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  • 15 décembre 2021 à 19:01 Hawk discussion contributions a créé la page Fichier:HINF-UNSC Panama 02 (Daniel Phillips).jpg (== Description == {{quote|texte=Here's something I made for #HaloInfinite. Concept by @nbsparth. Name is from the town I grew up in, Panama City, FL which I can't believe made it into the final game.|auteur=[ Twitter - Dan Phillips]}} {{quote|texte=Halo Infinite Panama Frigate<br> Concept by Sparth.|auteur=ArtStation.}} {{Fichier |Source=[ ArtStation - Daniel Phillips] |Média=HINF |Créateur=…)
  • 15 décembre 2021 à 19:01 Hawk discussion contributions a téléversé Fichier:HINF-UNSC Panama 02 (Daniel Phillips).jpg (== Description == {{quote|texte=Here's something I made for #HaloInfinite. Concept by @nbsparth. Name is from the town I grew up in, Panama City, FL which I can't believe made it into the final game.|auteur=[ Twitter - Dan Phillips]}} {{quote|texte=Halo Infinite Panama Frigate<br> Concept by Sparth.|auteur=ArtStation.}} {{Fichier |Source=[ ArtStation - Daniel Phillips] |Média=HINF |Créateur=…)