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  • 7 juin 2020 à 11:10 Hawk discussion contributions a créé la page Fichier:H2A-Brute Major render 02 (James Ku).jpeg (== Description == ''Here is the work done for Blur Studio Halo 2 Anniversary Cinematic. I (Velazquez) was taking care of the model, texture and shading for the Brutes, Tartarus and their props. Also the Flood Spore and Dolls.'' ''All the hair was done by James Ku and Danny Young at Blur Studio.'' {{Fichier |Source=[ Blogger - David Munoz Velazquez] |Média=Halo 2 : Anniversary |Créateur=[[David Munoz Velazq...)
  • 7 juin 2020 à 11:10 Hawk discussion contributions a téléversé Fichier:H2A-Brute Major render 02 (James Ku).jpeg (== Description == ''Here is the work done for Blur Studio Halo 2 Anniversary Cinematic. I (Velazquez) was taking care of the model, texture and shading for the Brutes, Tartarus and their props. Also the Flood Spore and Dolls.'' ''All the hair was done by James Ku and Danny Young at Blur Studio.'' {{Fichier |Source=[ Blogger - David Munoz Velazquez] |Média=Halo 2 : Anniversary |Créateur=[[David Munoz Velazq...)