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Journaux d’opérations
  • 10 mai 2022 à 13:17 Hawk discussion contributions a créé la page Fichier:Ency2 Yanme'e Queen (Kate Pfeilschiefter).jpg (== Description == {{quote|texte=Halo Encyclopedia: Drone Queen<br> Creature designs and some rough concepts done for the 2022 "Halo Encyclopedia", for Dark Horse and 343.<br> For the Drone/Yanme'e Queen I looked through screenshots and concept art of the in-game drone soldiers to search for features that could be built upon for the more regal, menacing ruling caste of the species. Various funky beetles and mantis species were then added to the mix. It would have been fun to do a full body of th…)
  • 10 mai 2022 à 13:17 Hawk discussion contributions a téléversé Fichier:Ency2 Yanme'e Queen (Kate Pfeilschiefter).jpg (== Description == {{quote|texte=Halo Encyclopedia: Drone Queen<br> Creature designs and some rough concepts done for the 2022 "Halo Encyclopedia", for Dark Horse and 343.<br> For the Drone/Yanme'e Queen I looked through screenshots and concept art of the in-game drone soldiers to search for features that could be built upon for the more regal, menacing ruling caste of the species. Various funky beetles and mantis species were then added to the mix. It would have been fun to do a full body of th…)