Catalog (Waypoint)

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Version datée du 18 juillet 2014 à 22:38 par Lunaramethyst (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « {{WIP|Solar}} '''Catalog''' est un administrateur des forums de Halo Waypoint, inscrit le 27 juin 2014, arborant en avatar le logo de Halo 5 : Guardians et actif u... »)
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Catalog est un administrateur des forums de Halo Waypoint, inscrit le 27 juin 2014, arborant en avatar le logo de Halo 5 : Guardians et actif uniquement dans la partie Univers. Il a commencé le jour de son inscription à répondre à des questions sur l'univers sur des sujets connus. Sa présence fut remarquée et le membre CIA391 ouvrit un sujet lui étant dédié. Deux jours plus tard, Catalog ouvrait un sujet intitulé « Catalog Interaction » dédié aux questions lui étant adressées, tout en continuant à répondre dans d'autres sujets.

Les membres s'adressent à Catalog en commençant leur message par « Query: » (Requête) suivi de leur question. Catalog répond à certaines questions (en évitant de répondre à d'autres) de manière robotique comme le ferait un Catalogue Forerunner, parfois avec humour. Les membres ont répondu à ce mode de communication en utilisant des termes techniques dans leurs questions.


Les messages à but uniquement humoristique ont été exclus. Les questions citées dans les messages sont en gras.

L'ONI et le Parasite


Temporary link established.

Sorry if this is already on here, but I caught a glimpse of a few things saying that ONI knew about The Flood before the events of Halo: CE. Could someone please verify this?

Query Answer: Initial [cyberintrusion] evidence suggests relevant [Covenant] and Forerunner directives copied to [frumentarii] cores before parasite outbreak in [2552]. However, threat dynamic analysis shows Human security forces did not widely implement minimal acceptable suite of parasite containment protocols until evaluation of Reclaimer [alpha site] combat data in [2553].


Usze 'Taham et N'tho 'Sraom


Temporary link established.

Query: I wonder what their canon status is?

Query Answer: N'thro 'Sraom and Usze 'Taham confirmed active post-Covenant War. Additional details pending [cyberintrusion] of Human [frumentarii] cores.


Premier sujet dédié


Contacting Domain . . . . . . . .
Alert! Critical Reconciliation Error.
Contacting Domain . . . . . . . .
Alert! Critical Reconciliation Error.
Contacting Edom Terminal\Juridical . . .
Connected. [Rm9yIGV2ZXJ5IGpveSB0aGVyZSBpcyBhIHByaWNl]
[WARNING] \\sysdiag\security
Intrusion detected in site [fractal]! Builder Security alerted.

Requests filtered and prioritized.

Query Question: Is there anything of importance we must know. If so what is that information? If you cant give us this information, any idea how we can find out this information?

Error parsing question.

Second Query Question: Is there need of a testimonial or are you just observing? I am sure the community here would gladly answer any questions you need answered if required.

Error parsing question. Consult [Portal] Library link.
Alert! Remote command protocol update denied [abusus non tollit usum]
Linking Query: Are you in the hands of the UNSC or ONI. Or are you separate from them?

No applicable authority.

Query: How did High Charity make it to the Lesser Ark in 2552?

Anomalous slipspace intrusion within expected displacement envelope was detected in Edom [airspace] at [2552:1118154551-1118154821]. [Manifold] profile not in local [cache], forwarding to [sector command] for analysis. Alert! [Waypoint] information restricted on authority of [Librarian].

Query: What is the average lifespan of an average Macto Cognatus?

Life expectancy from [hatching] recorded as 27 [years] at time of index. Requesting [index technician] review.

Query: What is your current status?

Active. Pending [magnus custos] review.

Query: What is your task?

Query requires elevated command authority.

Query: What is the status of Installation 07? Have the Flood been contained there? What of Monitor 117649?

Multiple priority queries detected in string.

Query: With New Phoenix being reinhabited in Escalation, what's the status of Ivanoff Station?

Human [eyes] at [gamma site] is currently active. Edom [control] unable to contact installation monitor for [ERR,REGRES] cycles. Requesting [site] status from ecumene [control].

Query: Is there a countermeasure or "cure" to the Flood that does not involve the firing of the Halo Array?

