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Halo 4 Interactive Guide

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Le Halo 4 Interactive Guide était une présentation interactive présente sur le site Halo Waypoint avant la mise à jour de 2014. Il présentait des informations de base sur le jeu et le scénario de Halo 4, et des informations détaillées sur les armes, véhicules, cartes, modes de jeu et armures. Une version textuelle était également disponible.

Basics[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Game Modes[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Campaign : Four years after the end of the Covenant War, Cortana has awoken the legendary Master Chief within the battered and stranded remains of the UNSC Forward Unto Dawn. In front of them looms Requiem, a Forerunner world unlike any other, home to a power far greater than anything humanity has ever faced before. The Chief must now fight his way through enemies, both new and familiar, to uncover secrets one hundred thousand years old.
  • War Games : This unparalleled, revolutionary battle simulation system is where Spartans go to hone their skills in competitive combat. Through the dual purposing of holographic technology and vast pneumatic riser fields, the War Games facility is transformed into a hyper-realistic battlefield, simulating both real and hypothetical combat arenas. Moderated by the War Games AI, Spartans engage in a variety of classic and new gametypes.
  • Spartan Ops : The designation "Spartan Ops" has been given to any and all on-record missions conducted by Spartans of the UNSC Infinity. For longtime Halo fans, however, Spartan Ops represents a watershed moment of immersive, story-driven cooperative gameplay delivered in addictive, bite-sized episodic pieces. Spartan Ops episodes run the course of a season, providing epic gameplay experiences driven by the powerful stories of the Spartans aboard Infinity, as they encounter the hostile alien world of Requiem.
  • Forge : Forge is a game mode which offers players the ability to edit multiplayer maps Through a powerful toolset, players can add, remove, and move around map objects such as weapons, vehicles, power-ups, and props. Players can even modify some of the structures found on the map, with a handful of maps allowing an extreme level of modification within large open spaces. In Halo 4, Forge is introducing several new features, such as the real time highlighting and labeling of objects, the ability to lock, duplicate, and magnetically link objects together, and the option to change player traits in a given location on a map.
  • Theater : Through Halo 4's Theater mode, players have the ability to rewatch their competitive War Games experiences from any angle, as well as capture screenshots and video clips of their matches. Over Xbox LIVE, players cam then exchange screenshots and video clips with each other. displaying their combat legacy for all to see.

Career[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Challenges : Halo 4 players can take part in Challenges, specifically crafted objectives within the game, to gain bonus experience points (XP) which can be used to advance their Spartan Rank. Challenges can occur on both a daily and a weekly cadence, spanning Campaign, Spartan Ops, and War Games modes. Additional Challenges will be offered through Waypoint outside of this scheduled cadence. Challenges will vary from time to time, but current progress can be observed under Career > Challenges within the Start menu.
  • Commendations : Throughout the course of playing Halo 4, players are rewarded as they accomplish various tasks in the game such as the effective use of a particular weapon or the neutralization of a specific enemy type. These awards accumulate as they are accomplished, eventually rewarding the player with a Commendation. The type of Commendations available to players may vary, but one's current progress can be observed under Career > Commendations within the Start menu.
  • Specializations : During their career as a Spartan, players are offered Specializations though a variety of channels, allowing them them to enlist in specific rank paths that come with armor sets, mods, emblems, and a variety of other components. Once a player has advanced through the standard fifty (50) rank levels allotted to Spartans, they will have access to a selection of Specializations. These paths are composed of ten rank levels each, with the player, once opting for the Specialization, must advance through in order to improve their rank and before being allowed to enlist in a separate Specialization.
  • Service Record : Through both War Games and Spartan Ops, personnel can effectively rank up, unlocking items, such as armor kits, components, and skins, for use within their custom loadouts. What's more, Spartans earn points while ranking up that they can use to purchase items to improve their combat performance and abilities in the field.

Customize[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Loadouts : Protocol mandates that Spartans are fully equipped prior to engaging in live combat. When building a Loadout, Spartans are required to carry one Primary Weapon, such as a rifle, one Secondary Weapon, such as a pistol, and a grenade. Spartans can also choose among a selection of Armor Abilities, Tactical Packages, and Support Upgrades to customize their functionality and augment their overall performance in the field.
  • Armor Customization : As personnel within the UNSC's Spartan branch advance in rank, they earn a wide selection of armor sets and individual pieces, which they can mix and match to reflect their personal tastes. In addition, they can outfit their armor with alternate skins to elaborate their field presence and identity. Some of the rarest armor sets and components can only be recieved upo completion of specific in-game Commendations, Challenges, or other Waypoint goals.
  • Emblem Customization  : Personnel identity in the field is a key component of communication during combat. Infinity's Spartans can personnaly customize their identity's emblem, selecting from both longstanding and new options. Through increasing one's rank as well as completing Commendations and Challenges conducted by Waypoint, Spartans can gain access to an even wider variety of exclusive emblems.
  • Spartan ID : Spartan identity in the field is a key component of communication during combat. Infinity's Spartans are required to select a four-character Service Tag which will be displayed on the heads-up display of allies in the field. They can also personally customize one's rank as well as completing Commendations and Challenges conducted by Waypoint, Spartans can gain access to an even wider variety of exclusive emblems.

Settings[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Heads-up display : Within the context of Mjolnir armor, the heads-up display is a collection of pertinent data which displays on a Spartan's visor, giving them real-time information on elements such as their armor system's urrent shield status or even the amount of ammunition remaining in their weapon. The head-up display also shows relevent mission or objective related information like waypoint indicators to goals, ordnance drops, and both allies and enemies, depending on the given circumstance.
  • Audio/Video : Within Halo 4's Settings, players are allowed to select a number of Voice Chat options depending on their personal preference. They can opt to communicate with all players, with only the team or party, or to mute all players. Players can also choose from a number of subtitle options and a variety of screen brightness level.
  • Controller : As with previous Halo titles, Halo 4 allows for a variety of different preset controller settings, with adjustability between button and stick layouts. The button layouts include Default, Southpaw, Boxer, Green Thumb, Bumper Jumper, and Fishstick, while the stick layout include Default, Southpaw, Legacy, and Legacy Southpaw. Controller settings also allow the player to adjust look/flight inversion, look sensitivity, enable autolook centering, as well as change crouch behavior, or protect against accidental stick presses.
  • File Browser : In Halo 4's Settings, players are able to share their Halo 4 experiences through the file browser, allowing them to upload screenshots, films, map variants, and game types they've created. Others then have access to this content by selecting a player's file browser in the game or on HaloWaypoint.com.
  • Network: Halo 4 can be played locally on a single Xbox 360, though System Link with other Xbox 360 consoles, or on Xbox LIVE. Network Status can also help indicate the general network conditions the player will encounter on Xbox LIVE, rated relatively against average residential connections.

Story[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Characters[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Master Chief

DESIGNATION: Master Chief Petty Officer John-117
HEIGHT: 7ft 2in (218cm)
WEIGHT: 286.6lbs (130 kg)
At the age of six, a boy named John as abducted and conscripted into the top secret SPARTAN-II project where he was trained and indoctrinated for a life of combat. His body was augmented to unprecendeted levels of strength, resiliency, and speed, and he was encased in the revolutionary Mjolnir battle armor. As a Spartan, he rose to the rank of Master Chief during humanity's struggle for survival against the Covenant. In 2552, his discovery of the Halo Array and its architects, the Forerunners, propelled mankind to victory, but at a cost. The Chief's narrow escpade from the Forerunner installation known as the Ark eventually set him on a collision course with humanity's deadliest threat yet.

  • Cortana

Considered by many to be the most powerful artificial intelligence ever created by humanity, Cortana was paired with the Master Chief in a last ditch effort by the UNSC to end the war with the Covenant. But as the military stronghold of Reach fell, the Chief and Cortana fled, eventually finding Halo and unlocking its secrets, an event which would lead them to the Ark. With all sentient life endangered by the Covenant, the Flood, and the Halo Array, the Master Chief and Cortana destroyed the Ark, bringing the conflict to an end. In the process, both were somehow brought to the threshold of Requiem, an ominously powerful Forerunner world with a dark secret. Cortana, now perilously beyond her operational lifespan, teeters on the brink on rampancy as this new world's threat is finally revealed.

  • Captain Del Rio

DESIGNATION: Captain Andrew Del Rio
HEIGHT: 5ft 11in (180cm)
WEIGHT: 210lbs (95.3kg)
With more than 30 years of naval experience under his belt and a raputation for bringing his ships home in one piece, Andrew Del Rio was a relatively easy choice for the UNSC's captain seat on Infinity. Like many of the Navy's finest, Del Rio's career grew out of the protracted conflict with the Covenant. Infinity, however, presented a new opportunity for his leadership. Although it was secretely battletested prior to its recommisionning as a peaceful exploration vessel, the ship now finds itself at the doorestep of a mysterious Forerunner world that poses a danger unparalleled in Del Rio's decades-long career.

  • Commander Lasky

DESIGNATION: Commander Thomas Lasky
HEIGHT: 5ft 11in (182cm)
WEIGHT: 169lbs (76.7kg)
A product of the esteemed Corbulo Academy of Military Science (CAMS) prior to the Covenant's razing of Circinius-IV, Thomas Lasky hadn't always subscribed to the notion of lifelong commitment to the UNSC as the rest of his family had. This all changed during the Covenant's siege of the Outer Colonies in 2526, eventually launching Lasky into an impassioned career within the Navy, first as a fighter pilot, then as a naval officer. Now Lasky serves aboard the esteemed UNSC Infinity,,[sic] as the ship's Executive Officer (XO), second only in command to Captaine Andrew Del Rio.

