Modification de Halo : Ground Command/Transcriptions

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Ligne 1 : Ligne 1 :
Cet article accueille les transcriptions des descriptions sur les fiches d'unités de [[Halo : Ground Command]].
Encountered late in the Covenant War, the Anti-Air Wraith is fitted with six rapid-fire plasma flak cannons that proved highly effective in countering UNSC light attack aircraft. Though ONI analysts presumed the vehicle was a dedicated air defence vehicle, the Covenant often deployed AA Wraiths as a direct assault vehicle against UNSC forces in urban areas.  
Encountered late in the Covenant War, the Anti-Air Wraith is fitted with six rapid-fire plasma flak cannons that proved highly effective in countering UNSC light attack aircraft. Though ONI analysts presumed the vehicle was a dedicated air defence vehicle, the Covenant often deployed AA Wraiths as a direct assault vehicle against UNSC forces in urban areas.  
Ligne 73 : Ligne 71 :

''Longswords deployed to the surface of Reach operate in a ground-attack role, as their atmospheric maneuverability is unexceptional. Rapid-Fire Coilguns do give the Longsword a limited anti-air capability, but its Missile Pod loadout is devoted to tank-busting! With a Build rating of 3, UNSC Commanders may deploy two longswords in a Battle Group. ''
''Longswords deployed to the surface of Reach operate in a ground-attack role, as their atmospheric maneuverability is unexceptional. Rapid-Fire Coilguns do give the Longsword a limited anti-air capability, but its Missile Pod loadout is devoted to tank-busting! With a Build rating of 3, UNSC Commanders may deploy two longswords in a Battle Group. ''
Nicknamed "Helljumpers," Orbital Drop Shock Troopers (ODST) are the rapid reaction force of the UNSC Marine Corps, and are best known for their capability to deploy from orbit in meteoric descents using individual drop pods. Every ODST team's loadout is tailored for a specific mission and task, and each operator is proficient with a wide range of weapons, sensors, and mobility systems optimised for hazardous and difficult environments. Operations in the dense, vertically integrated urban centres and rugged, undeveloped frontiers of Earth's colonial holdings are particularly challenging, and specialised ODST teams can drop in carrying jump-jet packs that allow them to more easily navigate three-dimensional jungles of metal, rock, and vegetation. These ODSTs proved their worth in the defense of Reach, securing evacuation areas in New Alexandria and harassing Covenant forces in the rugged mountains outside Manassas to the last round of ammo and final drop of thruster fuel.
''ODST Air Assault units have{{sic}} deployed from their pods or dropships and equipped jet packs that allow quick thruster-assisted travel via a series of bounding jumps (or "bounces" in Marine slang) that can clear buildings and terrain. Full flight (albeit clumsy and slow) is possible, but not tactically useful. Make use of the jet pack to cut off enemy troops, disengage to move behind cover, and quickly secure objectives. ''
ODST officers lead from the front and command their troops with acts of bravery and combat proficiency, for Helljumpers are not impressed by authority wielded without competence, nor are they cowed by threats of administrative punishment. Leaders who can wrangle these men and women are a rare breed and highly valued, yet the utter lethality of their missions mean the life expectancy for ODST officers is demoralisingly short. Though they accept the grim statistics, ODSTs are immensely proud of the fact that most of their officers rose from within the ranks, inspired by the heroism and sacrifice of officers who came before, and willing to serve despite the odds.
''ODST Air Assault Officers are veterans of the long war against the Covenant, and they remain utterly committed to defeating the Covenant and saving as many human lives as possible, even as Reach burns. They stiffen the resolve of the already-formidable ODST Air Assault unit, as well as add additional firepower to the Unit{{sic}}. ''
UNSC Army personnel were typically shuttled to combat zones in conventional air transports, but the ubiquitous D77 Pelican was also employed for raids and long-range strikes. Pelicans provide the commander significant strategic mobility, as they can deploy troops and vehicles to any point on Reach within hours, then remain on station to provide fire support with ANVIL missile launchers and its autocannon
''Pelicans are the workhorse dropship of the UNSC, and is able to perform most aerial support missions. The cargo clamp on the back of the Pelican can carry most UNSC armoured vehicles, up to and including Scorpion main battle tanks. ''
All UNSC snipers receive similar training and equipment, but their method of employment varies by service and unit. Army snipers are arranged into specialised reconnaissance units at the battalion level, and are scouts and forward observers first, snipers second. Though they provide valuable anti-infantry and anti-vehicle capabilities to the teams they work with, the recon unit's primary job is defined as augmenting the main strategic effort of their task force by placing sensors and extending the UNSC battlenet into enemy territory.
''The Recon Team work best when dug into cover with good fields of fire on enemy infantry units. ''
==Scorpion - M808 Main Battle Tank==
The Scorpion's design is the template for all contemporary UNSC main battle tanks, with a heavily armored hull inset within four independently articulated bogies fitted with adaptive track segments. Considered by many to be the preeminent armored vehicle of the UNSC, the Scorpion holds an extraordinary track record of success across dozens of planets and hundreds of battlefields dating back to the beginning of human interstellar colonization. Due to its affordability, simplicity, and versatility, the Scorpion's functional uses are numerous and wildly varied.
''Sixty-six tons of heavy metal mayhem. Engage armored targets with the cannon while the gunner on the pintle-mounted machine gun helps to clear infantry.''
Built on a slightly modified Scorpion tank hull, the Sun Devil uses a full-rotation turret fitted with two twin-linked 40mm autocannons. Ostensibly an anti-aircraft vehicle, the Sun Devil was used in anti-personnel role throughout the insurrection years, and proved to be very effective in clearing Covenant light infantry from contested points.
''Though it can be used against ground targets, the Sun Bevil's threat tracking and targeting system makes it very effective against Covenant flyers, such as the Banshee. ''
The M12 Warthog is a large four-wheel drive all-terrain utility vehicle. Although some Warthogs are used solely for transportation, most are armed and have a multi-mission capability. The standard Warthog offers two seats (driver, side passenger) and a cargo bed for carrying equipment or a turret-mounted weapon system. Variants of the Warthog have been in service with BSC forces for over two centuries.
The most common Warthog platform is the M12 light Reconnaissance Vehicle (LRV) fitted with a pneumatically powered, 360-degree rotation multipurpose M46 Vulcan Machine Gun. Other major variants include: M12R 'Rocket Hog' Light Anti-Armour Vehicle (LAAV) fitted with a M79 Multiple Launch Rocket System, M12G 'Gauss Hog' armed with a devastating M68 Gauss Cannon, and the M831 'Troop Hog' with additional bench seating.
''The Warthog is an adaptable vehicle, and each variant has a specific niche on the battlefield. The classic Warthog LRV is never a bad choice.''
As the Covenant War progressed, the M12G1 gradually transitioned into the primary anti-tank vehicle of the UNSC, replacing tanks in many armoured units as combat losses exceeded new production.
''The long range and devastating anti-tank power of the Gauss Cannon will make the Gauss Warthog a priority target of enemy forces. It hits hard, but the Gauss Warthog is a glass cannon. Make sure you give the enemy more than one Warthog to shoot at! ''
Ostensibly an anti-aircraft vehicle, the M12R found a valuable niche as a fire support vehicle by employing its M79 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) against any and all targets of opportunity.
''It's a Warthog with rockets and it is awesome. ''

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