No countermeasures recorded in local [cache]. Initiate priority containment protocols in event of parasite outbreak.

Query: Are humans worthy of the Mantle or must they first show their capabilities through a "test" of sorts?

Alarm! [flamma fumo est proxima] Query contains logic plague markers.
Process quarantine.


Process tree cleared.
Contacting Edom Terminal\Juridical . . .
Connected. [Rm9jdXMuIFByb3RlY3QuIFByZXNlcnZlLg==]
[WARNING] \\sysdiag\security
Builder Security not responding. Facility [AI] reporting acceptable conditions. Queuing request for low intensity military exploratory detachment to [audit].

Query: after leaving the Lesser Ark, where did the IsoDidact and the remiainng Forrunners go? Do their descendants exist in another galaxy or even this one?

Master Juridical [certiorari] forwarded to [locus poenitentiae?]. Further records sealed pending Juridical review of New Council activities.

Query: Does the year 2324 hold significance to you?

Searching . . .
No cases scheduled for [2324]. 16777216 cases remain unscheduled in local [cache].
Warning! Time since last successful synchronization: 876621261±512 [hours]

Query: What is the significance of the UEG Colony Coral?

Searching . . .
Updating coordinates from Edom [control].
Searching . . .
Location coincident with [CE-2-1239 e].
Multiple [cuius est solum eius est usque ad coelom] violations inferred.
Filing cases. Request Juridical [advocates] [ad litem] for summary judgment.

Query: What is the significance of the Boomerang Nebula

Searching . . .
Updating coordinates from Edom [control].
Searching . . .
Location coincident with multiple [star road] loci.
Location coincident with multiple [classis malum].
Warning! Fleet command [sector] designation: Burn. No transit permitted.

Query: What is the status of Installation 07?

Searching . . .
Result: 1 case pending against Monitor 117649.
Summary: Multiple [libellus conventionis] filed by [alpha site] Monitor 343. Consolidated. Awaiting update from Juridical [control].
Warning! [site] status request requires elevated command authority.

Query: What is the status 049 Abject Testament?

Searching . . .
No case pending against Monitor 049.

Query: What is the status of 2401 Penitent Tangent?

Searching . . .
Result: 2 cases pending against Monitor 2401.
Summary: Multiple [libellus conventionis] filed by [alpha site] Monitor 343. Consolidated. Awaiting update from Juridical [control]. Incomplete filing of [animus nocendi] against Monitor 2401 from [delta site] [burgarii] received 22959960±8 [hours] ago by Edom [control]. [legal form letter] sent by Edom [control] requesting reply from [delta site] [burgarii] through approved channels.

Query: What is the extent of the Forerunner presence on Edom?

Searching . . .
Connection lost.
Contacting Edom Terminal\Juridical . . .
Connection refused.
Contacting Edom Terminal\Juridical . . .
Connection refused.
Contacting Edom Terminal\Juridical . . .
Connection locked.
Initiating [quaere].


Temporary link established.
Temporal frame of reference update requested.
Error confirmed [coram vobis]. Amend reference to slipspace event to [2552:1118154551-1118154821].

Initial message corrected.


Nouvelles armures pour les Spartans-II


Query Answer: Alert! Unable to contact zone commanders. Unable to initiate Domain link.

Awaiting command authority to release threat dynamic report for Human combat skin variants[ref: MJOLNIR].


Dimensions du Mantle's Approach


Query Answer: Promethean Command Warship, designation Mantle's Approach. Alert! Seed pattern not approved by Council authorities: provisional authorization given by Master Builder. Multiple configurations of Warship design noted in records. Pending Domain contact, model dimensions are provided for analogous hull pattern:
Height: 25.266 [units]
Width: 9.43 [units]
Length: 11.364 [units]

Preliminary analysis confirms that [UNSC Navy Threat Database] records [ref: Halo 4 Visual Guide, p. 193] reflect last known configuration of Mantle's Approach in local reference dimensions.




The purported "Assembly" is referenced in logs recovered by Spartan B-312 during combat operations on Reach. This organization appears to be a group of rogue AI constructs which have been observing and guiding humanity. The reliability of this information has been contested.

