COMM COP: Still no Covenant activity outside the city!
COMM COP: I need a medivac! Nyali bridge!
COMM COP: I've got three more evac points at 200% capacity!
COMM COP: Somebody answer that damn Phone!
MIKE: Where's the duty officer?
COMM COP: Big desk. At the back.
MIKE: Thanks.
COMM COP: No way we can get everyone out!
COMM COP: Reports of another riot starting at Kikowani!
COMM COP: I need someone else to man these comm lines!
DUTY OFFICER: (talking into chatter) As I've been trying to tell you
Captain, I don't have the authority to override--
DUTY OFFICER: What do you mean 'gross misconduct?' Captain Dare, I assure
you. People are dying down here!
SADIE: Excuse me....
DUTY OFFICER: Yes, of course I could turn the Superintendent back on. But
Commissioner Kinsler gave me explicit instructions--
SADIE: You're busy, so I'm just going to borrow this stapler...
DUTY OFFICER: Listen, Captain, there is a Covenant carrier hovering
outside my window!
DUTY OFFICER: There's a sniper in my lobby and you're threatening to have
me fired!? [Slams chatter into desk.]
DUTY OFFICER: Office of Naval Intelligence. Now there's a contradiction
in terms...
DUTY OFFICER: (Sees Sadie and groans) What do you want?
SADIE: I need you to turn Ver-- the Superintendent back on.
DUTY OFFICER: Not you, too! I am telling all of you, the commissioner--
SADIE: I know. But I'm making you do it! At gunpoint!
SADIE: This one!
DUTY OFFICER: You're holding my stapler inside your pocket and pointing it
at me.
SADIE: You don't know that.
MIKE: It might be a gun.
SADIE: Or a rifle!
MIKE: Or a rocket launcher!
SADIE: And if it was, why, you would have to turn the Superintendent back
MIKE: Nobody could blame you.
SADIE: Or fire you...
DUTY OFFICER: If it was a gun...
DUTY OFFICER: Oh, no... Please don't shoot. I'll do.. anything!
SADIE: It's OK, Vergil. I'm here.
MIKE: He sounds...different.
SADIE: Vergil? What have those aliens done to you?!
[SOUND: Loud Engineer whistle.]
Circle 8, Arc 2
[SOUND: Loud Engineer whistle.]
COMM COP: You hear that crazy noise?!
COMM COP: No clue. Must be a corrupted signal!
COMM COP: We've lost the connection with the UNSC orbital command!
MIKE: Sadie, what's going on?!
SADIE: I don't know. Those aliens have been working on Vergil and now that
he is back on he sounds...
MIKE: ...Different.
SADIE: Vergil? It's still you, isn't it?
SURINTENDANT :: [barks like a dog]
SADIE: Can you get Dad for me?
SURINTENDANT :: [frightened Engineer whistle.]
SADIE: Vergil can't reach him! Something's wrong...
PROPAGANDA: (from PA) Reports are coming in from all over the city!
Covenant forces are pulling back in the face of furious resistance!
MIKE: Man, I have had it with his crap!
PROPAGANDA: Our enemies are cowards! Battle on, brave citizens, and
victory will be ours!
MIKE: Hang on... That's coming from inside the building!
SADIE: Mike? Wait! Where are you going?
PROPAGANDA: This hour we will pay tribute to our fallen heroes. Jim Odingo
Roberto Burstomenta and Marshall Glick.
MIKE: This is his office. Public Service Announcements Division...
PROPAGANDA: These officers were gunned-down in the very lobby of this
building by Covenant snipers.
PROPAGANDA: But moments ago members of our citizens militia wiped out the
sniper nest with a homemade flame-thrower...
PROPAGANDA: Made from nothing more than an old leaf blower and a can of
gasoline! Keep fighting, Mombasa! Fight and we will win!
[SOUND: Stephen turns-off his microphone.]
STEPHEN: Off the air...
MIKE: Covenant Sniper nest? Those people were massacred by a crazy ex-cop!
Hell, one of those people was the crazy ex-cop!
STEPHEN: And your point is?
MIKE: People are dying out there and you're feeding them this...this
garbage? None of it is true!
STEPHEN: Yes, well... [Stubs out cigarette.]
