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Halo : Fleet Battles/Transcriptions

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Cet article accueille les transcriptions des passages importants pour l'univers dans le livret de règles et le livret de la campagne The Fall of Reach de Halo : Fleet Battles.

Les transcriptions sont issues de l'ex-forum Halo Archive.

THE HALO UNIVERSE[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

The year is 2552. Humanity is has been forced to the brink of extinction by a fanatical alien alliance of alien races known as the Covenant. Human forces have fallen back to the fortress world of Reach, prepared to sell their lives dearly to protect Earth and buy time for a desperate gambit that may yet tip the tides of war.

DOMUS DIASPORA[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

In the year 2291, mankind was unleashed upon the stars with the discovery of slipspace and its use for faster-than-light travel. An overcrowded Earth and its burgeoning colonies quickly seized on the promise of exploration and colonization to break free of our solar system and find a new destiny.

By 2310 the first wave of pioneers traversed the vast gulf of space to find myriad new worlds to explore, inhabit, and exploit, taking humanity's grievances with them. As colony ships were built in ever-increasing numbers the trickle of colonists became a mass exodus from the Sol system - historically known as the Domus Diaspora.

Colonies blossomed on verdant worlds and above resource-rich moons. Habitable planets that could be quickly reached through slipspace became home to sprawling cities and orbital factories tied together through trade and the influence of massive star-spanning corporations.

Early terraforming successes and improvements in slipspace navigation spurred exploration further and further from the light of Sol. Within two hundred years billions of people were living, breathing, working, and dying under alien suns. For a time, all of mankind's energy was expended in frenzied expansion.

Those colonies on nearby worlds prospered, drawing in investment and building infrastructure extensive enough to become self-sufficient and send their surpluses back to Earth; these core worlds became known as the Inner Colonies. Meanwhile smaller, lonely outposts of the greater human civilization spread ever outward along slipspace routes from this developed and tightly controlled zone to become the Outer Colonies. And, beyond that, the great unknown of the Orion Arm.

THE INTERPLANETARY WAR Humanity's expansion into the Sol system in the 21st and 22nd century did not come without cost. Global wars on Earth had previously shattered the power of the old nation-states even as virulent new philosophies spread among the solar colonies. Not everyone embraced relative peace under the aegis of the United Nations and its successor, the Unified Earth Government, and new factions with militant ideologies exacerbated political and economic fracture lines to the breaking point.

In the late 22nd century these factions would engage in wars, terrorism, and petty vengeance that spanned the Sol system and changed the face of human governance. Fear and simple practicality during this Interplanetary War led to the consolidation of power with Earth's technocrats and the formation of a new, unified, military force to police the solar system: the United Nations Space Command.

MANKIND DIVIDED[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

But even with an opportunity to create infinite new futures for itself with vast resources and room to expand, humanity quickly turned against itself.

Questions of power, prestige, and old grudges were revealed as the pace of expansion slowed. Citizens of the colonies chafed under legal and corporate obligations as Earth demanded an ever-larger share of the colonial riches. Grumblings about fairness became complaints, and the complaints became protests, but the people of Earth had long ago grown accustomed to the labor of the colonies and were disinterested in renegotiating arrangements with worlds they seeded and financed. Resentment and greedy overreach gave rise to dozens of small independence movements on many colonies, helping to cement unique local identities separate from the original Sol-born founders.

In the distant Outer Colonies these groups grew especially proud of their pioneering heritage (real or imagined) and began to violently resent control by Earth's governing agencies and the Inner Colony mega-corporations.

Poorly-organized agitation for independence soon developed into outright rebellion, with the first major clashes closing out the last years of the 25th century. Earth's colonial government responded swiftly, but overzealous police actions galvanized resistance and destroyed any opportunity for a political solution to the slow-moving crisis. Small groups quickly consolidated, creating alliances that pressed an anti-centralization and pro-autonomy campaign, resonating with many colonists, including those in the Sol system. The rebellion spread almost as quickly as the original growth of the colonies themselves.

Branded as terrorists, any hint of rebellion was ruthlessly suppressed by the Unified Earth Government, who realized that human interstellar civilization was in danger of collapse. Entire worlds fell under martial law as UNSC moved ships and troops into the Outer Colonies, but the rebel movements only grew in scope and violence as the conflict escalated beyond any possibility of agreement.

But even as Earth prepared a massive campaign to retake the colonies and the rebellion grew into a semi-unified Insurrection a new threat appeared that would - at least for a time - unite humanity in a single goal: survival.

SPARTAN-II PROGRAM[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

With the specter of civilization collapsing and a long night falling on humanity, Earth turned to a drastic plan. Locating candidates of exceptional potential from throughout the colonies, Dr. Catherine Halsey and the Office of Naval Intelligence kidnapped dozens of children for indoctrination and augmentation into the ultimate super-soldiers - living weapons that could be aimed directly at the heart of the growing insurrection. The survivors of the grueling training and augmentation program would be known as Spartans.

The final phase of this plan integrated the Spartans with Mjolnir powered assault armor, enriching their already-formidable reflexes, strength, and speed. A perfect fusion of man and machine, Spartans clad in Mjolnir were walking tanks; later later additions added dissipative energy shielding reverse engineered from the Covenant.

