Halo Wars Launch Site

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Version datée du 24 octobre 2013 à 19:34 par Lunaramethyst (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « {{totranslate}} '''Halo Wars Launch Site''' était le site officiel dédiée au jeu Halo Wars. Bien qu'il contenait plusieurs éléments uniques concernant l'univers, ... »)
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Halo Wars Launch Site était le site officiel dédiée au jeu Halo Wars. Bien qu'il contenait plusieurs éléments uniques concernant l'univers, il fut fermé à une date indéterminée.

Néanmoins, le 14 mai 2013, un membre de la communauté, CIA391, partagea sur le forum Halo Archive la transcription de ce contenu que l'on pensait perdu.


Version originelle

<toggledisplay hidetext=[Masquer]> UNSC | SPIRIT OF FIRE sof.ao.ai.serina tac com sys – 14159

Clearance Granted __________________________________________________________________________________ VOICE REGONITION


PLANETERY CYCLE | 17.5 SOL HRS Geo Synchronous Rotation Established Orbital decay - 009.0028 Safety Margin +4.078


Five years. Five long years. That is how long we have fought. We have beaten the Covenant and taken back Harvest back. The price was high, but worth it. One question remains: What more does the Covenant have planned for Harvest?

Warthog production is at 71% efficiency. Running optimization algorithm now.

UNITED NATIONS SPACE COMMAND ATTENTION MOTOR POOL: Starting at 1600 hours, all production of M41 LAAG weapon mount and assembly will cease. They will be replaced with M68 Gauss Cannons. New specifications have already been uploaded to the machine shops. All Warthog gunners must complete weapon recertification before their next patrol.

Hornet squadron heading to Rally Point Baker to rendezvous with main UNSC battle group.

UNITED NATIONS SPACE COMMAND INCOMING REQUEST//CIV STATUS On your way to Rally Point Baker, can you swing north by 4 degrees and take a peek at the Eastern slopes? I got some unexpected readings on the EM band up there and would appreciate some aerial perspective on it.

UNITED NATIONS SPACE COMMAND >Encrypted link to ONI databank\\ PSYCH EVAL: SGT. FORGE Subject excels at tactics and combat. As a foot soldier he is indispensible to our current needs. I would recommend denying all promotions, but his predictable pattern of insubordination saves us the trouble. Curiously, still have not been able to determine the significance of the playing card attached to his shoulder pad.

Sgt. Forge is on long-range patrol.

UNITED NATIONS SPACE COMMAND SECURE COM CHANNEL Sweeping through quadrant 4 again. No sign of that battalion of Elites the Hornets spotted earlier. Are you sure they were this far north? There’s nothing up here but ice and colder ice. If they are here, they must have found something. They glassed Utgard and everywhere else, but leave the North Pole untouched? Doesn’t add up.

A large contingent of Grunts are flanking from the west.

UNITED NATIONS SPACE COMMAND MAINTENANCE REQUEST Could you please tell your drivers to stop running down Covenant? Their guts gum up the manifold and it takes forever to clean the grill. It’s already hard enough keeping the Warthogs working with all your reckless driving, without spending hours wiping orange ooze off the axel. Turrets are on the back for a reason. Use them.

UNITED NATIONS SPACE COMMAND OUTGOING MESSAG Dr. Roman, It is with great sorrow that I must inform you that your daughter, Helena Roman, died in an engagement against the Covenant. While I can’t go into detail regarding her death, be assured that your daughter was a rare solder. As tank commander she gained the respect of not only the men serving under her but myself as well. She pitched in, made a difference, and you should be proud of your daughter’s sacrifice. She will be dearly missed. Regretfully, Captain Cutter

Defensive turrets 1 and 2 upgrade coming on line now. Flamethrower fuel ratio optimized. Forward interrogation room is fully operational.

UNITED NATIONS SPACE COMMAND INCOMING TRANSMISSION Commander Figueroa, I understand your concerns about the production timetables. But time is not a luxury we have. Epsilon base needs to be fully operational by week’s end. Remind the men what’s at stake. They’re fighting not just for Harvest, but all the colonies. And Theo, I wouldn’t have asked this out of you if I didn’t think you were the best man for the job, Cutter out.

UNITED NATIONS SPACE COMMAND PRISONER #0005849784A Been at it for three hours now, but this Grunt ain’t gonna crack. He’s like all the other little whack jobs we captured. They just run their mouths constantly about ‘heretics’ and ‘journeys.’ I doubt they even know what they are looking for up North. And that stink. Somebody tell me why we only capture aliens who breathe pressurized methane?

We’re taking heavy casualties but the Cyclops are holding their own.

UNITED NATIONS SPACE COMMAND TAC-EVAL UPDATE IV Admiral– the initial trial of the new Cyclops are promising. They perform remarkably well in the field and the learning curve for pilots is low. On paper, the Spartans are a technically superior unit, but the lower costs to build and train the Cyclops tips the scale in their favour. Also, I’ve noticed the troops feel more ‘comfortable’ around a Cyclops. Captain Cutter signing off.

