Différences entre les versions de « Utilisateur:Starepublic/Brouillons »

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Ligne 32 : Ligne 32 :

===Modules de largage===
Les modules de largages covenants sont conçus pour déployer des troupes depuis un vaisseau-capital derrière les lignes ennemies ou les goulets stratégiques, dans le but de modifier dynamiquement le combat ou de prendre stratégiquement le dessus. Les modules de largages varient en taille et en forme, cependant ils offrent généralement un moyen de transport pour 1-4 combattants, déployant des soldats individuellement ou de petits groupes directement dans une zone de combat.
Les modules de largages sont tirés depuis un vaisseau-capital ou déployés localement, généralement à partir d'une position orbitale ou suborbitale. Lancés vers la surface comme un moyen de contourner les mouvements ennemies ou couper les voies d'approvisionnement, les modules rentrent dans l’atmosphère (si c'est nécessaire) et se referment sur la zone cible avant que les propulseurs avants soient activés, freinant l'engin juste avant l'impact. L'effet est généralement désorientant pour l'ennemi, permettant aux modules de frapper violemment la cible en éjectant immédiatement les troupes avant que l'opposition ne puisse se remettre de l’événement.
Probablement la plus variée de toutes les méthodes de transport covenante, l'humanité n'a fait qu'effleurer la surface des différents formats de modules de largages  déployés au cours de la [[guerre Humain contre Covenant]]. Le module le plus notable actuellement utilisé est le T-51 IBC (Individual Breaching Carapace).Bien que plus grand que les modules individuels déployés dans le passé, ces modules sont plus petits que les carapaces de déploiement complet qui véhiculent de nombreux ennemies. Le but d'ouvrir une brèche dans des navires tels que ceux-ci est d'infiltrer les défenses planétaires ou à partir de vaisseaux à la fois avec discrétion et vitesse.
Distinct des petits modules de largage et autres systèmes de déploiement multi-troupe, le T-54 MDS (Mass Deployment Carapace) est plutôt un appareil de transport qu'une méthode de déploiement. Stocké dans un grand vaisseau-capital, la carapace de déploiement est expulsée ver la surface d'une planète ou dans le coeur d'un navire ennemi, son infanterie est libérée, puis elle retourne rapidement à son point d'origine se « recoupler » avec le vaisseau-capital et embarquer de nouveaux passagers pour un autre déploiement. Bien qu'à l'origine mis en oeuvre pour éviter les coûts encourus lorsque les modules de largage sont abandonnés, cela est devenu une méthode extrêmement pratique de déploiement de troupes.
Avant d'être déployées, les troupes sont enfermées dans l'un des divers niveaux du module.
En utilisant un dispositif à impulsion antigravité de faible portée, l'infanterie de se déployer en tout sécurité depuis la baie du module jusqu'au sol.
Ayant seulement une légère ressemblance avec les modules de largage utilisés pendant la primauté covenante, le T-55 IBC est emblématique de la conception Sangheili classique. Aérodynamiquement simplifié pour la vitesse et la maniabilité,  cette variante a connu une utilisation fréquente dans la querelle prolongée entre les clans sangheilis, principalement en raison du caractère territorial sauvage du conflit. Le coût de fabrication et la méthodologie de déploiement, toutefois, ont restreints l'utilisation des modules de largage mono-personnel aux guerriers Sangheilis seulement.
Distinct des autres systèmes de déploiement d'escouade élaborés, le T-55 SBC dispose de quatre baies et est capable de déployer jusqu'à le même nombre de soldats covenants. Contrairement à l'IBC, qui oblige  l'utilisateur à s'appuyer contre la paroi pour que le stabilisateur antigravité les retienne dans l'engin, le SBC déploie les escouades covenants en position verticale, les maintenant en place avec des ancrages au sol basé sur un système antigravité. Lors de l'impact, les portes de la carapace coulissent vers le haut et les ancrages sont relâchés, puis les troupes sont immédiatement déployées.
===Uplift reserve===
===Uplift reserve===
Funded by New Mombasa Uplift, this facility is one of the most renowned nature reserves in the world. Although the park is located on the southwestern portion of the island, its public-facing entrance lies just north of this, easily accessible from the waterfront highway. Upon arrival, visitors are shuttled to New Mombasa Uplift's plaza, where the company headquarters lie, directly adjacent to the reserve's primary access road. Here we discover the main sections of the reserve, three hub-like containment areas with high-reaching perimeters walls and vasts natural habitats teeming with life. Sections A and B both lie on a separate land mass, the furthest west of the park's entrance. Massive cranes and gates line the exterior walls with various outposts stationed at predetermined junctures throughout the facility. The first and only exception to the containment walls lies on the west side of the park. There we find a makeshift beachfront, which looks out across the waterway toward Mombasa. Section B represents the largest enclosed area within the reserve, providing direct access to New Mombasa proper and section C, by way of a suspension bridge. Though impressive, this bridge is only a shadow of its older brother, which lies several kilometers north and connects the city center to the mainland of Old Mombasa. At the center of section B is the reserve's main attraction, a large visitor center with an observation deck allowing the public to watch the animals in their natural habitat. Across the bridge we find section C, the only portion of the reserve which actually lies on the island of New Mombasa. This was here that the Covenants deployed their infantry during the course of their invasion. A single gravity platform detached from a capital ship, allowing Covenants to ferry large numbers of infantry groundside. UNSC forces were able to win back to this area for a time, but their victory was short-lived. Less than a day later, the Covenant would return with a force so large that no resistance was capable of success.
Funded by New Mombasa Uplift, this facility is one of the most renowned nature reserves in the world. Although the park is located on the southwestern portion of the island, its public-facing entrance lies just north of this, easily accessible from the waterfront highway. Upon arrival, visitors are shuttled to New Mombasa Uplift's plaza, where the company headquarters lie, directly adjacent to the reserve's primary access road. Here we discover the main sections of the reserve, three hub-like containment areas with high-reaching perimeters walls and vasts natural habitats teeming with life. Sections A and B both lie on a separate land mass, the furthest west of the park's entrance. Massive cranes and gates line the exterior walls with various outposts stationed at predetermined junctures throughout the facility. The first and only exception to the containment walls lies on the west side of the park. There we find a makeshift beachfront, which looks out across the waterway toward Mombasa. Section B represents the largest enclosed area within the reserve, providing direct access to New Mombasa proper and section C, by way of a suspension bridge. Though impressive, this bridge is only a shadow of its older brother, which lies several kilometers north and connects the city center to the mainland of Old Mombasa. At the center of section B is the reserve's main attraction, a large visitor center with an observation deck allowing the public to watch the animals in their natural habitat. Across the bridge we find section C, the only portion of the reserve which actually lies on the island of New Mombasa. This was here that the Covenants deployed their infantry during the course of their invasion. A single gravity platform detached from a capital ship, allowing Covenants to ferry large numbers of infantry groundside. UNSC forces were able to win back to this area for a time, but their victory was short-lived. Less than a day later, the Covenant would return with a force so large that no resistance was capable of success.