SPARTAN-III[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

A partially successful attempt to create a large number of Spartans (or Spartan-equivalents), SPARTAN-III transformed orphaned children into a new breed of super-soldier using streamlined biological and cybernetic augmentation processes paired with dangerous combat drugs. Though most were fated to be thrown into hopeless (though strategically important) meat grinder battles, particularly talented individuals were secretly moved to Special Warfare teams and other shadowy organizations. The most notable of these were the members of Noble Team, who - except for Jorge-052 - were SPARTAN-III augmentees.

UNITED NATIONS SPACE COMMAND[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

The United Nations Space Command (UNSC) is the Unified Earth Government's (UEG) military arm, responsible for the defense of Earth and all her colonies.The UNSC is comprised of four military branches: Air Force, Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, operating within two major commands.The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) is technically a part of the Navy, though it has absorbed the functions and personnel of most other UEG intelligence agencies and now operates independently.

Fleet Command (FLEETCOM): Dominated by the Navy, with token representation by the Marine Corps, FLEETCOM is responsible for the security of UEG space and transport of UNSC combat forces to far-flung battlezones.

Unified Ground Command (UNICOM): All UNSC ground forces fall under UNICOM authority, as do most aerospace assets out to close orbit. UNICOM coordinates all terrestrial operations, and has authority to take control of colonial militias and security forces to this end.

THE COVENANT[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

The Covenant is a confederation of diverse alien species, joined together by a singular religious vision. A strictly hierarchical social caste system dominates the relationship between the various species that make up the Covenant. Ruled over by Prophets and their enforcers, the Elites, the Covenant is unified in the belief that an ancient civilization known as the Forerunners built a series of Holy Rings which were used to transcend the mundane world and enter a higher plane of existence. The pursuit of these rings and following the path of the Forerunners is known as the The Great Journey, and the punishment for those who interfere is death.

MINISTRY FLEETS[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Strictly speaking, the Covenant lacks a standing military. Instead, it possesses a bewildering variety of martial organizations under the control or influence of one or more Ministries: governing bodies who direct vital religious and secular activities. The power and prestige of their groups waxed and waned as they waged bloody internal wars for bureaucratic dominance and promotion of their particular brand of orthodoxy, but only three were of significance (to humans) during the Covenant War.

Ministry of Resolution: Originally a minor organization tasked with countering piracy and ensuring the safety of trade and conversion ships, assignment to the Ministry of Resolution was considered an honorable posting that implicitly removed members from regular society due to long missions outside the explored rim of Covenant space. Under the direction of the High Prophets, the Ministry of Resolution grew rapidly in the early years of the Covenant War as it provided cover to send fleets beyond the fringe and then hide combat losses to stall inconvenient questions by Sangheili military leaders.

Ministry of Fervent Intercession: Justly famous for the sheer number of Zealots in their ranks, the Ministry of Fervent Intercession was a semi-monastic organization obsessed with the discovery and control of Forerunner sites.

Held in awe by many in the Covenant, these fleets could call upon resources and volunteers directly from the colonies and even other Ministries as a result of their prestige and force of ancient writs dating back to the founding of the alliance. Their fanaticism in defending Forerunner sites made them useful during the war against humanity, though their independent commanders often paid little heed to orders that did not deal directly with the safety of reliquaries.

Ministry of Tranquility: A Ministry with ambitions that far exceeded its reach, the Ministry of Tranquility worked to extend its influence and power by acquiring Forerunner artifacts and bringing new species into the Covenant, and wasn't picky about how they accomplished their goals.

Caring little for the opinions of even the High Prophets, privateers preying on Covenant artifact depositories were often traced back to the Ministry of Tranquility, and their missionaries were often little more than slavers and raiders. Ministry of Tranquility forces almost never participated in major fleet action during the War, instead swooping in to steal artifacts from human and Covenant forces alike in the chaotic aftermath.

THE COVENANT WAR[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Appearing out of the depth of uncharted space, an alliance of alien species called the Covenant made first contact on the colony of Harvest in 2525, leaving devastation in their wake. With their vastly superior technology and a tireless religious zeal, the Covenant obliterated humans wherever their presence was found. Soldiers, civilians, children... no one was spared.

The start of The Covenant War saw dozens of Outer Colonies fall in only a matter of months. Most were demolished from orbit, with their populations centers targeted for plasma bombardment. Only rarely would Covenant troops take the battle to the surface to seize seemingly meaningless spots of ground or due to some inexplicable rule of war. Yet, despite the Covenant's overwhelming technological superiority, humanity refused to give up. Shattered fleets were rebuilt, entire armies reformed to continue the fight. But despite innumerable stories of valor and courage the war was an endless roster of defeats and holding actions. For the first time in centuries, humanity was collectively united, but it was seemingly too late.

In less than two decades, most colonies were destroyed, abandoned, or cut off. Despite the heroic efforts by the UNSC, the Covenant invasion could not be stopped, only delayed. And now they have found Reach, the heart of humanity's defenses and the last remaining bastion of UNSC power. If the Covenant cannot be stopped here then Earth will soon fall.

In the end, Reach will fall, but its defenders will make sure the Covenant pays a price in ships and soldiers that will never be forgotten. This is now your story.

BATTLE FOR SIGMA OCTANUS IV[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

In 2552, Covenant forces struck at Sigma Octanus IV, searching for artifacts and intending to eradicate whatever human populations existed there. After a brutal ground campaign, the UNSC miraculously succeeded in defeating the Covenant assault, but the true moment of decision occurred in space, where a titanic fleet engagement resulted in a rare victory - however pyrrhic. Unfortunately, the depleted human forces could only evacuate Sigma Octanus IV and retreat back to Reach - unknowingly bringing with them a probe that would lead the Covenant fleet to the planet.