UNITED NATIONS SPACE COMMAND KEIICHI-047 SELF_DIAGNOSTIC SPIRITOFFIRE.SP.KEIICHI-047>> The upgraded neural implant is causing some minor feedback on the com link. Reaction times have improved significantly though; probably just need a little tweak. Can you check it out next time I get an ‘oil change?’

SPIRITOFFIRE.SO.AI.SERINA>> Easy fix. I’ll prepare a sub-routine at your next diagnostic. If you run into Professor Anders, she might do the adjustments on the spot. Just her ask nicely.

UNITED NATIONS SPACE COMMAND BATTLE GROUP PHI DEBRIEF-0820039 Cutter- The enemy advance is completely contained. We’re just mopping up the remnants now. To be honest, it was more rout than fight, which is unusual for the Covenant. Why are they suddenly committing forces out here without any logistical support? No baces, no depots. It’s suicide. I can’t see the strategic value. They’re using a different playbook than us and I don’t like that. Captain Jenkins. </toggledisplay>



Version originelle

<toggledisplay hidetext=[Masquer]> COVENANT WARSHIP 23rd Age of Doubt Praise Be to the Prophet of Regret The Great Journey Begins




PLANETERY CYCLE | 17.5 SOL HRS Geo Synchronous Rotation Established Orbital decay -009.0028 Safety Margin +4.078


Five years. Five long years. That is how long we have waited. But what is five years along the path of the Great Journey? Does it not strengthen us? Focus us? Purify our intent? The final steps await, but this planet must be cleansed of its heresy first.

See the unbelievers falter beneath our unyielding truth.

COVENANT PRAYER FOR THE FALLEN Your journey has ended. Your sacrifice is but another stone paving the way so that others may continue. You never wavered from the path or faltered in your faith. For that, you will be rewarded. Let your actions be a beacon unto all who shall pass after you. When the Great Journey begins we all walk the path together.

COVENANT TAC\OP REQUEST Commander, the humans have deployed a number of mechanical bipeds on our flank. The useless Unggoy and Kig-Yar snipers are no match. Their ranks will soon be decimated. I beseech you to reconsider deploying the Scarab to our position. With it, I could repel the humans’ advance and collapse their front line.

COVENANT BLESSING OF THE LOKGOLO See the Lekgolo lay to ruin all before it that is not of the Covenant. It walks the path, a living instrument of the gods’ divine will. It seeks out non-believers and wipes their filth from the face of creation. The one truth is their guide on the journey to ascension. The Prophet has spoken.

Cleanse the planet of this abomination.

COVENANT CLAN MESSAGING OPEN Brother ’Crolunee, Rejoice for the green monster is no more. Banished by the righteous might of our forces. My Needler has never had truer aim. Each shard unerringly found its mark across the field of battle. Why even now, the Unggoy make sport with the green abomination’s helmet. Ustaf ’Nbekee

These humans are filth. Unfit to live.

COVENANT DIRECT MESSAGING ACTIVE Arbiter- These humans are cowards. They choose to fight inside their vehicles. There is no honor in these kills. I see truth to the words spoken by the Prophet, and I wall savor the blood of every human that falls before my needler. Je’ddak Zule

COVENANT FIELD EVALUATION: Much praise to weapon master Sanj’ik. Her improvements to the fuel rod cannon have made this airship the bane of the humans. It fires so rapidly; even their heaviest tanks must succumb before its might. Have the entire squadron upgraded immediately.

I do not care for protocol! We must move now! Open the relic.

COVENANT FIELD REPORT High Prophet- Rejoice your Holiness for we have found the doorway to the relic you spoke of. Today is indeed a great day for the Covenant as the Great Journey redoubles its pace. The troops are full of fervor at the sight of this gift from the Forerunner. I beseech you to send the Arbiter at once to commence the opening of this sacred place. Faithfully, Cmdr. Re’gish Wamik

COVENANT PERSONAL CHANNEL OPEN The human’s patrols are coming dangerously close to the relic. If they discover the holy site they will most assuredly defile it. Why does the Prophet hide us away in the frozen north while our brothers die at the hands of these fiends? Would the relics not be safer if we wiped the humans off the face of the planet?

Hold your position at any cost. We must uncover the secrets hidden here.

COVENANT CONSTUCTION REVISION Once the shield amplifiers are sufficiency operational and the Temple is running, have the builders take a second look at the Methane suite for the Unggoy. A valve malfunction has rendered it unable to maintain proper atmosphere levels. They now spend the bulk of their time in the hanger, much to the discomfort of the weapon engineers.

Like footsteps falling, our plan is realized.

COVENANT ARCHIVE LINK ACTIVE The Minister of Penance gives salutations and peace to his most Holiness, the Prophet of Regret. The Arbiter has proven his worth as an instrument of war. Let your steady hand guide his blade. The circumstances of his imprisonment have been kept from you for various reasons. Let it be known that his sins have been washed as a river caresses the stone. But be forewarned, do not trust $%^$@^)#(*)0010011[>>>>>data stream corruption]

COVENANT ENGINEERING REP\STAT Arbiter- I must again reiterate my position from our previous communication. Retrofitting the Scarab’s main battle cannon is a delicate process that requires calibrating all coolant subsystems. Any heat spike from the core can pose a serious threat to the gestalt. </toggledisplay>
