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Journaux d’opérations
  • 20 février 2022 à 22:56 Hawk discussion contributions a créé la page Fichier:HINF-Intro Cinematic concept 01 (Yannic Kawan).jpg (== Description == {{quote|texte=I was the Assistant Art Director for the Halo Infinite Intro Cutscene produced by Axis Studios for 343 Industries. My role was to help provide briefs for concept artists, do feedback and paintovers for concepts, colour scripts, Effects, 3D characters, props and environments and lighting.|auteur=}} {{quote|texte=FX concept for Master Chief's failing shield after he is thrown against a lift arm by Atriox. Paintover based on the client model refined by Omid Moradi.|…)
  • 20 février 2022 à 22:56 Hawk discussion contributions a téléversé Fichier:HINF-Intro Cinematic concept 01 (Yannic Kawan).jpg (== Description == {{quote|texte=I was the Assistant Art Director for the Halo Infinite Intro Cutscene produced by Axis Studios for 343 Industries. My role was to help provide briefs for concept artists, do feedback and paintovers for concepts, colour scripts, Effects, 3D characters, props and environments and lighting.|auteur=}} {{quote|texte=FX concept for Master Chief's failing shield after he is thrown against a lift arm by Atriox. Paintover based on the client model refined by Omid Moradi.|…)