UNSC NAVY[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

With its remaining ground forces consolidated on Earth and Reach, the only representative that many surviving colonies have of UEG authority and defense are the ships of the Navy. As the senior service of the UNSC, it is the Navy that has responsibility for "showing the flag" in every corner of of human space and providing what aid it can to colonies cut off from direct military assistance. Unfortunately, these are desperate times; worlds with little strategic value or unstable local governments are abandoned to the depredations of the Covenant or their short-sighted civil wars rather than risk the loss of irreplacable ships and - more importantly - personnel.

FLEET ORGANISATION[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

The UNSC Navy is organized into numbered expeditionary fleets and named defense fleets. Prior to the Human-Covenant War the defense fleets were considered little more than glorified revenue police, though they proved invaluable in the opening years of the war - providing desperately needed training cadres and battle-ready (if outdated) warships when the expeditionary forces were decimated. By late 2552 there is no appreciable difference between fleets, as the Navy is no longer capable of conducting offensive operations without leaving the remaining colonies and Earth dangerously vulnerable.

Fleets are traditionally assigned to sectors, groupings of Inner and Outer Colony systems organized by the most efficient slipspace routes branching away from Reach, and the UNSC stubbornly maintains these divisions even as ships are withdrawn to Reach and Earth alone. Fleets are subdivided into numerous battle groups, flexible fighting organizations that can be "plugged together" into ad-hoc task forces. Squadrons are currently administrative, not tactical, units that ships are enrolled in for record-keeping and honorific purposes; the Navy's AI administrators are sticklers for regulations though, carefully arranging the dwindling ship rolls into attack, battle, carrier, monitor, and support squadrons that lost any meaning over two decades ago.

DEAD FLEETS[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Most of the Navy's fleets are "paper fleets" with no command and no ships, assigned to sectors long-ago lost to the Covenant, their destroyed squadrons remaining attached to honor their sacrifice and as deference for tradition. Occasionally a new ship will be inadvertently attached to one of these ghost fleets due to bureaucratic error, which is an ill omen by even the least superstitious crewman.

LUMINARIES[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Luminaries are special scanners placed aboard Covenant vessels to detect left behind remnants of the long-vanished Forerunner. The greatest Luminaries, ancient Forerunner artifacts themselves, are rare treasures jealously guarded by the Covenant leadership and rarely allowed outside the holy sanctum of High Charity. One of these prizes was entrusted to Rho 'Barutamee upon his ascension to Supreme Commander and the assumption of his duties as far-ranging scout and seeker of truths.It was through this Luminary that Rho picked up the first luminations emanating from Reach, signs that the great works of the Forerunners were once again rumbling to life and reaching out into the cosmos for their long lost creators.

THE FALL OF REACH[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

SCENARIO ONE: FLIGHT![modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Lieutenant Robinson frowned at the tactical display. There was no mistaking it: ten Covenant ships were quickly approaching. At another place and time this might have been an even fight, but with the ships crewed by raw recruits there was only one option: RUN!

While lecture rooms and simulators can achieve a great deal, the UNSC Navy makes sure its cadets are also properly drilled on working warships. Cadets at the Beta Eridani Naval Training Range took ships through the paces and familiarized themselves with day-to-day tasks before final assignment, unaware that the Covenant was being drawn to the system by an artefact right beneath their nose.

The Battlefield: 4' x 3'

Covenant Deployment Zone: 24" x 10" as per the Scenario Map.

UNSC Deployment: 6" x 6" square as per the Scenario Map and 6" away from the top edge.


Terrain is placed as shown on the Scenario Map. For a more complete breakdown of Terrain and its use see the Terrain Chapter on Page 44 of the Halo: Fleet Battles Core Rulebook.

All Terrain used in the Scenarios in this book can be found inside the Fall of Reach 2 Player Battle Box.


The Covenant is the Attacker, and automatically gains the initiative in the first Turn.


The UNSC deploys as per the the diagram inside the 6" blue square on the Battlefield Map. Elements must be facing directly away from the Covenant.

The Covenant then deploys into their deployment zone in any manner the Covenant player deems best.


The Covenant will score 1 Victory Point for every BR of UNSC Elements Destroyed.

The UNSC will score 1 Victory Point for every BR of UNSC Elements that exit the board safely on either flank (marked with blue lines on the Scenario Map).

The Victory Point Target for this Scenario is 4.

If any UNSC Element makes contact with a non-flank board edge, it is removed from play and Victory Points are awarded to the Covenant player as if it was Destroyed.

UNSC Player Note: Remember this is a Training Exercise, and your orders are to escape! Engagement with the Covenant is allowed, but escape is the priority.

Covenant Player Note: Your only chance of victory is to Destroy the enemy.

Players should ensure their Battle Groups maintain in Coherency at all times.


Covenant Battle Group: 230pts

  • 1x CCS Battlecruiser Element 150 Pts
  • 2x SDV Heavy Corvette Elements - Line Formation 80 Pts

UNSC Battle Group 1: 120pts

  • 1x Marathon Class Heavy Cruiser Element 95 Pts
  • 1x Paris Class Frigate Elements - Arrowhead Formation 25 Pts

UNSC Battle Group 2: 75pts

  • 3x Paris Class Frigate Elements - Line Formation 75 Pts

SCENARIO TWO: CONTACT[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Supreme Commander Rho 'Barutamee was silent, awestruck at the trove of Forerunner relics his Luminary revealed. Though humans had been ignorant to the Forerunner's gifts hidden in the Beta Eridani system, the Fleet of Valiant Prudence was not. Properly plied and fed with power in the philatory, the recovered artifacts had spoken to the ship's Luminary, revealing a path to...what? He did not recognize all of the glyphs before him, but some clearly indicated danger, damage, and the marks of the ancient Builders.