  • Commander Palmer

DESIGNATION: Commander Sarah Palmer
HEIGHT: 5ft 11in (182cm)
WEIGHT: 169lbs (76.7kg)
One of the first recruits into the Office of Naval Intelligence's SPARTAN-IV project, Sarah Palmer had already been a marine for over a decade, garnering twelve tours of duty across eight different worlds, much of that time spent as a lieutenant in command of others. Due to her physical prowess, her innate leadership, and her unquestioned loyalty to the UNSC despite an upbringing by two embittered colonial parents, Palmer was an obvious choice for the program; Now she's the commanding officer of all Spartans on Infinity, providing seasoned and battle-hardened expertise in the field.

Locations[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • UNSC Forward Unto Dawn

CLASS: Charon (Light Frigate)
PRIMARY ARMAMENT: Mark II, Light Coil - 83B6R3/MAC
SECONDARY ARMAMENT: M58 Archer Missle Delivery System (50 pods)
TERTIARY ARMAMENT: M870 Rampart 50mm Point Defence Guns (4 guns)
QUATERNARY ARMAMENT: M4093 Hyperion Nuclear Delivery System (3 silos)
Classical light frigate design, the UNSC Forward Unto Dawn is the most renowned for its service on the frontlines in defense of Earth and its pursuit of Covenant forces through the Forerunner portal at Voi. There the Dawn fought alongside a renegade Sangheili fleet and defeated the Covenant, ultimately bringing an end to the war. Unfortunately, upon its return to Earth, the ship was rent in two while passing through a collapsing slipspace portal, sending the fire if the vessel back to Earth, while the aft section, containing the Master Chief and Cortana, absently floated in uncharted spece for years.

  • UNSC Infinity

CLASS: Infinity
SECONDARY ARMAMENT: M42 aRCHER (350 pods X 24 missiles)
TERTIARY ARMAMENT: M75 Rapier (250 pods x 30 missiles)
QUATERNARY ARMAMENT: M96 Howler (500 pods x 20 missiles)
QUINARY ARMAMENT: M965 Fortress 70mm Point Defence Network (830 guns)
A warship unparalleled in human innovation, the UNSC Infinity is easily the largest and most powerful vessel ever employed by Earth. Although it was originally designed to contend with the Covenant, the war's end recommissioned Infinity for peaceful exploration and research-until it discovered the Forerunner world of Requiem and was mercilessly pulled into the maw of the planet. Now, the fate of Infinity and its crew is inexorably tied to that of the Master Chief, as the ending of a 100,000-year story finally takes shape.

  • Requiem

A fortress world once held by Warrior-Servants, Requiem was a critical site during the Forerunner campaign against the Flood. While the Forerunners maintain a variety of shield world facilities across the galaxy, Requiem is easily one of the most resilient, composed of a series of concentric planetary bodies enclosed within each other beneath a vast armored surface. Home to the Promethean class of Warrior-Servants as a centralized hub for all Forerunner warring efforts, Requiem was sealed up during the course of the Flood War, though the events around this dark mystery remain hidden.

Primer[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Halo Thus Far : After thirty years of war with the Covenant, humanity finally found victory. The Master Chief, a Spartan super-soldier, and Cortana, an AI construct of unmatched technical sophistication, put an end to the Covenant, the Flood, and the threat of the Halo Array on a remote installation known as the Ark. Now, in the wake of the conflict, the Chief and Cortana drift through space aboard the remains of Forward Unto Dawn, slowly approaching a mysterious artificial world they will soon come to call Requiem.
  • UNSC : Mankind's central military authority, the United Nations Space Command (UNSC) originated during the 22nd century's Interplantery War as the military arm of the Unified Earth Governement (UEG). Remaining intact throughout substantial colonization offerts of the 24th and 25th centuries, as well as the Insurrection which followed, the UNSC stood firm during the Covenant's assault on its own colonial territories and eventually Earth. In the aftermath of the war, the UNSC now struggles to regain control of its own territories and recover from the horrific devastation of a three-decade long conflict.
  • Spartan-IV : With the SPARTAN-II and SPARTAN-III projects widely considered a success, the Office of Naval Intelligence secretely commissioned the activation of yet another project under the direction of CINCONI Admiral Pargaret Parangosky: the SPARTAN-IV program. Most of these assets are now allocated to the UNSC military branch simply dubbed "Spartan," and were handpicked from the field as extremely competent military veterans who were capable of tolerating the physical augmentation necessary in order to wear powerful Mjolnir GEN2 armor. Many SPARTAN-IV personnel reside on the UNSC Infinity and are an integral component of its infantry operations.
  • Covenant : Established nearly five thousand years before their devastating war with the humans, the Covenants military body was forged on an agreement between two space-faring alien civilizations-the San'Shyuum (Prophets) and the Sangheili (Elites)-around the proper exploration and analysis of Forerunner technology. Believing that these efforts would ultimately locate Halo, an array of ringworlds which they believed held delivery into the afterlife; they began scouring the galaxy in search of these artifacts, violently integrating species on worlds they razed in the process.
As the Covenant collective of species grew, its threat grew as well, until it came in contact with humanity. During the course of this protracted war, the Covenant's interl framework coud not be maintained and fell apart. At its breaking, the Sangheili momentarily sided with mankind to defeat their formor allies, but the end of the war did not usher in peace. With their core ideals fractured, the Sangheili fell into civil war. Rising from these conflicts was a fringe-sect of Sangheili who, along with other species, were completely dedicated to the unraveling of ancient Forerunner mysteries and continuing the previous efforts of the Covenant.

Enemies[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Covenant[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Storm Grunt

AVERAGE HEIGHT: 4ft 6.5in-5ft 7in (138.4cm-167cm)
AVERAGE WEIGHT:248.3lbs-260.1lbs (112.6kg-118kg)
As the primary combat force of the Covenant, Unggoy have been organized into a variety of roles for practical convenience and strategy. The Storm Grunt class is now one of the most common of their species, utilizing a standard battle harness with low-weight material for ease of mobility. In an effort to increase field of view, this role favors nose-paced rebreathers somewhat resembling the diving apparatuses used on the Ubggoy homeworld of Balaho. Storm Grunts encountered in low numbers are easily dispatched, but in higher volumes they can become a very serious threat.

  • Imperial Grunt

AVERAGE HEIGHT: 4ft 6.5in-5ft 7in (138.4cm-167cm)
AVERAGE WEIGHT:248.3lbs-260.1lbs (112.6kg-118kg)
While the vast majority of the contemporary Unggoy exist outside this role, the Imperial Grunt class still holds substantial size within the military. Earmarked by their tenure inside the previous Covenant body, Imperial Grunts are experienced soldiers of the formoer war and have in turn been offered slightly higher placement in the newly established Covenant order. Although Imperial Grunts are typically outfitted with standard infantry weapons, they wear more resilient armor and protective face-shielding, offering them greater overall durability on the battlefield.

  • Grunt Ranger

AVERAGE HEIGHT: 4ft 6.5in-5ft 7in (138.4cm-167cm)
AVERAGE WEIGHT:248.3lbs-260.1lbs (112.6kg-118kg)
Like all other Covenant troops within the Ranger class, Grunt Rangers are specialists fully trained and armored for extra-vehicular activity. With engagement suits designed to withstand extreme temperatures, low-to-zero gravity, and other rigors found in the vacuum of space, this role is fully capable of EVA combat. And in accordance with longstanding Covenant protocol, Grunt Rangers can also be deployed into terrestrial environements, where vertical mobility may be difficult for other classes due to challenges in terrain.

  • Grunt Heavy

AVERAGE HEIGHT: 4ft 6.5in-5ft 7in (138.4cm-167cm)
AVERAGE WEIGHT: 248.3lbs-260.1lbs (112.6kg-118kg)
Augmenting many individual Unggoy detachments is the battle-hardened Grunt Heavy class. Typically found with full-face protective rebreathers, enhanced optical sensors, and ultra-dense battle harnesses, this class is composed of experienced and formidable Unggoy warriors who are capable in a variety of combat. Perhaps most noticeable of Grunt Heavy class is their favoring of the brutal Fuel Rod Cannon, making encounters with even just one potentially dangerous.

  • Storm Jackal

AVERAGE HEIGHT: 6ft 2in-6ft 8in (190cm-203cm)
AVERAGE WEIGHT: 195lbs-206lbs (88kg-93kg)
Easily the most common among the current Kig-Yar population, Storm Jackals represent the tip of the spear of the Covenant military body. Despite being lightly armored, this role is equipped with personal energy shields which provide resilient yet versatile cover whenever needed. Storm Jackals, as indicated by their name, are generally deployed in 'storm' or assault formations alongside other troops, though they can be splintered off into groups for other specialized roles.

  • Jackal Ranger

AVERAGE HEIGHT: 6ft 2in-6ft 8in (190cm-203cm)
AVERAGE WEIGHT: 195lbs-206lbs (88kg-93kg)
The Jackal Ranger is yet another component of the Covenant's impressive extra-vehicular activity combat arm, used within infantry-based engagements in space and, to a lesser extent, within environments which require high mobility across vertical terrain. Jackal Rangers are sealed inside heavily armored EVA-enabled suits and their armaments can vary based on operation, though they generally use marksmen weapons such as the Covenant Carbine and are comprehensively trained in mid-range to long-range combat.

  • Jackal Sniper

AVERAGE HEIGHT: 6ft 2in-6ft 8in (190cm-203cm)
AVERAGE WEIGHT: 195lbs-206lbs (88kg-93kg)
In the centuries-old tradition of Covenant military, the role of Jackal Sniper is one that is viewed critical during most groundside engagements. Genetically, Kig-Yar are already born with innate abilities that benefit scouts and snipers. Nevertheless, this class is still outfitted with moderate armor and an ocular enhancement helmet which is smart-linked to their marksmen weapon of choice. The vision optimization employed here allows them to sight and target enemies at extreme distances with either the Beam Rifle or Covenant Carbine.

