Modification de Chronique:Halo Bulletin 03/04/2013

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Ligne 1 : Ligne 1 :
==3 avril==
==3 avril==
[[Fichier:HB2013 n13-Halobulletinheader.jpg|center|600px]]
[[Fichier:HB2013 n13-Halobulletinheader.jpg|center|600px]]

Ligne 102 : Ligne 101 :
Episode 1 of Spartan Ops will be available on Monday, as we begin an encore of Season 1 - the rest of the season will follow with the next episode each week. In War Games, the Castle Map Pack will be available for download. This map pack is included in the War Games Map Pass or can be purchased individually from the Xbox LIVE Marketplace. With the Castle Map Pack comes a brand new playlist: Castle Team DLC. This 6 vs. 6 playlist will feature the following:
Episode 1 of Spartan Ops will be available on Monday, as we begin an encore of Season 1 - the rest of the season will follow with the next episode each week. In War Games, the Castle Map Pack will be available for download. This map pack is included in the War Games Map Pass or can be purchased individually from the Xbox LIVE Marketplace. With the Castle Map Pack comes a brand new playlist: Castle Team DLC. This 6 vs. 6 playlist will feature the following:

Map: Daybreak :
**Infinity Slayer
**Infinity Slayer
**Capture the Flag
**Capture the Flag
Ligne 124 : Ligne 122 :
Also, these maps will be integrated into many of our existing playlists. DLC maps will appear in a playlist if all players in the match have downloaded the content.
Also, these maps will be integrated into many of our existing playlists. DLC maps will appear in a playlist if all players in the match have downloaded the content.

Ligne 144 : Ligne 142 :

Team Objective will be transitioning to a 6 vs. 6 playlist come Monday, mainly in part to address the community's desire for objective game types with larger team sizes and also to accommodate the Castle Maps, which are built for these team sizes. We'll continue to monitor your feedback regarding Team Objective in the future as we look to optimize the experience it offers by possibly changing the team maps, team sizes and game types that are offered. The playlist will feature on-disc maps, as well as Crimson and Castle maps, and Extraction will transition from being its own playlist to being included in this one. The map/game type selection will be posted in Monday's Matchmaking update, as we are still finalizing the layout of the new Team Objective.
[[Fichier:HB2013 n13-Skull.png|left|200px]]
Next week will offer a ton of new Halo 4 Matchmaking experiences. After you play in these new playlists and game modes, we encourage you to head to the War Games Feedback section and let us know what you think about the map selection, game modes, settings and more. We look forward to hearing your feedback.
To close, we'd like to announce the winners of the latest Halo 4 Forge Contest. These 3 maps were shown off in the Community Forge FFA playlist and are still available to play (and save) until Monday's update - if you haven't played them yet, head into the playlist to check 'em out.
FIRST PLACE: Edifice by Redemption1272
THIRD PLACE: Plaza by Smexi Bilzo
Congrats to the winners and a big thank you to everyone who made this contest possible: Certain Affinity, the talented Forgers, the Community Cartographers and everyone who played Community Forge FFA!
If there's no Matchmaking update next week, it's because I'm staying home and chasing the dream of getting a level 50 CSR in every playlist.
But seriously, that's what I'll be doing.
====GDC Feedback====
We had numerous 343ers in attendance at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) last week. While there, we presented a total of six different panels. "Halo Reborn: A Postmortem on the Creation of Halo 4" sparked a significant amount of feedback on our forums. I'll let you check out what Josh has to say in his own words:
{{quote|texte=The goal of my presentation was to discuss the many challenges that we faced when building a new team and taking on such a massive and high profile project, specifically for an audience of developers and creators going through similar situations. In preparing my talk, I was trying to encapsulate three years of development into a 45-minute presentation.
One of the things that I talked about was the desire to make Halo more accessible to players of all skill levels. What I did a poor job of articulating because of the nature of the intended audience is the importance of balancing the needs and desires of a hardcore Halo population that was born, bred and breathes prior Multiplayer philosophies, with an approachable and open-to-all design style. It's been a delicate balance and one that we haven't necessarily succeeded with but continue to work on. CSR, our partnership with top competitive players to build and refine Team Throwdown, adding pro options and arena-style maps to select playlists and our upcoming sandbox balances are a few of the things that we are working on for that particular part of our community on this title.
Since my GDC talk, I've received a ton of feedback from the competitive community. I want you to know that we hear you, we value you and we are going to continue to listen to your feedback and suggestions. We won't be able to implement all of them; it's just not possible with the given resources and time. But we are in this for the long haul, and you'll see our continued commitment to this aspect of our experience reflected in future projects as well as in our sustain efforts for Halo 4.|auteur=/Josh}}
====Halo 4 Screenshot Spotlight - Vehicular Love====
Last week we shined the spotlight on the color red. This week we decided to go with vehicles. Take a gander at the self-propelled conveyances below, then capture your own for your shot at being featured in next week's Bulletin.
For your chance at being in the next spotlight, take a space-themed screenshot. Then tag it with "Space" and "Halo Waypoint", and maybe, just maybe, yours will be featured in the next Halo Bulletin!
<table><td style="vertical-align:top;">
[[Fichier:HB2013 n13-Efflorescence by Cat Wolfest.jpg|350px]]<br>
Efflorescence by Cat Wolfest
[[Fichier:HB2013 n13-Titan by wamX.jpg|350px]]<br>
Titan by wamX
[[Fichier:HB2013 n13-Ghostlight by Gothic Lucy.jpg|350px]]<br>
ºGhostlightº by Gothic Lucy
[[Fichier:HB2013 n13-Ascending by Verdigris.jpg|350px]]<br>
Ascending by Verdigris
[[Fichier:HB2013 n13-Classic by x Revelation x.jpg|350px]]<br>
Classic by x Revelation x
[[Fichier:HB2013 n13-Weapons of War by Seraph Omega.jpg|350px]]<br>
Weapons of War by Seraph Omega
<td style="vertical-align:top;">
[[Fichier:HB2013 n13-Spectre by Eye of Noble.jpg|350px]]<br>
Spectre by Eye of Noble
[[Fichier:HB2013 n13-2qw2222 by monstratorfull.jpg|350px]]<br>
2qw2222 by monstratorfull
[[Fichier:HB2013 n13-Horizon by CryoDragon95.jpg|350px]]<br>
Horizon by CryoDragon95
[[Fichier:HB2013 n13-Road Trip by Reclaimed Halo.jpg|350px]]<br>
Road Trip by Reclaimed Halo
[[Fichier:HB2013 n13-Pallid by Apollo Creed 01.jpg|350px]]<br>
Pallid by Apollo Creed 01
[[Fichier:HB2013 n13-Elegant by RoyalBoss ross.jpg|350px]]<br>
Elegant by RoyalBoss ross
And with that, this week's Bulletin comes to close. See you next week, when it will be all Halo, all the time. Until then...
bs angel

*[ Halo.Bungie.Org]

*[ Source]

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