An explorer and collector, Supreme Commander Rho 'Barutamee cared little about Humanity nor knew the full significance of the star system to which he prepared to travel. Nevertheless, he was compelled to eliminate the remaining enemy forces in Beta Eridani, lest they follow the Fleet of Valiant Prudence to their prize.

The Battlefield: 4' x 4'

Covenant Deployment Zone: 24" x 8" as per the Scenario Map.

UNSC Deployment: 24" x 8" as per left.


Terrain is placed as shown on the Scenario Map.


Both players roll their 5 Order Dice, the player with the higher number of Command Icons can choose to deploy first or second. Elements Deployed must be placed inside the designated Deployment Zones. In the event of a draw, re-roll until a winner is determined. Players with alternate deployment, and any Wings created by a Battle Group are deployed within 8" of any Element from its parent Battle Group.


The Maximum Turn Limit of this Scenario is 6 Turns with the player scoring the highest being the winner.


  • The Covenant will score 1 Victory Point for every BR of UNSC Elements Destroyed.
  • The Covenant will score 1 Victory Point for every BR of Covenant Elements that escape the base of the Battlefield (marked in red). Once an Element has moved into contact with the red base board edge the Element is removed from the Battlefield and the player scores the Victory Points. An Element tat leaves the Battlefield may not re-enter it.
  • The UNSC will score 1 Victory Point for every BR of Covenant Elements Destroyed.
  • The UNSC will score an additional bonus of 2 Victory Points if they manage to destroy the Covenant Supported CCS Battlecruiser.
  • If a Covenant Element makes contact with a Battlefield edge other than the red base edge, it is removed from play and Victory Points awarded to the UNSC player.


There is no Victory Points Target in this Scenario. The player with the most victory points at the end of the game is the winner.


Covenant Fleet: 390 Pts

Fleet Commander: Rho 'Barutamee 100 Pts

Battle Group: 290 Pts

  • 1x CCS Supported Battlecruiser Element
  • 3x SDV Heavy Corvette Elements (Line Formation)

UNSC Fleet: 360 Pts

Fleet Commander Michael Stanforth 100 Pts

Battle Group 1: 160 Pts

  • 1x Supported Marathon Heavy Cruiser Element
  • 2x Paris Class Frigate Elements (Trident Formation)

Specialist Battle Group 2: 100 Pts

  • 4x Paris Class Frigate Elements - Arrowhead Formation

SCENARIO THREE: EVACUATE[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Teller Station's crew was exhausted. For years they had carefully stripped away layers of strange metals and bypassed deadly defences to uncover secrets laying hidden beneath this planetoid, and now the scientists were ordered to condense an extensive and long-planned retrieval operation into barely a fortnight.

The Office of Naval Intelligence was involved in the unearthing and study of several Forerunner artefact sites in the Epsilon Eridanus system. One of the most promising locations was Site 17, located inside a nondescript planetesimal in the system's Oort cloud. Atop it was Teller Station, a research laboratory dedicated to unearthing its lost secrets.With the declaration of Winter Contingency on Reach, the facilities' defences prepared to withdraw and abandon the station after one last dig. Unfortunately, their frantic efforts awoke senescent Forerunner systems, betraying the site's location to the Fleet of Valiant Prudence.

The Battlefield: 4' x 4'

Covenant Deployment Zone: 48" x 6" as per the Scenario Map.

UNSC Deployment: 48" x 12" as per the Scenario Map.


Terrain is placed as shown on the Scenario Map.


Both players roll their 5 Order Dice, the player with the higher number of Command Icons can choose to deploy first or second. Elements Deployed must be placed inside the designated Deployment Zones. In the event of a draw, re-roll until a winner is determined. Players with alternate deployment, and any Wings created by a Battle Group are deployed within 8" of any Element from its parent Battle Group.


The Maximum Turn Limit of this Scenario is 6 Turns with the player scoring highest being the winner.


  • The Covenant will score 1 Victory Point for every BR of UNSC Elements Destroyed.
  • The Covenant will score 1 Victory Point for every Battle Group with an Element with 6" of the Asteroid Field in the UNSC Deployment Zone - this is scored in the End Phase of EVERY turn.
  • The UNSC will score 1 Victory Point for every BR of Covenant Elements Destroyed.
  • The UNSC will score 1 Victory Point in the End Phase of EVERY Turn when there is NO Covenant Element within 6" of the Asteroid Field in the UNSC Deployment Zone.


We suggest players use the following Reach Campaign Optional Rule: Dominance.


