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- 30 août 2021 à 23:29 Hawk discussion contributions a téléversé une nouvelle version de Fichier:HR-Noble Team portraits concept (Isaac Hannaford).jpg (
- 4 février 2021 à 18:59 Hawk discussion contributions a créé la page Fichier:HR-Noble Team portraits concept (Isaac Hannaford).jpg (== Description == {{quote|texte=The original character portraits I did for the 7 spartan noble team. From left to right, Emile, Carter, Rosenda]], Kat, Jun, Thom, and Jorge. We eventually cut Rosenda and Thom. We didn't have the bandwidth to do their character stories justice...maybe someday, someone will tell their stories.|small=|auteur=}} {{Fichier |Source=[
- 4 février 2021 à 18:59 Hawk discussion contributions a téléversé Fichier:HR-Noble Team portraits concept (Isaac Hannaford).jpg (== Description == {{quote|texte=The original character portraits I did for the 7 spartan noble team. From left to right, Emile, Carter, Rosenda]], Kat, Jun, Thom, and Jorge. We eventually cut Rosenda and Thom. We didn't have the bandwidth to do their character stories justice...maybe someday, someone will tell their stories.|small=|auteur=}} {{Fichier |Source=[