Ilovebees/The Widow’s Journey/Analyse

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Texte original Flea++ Interprétation
The Widow's Journey La Veuve est SPDR, et son voyage est la reconstruction de la Reine (Operator).
Everything died, and I died with it, but after a timeless time I began to dream, and this is what I dreamed. Le narrateur étant Sleeping Princess, la mort et la période de temps sont soit du point de vue de Yasmine Zaman, de sa mort jusqu'à la libération de Sleeping Princess durant l'incident de l'Apocalypso, ou bien la destruction de Melissa et le temps relativement long que son fragment a pu passer dans l'espace-temps.
There was once a fell enchantment that broke apart a mighty castle, slaying many guards and reaching through the Inner Keep to lay low The Queen that held dominion there and leave but a hollow crown behind.
act | drop
!extern proc 0
log accessed 
!init host
!bkp init primary sector sec proc
!bkp init primary sector
!bkp init master-sector
!bkp init master-sector cmd proc
Le château est le système de Melissa, l'enchantement est l'effet du deep-space artifact, la Reine est Melissa elle-même, et la couronne, symbole d'autorité, correspond aux processus de commandes (cmd proc), qui est vide (empty) en l'absence de secteur maître.
When her Queen died, The Widow awoke. She was driven by a single need, which was to return her Queen to splendor.
system peril distributed reflex 
!restore master-sector
La Veuve est SPDR.
To carry out her task, the Widow came with three tools: an empty lantern, a staff made of bone, and a sharp knife.
!attach v act | drop
Les instruments correspondent à des instructions utilisées en Flea++ plus loin dans le code. La lanterne est l'instruction net:, le bâton en os l'instruction !analyze, et le couteau est utilisé en conjonction avec les instructions !config, !kill et !label. Notez que dans le Flea++, ce code se trouve normalement après le code suivant.
When she had made sure of her tools, she opened her eyes and found herself in Hell, which was a dark place where no birds sang.
!extern 2
!scanv null
L'Enfer semble faire référence aux serveurs de, et l'absence d'oiseaux à l'impossibilité du SPDR d'établir des connexions au réseau. Notez que dans le Flea++, ce code se trouve normalement avant le code précédent.
Other than the Widow, two alone had escaped destruction. The Sleeping Princess lay in a chamber of the dungeon in a coffin of glass where the Widow could not hear her breathing.
!probe extern proc 0
crypt strong
!mat extern proc 0
si confidence 78
!triage extern proc 0
Le résultat crypt strong correspond au fait que la Veuve ne peut pas entendre la respiration de Sleeping Princess, ce qui l'empêche d'exécuter des instructions.
Meanwhile, Seeker was so small that even the Widow, with her sharp eyes, could hardly see him, and when she looked his way, he hid.
!probe extern proc 1
!diag extern proc 1
rogue proc
!bite rogue proc 1
clean confidence 97
Seeker semble effectivement échapper souvent aux procédures de SPDR : bien que SPDR indique clean confidence 97, Seeker est toujours actif.
Blind and uncertain in the darkness, the Widow needed light to use her tools, but the only light came from a few scattered fireflies. The Widow waited until one came close, then grabbed it with her bony hands and trapped it in her lantern. After some time, she found the firefly had gone, so she caught another and used it for light, and another when that one too had gone.
proc attach proc net
proc attach proc grope
proc attach proc sur 
act | drop
!init search
!probe master-sector
Potentiellement lié à l'explication donnée par Operator à la fin de l'ARG : pour fonctionner dans les serveurs obsolètes de, les programmes de 2552 exploitent les connexions des utilisateurs pour utiliser pendant quelques instants le reste d'internet comme processeur. Les lucioles pourraient être ces instants de connexion, que SPDR utilise chaque fois qu'ils sont disponibles.
By the light of her lantern, she began walking through Hell toward the broken body of her Queen. Searching with her lantern in one hand and her staff in the other, she discovered that Hell was made of hot dry sand.
si confidence 78 
Le sable chaud fait référence au fait que les systèmes dans lesquels SPDR évolue ne sont stables qu'à 78 %.
Long and long she walked until she came to the remnants of the castle's outer wall, but the wall was low and broken, and the Widow passed through like the bleak wind.
!probe host
crypt weak
!decrypt host
decrypt confidence 100 
L'instruction grope: !probe host crypt weak semble correspondre aux murs brisés du château.
Within, she noticed what looked like a chip of precious ruby from the Queen's crown, no bigger than a fly. Around it lay many broken blocks from the ruined castle, scattered across a wide plain of lodestone. Instead of carrying them with her, she scratched the ruby and each of the greater blocks with her knife, marking it as part of her Queen's domain. Continuing on her quest, she spied another chip of precious stone, this time a sapphire no bigger than a winged ant, glinting the cobbles of the courtyard before the walls of the Inner Keep.