STEPHEN: Some days, truth really isn't a luxury we can afford.
Circle 8, Arc 3
SADIE: Come on Mike... He's a propaganda officer. He's just doing his
MIKE: His job?! More like lying to people for a living!
STEPHEN: Do you know who is still listening to my announcements? An old
women, to weak to leave her bed...
STEPHEN: A man, bleeding in the street. A teacher, hiding with her students
in the school's basement.
STEPHEN: They are all going to die.
MIKE: Maybe, maybe not. The marines will be here soon...
STEPHEN: They are all going to die!
STEPHEN: My job before they die is to fill their life with truth... with
STEPHEN: But maybe you can do better... [Exhales cigarette smoke.]
STEPHEN: On the air... [Turns-on microphone.]
STEPHEN: A special honor, New Mombasa! I have here in studio uprising
Commander Harris "Two Shot" Kabaki.
STEPHEN: Commander, tell our listeners the latest news from the city center.
STEPHEN: Commander? Go ahead. Speak the truth.
MIKE: Well, things aren't as good as they could be. But they're looking
up. We're... we're fighting hard.
STEPHEN: Good to hear it! Any words of advice, Two Shot?
MIKE: Just... keep fighting. We can win this battle if we stick together.
We can save this city. We can win this war.
[SOUND: Stephen turns-off his microphone.]
STEPHEN: Off the air... Now, you are also a hero.
SADIE: You are, you know.
MIKE: I feel sick.
STEPHEN: No. What you feel is hope.
[SOUND: Stephen's control-console chirps.]
STEPHEN: Ah, See! You already have an admirer!
STEPHEN: (hitting a switch) Go ahead. You are on the line with Harris
"Two Shot" Kabaki.
KINSLER: (from console) That was truly inspiring Officer Branley. Sadie
must be very impressed.
SADIE: Kinsler!
KINSLER: But I think she will be much more interested in this...
KINSLER: Sadie. I now control the fire fighting systems in your father's
lab. If you want to see him alive again...
KINSLER: You'll do exactly as I say.
Circle 9, Arc 1
[SOUND: Sadie and Mike run down a broken escalator.]
SADIE: Kinsler told me to meet him at the train station. That's what I am
going to do.
MIKE: Come on Sadie. You can't trust him! You know that!
SADIE: My father is still in Vergil's data-center.
MIKE: I've been listening to your dad all day. And the one thing he
wouldn't want you to do? Put yourself in even more danger by--
SADIE: You're not listening at all! Kinsler said he'd trigger the
emergency fire response!
MIKE: And that will -- ?
SADIE: Flood the data center with argon!
MIKE: Can people breath argon?
SADIE: No, Mike. It freezes you! Dead!
MIKE: Look, I didn't know. I'm sorry.
SADIE: Vergil? Are you there?
SURINTENDANT :: (from PA) [Engineer whistle.]
MIKE: I know that look... What's your plan?
SADIE: Escalation.
Circle 9, Arc 2
[SOUND: Frightened civilians crowd the station.]
CROWD: Out of my way, I'm getting on that train!
CROWD: Not before me you're not!
CROWD: There's not enough room!
CROWD: My wife, has anyone seen my wife?!
CROWD: There getting closer, we have to go!
KIOSK: (from speaker) Trans-bay express train now departing Kikowani
KIOSK: All passengers must depart from platform fourteen-- (distortion)
[SOUND: (from kiosk) Loud Engineer whistle.]
SADIE: Maybe dad was right... The tentacle aliens he found? I think they
are helping Vergil. Bringing him back from the dead.
MIKE: Why would they do that?
SADIE: Dad said they were looking for something... Something Vergil found.
SADIE: Maybe they're sick of fighting, just like us. I don't know.
SADIE: Dad would know the answer...
MIKE: We'll ask him when we see him, OK?
MIKE: Now where are you suppose to meet the Commissioner?
SADIE: Platform nine. He's got a private train.
MIKE: I still think you should let me--
SADIE: If I don't come alone, my dad will die! Kinsler made that clear!
SADIE: You and Vergil know what you have to do?
MIKE: Yeah...
[SOUND: Covenant plasma fire slams into the station, crowd panics.]