Covenant Fleet: 500 Pts

Fleet Commander: Rho 'Barutamee 100 Pts

Covenant Battle Group 1: 210 Pts

  • 1x CCS Supported Battlecruiser Element
  • 1x SDV Heavy Corvette Element (Line Formation)

Covenant Battle Group 2: 190 Pts

  • 1x CCS Battlecruiser Element
  • 1x SDV Heavy Corvette Element - Line Formation

UNSC Fleet: 485 Pts

Fleet Commander: Michael Stanforth 100 Pts

Battle Group 1: 240 Pts

  • 2x Marathon Heavy Cruiser Elements
  • 2x Paris Class Frigate Elements (Arrowhead Formation)

Battle Group 2: 145 Pts

  • 1x Marathon Class Heavy Cruiser Element
  • 2x Paris Class Frigate Elements (Arrowhead Formation)

SCENARIO FOUR: RUN![modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Dr. Daniels was a xeno-archaeologist, not an intelligence officer; but it was obvious that the object hastily removed from Site 17 was extremely valuable. The Covenant fleet had detached a significant portion of its fleet to recover it, and now Daniels and his fellow scientists could only trust in Admiral Stanforth's plan to lure the pursuing enemy into a trap near Reach.

The Fleet of Valiant Prudence is enraged at the desecration of Site 17's Forerunner reliquary, and Supreme Commander 'Barutamee has ordered his reconnaissance elements to retrieve the stolen relic and avenge the human's insult. UNSC forces must escape the implacable Covenant forces and avoid taking losses that will ultimately weaken Reach's defences.

The Battlefield: 4' x 4'

Covenant Deployment Zone: 12" x 8"

UNSC Deployment: 12" x 8"


Terrain is placed as shown on the Scenario Map.


Both players roll their 5 Order Dice, the player with the higher number of Command Icons can choose to deploy first or second. Elements deployed must be placed inside the designated Deployment Zones. Players will alternate deployment, and any Wings created by a Battle Group are deployed within 8" of any Element from its parent Battle Group.


There is no Maximum Turn Limit attached to this Scenario. The Game is played until either the FLAGSHIP of the UNSC is Destroyed or it exits the Battlefield. If the FLAGSHIP escapes the UNSC win, if it is Destroyed, the Covenant win.


  • The Covenant will score 1 Victory Point for every BR of UNSC Elements Destroyed.
  • The Covenant will score 4 Victory Points if they can successfully board the UNSC FLAGSHIP and Destroy it via boarding (Damage to Destroy it must come from succesful Boarding Actions rather than Weapons fire). This would include Damage as a result of a Critical Core Breach in the End Phase.
  • The UNSC will score 1 Victory Point for every BR of Covenant Elements Destroyed.
  • The UNSC will score 4 Victory Points if they can move thier FLAGSHIP off the Battlefield via the cyan base edge.


We suggest players use the following Reach Campaign Optional Rule: Battle Damage, Dominance.


Covenant Fleet: 540 Pts

Fleet Commander: Rho 'Barutamee 100 Pts

Covenant Battle Group 1: 250 Pts

  • 1x CCS Supported Battlecruiser Element
  • 2x SDV Heavy Corvette Element (Oblique Formation)

Covenant Battle Group 2: 190 Pts

  • 1x CCS Battlecruiser Element
  • 1x SDV Heavy Corvette Element (Line Formation)

UNSC Fleet: 525 Pts

Fleet Commander: Michael Stanforth 100 Pts

Battle Group 1: 240 Pts

  • 2x Marathon Heavy Cruiser Elements
  • 2x Paris Class Frigate Elements (Arrowhead Formation)

Battle Group 2: 185 Pts

  • 1x Supported Marathon Heavy Cruiser Element (acting as the FLAGSHIP)
  • 3x Paris Class Frigate Elements (Trident Formation)

SCENARIO FIVE: INTO THE FIRE[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Baleful lights shone on the tactical display of the Marathon's bridge, and the acrid smell of burning electronics filled the air. The crew valiantly fought to keep the damaged ship together as fresh Covenant forces appeared on long-range scans. The battle group had managed to fight free of Covenant forces on their tail, but more alien ships were on an intercept course. Luckily, a detachment of UNSC ships was moving to cut off the new Covenant threat. With the fate of Reach hanging in the balance, everyone hoped their mysterious cargo was worth the loss of lives.

To protect the artefact from capture, Admiral Stanforth was forced to vector in reinforcements to stop the pursuing Covenant squadrons. The resulting battle was evenly matched, but every ship that the UNSC lost was irreplaceable, while Rho 'Barutamee's forces seemed to inch ever closer to claiming whatever prize they sought on Reach's surface. Time was running out.

The Battlefield: 4' x 4'

Covenant Deployment Zone: 48" x 8" as per the Scenario Map.

UNSC Deployment: 48" x 8" as per the Scenario Map.


Terrain is placed as shown on the Scenario Map.


Both players roll their 5 Order Dice, the player with the higher number of Command Icons can choose to deploy first or second. Elements deployed must be placed inside the designated Deployment Zones. Players will alternate deployment, and any Wings created by a Battle Group are deployed within 8" of any Element from its parent Battle Group.


The Maximum Turn Limit of this Scenario is 8 Turns with the player scoring the highest Victory Point score at the end of Turn 8 being the winner.


  • The Covenant will score 1 Victory Point for every BR of UNSC Elements Destroyed.
  • The UNSC will score 1 Victory Point for every BR of Covenant Elements Destroyed.
  • The UNSC will score 1 Victory Point for every BR of UNSC Elements that move off the Covenant's board edge.


We suggest players use the following Reach Campaign Optional Rule: Battle Damage, Dominance.