  • Jackal Heavy

AVERAGE HEIGHT: 6ft 2in-6ft 8in (190cm-203cm)
AVERAGE WEIGHT: 195lbs-206lbs (88kg-93kg)
Generally operating in a support role amongst Kig-Yar trackers and scouts, the Jackal Heavy class is the most experienced and skilled of their species. Utilizing impressive armor which showcases their station, intimidates enemies and provides excellent protection, these troopers are typically deployed with Needlers and personal energy shields, allowing them to provide substantial opposition for any foes who encounter them. The combination of speed, agility, resistance, and firepower make the Jackal Heavy class a force to be reckoned with.

  • Hunter

SPECIES: Mgalekgolo
AVERAGE HEIGHT: 12ft 1in-12ft 3in (368.7cm-373.4cm)
AVERAGE WEIGHT: 10,500lbs (4,800kg)
Mgalekgolo variations have been encountered in a variety of carapaces, though most are too similar for outsiders to make a distinction. Massive in size, imposing in power, and brutally violent in combat, the Hunter usually represents the Covenant's last resort option-a pair of living mobile armored units which can engage a large number of enemy infantry and vehicles. The Hinter is usually equipped with a destructive Assault Cannon and an enormous arm-fused shield which is believed to be composed of the same raw materials as he battleplates on Covenant capital ships.

  • Storm Elite

SPECIES: Sangheili
HOMEWORLD: Sanghelios
AVERAGE HEIGHT: 7ft 4in-8ft 6in (223-259cm)
AVERAGE WEIGHT: 307-393lbs (139-178kg)
An overwhelming number of Sangheili troops currently fall within the Storm Elite class; they are effectively the iron heart of the Covenant. Despite their substantial numbers, Storm Elites can still lead smaller detachments of Unggoy and Kig-Yar, and are in turn lead by Elite Commanders and even Zealots. Although a Storm Elite's armor is simple and sleek, it is more than competent for combat purposes and is typically used in conjunction with a Storm Rifle, or in some rare cases, a Covenant Carbine.

  • Elite Ranger

SPECIES: Sangheili
HOMEWORLD: Sanghelios
AVERAGE HEIGHT: 7ft 4in-8ft 6in (223-259cm)
AVERAGE WEIGHT: 307-393lbs (139-178kg)
Optimized to engage in combat operations within exotic environments such as space. radioactive sites and other hazardous locations, Elite Rangers have been employed by the Covenant since its very inception. The Elite Ranger role operates similar to that of the Elite Storm, despite requiring the use of extra-vehicular activity equipment, marginally heavier armor and gravity-mitigating thruster packs. The vast majority of military ops deploying Elite Rangers are EVA-only engagements, however some Ranger squads are deployed to terrestrial sites where their thruster packs provide a unique advantage against their enemies.

  • Elite Commander

SPECIES: Sangheili
HOMEWORLD: Sanghelios
AVERAGE HEIGHT: 7ft 4in-8ft 6in (223-259cm)
AVERAGE WEIGHT: 307-393lbs (139-178kg)
The most common Covenant leaders on the battlefield are Elite Commanders, operating in tandem with local Sangheili, Kig-Yar and Unggoy combat squads. These battle-hardened soldiers, most who've served within the Covenant for decades, provide essential strategic and tactical prowess in the battlefield. Traditionally, Elite Commanders wear heavier, more elaborate armor sets displaying their heritage of skill and honor, wielding weapons like the Concussion Rifle or the Covenant Carbine.

  • Elite Warrior

SPECIES: Sangheili
HOMEWORLD: Sanghelios
AVERAGE HEIGHT: 7ft 4in-8ft 6in (223-259cm)
AVERAGE WEIGHT: 307-393lbs (139-178kg)
A collection of the most experienced and seasoned Sangheili troops from the previous war now comprise the Elite Warrior class, what is effectively and elevated role of nobility within the Covenant military body. Utilizing powerfully reinforced combat harnesses and typically armed with the devastating Fuel Rod Cannon, Elite Warriors are one of the most intimidating Covenant units currently in operation, violently engaging any enemies with unhinged ferocity and brilliant strategy.

  • Elite Zealot

SPECIES: Sangheili
HOMEWORLD: Sanghelios
AVERAGE HEIGHT: 7ft 4in-8ft 6in (223-259cm)
AVERAGE WEIGHT: 307-393lbs (139-178kg)
Cruel and without mercy, the Elite Zealot has always been the highest favored class within the Covenant military, although now it has taken a far more central role. As the most fervent adherents to the faith, Elite Zealots were often viewed as ruthless warmongers, even within the context of the Covenant. But with the absence of San'Shyuum leadership, the Zealots have shifted into the more practical arena of social and political and political leadership, operating as the consummate head of the Covenant. Politics notwithstanding, contemporary Elite Zealots still actively participate in combat operations, employing lethal spec-ops weapons, equipment, and experience in the field.

Promethean[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Crawler

HEIGHT: 4ft 11in (149.9cm)
WEIGHT: 371lbs (168.3kg)
The standard class of Promethean Crawlers is without question the most prominent military element on Requiem. As aggressive pack hunters, Crawlers operate best in groups or packs, collectively working together to ferociously engulf and subdue enemies with extreme prejudice. These agile, finely tuned, predators can pursue, overtake, and rend apart enemies up close, but they also possess Forerunner Boltshots, which allow them to target and bring down enemies from a distance.

  • Crawler Snipe

HEIGHT: 4ft 11in (149.9cm)
WEIGHT: 371lbs (168.3kg)
Used for long-range combat, reconnaissance, and scouting, the Crawler Snipe is a specialized class of Promethean Crawlers encountered on Requiem. Marginally larger than their standard counterparts and wearing slightly more pronounced armor, the Crawler Snipes' most notable feature is their use of the incredible range and firepower found in the Forerunner Binary Rifle. Taking positions high above the battlefield, this class of Promethean Crawlers quickly and easily culls enemy personnel,thinning out numbers for the other classes down below.

  • Alpha Crawler

HEIGHT: 4ft 11in (149.9cm)
WEIGHT: 371lbs (168.3kg)
Within a pack of Promethean Crawlers, command resides with the Alpha Crawler, a powerful class which is uniquely identified by the large spikes of hard light rising from its head and back. Alpha Crawlers are stronger and more capable than the others they fight alongside, though they are generally deployed in fewer numbers than any other Crawler class. And although viciously lethal up close, Alpha Crawlers can also use an embedded Forerunner Suppressor to unleash a barrage of firepower at enemies from a distance.

  • Watcher

HEIGHT: 4ft 3in (182.6cm)
WEIGHT: 318lbs (144.2kg)
As the large, flying sentinels of Requiem known as Watchers are typically deployed from the armored carapace of their Knight commanders and exist to provide strategic aerial combat. Hovering high above the battlefield, Watchers not only heal and augment damaged allies but also catch and return incoming ordnance, such as grenades, using a gravity-displacement beam. Their existence serves to frustrate all opposition, often forcing enemies to engage them directly before dealing with other more immediate Forerunner units.

  • Knight Lancer

HEIGHT: 9ft 11in (302.3cm)
WEIGHT: 934lbs (423.7kg)
Knight Lancers principally operate as scouts and long-range marksmen, and are a critical component in the defense of Requiem. While they can easily and effectively engage in direct, close-quarters combat much like other Promethean classes, they prefer to secure elevated positions from which they can survey the battlefield, doling out extremely accurate and lethal fire from a distance. Additionally, enemies encountering this Promethean class are usually forced to engage with their hovering Autosentry, a relentless drone which repeatedly assaults foes without mercy or reprieve.

  • Knight Battlewagon

HEIGHT: 9ft 11in (302.3cm)
WEIGHT: 934lbs (423.7kg)
Rarely encountered during combat as they are only deployed when other all options have proven ineffectual, Knight Battlewagons are the strongest known class of Promethean Knights on Requiem. With hulking frames covered in dense armor, laced in barbs of hard light and armed with the Forerunner Scattershot, Battlewagons are extraordinary combatants, approaching each encounter with unrivaled power. These traits, coupled with the ability to see through hard surfaces via Promethean Vision, make them an extraordinarily lethal facet of Requiem's native opposition.

War Games[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Gametypes[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Slayer : The standard Slayer experience of past Halo titles now returns with a variety of new features that span across the entire War Games experience. These features include a new scoring system which separates individual and team performance, a substantial medal set, improvements to the multiplayer HUD, the SITREC (Situational Record) Replay and a dynamic ordnance drop system. The newly introduced Infinity Slayer variant now allows Spartans to earn points during the course of a match which can eventually be leveraged to call in ordnance from overhead. Ordnance drops within Infinity Slayer consist of three selectable but randomly generated weapons or power-ups, the latter which can alter a Spartan’s speed, shielding or ability to issue damage.
  • Regicide : The Spartan in first place is the King. As the King racks up kills, their bounty increases, thereby increasing the points other Spartans gain from killing the King. All other Spartans’ heads-up displays and motion sensors give away the King’s location at all times during the match, aggressively focusing combat wherever the point leader happens to be.
  • Capture the Flag : Played with up to four teams, each of which has their own Flag. The goal of each team is to steal an enemy team’s Flag, while protecting their own. Once a team has grabbed a Flag, they must return it to their own capture point to score. Flag carriers are only able to use a Magnum or the Flag itself as a weapon.
  • Dominion : Teams are pitted against each other to capture, fortify, and resupply bases to win. After infiltrating a base, a player can capture it for their team, whether it is a neutral base or a base previously claimed by the enemy. When a team has held a base for long enough, it will automatically fortify, defending itself with turret emplacements and energy shields. Holding a base earns teams points for each resupply, and provides teams with heavy ordnance drops and vehicles each supply cycle.
  • Flood : Within this War Games simulation, the deadly parasite has returned—a group of Spartans have been transformed into incredibly fast and deadly Flood combat forms. As the Flood, players are forced to destroy uninfected Spartans, converting them into Flood combat form allies. As an uninfected Spartan, the player’s goal is to survive the seemingly never-ending Flood onslaught, staving off transformation into the parasite.
  • Extraction : In the game type Extraction, Spartan teams are tasked with the retrieval of assets from various sites using prototype translocation technology. Once a team has found a viable site, they must initiate the extraction process with a quantum marker and its spherical translocation beacon. As the extraction process occurs, teams must defend their beacon in order to prevent others from converting the existing extraction process into their own favor.
  • King of the Hill : Reminiscent of schoolyard skirmishes, the War Games competition known as King of the Hill pits up to eight teams against each other in a struggle to hold a specific territory. While this is a classic game type, its most recent iteration offers a variety of new scoring methods, including a focus on individual performance in addition to the team’s collective effort.
  • Oddball : With up to eight teams in combat, the goal of the War Games simulation called Oddball is to hold onto the ball the longest. While holding the ball, a player or team will gain points, but the player holding the ball is unable to defend themselves with their weapon. Players are also able throw the ball or use it as a weapon for close-range melee attacks.

