Bande originale de Halo Legends

Le WikiHalo rappelle à ses contributeurs que toute information ajoutée doit être officielle et vérifiable. Les contributions sans sources et les théories sur Halo Infinite seront rejetées.
Halo Legends : Original Soundtrack
Compositeur :
Martin O'Donnell, Michael Salvatori, Stephen Rippy, Yasuharu Takanashi, Naoyuki Hiroko et Tetsuya Takahashi
Date de sortie :
9 février 2010
Éditeur :
Sumthing Else Music Works

Les musiques de Halo : Legends proviennent majoritairement des jeux, mais elles ont été remixées et réorchestrées.

Mais il y a aussi quelques titres inédits et nouveaux.

Titres - Extraits

1. Ghosts of Reach - 1:22

Error: file HL - OST - 01 - Ghosts of Reach.mp3 not found

2. Brothers in Arms - 1:41

Error: file HL - OST - 02 - Brothers in Arms.mp3 not found

3. Truth and Reconciliation - 5:57

Error: file HL - OST - 03 - Truth and Reconciliation.mp3 not found

4. Opening Suite 1 - 0:58

Error: file HL - OST - 04 - Opening Suite 1.mp3 not found

5. Opening Suite 2 - 2:26

Error: file HL - OST - 05 - Opening Suite 2.mp3 not found

6. Halo - 2:21

Error: file HL - OST - 06 - Halo.mp3 not found

7. Desperate Measures - 1:57

Error: file HL - OST - 07 - Desperate Measures.mp3 not found

8. Cairo Suite - 2:09

Error: file HL - OST - 08 - Cairo Suite.mp3 not found

9. Delta Halo Suite - 5:19

Error: file HL - OST - 09 - Delta Halo Suite.mp3 not found

10. Machines and Might - 1:02

Error: file HL - OST - 10 - Machines and Might.mp3 not found

11. Remembrance - 1:12

Error: file HL - OST - 11 - Remembrance.mp3 not found

12. Blade and Burden - 1:06

Error: file HL - OST - 12 - Blade and Burden.mp3 not found

13. Steel And Light - 1:16

Error: file HL - OST - 13 - Steel And Light.mp3 not found

14. Imped - 0:50

Error: file HL - OST - 14 - Imped.mp3 not found

15. True Arbiter - 2:42

Error: file HL - OST - 15 - True Arbiter.mp3 not found

16. The Maw - 1:09

Error: file HL - OST - 16 - The Maw.mp3 not found

17. Unforgotten - 2:38

Error: file HL - OST - 17 - Unforgotten.mp3 not found

18. Shattered Legacy - 1:00

Error: file HL - OST - 18 - Shattered Legacy.mp3 not found

19. Out of darkness - 1:11

Error: file HL - OST - 19 - Out of darkness.mp3 not found

20. High Charity Suite 2 - 3:23

Error: file HL - OST - 20 - High Charity Suite 2.mp3 not found

21. Into Light - 0:36

Error: file HL - OST - 21 - Into Light.mp3 not found

22. Sacred Icon Suite 2 - 1:42 [*]

Error: file HL - OST - 22 - Sacred Icon Suite 2.mp3 not found

23. Rescue Mission - 1:17

Error: file HL - OST - 23 - Rescue Mission.mp3 not found

24. The Last Spartan - 2:27

Error: file HL - OST - 24 - The Last Spartan.mp3 not found

25. High Charity Quartet - 0:59

Error: file HL - OST - 25 - High Charity Quartet.mp3 not found

26. Here in Peril - 1:09

Error: file HL - OST - 26 - Here in Peril.mp3 not found

27. Earth City - 3:25

Error: file HL - OST - 27 - Earth City.mp3 not found

28. Risk and Reward - 0:50

Error: file HL - OST - 28 - Risk and Reward.mp3 not found

29. Exit Window - 2:29

Error: file HL - OST - 29 - Exit Window.mp3 not found

30. Finale 2 - 1:20

Error: file HL - OST - 30 - Finale 2.mp3 not found

[*]  : Cette musique a servi pour l'annonce du Defiant Map Pack.