Covenant Fleet: 620 Pts

Fleet Commander: Rho 'Barutamee 100 Pts

Covenant Battle Group 1: 250 Pts

  • 1x CCS Supported Battlecruiser Element
  • 2x SDV Heavy Corvette Elements (Oblique Formation)
  • 1 Wing of 4 Tarasque Bombers

Covenant Battle Group 2: 270 Pts

  • 1x CCS Battlecruiser Element
  • 3x SDV Heavy Corvette Element - Line Formation
  • 1 Wing of 5 Seraph Interceptors

UNSC Fleet: 620 Pts

Fleet Commander: Michael Stanforth 100 Pts

Battle Group 1: 240 Pts

  • 2x Marathon Heavy Cruiser Elements
  • 2x Paris Class Frigate Elements (Arrowhead Formation)
  • 1 Wing of 4 Longsword Bombers

Battle Group 2: 160 Pts

  • 1x Supported Marathon Class Heavy Cruiser Element (acting as the FLAGSHIP)
  • 2x Paris Class Frigate Elements (Trident Formation)
  • 1 Wing of 2 Broadsword Interceptors

Battle Group 3: 120 Pts

  • 1x Marathon Class Cruiser Element
  • 1x Paris Class Frigate Elements (Trident Formation)
  • 1 Wing of 2 Broadsword Interceptors

SCENARIO SIX: LEFT JAB[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Supreme Commander Rho 'Barutamee unconsciously clenched his fist as he reviewed the intelligence report. Human forces were probing his defences from every side, intent on finding some vulnerability to exploit. Under normal circumstances he would ignore their taunts, but it was clear this world was far more important to the humans than he had originally realized.In addition, a massive Ministry of Resolution fleet on its way, and his atrefact teams were bogged down on the surface. For the first time in decades, Rho tasted fear. If the fleet couldn't locate something of value soon, he would be forced to either evacuate and abandon many of his Zealots, or face interrogation by the Hierarchs for his impudence and apparent ineptitude.

The UNSC has concocted an audacious plan - Operation: UPPER CUT - to destroy the Long Night of Solace by seizing a Covenant Corvette, the Ardent Prayer, and using it to carry a sabotaged slipspace drive core near the supercarrier - detonating it close enough that the resulting rupture would cripple or destroy the massive vessel. Operation: LEFT JAB is a supporting mission to distract the Covenant, coordinated with the UNSC Savannah while it supported Noble Team's seizure of the Ardent Prayer.

The Battlefield: 4' x 4'

Covenant Deployment Zone: 48" x 8" as per the Scenario Map.

UNSC Deployment Zone: 48" x 8" as per the Scenario Map.


Terrain is placed on the Scenario Map.


Both players roll their 5 Order Dice, the player with the higher number of Command Icons can choose to deploy first or second. Elements deployed must be placed inside the designated Deployment Zones. Players will alternate deployment, and any Wings created by a Battle Group are deployed within 8" of any Element from its parent Battle Group.


The Maximum Turn Limit of this Scenario is 8 Turns with the player scoring the highest being the winner.


  • The Covenant will score 1 Victroy Point for every BR of UNSC Elements Destroyed.
  • The Covenant will score 3 Victory Points for Destroying the UNSC FLAGSHIP.
  • The UNSC will score 1 Victory Point for every BR of Covenant Elements Destroyed.
  • The UNSC will score 3 Victory Points for Destroying the Covenant FLAGSHIP.


Both sides need to score 10 Victory Points.


We suggest players use the following Reach Campaign Optional Rules: Battle Damage, Dominance and Reinforcements.


Covenant Fleet: 550 Pts

Fleet Commander: Rho 'Barutamee 100 Pts

Covenant Battle Group 1: 260 Pts

  • 1x Supported ORS Class Heavy Cruiser (acting as the FLAGSHIP)
  • 1x SDV Heavy Corvette Element - Line Formation
  • 1x Wing of 3 Seraph Interceptors
  • 1x Wing of 4 Tarasque Bombers

Covenant Battle Group 2: 190 Pts

  • 1x CCS Battlecruiser Element
  • 1x SDV Heavy Corvette Element (Oblique Formation)
  • 1x Wing of 3 Tarasque Bombers

UNSC Fleet: 560 Pts

Fleet Commander: Michael Stanforth 100 Pts

Battle Group 1: 220 Pts

  • 1x Supported Epoch Class Heavy Carrier - acting as the FLAGSHIP
  • 2x Paris Class Frigate Elements - Trident Formation
  • 1x Wing of 3 Broadsword Interceptors
  • 1x Wing of 3 Longsword Bombers

Battle Group 2: 240 Pts

  • 2x Marathon Heavy Cruiser Elements
  • 2x Paris Class Frigate Elements - Arrowhead Formation
  • 1x Wing of 4 Broadsword Interceptors

SCENARIO SEVEN: FINISHING BLOW[modifier | modifier le wikicode]


The order was short and simple, but a spontaneous cheer erupted on the bridge as the fusion drives flared. The UNSC was finally taking the fight to the enemy.

With the Fleet of Valiant Prudence stretched thin, the Long Night of Solace appeared open for a direct attack. Distracted by Operation: LEFT HOOK, Rho 'Barutamee's forces were out of position when a Navy task force pounced on a cut-off Covenant scout fleet.

The Battlefield: 4' x 4'

Covenant Deployment Zone: 12" x 12" as per the Scenario Map.

UNSC Deployment Zone: 24" x 8" as per the Scenario Map.


Terrain is placed as shown on the Scenario Map.