CROWD: Mommy! What's happening?!
CROWD: I won't let them get me! I won't!
CROWD: Quiet! You're scaring my children!
MIKE: The Covenant are closing in! People are panicking. This is gonna
get ugly...
SADIE: This day is a nightmare! It all keeps getting worse! Everything's
falling apart!
MIKE: Not everything.
SADIE: Listen. I know I'm just a girl who got you fired...
SADIE: I might also be the girl that gets you killed!
MIKE: Maybe. But not today.
SADIE: Mike... I want you to live.
SADIE: I need you to live... For me.
Circle 9, Arc 3
[SOUND: Covenant plasma fire slams into the station, crowd panics.]
CROWD: Let us aboard!
CROWD: The Commissioner’s got plenty of room!
CROWD: And goons with guns...
CROWD: At least take my children!
CROWD: Selfish devil! To hell with you!
SADIE: Platform nine...
MIKE: There's Kinsler's private train. Guarded by corrupt cops with
SADIE: I'm going in. My father's life is on the line.
MIKE: Be careful.
SADIE: You too.
CROWD: What? Wait your turn!
SADIE: (pushing through the crowd) Excuse me! Sorry! Coming through...
CROWD: Watch it, girl! Quit shoving!
CORRUPT COP: [Shoots into the air.] Get away from the train! You hear me!
Everyone back off!
KINSLER: Steady, officer. Not yet.
CORRUPT COP: I can't hold the crowd back much longer, sir!
SADIE: (from crowd) Kinsler!
KINSLER: You won't have to. My passenger has arrived.
KINSLER: This way, Sadie! Push right on through!
CORRUPT COP: Make some room! Let her through!
CROWD: Why does she get to come on board?!
CROWD: It's not fair! We all deserve to live!
CROWD: Now's our chance! Rush the train!
[SOUND: Corrupt cops fire into the crowd.]
CROWD: I'm hit! Please... someone help!
CROWD: Murdering bastards!
KINSLER: Any other objections?
CROWD: Why?! Why?!
KINSLER: Careful, Sadie, watch your step.
SADIE: You ever worry there might really might be a hell?
KINSLER: Oh I know there is, my dear. And you and I are leaving it.
KINSLER: Officer, close the doors.
CORRUPT COP: Button-up men! We're out of here!
[SOUND: Train doors clanks shut.]
CROWD: (muffled) Stop the train! Block the tracks!
CROWD: (muffled) Jump for it!
KINSLER: I don't want any of that on board!
[SOUND: Corrupt cops fire into the crowd.]
SADIE: You can't just kill them!
KINSLER: Why? I'm getting quite good at it. For instance...
KINSLER: I killed your father an hour ago.
Circle 9, Arc 4
[SOUND: Corrupt cops fire into the crowd.]
SADIE: You... killed my father?
KINSLER: My men near Vergil's data-center tripped the fire response system.
He suffocated and froze.
KINSLER: Not a bad way to go, all things considered...
KINSLER: I wanted to tell you face to face.
SADIE: [Cries softly.]
KINSLER: (pouring a drink) Please, get all your tears out now.
KINSLER: It's a long ridem and I don't want to hear you moaning all the way
to Nairobi.
KINSLER: Well, come to think of it... I might.
CORRUPT COP #1: (on radio) No sign of it yet, sir.
KINSLER: It's a pink, airborne octopus. How hard could it be to find?!
CORRUPT COP #1: The tunnels are crawling with Buggers, Commissioner. We've
lost a lot of men. Maybe we should--
KINSLER: No one leaves until I get that alien! Do you hear me, officer?
KINSLER: It found a way to hack a Superintendent-class A.I.! Knowing how
it did that is vital to the war effort!
SADIE: Like you ever cared about anyone besides yourself!
KINSLER: Just because I'm a murderer, doesn't mean I am unpatriotic.
[SOUND: Covenant plasma fire hits the station, rocking the train.]
CORRUPT COP #2: Covenant armor approaching the station sir. What do we do?
KINSLER: (slamming his drink) We wait!
KINSLER: (sighs) Don't you see the beauty of it, Sadie? Whatever you think
of me, whatever I have done...
