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Journaux d’opérations
  • 13 juin 2022 à 00:12 Hawk discussion contributions a créé la page Fichier:HINF-London concept 02 (Kevin Decatoire).jpg (== Description == {{quote|texte=Collaboration with Axis for Halo INFINITE. My task was to create the first shot from a concept art. I started with a simple mesh, set up the lighting, Once it has been approved. I have improved all the buildings. All the renders have been imported into photoshop and I put more details like antennas, leaks textures, little lights and so on.|auteur=}} {{Fichier |Source=[ ArtStation - Kevin Decatoire] |Média=HINF |Créateur=Ke…)
  • 13 juin 2022 à 00:12 Hawk discussion contributions a téléversé Fichier:HINF-London concept 02 (Kevin Decatoire).jpg (== Description == {{quote|texte=Collaboration with Axis for Halo INFINITE. My task was to create the first shot from a concept art. I started with a simple mesh, set up the lighting, Once it has been approved. I have improved all the buildings. All the renders have been imported into photoshop and I put more details like antennas, leaks textures, little lights and so on.|auteur=}} {{Fichier |Source=[ ArtStation - Kevin Decatoire] |Média=HINF |Créateur=Ke…)