Both players roll their 5 Order Dice, the player with the higher number of Command Icons can choose to deploy first or second. All Elements deployed must be placed inside the designated Deployment Zones. In the event of a draw, re-roll until a winner is determined. Players will alternate deployment, and any Wings created by a Battle Group are deployed within 8" of any Element from its parent Battle Group.


The Maximum Turn Limit of this Scenario is 8 Turns with the player scoring highest being the winner.


  • The Covenant will score 1 Victory Point for every BR of UNSC Elements Destroyed.
  • The UNSC will score 1 Victory Point for every BR of Covenant Elements Destroyed.
  • The UNSC will score an additional 1 Victory Point for every Covenant Capital Element Destroyed.


We suggest players use the following Reach Campaign Optional Rules: Battle Damage, Dominance and Reinforcements.


Covenant Fleet: 760 Pts

Fleet Commander: Rho 'Barutamee 100 Pts

Covenant Battle Group 1: 280 Pts

  • 1x ORS Heavy Cruiser (acting as Flagship)
  • 2x SDV Line Elements (Line Formation)
  • 1x Wing of 4 Tarasque Bombers
  • 1x Wing of 3 Seraph Interceptors

Covenant Battle Group 2: 190 Pts

  • 1x CCS Battle Cruiser
  • 1x SDV Heavy Corvette Elements (Oblique Formation)
  • 1x Wing of 3 Tarasque Bombers

Covenant Battle Group 3: 190 Pts

  • 1x CCS Battle Cruiser
  • 1x SDV Heavy Corvette Elements (Line Formation)
  • 1x Wing of 3 Seraph Interceptors

UNSC Fleet: 615 Pts

Fleet Commander: Michael Stanforth 100 Pts

Battle Group 1: 215 Pts

  • 1x Supported Epoch Heavy Carrier (acting as Flagship)
  • 1x Paris Class Frigate Elements (Trident Formation)
  • 1x Wing of 3 Longsword Bombers
  • 1x Wing of 3 Broadsword Interceptors

Battle Group 2: 170 Pts

  • 1x Marathon Heavy Cruiser Element
  • 3x Paris Class Frigate Elements (Arrowhead Formation)
  • 1x Wing of 2 Broadsword Interceptors

Battle Group 3: 230 Pts

  • 1x Supported Marathon Heavy Cruiser
  • 1x Marathon Heavy Cruiser
  • 1x Paris Class Frigate Elements (Trident Formation)
  • 1x Wing of 4 Longsword Bombers

SCENARIO EIGHT: RALLY POINT ZULU[modifier | modifier le wikicode]




Rho 'Barutamee was missing and presumed dead, the twisted remains of Long Night of Solace falling to the surface of Reach. As battle raged for the fate of the planet, a single engagement in the larger melee would have massive implications. Rho's lieutenant, Shipmaster Kantar 'Utaralee assumed command of the splintered Fleet of Valiant Prudence, leading them in a last ditch effort to recover the artefact that had eluded them. Held on a station near Turul, only a small picket fleet remained between the fleet's honor and ignominious defeat.

The Battlefield: 4' x 4'

Covenant Deployment Zone - 48" x 8" as per the Scenario Map.

UNSC Deployment Zone: 48' x 8" as per the Scenario Map.


Terrain is placed as shown on the Scenario Map.


Both players roll their 5 Order Dice, the player with the higher number of Command Icons can choose to deploy first or second. All Elements deployed must be placed inside the designated Deployment Zones. In the event of a draw, re-roll until a winner is determined. Players will alternate deployment, and any Wings created by a Battle Group are deployed within 8" of any Element from its parent Battle Group.


  • Both sides score 1 Victory Point for every BR of Elements Destroyed.
  • Both sides score 2 extra Victory Points for Destroying the enemy FLAGSHIP.


Both sides need to score 10 Victory Points


Use all Reach Campaign Optional Rules


Covenant Fleet: 1000 Pts

Fleet Commander Kantar 'Utaralee (use the Rho 'Barutamee card) 100 Pts

Covenant Battle Group 1: 320 pts

  • 1x Supported ORS Heavy Cruiser Element (acting as FLAGSHIP - including 2 Zealots who replace standard Boarding Craft)
  • 1x SDV Heavy Corvette Element (Oblique Formation)
  • 1x Wing of 5 Seraph Interceptors

Covenant Battle Group 2: 280 Pts

  • 1x Supported CCS Battlecruiser (including 1 Zealot who replace standard Boarding Craft)
  • 2x SDV Heavy Corvette Elements (Oblique Formation)
  • 1x Wing of 4 Tarasque Bombers

Covenant Battle Group 3: 300 Pts

  • 1x CCS Battlecruiser Element (including 1 Zealot who replaces standard Boarding Craft)
  • 3x SDV Heavy Corvette Elements (Line Formation)
  • 1x Wing of 4 Tarasque Bombers

UNSC Fleet: 975 Pts

Fleet Commander: Michael Stanforth 100 Pts

Battle Group 1: 315 Pts

  • 1x Supported Epoch Heavy Carrier Elements (acting as Flagship - including 1 Spartan who replaces a standard Boarding Craft)
  • 1x Paris Class Frigate Element (Trident Formation)
  • 1x Wing of 5 Longsword Bombers

Battle Group 2: 240 Pts

  • 2x Marathon Class Heavy Cruiser Elements
  • 2x Paris Class Frigate Elements (Trident Formation)
  • 1x Wing of 4 Broadsword Interceptors