Maps[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Outcast : Set in a desert cliff environment, Outcast is a fortified network of rebel facilities hidden in one of Talitsa's remote and hard scrabble territories. This is why you can expect the medium-sized labyrinthine map to be a treasure-chest of explosive, four wheel (and flying)-fueled battle.
  • Perdition : New Carthage has always been a shining example of a healthy, growing colony -but hidden below the sky-high city of Pilvrosis this dangerous secret: one of the reactors is failing, the entire city is now under evacuation.
  • Daybreak : Operation: DAYBREAK is a cluster of research facilities residing in the scenic highlands on the planet Oban. The map itself is comprised of two such UNSC facilities opposing each other in this large asymmetrical map.
  • Landfall : The world of Tribute is now a graveyard, but its capital was once a bright beacon of commerce among the inner colonies. Fight in the corridors and courtyards of Casbah'sport authority buildings, but don't stand still too long.
  • Skyline : The rooftop terrain on this new space tether construction site is an ideal training environment for close-quarters infantry combat. This map, perched high above the sights of reconstruction in Cascade's capital city, is small and symmetrical, perfect for Regicide with a mixture of high and low spaces and plenty of cover.
  • Monolith : This monument and many like it were built by the Forerunners after their final victory over the ancient humans. This small map has central man-cannons, short corridors, almost no cover, and open sightlines which make the location great for a mixture of close and mid-range battle.
  • Shatter : This large, symmetrical map is a playground for the Warthog and Mantis - its open pathways make it easy to get around, whether on foot or in vehicles.
  • Harvest : Harvest is a canon concept brought to life – the doomed agricultural planet where humans first made contact with the Covenant. A small to mid-size map, Harvest is ideal for Capture the Flag.
  • Haven : Resting high above Requiem's surface, harmonic-resonance platforms appear to facilitate the monitoring and management of the shield world's solar preservation system. These elaborate machines enable artificial planets to support their immense populations of indigenous life.
  • Adrift : Although this CAA mining vessel was refitted as an ordnance transport, damage sustained during the Battle of Kholo has condemned it to an inescapable slide down the gravity well of a gas giant. On board, its automated systems continue unabated, their operations executed in eerie futility as they drift ever-closer to destruction.
  • Longbow : The frigid climate and unique gravitational conditions of Concord's northern polar region provide an optimal perch for Longbow Station's channel-based mass drivers. Before the Covenant War, the UEG launched deep space monitoring relays from here in an effort to study far-flung star systems.
  • Solace : According to data retrieved from these installations, Forerunner stellar engineers, colloquially dubbed 'plasma jockeys,' were capable of suspending the perilous death of certain stars. Due to the tremendous volumes of energy involved in this process, such endeavours were rarely entertained, much less executed.
  • Abandon : On the remote world of Erebus VII, at the very edge of human-occupied space, an ONI research facility which was once teaming with researchers now lies eerily vacant. Although the hostility of this world had been initially considered by its team, leaders, it is tragically clear that a great many 'things' had simply not been taken into account.
  • Exile : Miraculously, the survivors of the UNSC Diadochi's violent crash managed to not only recover provisions from the vessel's debris field, but also use it as a makeshift shelter for several years. When rescue and recovery teams finally arrived, they were surprised to discovered a healthy, burgeoning community thriving within the ship's remains.
  • Meltdown : While most Forerunner technology appears to support safe usage over immense passages of time, the failure of specific systems can cause a cascading effect which dramatically impacts a site's foundation composition. This frigid moon's icy conditions once served to control a Forerunner reactor's intense heat, but those days are now long gone.
  • Vortex : The Forerunner structures which occupy Requiem's equatorial caverns appear to generate power by harnessing its violent squalls. Onsite personnel believe that a full understanding of such technology would offer the UEG substantial amounts of affordable, clean energy. Nevertheless, its internal mechanisms remain enigmatic.
  • Ragnarok : Some scientists believe that the Forerunners placed spire beacons within deep chasms to protect them from offworld debris and other external threats, while others believe they used the steep environment's natural harmonics to amplify signals when firing deep info space.
  • Impact : This observation outpost was established to examine the site of a spectacularly violent meteor collision recorded by an ONI patrol drone in 2547. When researchers first arrived, they were startled to find a non-native fragment of the imparting agent has actually survived and was of unknown alien origin. More recently, interest in the site has grown as the fragment has proven to have originated from long before the earliest of known Forerunner artifacts.
  • Ravine : When ONI dispatched its first expeditionary group to this sector, it was believed that these impressive citadels were individual constructs strategically organised to protect this portion of Requiem. Teams on the ground now believe that they are actually the ramparts and battlements of an impossibly large structure below the surface of the sea.
  • Complex : With the presence of numerous hostile entities on Requiem, ONI rigidly enforces a 'Persistent Field Resilience' mandate requiring that all science detachments (1) maintain onsite weapon caches, (2) optimize the site's layout to meet ONI pec for defensive emergencies, and (3) retain an escort of well-trained military personnel.
  • Erosion : With hundreds of human colonies now razed in the wake of the Covenant War, the UNSC has dispatched large numbers of advanced pioneer groups to survey potential new worlds. The discovery of Eudemon X49-05 was considered lucky, but concerns remain about the moon's structural integrity.

Weapons[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Covenant Weapons[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Plasma Pistol

DESIGNATION: T-25 Directed Energy Pistol
AMMUNITION TYPE: Superheated Plasma

The T-25 Plasma Pistol is the standard sidearm for most Covenant infantry. Typically used as a semi-automatic, directed energy pistol, this weapon’s scaled burst functionality allows it to fire an overcharged collection of plasma, temporarily incapacitating the power systems on both armor and vehicles.

  • Needler

DESIGNATION: T-33 Guided Munitions Launcher
AMMUNITION TYPE: Crystalline Shards
AMMUNITION SIZE: 4.8mm - 6.3mm

The T-33 Needler is a compact, fully automatic guided munitions launcher that breaks off shards of chemically-charged crystalline. The shards home-in on sighted targets with specific heat signatures, impaling the targets just prior to simultaneously and violently detonating.

  • Storm Rifle

DESIGNATION: T-55 Directed Energy Rifle/Advanced
AMMUNITION TYPE: Superheated Plasma
The T-55 Storm Rifle is the evolution of the standard Plasma Rifle and served various infantry during the violent Sangheili civil conflicts that followed the Covenant War. The weapon now includes a modular coil set, a high-mounted cooling shroud, and an extended barrel, all contributing to greater overall performance in the field than its predecessor.

  • Covenant Carbine

AMMUNITION TYPE: Caseless Radioactive Round
The T-51 Carbine is a recoil-operated, semi-automatic, charger-fed marksman rifle capable of firing ballistic rounds at significant range. It is somewhat unique among Covenant weapons in that it is not dependent on superheated plasma or other energy-based material, but rather fires radioactively charged ballistic projectiles.

  • Beam Rifle

DESIGNATION: T-27 Special Application Sniper Rifle
MANUFACTURER: Merchants of Qikost
AMMUNITION TYPE: Ionized Particles
The T-27 Particle Beam Rifle is now the Covenant’s primary long-range special application weapon, used almost exclusively by scouting personnel and designated marksmen. Through the ionization of hydrogen gas and the use of a linear accelerator, a powerful beam is emitted at hypervelocity speeds, lethally striking enemy targets.

  • Shade

DESIGNATION: T-55 Anti-Infantry Stationary Gun
MANUFACTURER: Achoem Weapons
AMMUNITION TYPE: Superheated Plasma
The T-55 Shade is the most recent addition in a long and diverse series of powerful, anti-infantry weapon emplacements. Shades are designed to repeatedly volley bolts of superheated plasma, a barrage easily capable of taking down enemy personnel and lightly armored vehicles.

  • Concussion Rifle

DESIGNATION: T-50 Directed Energy Weapon/Heavy
MANUFACTURER: Merchants of Qikost
AMMUNITION TYPE: Explosive Plasma
The T-50 Concussion Rifle is a short-range anti-materiel weapon which launches bursts of explosively charged plasma much like other mortar weapons. Upon impact, the plasma explodes concussively, threatening opposing infantry, equipment and even light-armored vehicles.

  • Fuel Rod Cannon

DESIGNATION: T-33 Light Anti-Armor Weapon
MANUFACTURER: Merchants of Qikost
The T-33 Fuel Rod Cannon is a shoulder-mounted ballistic weapon that launches extremely volatile 38mm fuel rods at enemy targets, detonating on contact. The result is extraordinarily effective against armor, though it can be used rather viciously against infantry and other soft targets.

  • Energy Sword

DESIGNATION: T-1 Energy Weapon/Sword
MANUFACTURER: Merchants of Qikost
The T-1 Energy Sword, exclusively wielded by Sangheili, is a close-engagement weapon intended to express its owner’s personal skill, clerical honor, and combat viability. The blade is composed of superheated plasma and folded against magnetic lines extending from its hilt, effectively creating a razor-sharp martial weapon with lethal functionality.