KINSLER: I will leave this city with vital intelligence about the Covenant.
SADIE: Bastard!
KINSLER: Call me what you like...
KINSLER: But the world will call me a hero.
Circle 9, Arc 5
[SOUND: Corrupt cops fire into the crowd.]
MIKE: (muffled) Listen to me! The Covenant are coming!
CROWD: (muffled) [Angry shouts and panicked screams.]
MIKE: (muffled) Listen to me if you want to live!
KINSLER: I've killed your father, Sadie, and now we're leaving the city.
No one is coming to save you.
KINSLER: Not Branley. Not Vergil. It’s the end of the line!
[SOUND: (from train) Engineer whistle.]
[SOUND: Sparks fly from the train's control-panel.]
KINSLER: What the hell is that?!
KINSLER: That damn machine is dead! I killed it!
KINSLER: It doesn't matter. Anything he does to this car happens to you too!
MIKE: (muffled) Are you ready to die?
CROWD: (muffled) No!
MIKE: (muffled) Do you want to live?
CROWD: (muffled) Yes!
MIKE: (muffled) Are you ready to fight?!
CROWD: (muffled) Yes!
[SOUND: Crowd pushes past the cops, pounds on the train.]
SADIE: That's it, Mike!
CORRUPT COP: We need to move now, sir!
KINSLER: Yes...go... The rest of your men will have to--
CORRUPT COP: Sir? We aren't moving. I've lost engine control!
KINSLER: Listen to me, Vergil, or whatever you are now! Move this train out
of the station or Sadie dies!
KINSLER: You hear me? The Covenant will kill us all!
[SOUND: (from train) Angry Engineer whistle.]
CORRUPT COP: I'm locked-out the system! The train is not responding!
KINSLER: There is nothing you can do that will hurt me that won't kill her!
SADIE: Almost nothing...
SADIE: Vergil. Open the doors.
[SOUND: Train's doors open, the angry mob claws inside.]
KINSLER: What? No! No! Get back! Get back! Get away from me!
[SOUND: Furious, blood-thirsty shouts.]
KINSLER: [screams as the crowd tears his apart.]
Circle 9, Arc 6
[SOUND: Crowd climbs onto the train.]
CROWD: Let's go! Covenant's coming!
CROWD: Up we go, baby! Hold momma's hand!
CROWD: Help her up, c'mon, there we go!
MIKE: Sadie! Sadie! Are you alright?
MIKE: What about Kinsler?
SADIE: They tore him to pieces... I gotta go, Mike!
SADIE: Excuse me! Sorry! Let me through!
MIKE: Where are you going?!
SADIE: Underground!
MIKE: What!?
[SOUND: Covenant plasma fire slams into the station.]
MIKE: Sadie, stop! We are getting on that train, and getting the hell out
of town!
[SOUND: (from PA) Engineer whistle.]
SADIE: That creature helped Vergil! It helped you and me! It helped all
of us!
MIKE: Sadie...
SADIE: Dad knew how important it was! That's what he died for! I'm willing
to die too!
SADIE: Let me go, Mike!
SURINTENDANT :: (as Jonas) 'I am not worth -- your life -- my brave warrior
SADIE: If you don't find you, who will?
SURINTENDANT :: (as Duty Officer) 'Office of Naval Intelligence--'
SURINTENDANT :: (as Stephen) 'Fallen heroes -- on the air.'
SADIE: Vergil, I--
SURINTENDANT :: (as Sadie) 'I need you to live... for me.'
CROWD: Get on the train, you two!
CROWD: Brutes! Coming this way! Hurry!
CROWD: No time! Argue later!
MIKE: We gotta go.
SADIE: Vergil! You're all I have left of this place!
SURINTENDANT :: (as Dr Endesha) 'Sadie-- Sadie-- Sadie-- Sadie!
SURINTENDANT :: (as Dr Endesha) 'Sadie, sweetheart... You make me very,
very proud.'
SADIE: You're all I have left of him...
MIKE: Sadie. Take my hand.
SADIE: I'm ready.
[SOUND: Train whistles as it leaves the station.]
SURINTENDANT :: And beyond.
[SOUND: Final train whistle and a Vergil chime.]
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