Battle Group 3: 160 Pts

  • 1x Supported Marathon Heavy Cruiser Element
  • 2x Paris Class Frigate Elements - Arrowhead Formation
  • 1x Wing of 2 Broadsword Interceptors

Battle Group 4: 160 Pts

  • 1x Supported Marathon Heavy Cruiser Elements
  • 2x Paris Frigate Elements (Arrowhead Formation)
  • 1x Wing of 2 Longsword Bombers
  • 1x Wing of 2 Broadsword Interceptors

BATTLE GROUPS[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

GORGON BATTLE GROUP (BR 8)[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Marathon Heavy Cruisers were in short supply by the time Reach itself was being besieged, with even half-completed hulls providing desperately needed heavy MACs to naval squadrons. During the last years of the War it was common practice to pair Heavy Cruisers in order to pinpoint large, heavily shielded Covenant vessels and concentrate fire to quickly cripple them, giving the smaller UNSC ships a fighting chance against the somewhat more fragile Battlecruisers and Corvettes.

The Battle Group contains:

  • 1x Supported Marathon Heavy Cruiser Element
  • 1x Supported Marathon Heavy Cruiser Element
  • 1x Paris Frigate Element in Trident Formation
  • 1x Paris Frigate Element in Trident Formation

ORTHUS BATTLE GROUP (BR 8)[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Though the YSS-1000 Sabre technically entered service in 2547, it proved to be too expensive to enter mass production given the loss of critical Inner Colony manufacturing hubs and shortage of skilled pilots. While these problems had been nearly resolved by late 2552, the Covenant arrival in Epsilon Eridani ended plans to replace select broadsword squadrons with the new fighter. Had Reach remained unmolested the plan was to place Sabres aboard the remaining carriers first, then roll out the fighters to lead ships in the most experienced squadrons and Battle Groups.

The Battle Group contains:

  • 1x Epoch Heavy Carrier Element
  • 1x Epoch Heavy Carrier Element

Prototype Wings: If a player fields an Orthus Battle Group they may replace their Broadsword Interceptor Flight Tokens for YSS-1000 Sabre Interceptors. Sabre Flight Tokens deployed by this Battle Group only take up ONE Flight Slot per Token.

HARPY BATTLE GROUP (BR 6)[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Frigates were manufactured in large numbers during the Covenant War; cheaply constructed and operated with skeleton crews they could still bring down Covenant warships by operating in "wolfpack" formations and concentrating MAC fire.

The Battle Group contains:

  • 1x Paris Frigate Element in Arrowhead Formation
  • 1x Paris Frigate Element in Arrowhead Formation
  • 1x Paris Frigate Element in Arrowhead Formation
  • 1x Paris Frigate Element in Trident Formation
  • 1x Paris Frigate Element in Trident Formation
  • 1x Paris Frigate Element in Trident Formation

CYCLOPS BATTLE GROUP (BR 6)[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

All UNSC ships have a degree of operational flexibility through the use of modular mission packages and reconfigurable hangers. Through a rare configuration, Marathon vessels could be equipped as a light carrier, sacrificing missile reloads and all of its cargo bays for additional hanger capacity.

SPECIAL RULE: The Marathon loses its Missile Barrage loadout but gains Carrier (1) Loadout instead. In addition the refitted Marathon has a Hanger Rating of 5 rather than the 2 it would normally have.

The Battle Group contains:

  • 1x Supported Marathon Heavy Cruiser
  • 1x Paris Frigate Element in Trident Formation
  • 1x Paris Frigate Element in Trident Formation
  • 1x Paris Frigate Element in Trident Formation

THE SOLEMN VOW BATTLE GROUP (BR 9)[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

An ORS Heavy Cruiser is often paired with a CCS Battlecruiser to form independent "hunting packs" that skirt the edges of the main battle to threaten UNSC Carriers and Support vessles.

Battle Group contains:

  • 1x Supported ORS Heavy Cruiser Element
  • 1x Supported CCS Battlecruiser Element

THE OATHSWORN BATTLE GROUP (BR 8)[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

CCS Battlecruisers and SDV Heavy Corvettes provide an excellent mix of firepower and utility that proved difficult to counter until late in the War.

Battle Group contains:

  • 1x CCS Battlecruiser Element
  • 1x CCS Battlecruiser Element
  • 1x SDV Heavy Corvette Element in Line Formation
  • 1x SDV Heavy Corvette Element in Line Formation

THE SACRED PLEDGE BATTLE GROUP (BR 4)[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

SDV Heavy Corvettes were built in large numbers by the Covenant, and proved to be a highly flexible design that could be modified for a number of specialized roles. In some cases, entire fleets were comprised of SDVs.

Battle Group contains:

  • 1x SDV Heavy Corvette Element in Oblique Formation
  • 1x SDV Heavy Corvette Element in Oblique Formation
  • 1x SDV Heavy Corvette Element in Line Formation
  • 1x SDV Heavy Corvette Element in Line Formation

THE HARBINGER BATTLE GROUP (BR 10)[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

The Covenant typically used its larger ships as command elements of independant Battle Groups, though circumstances occasionally required that pairs of ORS Heavy Cruisers be deployed to saturate the combat zones with plasma fire and fighter craft.

Battle Group contains:

  • 1x ORS Heavy Cruiser Element
  • 1x ORS Heavy Cruiser Element
  • 1x SDV Heavy Corvette Element in Line Formation
  • 1x SDV Heavy Corvette Element in Line Formation