  • Gravity Hammer

DESIGNATION: T-2 Energy Weapon/Hammer
MANUFACTURER: Recovered from field (originally Sacred Promissory)
AMMUNITION TYPE: Electromagnetic Energy
The T-2 Gravity Hammer, though rarely encountered in recent years, is a powerful close-range weapon hailing from the totemistic traditions of the previous Covenant species known as the Jiralhanae. This hammer maintains a shock-field-generating gravity drive that increases damage on impact and can manipulate localized energy fields.

  • Plasma Cannon

DESIGNATION: T-52 Directed Energy Support Weapon
MANUFACTURER: Achoem Weapons
AMMUNITION TYPE: Superheated Plasma
The T-52 Plasma Cannon is a fully automatic directed-energy weapon, typically mounted on a gravity-synched fulcrum tripod with the capacity for a full range of fire. A capable operator can even decouple the cannon from the mount and carry it into combat.

  • Plasma Grenade

DESIGNATION: T-1 Antipersonnel Grenade
FILLER TYPE: Latent Plasma
FILLER VOLUME: 9.3oz (263.7g)
The T-1 Plasma Grenade is the Covenant's primary explosive, which, when triggered, becomes engulfed in latent plasma, allowing it to cling to specific heat signatures before violently exploding on a timed fuse. This grenade is particularly useful against vehicles, as targets with larger silhouettes are more susceptible to the explosive’s adhesive properties.

UNSC Weapons[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Assault Rifle

DESIGNATION: MA5D Individual Combat Weapon System
MANUFACTURER: Misriah Armory
AMMUNITION SIZE: 7.62 x 51mm
The MA5D ICWS is an exceptionally resilient gas-operated, magazine-fed, automatic rifle designed to execute close-quarters combat with lethal efficiency, regardless of hostile counter-op environmental conditions or duration of use in the field.

  • Battle Rifle

DESIGNATION: BR85 Heavy-Barrel Service Rifle
MANUFACTURER: Misriah Armory
The BR85HB Service Rifle is a gas-operated, magazine-fed, semi-automatic rifle optimized for three-round burst firing, and proven to be an extraordinarily versatile weapon at a wide variety of ranges in the hands of a capable marksman.

  • DMR

DESIGNATION: M395 Designated Marksman Rifle
MANUFACTURER: Misriah Armory
AMMUNITION SIZE: 7.62 x 51mm
The M395 DMR is a gas-operated magazine-fed marksman rifle that maintains a smart-linked, telescopic, rail-mounted sight for scout personnel. This rifle favors mid-range to long-range combat, offering impressive stopping power.

  • Magnum

DESIGNATION: M6H Personal Defense Weapon System
MANUFACTURER: Misriah Armory
AMMUNITION SIZE: 12.7 x 40mm
The M6H Magnum is a semi-automatic, recoil-operated, magazine-fed handgun and the standard personal sidearm of all branches of the UNSC post-2555. This weapon is surprisingly effective at reasonably long distances, proving its universal value in the field.

  • Sniper Rifle

DESIGNATION: Sniper Rifle System 99-Series 5 Anti-Materiel
MANUFACTURER: Misriah Armory
AMMUNITION SIZE: 14.5 x 114mm
The SRS99-S5 AM is a gas-operated, magazine-fed, semi-automatic sniper rifle with exceptional accuracy and the ability to simultaneously breach both energy-shielding and high-density armor, making immediate kills nearly effortless when this weapon is properly utilized.

  • Railgun

DESIGNATION: Asymmetric Recoilless Carbine-920
MANUFACTURER: Acheron Security
AMMUNITION SIZE: 16mm x 65mm
The ARC-920 Railgun is a compact-channel linear accelerator that fires a high-explosive round at incredible speed, delivering kinetic and explosive force to both hard and soft targets alike. The brutal combination of accuracy, speed, and firepower make the Railgun extremely capable at eliminating large, well-armored enemy personnel.

  • SAW

DESIGNATION: M739 Light Machine Gun
MANUFACTURER: Misriah Armory
AMMUNITION SIZE: 7.62 x 51mm
The M739 LMG, or SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon), is a gas-operated, drum-fed, fully automatic machine gun that provides incredible, sustained fire in the field, and is capable of suppressing even the most heavily armored of infantry targets.

  • Sticky Detonator

DESIGNATION: M363 Remote Projectile Detonator
MANUFACTURER: Acheron Security
The M363 RPD is a low-profile single-shot weapon that launches a magnetically latched explosive, which the operator can remotely detonate when at a safe distance. Although previously manufactured in low quantities, this weapon’s size and ease-of-transportability has made it ubiquitous in the years which followed the Covenant War.

  • Shotgun

DESIGNATION: M45D Tactical Shotgun
MANUFACTURER: Misriah Armory
M45D Tactical Shotgun is a pump-action weapon which fires 8-gauge cartridges with ruthless proficiency, making it the UNSC’s most effective and useful close quarters arm, particularly during urban engagements and boarding actions.

  • Rocket Launcher

DESIGNATION: M41 SSR Medium Anti-Vehicle/Assault Weapon
MANUFACTURER: Misriah Armory
AMMUNITION SIZE: 102mm rocket
The M41 SSR MAV/AW is a portable, twin-tube, shoulder-fired rocket launcher, capable of firing two 102mm rockets with incredibly destructive potency. It is easily one of the most pervasive explosive weapons within the UNSC's arsenal, largely due to its transportability and firepower.

  • Spartan Laser

DESIGNATION: Weapon/Anti-Vehicle M6 Grindell/Galileian Nonlinear Rifle
MANUFACTURER: Misriah Armory
The M6 G/GNR is a semi-automatic, shoulder-fired, smart-linked nonlinear rifle that projects a superheated beam of energy which is undeniably effective at destroying both enemy personnel and vehicles. Design for this weapon occurred in parallel with the GUNGNIR-class of Mjolnir GEN1 armor, resulting in the informal name ‘Spartan Laser.’

  • Target Designator

DESIGNATION: H-295 Forward Observer Module
MANUFACTURER: Misriah Armory
The H-295 Target Designator is a secure-linked, forward observer module that can perform firing acquisitions on any selected targets, calling in close-fire support. This support can come in a variety of forms depending on the area of operation and the proximity of the target.

  • Machine Gun

DESIGNATION: M247 Heavy Machine Gun
MANUFACTURER: Misriah Armory
AMMUNITION SIZE: 12.7 x 99mm
The M247 Heavy Machine Gun is an air-cooled, gas-operated, drum-fed automatic weapon which is primarily used from a full-range, tripod-mounted position, although it can be removed from its mount and hefted into battle if the operator is physically capable.

  • Frag Grenade

DESIGNATION: M9 High-Explosive Dual-Purpose Grenade
MANUFACTURER: Misriah Armory
FILLER VOLUME: 6.7oz (190g)
The M9 Fragmentation Grenade is a standard, high-explosive, dual-purpose grenade that is extremely effective against personnel, particularly those who are dug-in or fixed behind cover, due to its ability to ricochet around corners.

Forerunner Weapons[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Boltshot

DESIGNATION: Z-110 Directed Energy Pistol/Exotic
MANUFACTURER: Unknown/Forerunner Origin
AMMUNITION TYPE: Ionized Particles
The Z-110 Boltshot is a close-range particle dilator designed for precision-based infantry combat against organic material. The Forerunners began using weapons like these toward the end of the first century of their prodigious conflict with the Flood, and continued to do so till its conclusion two hundred years later.

  • Suppressor

DESIGNATION: Z-130 Directed Energy Automatic Weapon
MANUFACTURER: Unknown/Forerunner Origin
The Z-130 Suppressor leverages a classic coil set architecture, accelerating charged bolts of hard light energy at high speeds toward enemy personnel. This weapon eventually proved to be an integral part of the Forerunners arsenal when battling the Flood but remains incredibly useful against any and all organic material.

  • Scattershot

DESIGNATION: Z-180 Close Combat Rifle/Asymmetric Engagement Mitigator
MANUFACTURER: Unknown/Forerunner Origin
AMMUNITION TYPE: Ionized Particles
The Z-180 Scattershot is a prominent Forerunner channel weapon that was used for close-range defense toward the end of their war with the Flood. While practically unstoppable up close, the most remarkable attribute of the Scattershot is its schismatic dispersal effect, drowning confined hard-surfaced interiors with brutal, ricocheting beams of energy.

  • Lightrifle

DESIGNATION: Z-250 Directed Energy Engagement Weapon
MANUFACTURER: Unknown/Forerunner Origin
The Z-250 LightRifle was originally designed to achieve precision-based sniping with light-mass componential particle acceleration. The overall effect of the weapon is impressive, accurately firing a collection of hard light particles toward a target at incredible speed.

  • Binary Rifle

DESIGNATION: Z-750 Special Application Sniper Rifle
MANUFACTURER: Unknown/Forerunner Origin
AMMUNITION TYPE: Ionized Particles
The Z-750 Binary Rifle leverages the power of twin, core-mounted particle accelerators, offering the ability to neutralize most enemies, even those of considerable mass, with a single shot. The Binary Rifle was specifically designed to deal with the threat of the Flood, allowing infantry to snipe at extreme ranges with unparalleled accuracy and stopping power.

  • Incineration Cannon

DESIGNATION: Weapon/Anti-Materiel Z-390 High-Explosive Munitions Rifle
MANUFACTURER: Unknown/Forerunner Origin
AMMUNITION TYPE: Ionized Particles
The Z-390 Incineration Cannon is a shoulder-mounted munitions launcher that fires a high concentration of explosive particles along multiple streams, typically generating obliterative results. Such a weapon is equally effective against single enemy combatants and vehicles.

