Modification de Chronique:Canon Fodder - Clarity & Grace

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Ligne 50 : Ligne 50 :
'''Q: Can a Smart A.I. truly alter or choose it's Avatar? The only example's I've seen were BB and Mack/Loki changing their Avatars.'''
'''Q: Can a Smart A.I. truly alter or choose it's Avatar? The only example's I've seen were BB and Mack/Loki changing their Avatars.'''


'''A:''' All smart AIs have a holographic avatar that they use for interaction. The image created by the AI to represent itself  seem to be drawn from the emotive responses at the base of human behavior, and are almost universally male or female human in various form of costume. However, some do take on abstract forms, with rare examples appearing as geometric objects or silhouettes with perhaps one or two key human features, like a mouth or eyes. These avatars are then customized after achieving full consciousness, but  Smart AIs find it extremely difficult to substantially alter their original appearance. The reason that AI systems choose these avatars, are motivated to display them during interactions with humans, and cannot easily change them is not well understood; attempts to eliminate this behavior have resulted in catastrophic failures and personality aberrations.
'''A:''' All smart AIs have a holographic avatar that they use for interaction. The image created by the AI to represent itself  seem to be drawn from the emotive responses at the base of human behavior, and are almost universally male or female human in various form of costume. However, some do take on abstract forms, with rare examples appearing as geometric objects or silhouettes with perhaps one or two key human features, like a mouth or eyes. These avatars are then customized after achieving full consciousness, but  Smart AIs find it extremely difficult to substantially alter their original appearance. The reason that AI systems choose these avatars, are motivated to display them during interactions with humans, and cannot easily change them is not well understood; attempts to eliminate this behavior have resulted in catastrophic failures and personality aberrations.
Ligne 66 : Ligne 66 :

'''Q: Is the M145D Rhino still in active use post 2552?'''
Q: Is the M145D Rhino still in active use post 2552?'''

Ligne 194 : Ligne 194 :

'''A:''' While it is widely known that Spartan-III Jun-A266 – the only surviving member of Noble Team – is currently serving in vital capacities for the SPARTAN-IV program, the details of his survival and escape from Reach remain buried under fistfuls of black ink and red tape.
'''A:''' While it is widely known that Spartan-III Jun-A266 – the only surviving member of Noble Team – is currently serving in vital capacities for the SPARTAN-IV program, the details of his survival and escape from Reach remain buried under fistfuls of black ink and red tape.

==Neighborhood watch==
==Neighborhood watch==

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