Version du 10 septembre 2016 à 22:08


Screenshots Halo

Halo : Reach


  • /VRY (territoire administratif)
  • /ALFÖLD (continent ?)
    • /UNG
      • /ASŹD (ville ou région)
        • /A3CRC
    • /ÜTKZT
      • /SZURDK RDG (crête montagneuse)
      • /BARS
        • MOHÁCS
      • /EPSZ (continent)
        • /VISGRD (village)
        • /BD CTH (glacier)
          • /SWD (base)
        • /FRKS LK (lac)


Uplift reserve

Funded by New Mombasa Uplift, this facility is one of the most renowned nature reserves in the world. Although the park is located on the southwestern portion of the island, its public-facing entrance lies just north of this, easily accessible from the waterfront highway. Upon arrival, visitors are shuttled to New Mombasa Uplift's plaza, where the company headquarters lie, directly adjacent to the reserve's primary access road. Here we discover the main sections of the reserve, three hub-like containment areas with high-reaching perimeters walls and vasts natural habitats teeming with life. Sections A and B both lie on a separate land mass, the furthest west of the park's entrance. Massive cranes and gates line the exterior walls with various outposts stationed at predetermined junctures throughout the facility. The first and only exception to the containment walls lies on the west side of the park. There we find a makeshift beachfront, which looks out across the waterway toward Mombasa. Section B represents the largest enclosed area within the reserve, providing direct access to New Mombasa proper and section C, by way of a suspension bridge. Though impressive, this bridge is only a shadow of its older brother, which lies several kilometers north and connects the city center to the mainland of Old Mombasa. At the center of section B is the reserve's main attraction, a large visitor center with an observation deck allowing the public to watch the animals in their natural habitat. Across the bridge we find section C, the only portion of the reserve which actually lies on the island of New Mombasa. This was here that the Covenants deployed their infantry during the course of their invasion. A single gravity platform detached from a capital ship, allowing Covenants to ferry large numbers of infantry groundside. UNSC forces were able to win back to this area for a time, but their victory was short-lived. Less than a day later, the Covenant would return with a force so large that no resistance was capable of success.