  • Pulse Grenade

DESIGNATION: Z-040 Attenuation Field Generator/Localized
MANUFACTURER: Unknown/Forerunner Origin
AMMUNITION TYPE: Ionization Pulse
The Z-040 Pulse Grenade is a field-generating attenuation device used to damage any targets which fall within its ionization radius, eventually collapsing in a violent and deadly pulse of energy. This device appears to have been used to clear locations where the Flood had sufficient room to gather, organize, and grow, such as the vast redoubts formed during the parasite’s Coordinated Stage.

Vehicles[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

UNSC Vehicles[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Warthog

DESIGNATION: M12 Force Application Vehicle
MANUFACTURER: AMG Transport Dynamics
CREW CAPACITY: 1 driver + 1 passenger + 1 gunner
The M12 Warthog is the UNSC's primary ground transportation vehicle, offering several variants typically differentiated by their bed-mounted weapon systems. Although some Warthogs are designed solely for transportation, most offer extremely versatile anti-aircraft or anti-armor options, which optimize the vehicles’ light armor and deft mobility.

  • Mongoose

DESIGNATION: M274 Ultra-Light All-Terrain Vehicle
MANUFACTURER: AMG Transport Dynamics
CREW CAPACITY: 1 driver + 1 passenger
The M274 Mongoose is a light all-terrain vehicle used almost exclusively for the transportation of personnel and materiel. However, when rear-positioned passengers are well-armed, this vehicle can become particularly formidable in combat, balancing the ATV's speed and maneuverability with the passenger's considerable firepower.

  • Scorpion

DESIGNATION: M808 Main Battle Tank
MANUFACTURER: Acheron Security
CREW CAPACITY: 1 operator + 1 gunner + 4 passengers
The M808 Scorpion is easily the UNSC's most prominent main battle tank, offering impressive firepower and effective anti-infantry suppression as well as substantial resiliency and maneuverability in the field. The Scorpion is usually deployed during asymmetric ground assaults, within escort convoys, or in any circumstance that requires heavy and mobile armor.

  • Pelican

DESIGNATION: Dropship 79 Heavy - Troop Carrier
MANUFACTURER: Misriah Armory
CREW CAPACITY: 3 crew + 10-14 passengers
PRIMARY ARMAMENT: Autocannon [GAU/53 70mm MBHRC] (2)
The D79 Pelican dropship is the primary method of troop and equipment deployment within the UNSC. With a relatively proficient armament, reasonable armor, and the capacity to effect transit both in and out of atmosphere, the Pelican is an incredibly versatile asset in almost every theater of war. Some D79 units have been upgraded to include a far more superior armament, utilized as heavy gunships rather than troop carriers.

  • Mantis

MANUFACTURER: Materials Group
CREW CAPACITY: 1 operator
PRIMARY ARMAMENT: Machine Gun [M655 20mm HMG/AM]
SECONDARY ARMAMENT: Missile Launcher [M5920 35mm SGML/AM]
The Mark IX Mantis ADS is the result of half a century's worth of development and iteration, eventually culminating in an incredibly powerful armor system without equal. Utilizing an ultra-heavy four-barrel machine gun on one arm and a viciously potent multi-launch high-explosive munitions launcher on the other, the Mark IX is an extremely competent arsenal and is currently only employed by the UNSC Infinity and several highly classified ONI teams.

  • Broadsword

DESIGNATION: F-41 Exoatmospheric Multirole Strike Fighter
MANUFACTURER: Misriah Armory
CREW CAPACITY: 1 operator
PRIMARY ARMAMENT: Autocannon [M1075 ASW/AC 35mm MLA] (2)
SECONDARY ARMAMENT: Missile Launcher [M6088 ST/MMP] (2)
The F-41 Broadsword is a versatile and well-armed A/X strike fighter typically used to engage equal or superior enemy craft in low- to zero-gravity conditions. As its kind has few equals within humanity's known arsenal, the Broadsword was designed to address the incredible speed and firepower displayed by a variety of Covenant fighters.

  • Mammoth

DESIGNATION: Mobile Anti-Aircraft Weapons Platform M510 Siegework/Ultra-Heavy
MANUFACTURER: Acheron Security
CREW CAPACITY: 3 crew + 20-30 passengers
SECONDARY ARMAMENT: Rocket Turret [M79 65mm MLRS] (2)
The M510 Mammoth siegework has no equal in size, firepower, or tactical faculty within the UNSC's mobile planetside support contingent, making it one of the most powerful ground assets ever designed by humans. At roughly 70 meters in length and carrying numerous mounted support weapons and materiel caches, the M510's most significant attribute is its topside rail gun, designed to target and eliminate hostile vessels, weapons, and even fortifications residing in terrestrial or even suborbital positions.

Covenant Vehicles[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Ghost

DESIGNATION: T-32 Rapid Attack Vehicle
CREW CAPACITY: 1 operator
ARMAMENT: Plasma Cannon [T-32 DEW/L] (2)
The T-32 Ghost is the Covenant's dominant, single-manned scouting vehicle used for everything from deep reconnaissance and remote patrol to assault runs and convoy escort. A testament to its field effectiveness, the T-32 has remained largely unchanged for centuries, utilizing a single-mount rear-positioned seat, twin-linked plasma cannons, and excellent mobility, regardless of the terrain it finds itself deployed in.

  • Wraith

DESIGNATION: T-26 Assault Gun Carriage
CREW CAPACITY: 1 operator + 1 gunner
PRIMARY ARMAMENT: Heavy Plasma Mortar [T-26 35cm DEM]
The T-26 Wraith is a large, heavily armored Covenant mortar tank designed to assault enemy fortifications with unrelenting brutality while maintaining relative safety due to its anti-infantry plasma cannon. Powered by a boosted gravity drive, the vehicle is capable of charging forward in impressive bursts of speed. The Wraith's primary weapon is its heavy plasma mortar, which lobs highly explosive, concentrated plasma in a parabolic arc, resolving most human battle tanks’ problematic line of sight requirement.

  • Banshee

DESIGNATION: T-26 Ground Support Aircraft
CREW CAPACITY: 1 operator
PRIMARY ARMAMENT: Plasma Cannon [T-26 DEW/L] (2)
The T-26 Banshee continues to be the Covenant's primary aerial-engagement vehicle providing efficient ground support from above via its twin-linked plasma cannons and heavy fuel rod weapon. Despite its slight frame, the aircraft is surprisingly resilient in combat, largely due to its incredible maneuverability in atmosphere.

  • Phantom

DESIGNATION: T-44 Troop Carrier
MANUFACTURER: Achoem Weapons
CREW CAPACITY: 1 pilot + 1 weapon officer + 20-30 passengers
PRIMARY ARMAMENT: Plasma Autocannon [T-44 DEW/M]
SECONDARY ARMAMENT: Plasma Cannon [T-52 DESW] (2)
The T-44 Phantom is an earlier variant of the notable line of Covenant dropships. Its prominence is largely attributed to its armor's resiliency in both atmospheric and exoatmospheric environments, its exceptional speed and maneuverability, and its reasonably distributed firepower. These factors make the Phantom one of the most significant vehicles deployed by the Covenant during the assault or occupation of a given site.

  • Lich

DESIGNATION: Deployment Platform T-56 Ground Support/Ultra Heavy
MANUFACTURER: Achoem Weapons
CREW CAPACITY: 1 pilot + 1 weapon officer + 30-40 passengers
PRIMARY ARMAMENT: Plasma Autocannon [T-56 PEW/M]
SECONDARY ARMAMENT: Plasma Cannon [T-52 DESW] (4)
The T-56 Lich is the Covenant's largest mass deployment platform, providing a heavy armament and high-volume troop/materiel deployment. Deployment platforms such as the Lich are rarely documented in human combat, as encounters with the vehicle usually result in its complete domination of all resisting forces.

Armor[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Armor Types[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Air Assault

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – AIR ASSAULT
MANUFACTURER: Naphtali Contractor Corporation
TESTING SITE: Abilene, North America – EARTH
In late 2552, as the Covenant lay siege to humanity's home system, ONI security personnel were deployed with AIR ASSAULT-class armor. The goal was simple: prevent the enemy from gaining control of the skyhook defense complexes that line the suborbital planes of both Earth and Luna.

  • Aviator

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – AVIATOR
MANUFACTURER: Hannibal Weapon Systems
Spartan pilots meeting D3-17 regulations and higher must be outfitted in AVIATOR-class armor for all Broadsword A/X engagement operations to comply with standard asset security protocols and the Budgetary Retention Hearings of 2554.

  • C.I.O.

MANUFACTURER: Acheron Security
TESTING SITE: Gdynia, Acheron Fossae – MARS
Although rare in the field, one of Acheron Security’s most remarkable armor kits is the CIO-class Mjolnir variant used by Counter-Intelligence Operators for intel acquisition and strategic data conveyance deep within enemy territory.

  • Defender

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – DEFENDER
MANUFACTURER: Imbrium Machine Complex
TESTING SITE: Ankara, Mare Imbrium – LUNA
After the Covenant War, the Ordnance Commission held at the Damascus Testing Facility approved the long-term aggressive focus on defense-centric armor systems. The most notable of these is easily IMC’s versatile DEFENDER-class armor designed in Ankara.

  • E.O.D.

MANUFACTURER: Naphtali Contractor Corporation
TESTING SITE: Abilene, North America – EARTH
The EOD-class armor’s current manufacturer, the NCC, has further adjusted the system’s plate configuration to reduce potential for dismemberment during explosive ordnance disposal activity and facilitation.

  • Enforcer

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – ENFORCER
MANUFACTURER: Imbrium Machine Complex
TESTING SITE: Ankara, Mare Imbrium – LUNA
As of May 2553, all ZULU-level classified Office of Naval Intelligence sites must require security detail to wear fully operable ENFORCER-class armor, as tested under Ankara Field Stricture BL58-0 and approved by the Ordnance Commission.