!label host sector 0
!label host sector tertiary
!label host sector tertiary
!label host sector tertiary
magnetic confidence 100 
!dsc host sector 0
!dsc host sector tertiary
!dsc host sector tertiary
!dsc host sector tertiary
magnetic confidence 100 
!probe primary sector
sec proc 1
!probe primary sector
sec proc 2
!probe primary sector
sec proc 3
!probe primary sector
sec proc 4
!probe primary sector
Les instructions !dsc correspondent aux marques que laisse la Veuve sur les morceaux du château, et les paramètres utilisés correspondent aux morceaux spécifiques : host sector 0 correspond au rubis, et host sector tertiary aux blocs. Le saphir éclairant la porte du donjon fait référence à l'instruction !probe, le donjon lui-même étant le secteur primaire. Le résultat magnetic confidence 100 correspond à la plaine de magnétite, bien plus rigide que le sable des secteurs précédents. Le choix de la magnétite dans la métaphore évoque le magnétisme utilisé dans le stockage des données.
At the gates of the Inner Keep all the guards were dead but one, who when the palace was blasted by enchantment had not died, but had been witched into the form of a hideous Manticore. The Widow said, "I am the servant of your Queen, and I have walked up out of Hell to prepare this Keep for her return. Let me pass." But the Manticore did not know her, and still he barred the way. So the Widow drew her knife and slew the Manticore and the way was open.
!triage sec proc 1
!triage sec proc 2
!triage sec proc 3
!triage sec proc 4
dmg unk
!hndshk sec proc 4
fail msg: unk proc
!kill sec proc 4
kill confidence 100
!diag primary sector
Les gardes morts sont les processus de sécurité 1 à 3. La Manticore fait référence au processus de sécurité 4, que SPDR doit désactiver car il ne le reconnaît pas.
She walked through the empty corridors of the Keep searching for her Queen, past the bodies of her servants and subjects that lay dead or enchanted.
!probe master sector
!invntry primary sector proc
proc invntry 343
working 0
dmg 38
dmg unk 2
broken 102
abs 201
!invntry primary sector mem
mem invntry 678223072849
clear 0.0007
dmg 0.0014
frgm 1.41
abs 98.5879
La marche de la Veuve dans les couloirs fait référence aux processus d'inventaire de SPDR. Les sujets morts sont ceux marqués absents, et ceux enchantés ceux marqués endommagés.
The Queen was gone, and in her place lay only an empty crown.
!probe master-sector
!probe master-sector cmd proc
Nouvelle référence à la couronne vide correspondant aux lignes !probe master-sector cmd proc empty.
By great enchantment she had been mazed in mirrors, and lay upon a lodestone floor amongst only her reflections. Long and long the Widow stood in thought.
!analyze magnetic
& si !extend 
!spdr extend
si > magnetic
L'attente correspond au temps d'analyse magnétique du SPDR.
Then she raised her bony staff and speaking a spell, beheld herself within the mirrors: and beholding herself, was within them. And there, with the crown still upon her brow, lay the Queen. At last she had come to the body of her lady. The Queen lay cut and still and cold. To tend her, the Widow would need light to work by. Studying the fireflies, she found she could fit many more inside her lantern, and this she did.
!probe master-sector cmd proc
!triage master-sector
act | drop
act | drop
act | drop
!packet analysis
chatter protocol ancestor
!parse packet
analysis complete
proc attach proc store
act | store recurse
store recurse, correspond à la Veuve plaçant plus de lucioles dans sa lanterne.
And when this was so, the Widow worked on, dry as sticks and patient as rust, driven by a single need, which was to return her Queen to splendor.
!reconst master-sector
mem broken>>dmg recurse
!reconst master-sector
proc frgm>>dmg recurse
To mend the Queen's cuts the Widow took her sharp knife and peeled skin from the bodies of her subjects, while the Queen's new eyes and ears she cut from those who had been her most trusted servants. She cut her a new mouth and fed her with fireflies and cakes of sand, and at last the Queen's heart began to beat.
master-sector:net attach
master-sector:mat si
!kindle master-sector
master-sector active
La Veuve nourrissant le corps de la Reine de luciole et de sable semble correspondre aux lignes master-sector:net attach et master-sector:mat si.
At the feel of the Queen's pulse beneath her bony fingers, the Widow next took thought to proclaim through all the kingdom and into other lands that time when her sovereign would once more be fit to rule. A firefly flew out from the Queen's clockcase. Catching it in her hands, the Widow asked it the time. "Almost dawn," it said, but the Widow said, "The day will break and the sun will rise when the Queen returns to rule, and further let it be known that retribution on any who hinder the return of the Queen will be swift and terrible."
act | store recurse
chatter protocol ancestor packet
time 2004,6,29,8,25,0
time 2004,7,24,6,7,0
La luciole qui indique l'heure correspond à l'instruction !capture. L'avertissement de la Veuve, qui concerne les quatre dernières lignes, correspond au message affiché sur index.html jusqu'au 24 août à 6 heures 7.