  • E.V.A.

MANUFACTURER: Materials Group
TESTING SITE: Swanbourne, Australia – EARTH
Staying true to Materials Group's prodigious GEN1 architecture, EVA-class armor has provided Spartan personnel with highly effective exoatmospheric and zero-gravity combat systems for over three decades.


MANUFACTURER: Acheron Security
TESTING SITE: Gdynia, Acheron Fossae – MARS
When its contract was transferred from the Materials Group, Acheron Security re-architected the GEN2 HAZOP-class armor systems explicitly for extended operations within exotic and environmentally hazardous locales.

  • Infiltrator

MANUFACTURER: Hannibal Weapon Systems
Access-oriented systems, such as the INFILTRATOR-class armor, are explicitly designed to assist Spartan operatives in gaining undetected entry into heavily fortified, enemy-controlled sites.

  • Mark VI

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN1] – MARK VI
MANUFACTURER: Materials Group
TESTING SITE: Damascus Testing Facility – CHI CETI IV
Previously employed by a handful of SPARTAN-II assets, including the Master Chief, Mjolnir's Mark VI armor was the last iteration of GEN1 suits that were engineered for contesting rebel activity but quickly repurposed to deal with the Covenant.

  • Oceanic

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – OCEANIC
MANUFACTURER: Hannibal Weapon Systems
Now ubiquitous regardless of environment, Hannibal Weapon System's OCEANIC-class armor was originally designed to be most effective when used in aphotic deep-sea scenarios under the constant duress of extreme pressure and temperature.

  • Orbital

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – ORBITAL
MANUFACTURER: Naphtali Contractor Corporation
TESTING SITE: Abilene, North America – EARTH
Naphtali Contractor Corporation’s ORBITAL-class armor set was comprehensively tested during the Covenant’s assault on the Sol system in October and November of 2552, particularly in battles waged along the skyhooks and tethers orbiting Earth and Luna.

  • Protector

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – PROTECTOR
MANUFACTURER: Materials Group
TESTING SITE: Damascus Testing Facility – CHI CETI IV
Materials Group's most recent armor variant is PROTECTOR-class, a redefining of the classic security-centric GEN1 armor systems of the past. This armor was designed explicitly for combat superiority during defensive engagements, including anti-infiltration and siege-resistant functionality.

  • Raider

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – RAIDER
MANUFACTURER: Imbrium Machine Complex
TESTING SITE: Ankara, Mare Imbrium – LUNA
This elaborate example of Mjolnir's GEN2 armor may well substantiate Imbrium Machine Complex’s claim that the physically intimidating visage of RAIDER-class armor can psychologically compromise enemies, deteriorating their morale and responsiveness.

  • Ranger

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – RANGER
MANUFACTURER: Imbrium Machine Complex
TESTING SITE: Ankara, Mare Imbrium – LUNA
The RANGER-class armor is incredibly versatile, but its strength is in its ability to operate independently of standard Spartan team configurations. This lone-wolf approach to armor infrastructure is gaining ground among the few ONI/D-6 operators currently in the field.

  • Recon

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – RECON
MANUFACTURER: Imbrium Machine Complex
TESTING SITE: Ankara, Mare Imbrium – LUNA
Although the RECON-class of GEN2 Mjolnir armor is not substantially different from its predecessors, its new manufacturer has offered improved movement stabilizers and adjustable shield distribution channels for versatility during deep-field reconnaissance.

  • Recruit

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – RECRUIT
MANUFACTURER: Hannibal Weapon Systems
Newly inducted Spartans receive a standard-issue default-configuration armor system known as RECRUIT. Most SPARTAN-IV assets are required to use RECRUIT-class armor for an individually determined timeframe before requisitioning custom kits.

  • Scout

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – SCOUT MANUFACTURER: Materials Group
TESTING SITE: Swanbourne, Australia – EARTH
Favored by Class-8 FDO (Forward Deployed Operators), SCOUT-class armor contains the most capable covert anti-tracking system and shroud-induction packages available for use. Its success behind enemy lines is unquestionable.

  • Soldier

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – SOLDIER
MANUFACTURER: Materials Group
TESTING SITE: Damascus Testing Facility – CHI CETI IV
SOLDIER-class armor typically functions in a support capacity on the battlefield. Operators can carry substantially more equipment than Spartans using other armor types while retaining their field mobility and dexterity.

  • Vanguard

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – VANGUARD
MANUFACTURER: Hannibal Weapon Systems
VANGUARD-class armor is a state-of-the-art front-line tech used primarily by SPARTAN-IV personnel in direct enemy engagement. Unlike other armor systems that facilitate secondary and tertiary needs, VANGUARD is made solely for face-to-face combat with enemy units.

  • Venator

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – VENATOR
MANUFACTURER: Lethbridge Industrial
TESTING SITE: Lethbridge, Corsica – CONCORD
Though engineered for a variety of uses in the field, Lethbridge Industrial’s philosophical approach on improving user opportunity during hand-to-hand or single-enemy combat helped define the benefits that make VENATOR-class armor so effective.

  • War Master

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – WAR MASTER
MANUFACTURER: Lethbridge Industrial
TESTING SITE: Lethbridge, Corsica – CONCORD
Easily the most exotic armor system deployed by Lethbridge Industrial, WAR MASTER-class armor is a multi-use, multi-function configuration, which, when utilized properly, can benefit the user in almost any combat scenario propagated on the battlefield.

  • Warrior

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – WARRIOR
MANUFACTURER: Materials Group
TESTING SITE: Damascus Testing Facility – CHI CETI IV
Streamlined for agility and speed of movement, the WARRIOR-class variant’s architecture leverages intel from Covenant encounters to improve overall design and execution. It is typically considered the most pervasively distributed armor system currently in production.

  • Wetwork

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – WETWORK
MANUFACTURER: Lethbridge Industrial
TESTING SITE: Lethbridge, Corsica – CONCORD
Although not often encountered in the field, WETWORK-class armor is generally employed in high-value target acquisition and elimination scenarios. Its most notable use was highly classified: the targeting of key rebel leaders on the surface of Talitsa by Delta Six operatives.

  • Operator

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – OPERATOR
MANUFACTURER: Naphtali Contractor Corporation
TESTING SITE: SwanbourneAbilene, North America – EARTH
With the abandonment of all CDS facilities on Meridian, the Naphtali Contractor Corporation took over production of the OPERATOR-class armor, which is now extensively tested with live fire exercises within an immense derelict shipyard outside the city of Abilene.

  • Pioneer

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – PIONEER
MANUFACTURER: Acheron Security
TESTING SITE: Gdynia, Acheron Fossae – MARS
Equipped by Spartans providing protection to ONI expeditionary groups, Acheron Security's PIONEER-class armor was constructed to endure the rigors of a potentially hostile, alien environment and to optimize overall performance through inhibitor mitigation.

  • Pathfinder

MANUFACTURER: Imbrium Machine Complex
TESTING SITE: Ankara, Mare Imbrium – LUNA
The PATHFINDER-class armor system was manufactured by Imbrium Machine Complex (IMC) and fully tested in the brutal outland conditions of “Bosque de Negro,” Luna’s infamously harrowing Black Forest.

  • Engineer

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – ENGINEER
MANUFACTURER: Lethbridge Industrial
TESTING SITE: Lethbridge, Corsica – CONCORD
Expeditions to the volatile moon of Thales saw the first deployment of Lethbridge Industrial's ENGINEER-class armor, specifically designed to optimize subversion, repair, and the reconstitution of a wide range of technology in the field.

  • Stalker

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – STALKER
MANUFACTURER: Naphtali Contractor Corporation
TESTING SITE: Abilene, North America – EARTH
Based loosely on the technology recovered from Jiralhanae enemy targets informally dubbed “Brute Stalkers,” the STALKER-class for GEN2 armor systems offers a vast array of hunter-tracker field improvements now considered prodigious among remaining D-6 operatives.

  • Rogue

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – ROGUE
MANUFACTURER: Hannibal Weapon Systems
ROGUE-class armor was originally manufactured by the Vestol Corporation located on Tribute, but the razing of Epsilon Eridani by the Covenant in 2552 allowed Hannibal Weapon Systems take over of the armor’s production three years later.

  • Tracker

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – TRACKER
MANUFACTURER: Acheron Security
TESTING SITE: Gdynia, Acheron Fossae – MARS
A practice which became ubiquitous in the late 23rd century during the interplanetary conflicts, “off-world tracking” is now fully integrated into the vast feature set of Mjolnir GEN2 armor. TRACKER-class armor assists in locating targets across excessively long distances, including both interplanetary and even interstellar shadowing.

  • Deadeye

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – DEADEYE
MANUFACTURER: Hannibal Weapon Systems
DEADEYE-class armor, optimized for extraordinarily long-range target purging, was originally tested in the vast ship graveyards hanging in the orbital plane above Tribute’s northern pole, a haunting reminder of the former Covenant’s obliterative might.

  • Locus

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – LOCUS
MANUFACTURER: Lethbridge Industrial
TESTING SITE: Lethbridge, Corsica – CONCORD
A contemporary stealth kit manufactured by Lethbridge Industrial, LOCUS-class armor was conceived specifically for tactical and strategic infiltration. Despite its exotic design, the primary differentiator from similar systems is its incredible durability in the field.

  • Scanner

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – SCANNER
MANUFACTURER: Materials Group
TESTING SITE: Damascus Testing Facility – CHI CETI IV
Although functional for use in general combat, SCANNER-class armor was produced mainly for search-and-rescue strike teams commissioned by ONI when the risk of rebel forces capturing critical government and military personalities significantly increased.

  • Strider

DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – STRIDER
MANUFACTURER: Imbrium Machine Complex
TESTING SITE: Ankara, Mare Imbrium – LUNA
STRIDER-class armor was designed explicitly for activities commonly referred to as “jaunt-combat excursions,” in which operators participate in numerous, highly varied missions over an impressively short period of time and within an isolated environment.


DESIGNATION: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor System [GEN2] – FOTUS
MANUFACTURER: 343 Industries
TESTING SITE: Kirkland, North America – EARTH
Battle-tested on the rough and tumble streets of downtown Kirkland, Washington, FOTUS-class armor has historically received high movement proficiency ratings for coffee runs on rainy days. Warning: COUGAR-class safety protocols MUST be followed at all times.

Armor Abilities[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Active Camouflage

DESIGNATION: T-3 Refraction Dissonance Modifier/Camouflage
MANUFACTURER: Merchants of Qikost
The T-3 Active Camouflage system, acquired during the early years of the Covenant War, is a refraction dissonance modifier that effectively bends light around the surface of a structure, masking its presence through advanced pattern realignment. Although pervasive among specific Sangheili units, it has seen extensive use among Spartans of all classes.

  • Hardlight

DESIGNATION: Z-90 Photonic Coalescence Emitter/Aegis
MANUFACTURER: Unknown/Forerunner Origin
The recently recovered Z-90 Hardlight Shield appears to be a photon emitter that can fuse particles of light into a rigid, dissipative barrier. For Spartans who choose to integrate it, the technology functions as a full-size aegis-class, anti-personnel defensive shield.

  • Promethean Vision

DESIGNATION: Z-5080 Short-Range Spectrum Augmenter/Vision
MANUFACTURER: Unknown/Forerunner Origin
The Z-5080 Vision Modification system, colloquially referred to as “Promethean Vision,” is a short-range full-spectrum enhancement package that enables users to detect shapes and movement through solid barriers. Coupled with the VISR 4.0 tech suite, this software is one of the most formidable leveraged by GEN2 armor systems.

  • Hologram

DESIGNATION: T-27 Responsive Holographic Form Emulator
MANUFACTURER: Materials Group
The T-27 Decoy package, referred in shorthand as “Hologram,” is a responsive emulator that generates an extremely realistic holographic copy of the user's physical form and movement. Once used exclusively by the Covenant, this decoy technology has now been reverse engineered for Mjolnir armor systems, and is used as a ruse in the field to trick enemy infantry and armor into revealing their position, thereby placing them at a disadvantage.

  • Autosentry

DESIGNATION: Z-2500 Automated Protection Drone
MANUFACTURER: Unknown/Forerunner Origin
The Z-2500 Autosentry is an intriguing combat-capable drone unit now typically deployed in a support role during enemy engagements, as the full measure of its original use is unknown. Other human-originating APD units similar to the Z-2500 have been used by the UNSC for years, but none with this level of mobility, functionality, and sustained power.

  • Jet Pack

DESIGNATION: Series 12 Single Operator Lift Apparatus
MANUFACTURER: Lethbridge Industrial
The S-12 Jump-Jet Pack is, like the systems which came before it, a gravity mitigation device latched to the back of infantry BDU, allowing personnel to traverse vertically challenging terrain and generally be more mobile in the battlefield. The S-12 series was designed with SPARTAN-IV assets in mind, though it can be used more broadly.

  • Regeneration Field

DESIGNATION: M2705 Regenerative Kinetic Dispersal Field
MANUFACTURER: Acheron Security
The M2705 Regeneration Field package is a kinetic dispersal system which has two primary operations: the first being a burst of shunting energy which forces FOF-designated enemies away from the user, the second being a Mjolnir component-stabilizing system which recharges the local allies' combat viability through the short-term of reappropriation of specific power systems.

  • Thruster Pack

DESIGNATION: M805X Forward Acceleration System/Fulcrum Mitigating
MANUFACTURER: Lethbridge Industrial
The M805X Thruster Pack, similar to other EVA-focused thrust modules, is a movement acceleration system that mitigates the user’s need for a fulcrum or pivoting articulation. This ability allows the user to move quickly and aggressively in combat, whether closing the gap between the user and an enemy or finding cover.

Support Upgrades[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Dexterity Upgrade : Circumnavigating mobility and overlock systems, the Dexterity Upgrade allows the temporary bypass of fine-control movement governors in order to achieve quicker reload times and weapon swapping. Movement enhancement upgrades have become increasingly popular for ops with intense, close quarters firefight scenarios, demanding swift weapon versatility.
  • Ammo Upgrade : The Ammo Upgrade overrides default Mjolnir safety and capacity protocols allowing Spartans to exceed suggested ammunition loads in the field. This upgrade is highly recommended for close-quarters engagement roles and any encounters that require excessive ammunition expenditures.
  • Awareness Upgrade : Facilitating relatively minor adjustments in an armor system’s HUD-distributed display mechanics, the Awareness Upgrade integrates the default motion sensor into all known scoped weapon smart-links, both native and exotic. Spartans engaging in long-range combat or sniper operations often rely on this upgrade to provide them with basic motion-sensor data while sighting an enemy from afar.
  • Ordnance Priority Upgrade : Personnel leveraging the Ordnance Priority Upgrade in the field have access to a Class-D4803 priority channel with UNSC Infinity, thanks to a software patch which enables dialing couplers and satellite linkage. Spartans often utilize this upgrade during requisition-dense, support-heavy combat, where ordnance deployment can be scarce and intermittent.
  • Explosive Upgrade : The energy placement differential systems manipulated by the Explosives Upgrade allow armor software to automatically transfer concussive energy from explosions encountered during combat. When used within the context Mjolnir GEN2, this upgrade passively disperses receiving energy, decreasing damage for the user while increasing damage for the targets.
  • Sensor Upgrade : Although it violates general UNSC relay transmission regulations, the Sensor Upgrade increases both the range and sensitivity of the standard motion sensor. As it is most frequently utilized by stealth operatives and infiltration specialists, this upgrade provides heightened locational intel of all nearby enemies.
  • Stealth Upgrade : While the software changes are largely nominal, the Stealth Upgrade allows users to move silently during combat, lowers their visibility profile on certain VISR enhancements (like ‘Promethean Vision’), and increasing their ability to effectively kill enemies from behind.
  • Stability Upgrade : Alternating Mjolnir’s default kinetic dampeners, the Stability Upgrade increases a user’s aiming stability while they are taking incoming fire. This upgrade is favored for Spartans who participate in lateral combat maneuvers through environments which are particularly dense with weapon fire.
  • Gunner Upgrade : Software improvements to Mjolnir’s automated weapon communication nodes allow the Gunner Upgrade to improve a variety of elements which favor heavy weapon specialists, such as increasing the amount of time a mounted weapon takes to overheat during sustained fire or the improving the general speed and mobility of a Spartan carrying a detached turret.
  • Nemesis Upgrade : Within the context of the War Games simulation, the Nemesis Upgrade is a balance-mitigation module which offsets other packages and upgrades by allowing personnel to hone-in on the last enemy who killed them. While this is not a practical software upgrade for field-use, the tension it produces during simulated combat demands tactical awareness among targeted participants.
  • Drop Recon Upgrade : Through suborbital, drone-linked monitoring systems embedded in a Spartan’s Mjolnir support suite, the Drop Recon Upgrade allows users to know the time and place of ordnance deployments prior to the drops actually occurring. This intel has proven incredibly valuable in the field, allowing operatives to get the jump on incoming firepower.

Tactical Packages[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Shielding Package : Through a modifying bypass of standard performance regulators, the Shielding Package reinforces personal energy-shield emitters, resulting in a substantially higher shield-recharge rate. After taking damage, Spartans will notice their shields recharging at a quicker speed than others who have not opted for this package in their loadout.
  • Firepower Package : By alternating redundant magnetic streams at the rear of a Spartan’s armor, the Firepower Package overrides regulated loadout limitations, allowing users to carry two primary weapons simultaneously. For Spartans who prefer heavier or longer-ranged firepower over close-range versatility and speed, this package is typically considered imperative.
  • AA Efficiency Package : By disabling shortwave system regulators, the AA Efficiency Package generates more power to recharge Armor Abilities at a faster rate than normal. Interestingly, Spartans involved in asymmetric engagement roles favor this package as an ad hoc combat modifier to give them the advantage in the field, even if it’s only short term.
  • Grenadier Package : Restructuring the standard magnetic hardpoints on the Mjolnir GEN2 system, the Grenadier Package increases total grenade capacity for all personnel. Per compatibility regulations, this package extends to both domestic and exotic grenades, including those used by Covenant and Forerunner combatants.
  • Resupply Package : Through a software patch to Mjolnir’s magnetic hardpoint configuration, the Resupply Package allows users to retrieve grenades from the armor of fallen soldiers. This particular package is widely used by post-combat recon teams and equipment recovery personnel deployed to enemy-held locations, where the securing of materiel from both allies and foes is not a luxury but a necessity.
  • Mobility Package : Within Mjolnir GEN2 architecture, muscle control actuators allow Spartans the freedom of high-intensity mobility without severely damaging their bodies in the process. However, Spartans can use the Mobility Package at their own discretion to modify and bypass these controls, gaining unprecedented sprinting stamina.
  • Wheelman Package : Via a cross-networked driver component fixed to the Mjolnir frame, the Wheelman Package automatically connects the user to machine controller systems, improving the long term durability of any vehicle they use in combat, as well as mitigating some of the negative effects encountered with EMP discharges.
  • Requisition Package : When it comes to the ordnance versatility in combat, the Requisition Package is incredibly useful. By installing this hardline channel system, a user can request alternate selections of weapons or tools during ordnance drops, offering substantially more choices on the battlefield.
  • Fast TRack Package : After installing this modular evaluation device, users maintain the Fast Track Package, allowing them to gather and analyze more experiential data from each combat encounter they have. Unsurprisingly, this directly impacts the Spartan’s ability to advance in rank, shortening the time in between promotions.

Source[modifier | modifier le wikicode]